Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wonderfull world of the Z Files ❯ The soul Eater Teff and The Star Eater Devonstat ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The Z Files
The soul Eater Teff and The Star Eater Devonstat

"Hey pointy what's up?" Xero smiling voice broke the silence that followed.

"Here jackass." Vegeta threw the envelope at Xero unblinking, yet he didn't leave as it was caught.

"Let's see what Uncle Veggie has for us today." Xero opened the package and glanced at the picture inside, then at the words written under it and lost his ever-present smile.
"Your kidding right?"

Vegeta shook his head and just stared at the man, even as Angel got up and walked to Xero. She leaned down to grab the contents when a burst of ki energy turned it to flames. At the same time Xero ran through the door towards some unknown destination.

Before Angel could fallow, Vegeta stopped her, shaking his head "not this time, he has to do this alone."

"But why?" Angel said

"He works for this department as a repentance for crimes he committed long before either of us were born." Vegeta explained to her.

"What are you talking about?" Angel asked still not believing.

"Xero was a world slayer, you might know him better as Devonstat." Vegeta said

"Xero was the Star Eater." Angel gasped as she finally recognized the name.

"He totally annihilated life on more worlds then any one could count, He even out did me and I am a small drop in a huge bucket of water compared to him. And those are just the once reported." Vegeta said

"I never understood the name why Star Eater." Angel asked

"For many planets those that were destroyed were stars, he devoured them like candy." Vegeta reported

"I still don't understand why was he given so much freedom?" Angel said.

"Who could stop him? Besides he turned himself in." Vegeta said

"So what does that have to do with this mission?" Angel asked

"Your new target is his old partner. Teff the soul eater, he killed millions more then Xero could ever dream of." Vegeta said.

Angel stared into his eyes as he said. "This assignment was for him and him alone." Angel said as she hung her head down. And got this feeling that she was not going to see him anytime soon. Later that day she went out to get some peace and quite. Trunks and Goten was driving her nuts. Plus she had too much going through her head.

" Cousin Angel, Why do you look so lost?" Trunks asked her.

" That my dear cousin you will not find out until you get older." She said back a little annoyed at the kid.

" Vegeta I am going out for a while I need to get some air." She yelled into the intercom that leads to the GR.

" NO you are not, you are not fully healed and I know what you are going to do. So no." Vegeta yelled back.

" You can't stop me, I was telling the truth the brats are driving me nuts anyway Ill stay on the grounds." She yelled even louder.

What ever was said she didn't hear cause she was all ready out the door and sitting near the pool. She stripped and dove in the cool water washing the heat from her skin. She emerged from the water and then she got a feeling that she was being watched from the shadows. Angel looked around and sensed that there was no one around but that feeling was still with her when she went in the house to eat supper.

********************************************************** ******************

The next morning she woke up and did the same routine as all ways. Before she knew it she was at work. She went to the office and saw the paperwork that was begging to get done.

Angel sat down in her desk and got ready to work on the paper work. She pulled a file and started to work on it. But she had her mind somewhere else and it was not on paper work at the moment. Angel let out a soft sigh of frustration as she got up from the desk and went to the storage to look for his file.

She walked all the way down to the X's and then started her search for the file. With in a half an hour she found what she was looking for. Xero's folder was huge and had a lot of photos of him and the destruction that he caused. She picked it up and almost put it back in fear of what she might find.

Angel opened the file up and there on the front page was a photo of Xero walking into the building with handcuffs, Vegeta walking behind him. " Was Vegeta the one to talk to him into giving himself up?" She thought. She shut it and picked up the file and brought it up and into the office. She worked on the paperwork and was getting ready to go home.

She got home and gotten and Trunks was on the PS2 playing a game with Kakarot and Vegeta watching.

" What do you have there?" Vegeta asked curious of what she had.

" Some paper work, it needs to get done so I brought it home to work on. What is cooking it smalls great." Angel said back. She sat down and watched the two beat up on each other and before she knew it dinner was done and she went with the rest and eat dinner.

After that was done she retired to her room and laid out the folder and pulled every thing out and laid it on her bed. She started to read and was in shock at what she had read. Slowly her eyes started to give out and she fell asleep while reading.

Some time in the night a hurt Xero came into her room and watched as she slept. Angel shifted in her sleep and covered her self up in her blankets. The air difference in her room slowly woke her up and she slowly got up and went to the bathroom. She didn't notice or sensed the figure of a man standing in the shadows.

Xero watched as she shuffled to the bathroom and knew she was still asleep. But he came there for a reason and it was not to spy on her either. He came out of the shadows and started to pick up his case file and put it all back into the folder and waited for her to come back to bed.

" Angel. You have to stay out of this. He is a bad man and he will take your soul before he kill's you and your family." Xero said to her. She had waked up to him in her room but thought it was an illusion of sleep until she touched him.

" I am all ready involved in this my Uncle is the one who talked to you about giving up. So there is no point of me staying out." She said quietly. As she touches his cuts and got up to attend to them. Before long he was fixed up to a point.

Xero got up to leave and she held her hand onto him and then looked up into the eyes and said " Remember this you are my family too Xero and also the fact that I love you no mater what you did in the past. That is not important to me, you need to keep your self alive."

He saw the pain in her eyes and leaned down and gave her the kiss that touched her soul and heart. " I love you to, But I don't know what I would do if I lost you, Stay away until I come and get you. That is a promise I intend to keep." He said to her and walked away and he knew in his heart that it was the fact she was going to get swallowed into this mess.

************************************************************ ****************

Xero left the house into the night air and went to his old place and waited for Teff to show his ugly face. He didn't have long to wait cause no sooner than he grabbed his sword and sat down on the couch and put the sword between him legs and let it rest on his right inner thigh. Teff walked into the room holding his sword on his shoulder. (This is going to be hard to describe him (Teff) but I will try.)

Teff stood in the middle of the room. His eyes were red and his hair was long and the deepest blue that was tied up into the back as the long braid came down past his butt and down to his back of the calf. Teff was body was like Xero's but Teff's was bulkier than Xero's. Teff made sure everyone knew he had power wherever he was at. Teff's sword was way different from his old partner. It was long and thin very sharp on one side and very dull on the other. It held elaborate marking on and writing. Teff's style of clothing was al most then same as Xero's when he was younger. Teff wore the sunglasses; he wore all black with a lightweight duster that all most looked like a cape.

Teff walked closer to his old partner and stood in front of him. But did not make a move to kill his old partner.

" You are one of the insufferable AFBI now? For the life of me I didn't understand why you gave up and turned your self in. Oh I know who took you in too and he has a very pretty niece who is your partner now. Hmmmmm, I wonder is she your friend, lover, partner, or a mate? Cause I wouldn't mind taking a turn." Teff said just to get Xero's goat. But it didn't seem to be working.

Xero sat there on his couch letting his old partner talk to him like that. But his heart sank when he said Angel. That is when he held his head up and then said to the man in front of him.

" She is not involved in this just me and you, you lay one hand on her, and you will be dead. You might have been a partner and friend in the past but we are at odds now. The reason I left is for my own and not yours and you will not find out either. Now do you want to fight or use your words to cut me some more?"

*********************************************************** *****************


Devonstat stood there with his sword glowing with anticipation of a kill. But the one thing the one man stood in front of that and he was a short man with pointy hair.

Vegeta held his hand with the first shot of his Gatlic Gun. But for some reason he was holding off. He wants to give this man a 2nd chance to life.

" Devonstat put your sword down, I do not wish to kill you." Vegeta said

" What give up on my last kill of this planet, before I devour it? You have got to be off your rocker." Devonstat said back.

" I know you don't want to do this I can tell by the way you are hesitating. I will give you this, Give up and come with me and live, but for repentance you have to work for us The AFBI. I will also give you this. Work with me on the Z Files and when she is ready and grown up I will let her take over my spot." Vegeta said to the man in front of him.

" You make a very convincing argument, But one thing will she be ready to mate? How old is she now?" Devonstat asked.

" The mating thing will have to be up to her. I can't enforce that on her. As for age she is about 13 in earth years. She came to live with me when she was 8 after my brother and his mate was killed in a car accident. So what do you say Devonstat? Stay and kill me and be hunted down for the rest of your life? Or would you like to live and maybe be able to settle down?" Vegeta said to him.

Devonstat looked around and then up to the sky. He had the chance to live and get away from this so-called life. "I bet his niece is uglier than him, But maybe not I want to take that chance." He thought to himself.

" Fine you win Prince Vegeta and I will come with you on my own free will. I will do my repentance working on the Z files. When the times comes for your niece to work then let it be." He said to Vegeta and put his sword back into it sheath.

" We will have to find a better name than that something that will stand out. How about Zero?" Vegeta asked as he put the legendary man into cuffs.

" Zero is fine but not the spelling what about an X in front of it and then I will agree to it." Devonstat said, as he was loaded into the ship.

" Fine then an X will replace the Z in it." Vegeta said to his new partner.

End of flashback

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" Angel I am so sorry, I put you into this. Forgive me." Xero thought to himself as he got up and waited for his old partner to decide wither or not he is going to fight or leave.

" Dose she even know your real name?" Teff asked.

" You don't even know my real name or ever will." Xero's said back. He held his sword ready to strike.

" Ok, I will not fight you now I have other business to contend to and Ill come back when I am done." Teff said. And he left the same way he came in.

Xero held his breath as he watched his old partner walk away. He sat back down on his couch and then it hit him. " What is his other business he has to take care of? Is it her or is it Vegeta?" Xero jumped off the couch and ran to the door but stopped got his sword and then left.

************************************************************ ****************

Angel had stayed up to read the rest of the file and saw what Vegeta put in there and she saw red. Got up and stomped down to his room didn't knock just kicked the door in. Vegeta woke up with a start and he looked around the room to see a very pissed off Angel.

" What is this about?" She said to him as she shoved the document into his face and his eyes focus on the paper and read what was said his eyes got big. He tried to stammer out the reason why.

" How did you get this? This was supposed to be disintegrated." Vegeta gasped out.

" You...You gave me to him before I could say anything that was my own? How could you Uncle? What were you thinking at the time?" Angel screamed at him.

" I did what I had to do to save you and this world and the universe from him. As for you Angel, I told him he had to wait when you were an adult and that it would be your choice." Vegeta yelled back. " Beside you have mad your choice and it was the right one too."

Angel looked at him with fire in her eyes and said, " I know I have made my choice and I am going to stick to it. But that is not the point, you did it with out my asking."

" I am sorry, Angel but I had to do what I did, I have lived by it for all these years and I will not regret my decision now." Vegeta said

" I am sorry too Uncle, You still could have asked. But I for give you." She said back to him. She left his room and went into hers and put all of the paper and photos back into the file folder. She put it back into the briefcase and went into the training room. She knows little that Teff was in there too. She put her tap shoes on and put the tape on and worked her aggression out by that.

************************************************************ ****************

Vegeta walked out of his room and ran into Xero of all people. Vegeta looked at the man before him and knew he had a visitor.

" Xero what are you doing here?" Vegeta asked.

" Where is Angel at?" Xero asked.

" Follow the music to the Gr." Kakarot said as he walked down the hall to the kitchen.

Vegeta and Xero did and there she was working out her frustrations by dancing. Xero noticed the tall figure in the corner " He is here." Xero said to Vegeta.

" Why?" Vegeta asked.

" Cause he wants me back and the only way to get me there is to get the one thing that I care about and love is Angel." Xero answered as he tried the doorknob only for it to be locked.

" Is there a key for this door or do you have the control panel out her to open and close it?" Xero asked.

" There is a control panel but it is in side." Vegeta said and looked inside to see she still didn't notice the man in there.

" Ok, Fine we will use our ki blast to open that damn door." Xero said and got his ready, as did Vegeta. They both let lose there ki blast and the door blew off of it hinges and landed on the floor with a big clang.

*********************************************************** *****************

Angel was so engrossed in her letting out her stress she still didn't notice the figure or even sense him. On the last round she went she turned around and then noticed him.

" Xero is that you?" She said.

" No, But I am your worse nightmare." Teff said " But I wish I was him at this moment." Eyeing her up and down.

" You must be Teff, Xero's old partner, I have read up on you." She said to him just as the door blasted it way threw and landed with a metal clang on the floor.

Teff knew who it was and he had no time he grabbed Angel and stood their waiting for them to come threw the smoke he waited. Xero looked at Angel and she was scared for her life. She was struggling and Xero shook his head.

" Well I see you figured out what I meant, Good for you. Meet me in two days and you can have her back no harm done. The prize is your head Devonstat, Like I said two days from now at the, Oh I'll let Vegeta say where to go." Teff said.

" Ok we will meet in the north where Kakarot's house stands. Angel knows where it is, she can show you." Vegeta said.

" Keep your word Teff no harm done to her. If it is my head then so be it, Angel I will be there don't struggle cause that will only egg him on." Xero said to her.

The clouds swirled in the night of the oncoming storm that is approaching it way fast. Teff stood out side just in time to see lightning strike across the street. He still had Angel in his arms and he was off in the night.... They landed in a house that was just out side of town and then he let her go and stood her up strait.

" Why are you doing this?" She asked.

" Why? You ask? The question is a question foe the ages to think for. Why.Why.Why. Cause he left me for dead back there for so long I was lucky to heal as fast as I did. Why he turned into a punk Bitch is beyond my belief. And there is Angel, my love you have turned him soft. In the past he never let a woman stand in his way it didn't matter what race it was. I all so know it was your Uncle that had him by the balls and he was the one who backed him into a corner. But you are a different story all together, you have him by the heart and turned it into a wet sopping mess of love and caring. I hate you so much it takes all of my strength not to hurt you or worse take your soul and kill you." He spat at her and then slapped her across the face. Her head rocked to the side from the force. He was expecting a cry of pain but he got none.

Angel looked up with hate in her eyes, when he came up to her she spat in his face. He reached up with his hand and touched the spit and then his 7-inch tongue left his mouth and licked his face and he leaned down to her face and said, " That was tasty got any more? Or do you want this tongue of mine sliding into your hot, wet inner core of you?" Then he slapped her even harder and still got no cry out of pain. But her face was red with a handprint.

Angel stared back into his eye with horror. She almost threw up on him but held it back with some difficulty.

" Get up and strip. You are not worth the time to kill, but I have other plans for you though." He said as he looked at her in her eyes with no emotion.

" Can I have some privacy?" Angel said with a dead calm voice.

" No you may not, besides I can smell him on you, it would not be wise to piss me off little girl. I can take you just as well as I can kill you." He warned her as she stripped in front of him.

************************************************************* ***************

At C.C

Xero and Vegeta stood there and stared at the spot where Angel and Teff were standing. Vegeta came to his senses and ran to where they were and just got a bad vibe from there.

" Where do you think he would take her?" Vegeta asked.

" Some where no one can see or hear her scream." Xero said and then left the room. " You better keep your promise Teff." He thought to himself.

" We have to find her." Kakarot said as he walked past.

" We can't do that, He would kill her in no time, we have to wait for two days and that is that." Xero said as he stared at the men he thought of brothers and stormed off into the night.

*********************************************************** *****************

Two days later

Angel stood there in the house she had shared with the man that could have killed her with a snap of a wrist. He kept his promise and had not touched her or anything else (Sexual). She had bruises of where he had hit her and she still didn't scream out in pain. God knows she wanted to though.

Teff walked in and threw her cloths back at her and she got dressed.

" I thought it would be better if you were dressed for the final fight of Xero." He said to her.

" You could only wish." She said back at him.

" Watch your mouth, or you will be killed." He spat at her.

" Fuck you Teff, I want you to leave." She said back at him and his reach was long and punched her in the stomach and then slapped her on the face again. Still he was not greeted with a cry of pain.

" Damn she is either to damned stupid to scream or to much pride or just that brave." Teff thought to himself.

Angel showed him the place of where they were to meet. He threw her to the ground and chained her to the tree. Then walked into the clearing and there stood Xero and Vegeta and Kakarot.

" Where is she?" Xero asked.

" Right down there chained up like the dog she is." Teff said back.

Kakarot went down to the side that she was on and asked. " You all right?"

" Yes, I am get me out of these chains please." Angel said back.

Kakarot reached up and noticed that even he could not get them free. So he pinpoints a beam and cut them off. She slowly got up and Kakarot checked to see if she was hurt o anything else. Angel went with him to the hill. They saw the Xero and Teff had their swords drawn and ready to fight.

Xero had his sword out and ready to strike but it never happened he was broad sided by the shoulder of Teff. Xero was moved just slightly by the force. Xero just smiled at Teff and then proceeded to do the same.

Teff then swung his sword to catch Xero's head to only have Xero dodge it by an inch. Teff let out a small growl and then came flying at Xero full force. Teff got Xero down on the ground and then stratled him and punched his ribs and the got off of him and kicked Xero in the side and then again in the face and Xero's head took a huge blow and left a mark.

Xero got up and smiled at the fool in front of him. Xero had a few strategies running through his head but he had to get it in motion. Xero grabbed some dirt and threw it into Teff's eyes and then he took off running to a different part of the woods.

Teff flowed the man in to the woods with no problem. That is when Teff saw his old partner standing there and fully powered up as to say he was ready for the true fight to start.

*********************************************************** *****************

The fight begins.

With there swords drawn and ready to swing they stood next to a waterfall. Then through out the forest everything heard the swords connect and clash with such a fright the animal population ran away from the fight.

With a swing and swoosh of air that Xero felt the blade cut into his arms. Blood running down his arm dripping on to the forest floor. Xero looked at it and said nothing. A light flashed in his eyes and the fight stepped up a notch.

Teff smiled to himself and got ready for the next step. He brought his sword to his chest and then ran with it trying to use it as a pole and tried to impale Xero. He missed and he went flying into the wall.

Xero stuck his arm straight out, and started spinning, every second picking up more speed. After a moment, he began to look like a black and silver tornado. Shooting towards the blue haired man, Xero began pushing power into his sword. Teff shot his own sword up, blocking Xero's sword hard enough to shake him in his boots.
With a jerking, motion Xero was knocked backward, shocking his entire system as he looked up towards his former partner. Blood flowed freely from a wound he hadn't even realized he had received.

"Sorry old friend, you are no match for me, not now. Devonstat would have destroyed me before I could blink, but you... I don't know who you are, but if you want a chance at survival, remember who you were. You will not get another chance." With that he disappeared in a blinding blue light.

*********************************************************** ******

Angel stared at him," What was all that about?"

"Shut up and mind your own business, this is far from over." Xero walked away and refused to listen as she pleaded for him to come back. Deep inside an ancient anger began to awaken, and from the unconscious part of their minds, the entire universe quivered at the awakening.

Angel standing by her Uncle and watched him leave all alone. " Why is he being like this?" She thought, " He needs me more than ever now."

" You are not going any where, like I said before he has to do this alone, with no ones help." He said back to her mind. Angel finally broke down in to a huge crying fit and then walked off into the night alone once again.

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Attention Xero has left the Z files for now. He will be gone for about two stories and that is about it. May be a walk in.

On the next ep Angel and Vegeta go to the world of DUEL MONSTERS. You guessed it.

See yeah on the Echo side.H