Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Words That Are Spoken Yet Remain Silent ❯ The Mysterious Youth Comes to Earth ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

~ A/N: Ok i just want you all to know this is my my very first fic. I posted the first chapter yesterday to see if anyone liked it. Some people did!!! WOOO HOO!!! Ok also not all the ideas are mine. I owe credit to Kajidragon, Solo_Star, IsleofSolitude, Scary Bulma, RM, and many others and if you see one of your ideas in here pleeeez dont freak on me!!! I just used them to get started and the rest of my stories will be all mine. A lot of things in my story are different. For instant Veggie is stronger than Goku later on because i say so. And he is OOC a lot but I tried hard to keep him there. well that is all now to the story.~

CHAPTER 2: The Mysterious Youth Comes to Earth

Bulma was so out of it that she was actually keeping Vegeta from tearing Yamcha limb from limb.

Then all of a sudden Vegeta said he felt an energy and by the look on his face it wasn't good. Not good at all.

Yamcha looked up and said her felt it too but he couldn't tell who it was, but Vegeta, she saw, could tell who it was. It was in his eye's. He was scared, and she could tell. But she didn't want him to hurt her so she didn't say anything.
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Vegeta couldn't believe what he was feeling...FREIZA! It was Freiza and he was heading to Earth.

Bulma spoke unexpectedly, "You know who it is don't you Vegeta? Its in your eye's. You know who it is. WELL WHO IS IT THEN DAMNIT, WHO?" She had run up and was in his face crying, "I can see it in your eye's. Its someone bad, now who is it damnit!" He took his fist and grabbed her shirt. Yamcha started to get up and help her but she stopped him. She wanted Vegeta to do this for some reason. Her feet were off the ground and Vegeta yelled at her, "Stop pestering me and stop acting like you know me! If I did know who that was I wouldn't tell you!"

She lifted her head as far as she could and said calmly, "But you do know who it is. I see it in your eye's now who is it?"

He whispered to her so that Yamcha could not hear, "How do you know that I know who it is? Is it realy that apparent in my eye's woman?"

She answered simply, "Yes." He bent his head forward and breathed in her ear so that it tickled her, "Frieza." Then his lips dragged across her ear and she shuttered.

He put her down gently and sat down again. Bulma cursed at herself because of the way her body had reacted to his lips on her ear.

Yamcha stared in awe and wondered how in hell she had done that. But reminded himself of who he was dealing with and abandoned the thought.
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Bulma's neck was sore from his grasp, but she was alright. She looked at Vegeta and asked, "Are you sure that it is Frieza?" Yamcha looked in horror and yelled "What!!!!" Then Vegeta snapped, "Sit down and be quiet fool!" He glanced at Bulma and nodded. He took to the air and Yamcha, with Bulma in his arms, took off as well.

They got to the area where they believed Frieza would touch down.

Vegeta saw Piccolo (pic-a-loe) who was the namek of the z fighters. He had been training in the mountains and had sensed Frieza. Then they met Tien, (tee-in) a three eyed warrior and his friend Chauzu (chowt-zoo) who had been training in the Andes, and neither of them was happy to see Vegeta at all, but he paid no mind. Then Krillin showed up with Gohan, and then they all saw Freiza's ship.

It landed on the other side of the mountain and they had to climb the mountain so as to conceal there power from Frieza's scouters. They were halfway there when they heard an explosion, and ignored their powers and took off in the air.
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Frieza was in his ship with his father King Cold, and then he looked at all his troops and yelled, "Troops I have been dreaming of this day of revenge for years and you will not mess it up. Now go out there and find all of Goku's little friends, then we will find him and kill him as well." The troops said in unison, "Sir yes sir!" Frieza's father followed him.

They came out of the ship and the soldiers started out, but something stopped them. SLICE!!! All of a sudden a soldier looked down to see his armor ripped to shreds and had no idea what had happened. Then he hit the ground as something hit the back of his neck.
_________________________________________________________________ __________

The young boy stood on a rock and he was less than 20 but seemed old for his age. He took a look at Freiza and yelled, "No small talk Frieza, I'm here to kill you and that is all there is to it!" Frieza started to laugh until the boy came around from behind him and completly sliced him in half. Then he turned around and blasted his father into oblivian. The foot soldiers took off into a run for the ship, but the mysterious, youth took aim and blew up the ship and the soldiers with it.

The boy had done something unexpected to do all this. He had gone Super Sayain which at the moment only Goku could do as well as only Sayains. And the fact of the matter was that Vegeta and Goku were the only Sayains still alive.

He looked up into the sky to see the perring eye's and yelled to everyone as if he knew them, "Hey everyone I'm going over to here to meet Goku, want to come?"
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Vegeta flew totally in shock as he watched some kid go Super Sayain and defeat Freiza with ease, but how could that be? He and Goku are the only Sayains so how could that boy be a Super Sayain?

The boy turned and told them he was going to meet Goku as if he knew the guy. But all listened and followed as the boy flew. The others were skeptical, but Vegeta was eager to find out who this kid was.

They flew on for a ways then they landed. "He'll be arriving here." Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a box of capsules and picked out one and threw it and out popped a big box. "But he won't arrive for another 2 hours so how about a cold drink its awfully dry out here.

Everyone looked at him as if he were nuts then Bulma strolled over completely at ease. "Well I don't see why not." And she took out a root beer then Gohan and Krillin came over and picked out drinks. Bulma looked at the boy and he noticed her starring. "What?" He asked. "Nothing you just look kind of familiar and your wearing a Capsule Corp. jacket. That's my dad's company. Say are you one of our employees?" "No just a fan." He replied.

Bulma was curious, "Well tell me your name and I'll recommend you to dad." He looked a little uneasy, "I'm sorry I can't do that. I would if I could but I can't." Everyone looked irritated at the boy, but Bulma paid no mind.

Gohan looked at the boy curious, "When you defeated Freiza back there you were a Super Sayain weren't you?"

The boy answered softly, "Yes, yes I was."
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That did it for Vegeta; he was tired of hearing this boys lies. He snapped at him suddenly, "You lie boy! There is no way in hell that you could be a Super Sayain, because Kakarot and myself are the only Sayains left, and if you count his brat there that makes three, so there is no way you could have Sayain blood!!!"

Gohan turned and replied, "But we just saw him defeat Freiza single handedly!"

Vegeta was angry now, but calmed himself, "Well I'm calling him a lier not a weakling."

He walked away irritated and sat on a rock. Then Bulma lost it. She was tired of the way that he treated everyone and she snapped back, "Vegeta you are such an arrogant bastard you know it! I think you're just jealous that he beat Frieza all by himself, and that he is a Super Sayain and you're not! So there you filthy disgusting creep who is too proud to admit when he is wrong and does something stupid. So there!!!!"

Everyone took a step back, because they knew the fight was on.

Vegeta exploded. He had never been so insulted in his life. No one had ever stood up to him and he didn't like it that much that a mere human woman had the gall to stand up to him when he could wipe her off the face of the planet with a breathe, but he wanted a verbal contest with this one, and so he started the longest verbal battle in the history of Earth.

"Why you bitchy, over weight human whore, how dare you, you insolent loud mouth! You know I could destroy you in seconds if I wanted too!"

"HA, all talk and nothing to back it up! You wouldn't lay one hand on me you muscle bound pig, or would you? I've started to wonder after what happened in the bathroom!"

She grinned pleased because she had caused a slight blush on his face, then he startd again, "That was nothing woman you just caught me off gaurd, or were you trying to be a the slut that you really are?!"

Everyone stood listening as the two of them went at it, and no one even wanted to know what the bathroom thing was, and they never asked about it. They all had a slight idea of what might have happened, but never attempted to ask.

The verbal war went on and on for hours. In fact the entire 2 hours were up and Goku's ship landed and neither of them had stopped, but they called it a draw until later and went to see Goku.
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Goku was a little surprised to see that everyone was right where he had landed and they didn't even know he was coming, so how did they know to meet him here?

"Hey guys. How did you know to come here?" Bulma was the first to speak, she pointed at the boy, "This guy told us. He's a mystery man. He says he's never met you before."

Goku looked at the boy and thought he and Vegeta seemed to have a resemblance. "Well he is right about that. I've never seen him in my life. But gosh you guys what happened to Frieza? His ship was faster than mine and he gained 2 hours on me. Who defeated him? Was it you Piccolo or perhaps you Vegeta?" Piccolo spoke first, "Neither of us did. It was this guy. He did it with ease, and he transformed into a Super Sayain." Goku was amazed, "Wow your kidding? A Super Sayain and at his age, wow!" Vegeta was furious with Goku's ignorance, "Aren't you forgetting than you,your son, and myself are the last of the Sayain race?! There is no way this kid could have Sayain blood!" Goku was amused, but answered, "Well if he says he's a Super Sayain, then that is good enough for me." Bulma snapped startling Vegeta, "Oh honestly Goku, you are way too uderstanding, I mean for all you know this guy could be some evil alien trying to take over the Earth, and you'd just accept his word as the truth without any proof!"

Vegeta was actually very pleased that she felt the same way he did, then he mantally kicked himself for having such thoughts. Sure he would love to have her, but she had none of the abilities he had, and if he lost control it could very well kill her. But he doubted that even if he could have her, she probably wouldn't want him. Then all of a sudden her strap fell again, but only exposing her shoulder and the dome of her breast, but it was enough and he felt himself get hard again and he tried to hide it by looking disgusted and then he turned around and went to go sit on a rock. He tried his hardest to figure out a way to get rid of the hard he was feeling at that moment, but he was not near a shower right now and he didn't want the others to know why he had gone.

Bulma looked at Vegeta and then saw why he had left. She looked down and saw that he was hard and unbelievably she was aroused herself, but she knew it probably wasn't her he wanted anyhow, but why did she care? But she was a little ashamed that she had feelings for him that no one else knew about, I mean after all he had to be the sexiest guy she had ever seen in her life and she wanted him so bad, but she had to push away the thoughts. Goku answered her softly wondering what she was starring at, "No I'm not."

The boy looked at Goku then he said lightly, "Goku can I speak to you alone over there?"

"Well sure, if what you need to talk to me in private it must be important." So the two flew over to the other side of the crater that Goku's ship had created.
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Bulma saw the two of them fly away so she decided to talk to Vegeta for a while, and maybe apologize for a few of the cruel things she had said out of anger.

She walked over to him and sat down, "Hey Vegeta, what are you doing sitting over here all by yourself?" He snarled at her and replied, "Trying to get away from you." "Oh I understand, you didn't want everyone to see that you were hard huh?" Vegeta was startled and a bit embarrassed by the question. 'So she had seen me.' He thought, and he wondered why she had taken it so lightly, and why she was not defended, especially after all the terrible things he had said to her in their verbal war.

"You know Vegeta I came to apologize for all the things I said back there. I mean, I know how you are with your pride, and well I'm sorry. I didn't mean any of it, I was just angry." He looked at her in surprise as if she had read his mind, then said to her coldly, "Well I meant every damn word I said woman, so don't go thinking otherwise. I can't stand you and you are the most annoying woman I have ever met in my entire life, now leave me alone!"

Bulma said calmly. "I know." Then she chuckled and gave him a small kiss in the cheek completely catching him off guard, then he jumped back so fast the wind almost pulled her with him. Bulma smiled satisfied with the reaction, and left him there starring at her.

As Bulma walked over, everyone looked at her like she was insane, "What, at least he's quiet now." Piccolo looked at her and grinned because he was able to read minds if their thoughts were out of control, and right now Vegeta's mind was extremely easy to read.

Vegeta was in total shock. He had never been kissed before, and he had to admit that her soft touch made him quiver. It had felt actually very nice, and he felt a smile curve over his lips as he put his hand to his face. Lucky for him, he thought, that he had turned around so as not to look at her. This was good, because no one had ever seen a real smile on his face and he wasn't ready for anyone to see one yet either, not even...her.
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The boy looked at Goku as if he was looking at an old friend. Goku wondered who he was and why he had come to Earth.

"So who are you anyway kid?" The boy looked at him and then said. "Before I answer any questions you have to do something for me." "Well ok shoot." The boy was hesitating then he said, "Can you transform into a Super Sayain at will?" "Well at first I wasn't able to. It just happened spontaniously, but now I can control it. Why?" "Can you show me right now?" "Sure here it goes." With that Goku went Super Sayain. He generated so much energy that the ground shook. "Incredible! I almost forgot what it was like looking from the inside out. Now I will show my power." The boy transformed and generated another equaking explosion of energy.

Goku couldn't believe his eye's. The boy was almost as strong as he was, and at his age that was incredible. "Wow we're exactly the same." "Well I think you are a little stronger than me, but in a sense yeah we are. Thank you for showing me. Its been hard for me since my friend died to get used to being the only Sayain around." Then he powered down and looked at Goku. Goku was wondering what he ment by the only Sayain around. "So now can you tell me who you are?" He asked as he powered down.

"Yes, my name is Trunks and I'm not from this time line. I came here in a time machine 20 years in the future." "What?! A time machine. You're from the future, cool."

"Yes, you see I'm only half Sayain. Vegeta was right. Only yourself, Gohan, and he have Sayain blood..." The boy paused a moment then continued, "And I got my Sayain blood from...him, he's my father." The boy did not want to tell Goku the full truth. He would let it be a surprise to them all.
__________________________________________________________________ _________

Everyone sat and looked at the two men as they stood Super Sayain and erupted with power. Vegeta stood watching intently at them and getting angrier by the second, because he knew he couldn't have this power until he earned it.

Krillin was the first to speak, "WOAH MAN look at those two, hard core! I've never seen such power, they're on fire." Gohan's eye's looked like they would pop out of his head as he gazed at them. Piccolo couldn't believe the power he was sensing from the two of them, especially since he knew they were both holding back.

Vegeta stood in anger as the two finally powered down and started to talk. Then Vegeta calmed himself again and his mind began to wonder. He starting thinking once again of the...kiss. He decided he needed to be alone so he flew off to a nearby ledge.

Piccolo was very glad of one very useful Namekian trate. There large ears made it easy to hear from far distances, so he was able to hear every word that the two spoke.
________________________________________________________________ ___________

"WHAT he's your father, oh my Kami! Yes I can see the resemblance. Wow Vegeta's son huh. Well gosh Vegeta is going to be a daddy how about that..." He was cut off by Trunks who was blushing slightly. "Yeah, he died when I was a baby so it is really great to get to see him, but that isn't what I came here to tell you." "Oh," Goku waited for him to continue.

"On the day of September 9, 3 years from now two horrible androids will emerge from Dr. Gero's lab whom you should've killed when you had the chance." "Oh really thats terrible why aren't the others helping you." The young warrior looked as if he could cry at any moment. "They can't, they're all dead. They all died in a fight against the androids. The only one to survive was my master and best friend Gohan. But then a few years later they finally get him too." "But even at Super Sayain you can't beat them." "No they're a lot stronger than me in fact hunting me down is one of their favorite games. I can't fight them so I do what I can...run."
___________________________________________________________ ________________

Yamcha yawned and looked at the two people talking by the crater, "Look a minute ago they looked like they were going to fight and now they look like some one died.

Piccolo could only stare in shock as he listened to the two warriors talk.

Gohan looked at Piccolo, "Are you alright Piccolo you look troubled by something, I mean you look worried over something?"

"No...I'm alright kiddo," he stammered as he was not expecting Gohan to notice his worried expression. He knew the boy told Goku not to tell, but the others had a right to try and change their destinies as well as him.
__________________________________________________________________ _________

"Well this is terrible Trunks, but wait what happens to me do I die in a fight with the androids as well?"

"No...you die before it." "WHAT BUT HOW?" "Not to long from now you are going to get a nasty heart virus that not even a Super Sayain can beat."

"Darn I don't even get a crack at those androids err... I want to fight them as well!"

"What, you mean even after all the things I've told you aren't scared to fight them?" "Well sure all fights are scary at first, but maybe I could make a difference."

"Hehe, a guy like you probably could Goku here." Trunks pulled a capsule out of his pocket. "For your health man." "What my health?"

"It's an antidote for the virus. There's no cure in your world for that nasty vrius you're going to catch, but in my time there is."

"WOW thanks your great ooo and it's purple too I bet it's grape flavored." "You know Goku I've felt alone since Gohan died, but know that i've met you I feel I can go on. My mother was right about you, I can trust you with my life."

"What, your mother knows me? Will I meet her soon or do I already know her?" "Now.." Trunks said blushing. "Wow I know your mom huh does she live by me or something?"

"She's standing right over there." He pointed at Bulma. "What Bulma's your mother!?" Goku fell over. "Well you see it was a passion kind of thing, my mom never told me much about my dad. Look I know it sounds strange, but they'll find they're way to each other pretty soon, but if they get wind of it, it might not happen."

"Hey you have no problem there ,but my gosh Bulma and Vegeta haha that is so unreal." "Yeah my dad's a cranky guy, but it is really nice to get to meet him."

"Your right there; they're the fiestiest two people I know." "Well I'm glad to have met you Goku. With your help I think I might be able to go on and try to defeat the androids now." "Well now that I've met you Trunks I'll be with you in mind and spirit no matter where you go." "Thank you Goku." "No thank you Trunks and tell your mother I send my love."
________________________________________________________________ ___________

Bulma stared as the two men talked, and couldn't help but think that the boy had a striking resemblance to the arrogant prince Vegeta. Then all of a sudden she saw the boy point his finger at what she thought was her and Goku fell over.

Vegeta was in shock when Goku fell over, "All that guy did was point his finger and Kakarot fell down!!" Then they all saw Goku get back up and the two continued to talk.

Bulma had heard Goku holler something, "Did Goku just say my name?"

Everyone looked at Bulma like she was nuts, then turned back to watch them. Vegeta still had a hard time keeping his eye's off Bulma an it was beginning to annoy him.

Bulma noticed him starring and had to giggle at the way he was acting.

Piccolo was trying to hold back a smile at what the boy had just said. It was hard to believe that Bulma and Vegeta would soon have a child together.

Then everyone's eye's got as big as a silver dollars as the boy flew off without a goodbye. Vegeta wasn't surprised, he figured that the boy had come to tell Goku something then had to be gone soon. He couldn't help but feel as if he had known the boy his whole life, but that was absurd.

Everyone ran over to ask Goku eveything that the boy had said. Yamcha was the first to ask, "So Goku what did that guy say anyway huh?"

Everyone waited anxiously to hear what the young mystery man had told him. "Oh nothing important really..." Bulma was furious she wanted to know who he was, "OOH COME ON GOKU YOU CAN TELL US!!!" She yelled.

Piccolo looked at him and said, " Thats funny it all sounded pretty important to me." " What, you heard everything Piccolo?!" Squeaked Goku. "My ears do more than frame my face you know goku and I think that eveyone deserves to change their destiny not just him." Bulma softly whispered to herself as everyone gasped as if to say, did I hear him right, "Destiny...?"

Vegeta was tired of everyone beating around the bush "OUT WITH IT YOU POINTY EARED FREAK EXPLAIN YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs.

Goku stopped him "Piccolo, but gosh you heard." "Don't worry Goku I won't say anything that will endanger your friends existance." Then Piccolo told the entire situation to everyone.

Tien spoke first "So he's from the future huh?" Yamcha was on the virge of laughter, "That guy has cracked." Piccolo gave him a cold glare, "You believe what you want to, but I'm going to train." Tien and Chauzu said at the same time, "Me too" and then they flew off.

They all agreed to help each other fight this new threat even Vegeta, but he was sure to make it clear that this changed nothing between him and Goku.

All of a sudden Gohan saw a ship in the air, "Hey there he is!!"Everyone looked up and saw the boy wave goodbye to them all and then his ship zipped off to the future.
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Trunks starred at his young parents as they looked up at him, "Goodbye Father You're so tough and proud, but I know that deep down you know I'm your son and I will always love you. Ah young mother take care and may the good spirits be with you always, goodbye."

He waved goodbye to them all and set his ships coordinates for his time and then his ship blasted off into the future.
_______________________________________________________________ ____________

Bulma and the others watched as a streak was left behind from the young boys ship then they looked at Goku. Vegeta was first to brake the silence "So Kakarot I'm curious it's obvious you've been training so what new techniques have you learned?"

"Funny you should ask that because I was going to show you guys my newest trick that I was tought on Yardrat. It's called instant transmission." "What the hell is that Kakarot?" Vegeta yelled in frustration.

"You'll believe when you see it." With that Goku placed his middle and ponter finger on his forhead and concentrated then all of a sudden he disappeared. And then another second later he was there again. Vegeta chuckles, "What is so special about that it's just super speed?" Krillin looked up at Goku and saw he was wearing a pair of sunglasses, then he saw whose sunglasses and gasped. "Goku those are Master Roshi's! How did you get those?! Kame House is over 600 miles from here!" Goku just smiled. "What?!" Vegeta screamed in outrage, hate, and frustration. " I don't care what new techniques you've developed Kakarot; I'll help you with these androids, but then you're next got it?" "Sure thing Vegeta." Vegeta was about to take off when Bulma ran up to him. "Hey Vegeta I don't want to stay here as long as Yamcha is so can you take me home with you?" Vegeta was dumbsrtuck, but he didn't care at the moment, "Sure, why not." Then he picked her up and then Goku yelled something to her. " Oh Bulma by the way have a healthy baby!" Bulma looked at him completely confused and embarrassed. she began to blush. *Yeah right! Me a mom! Who in their right mind would get close enough to me to get me pregnant?!* But she still wondered what he meant by that.

"Woman, are you going to have a child?" Vegeta looked at her suspiciously. "NO OF COURSE NOT!!!! I would never do that with Yamcha much less anyone else for that matter!!" "Oh really?" Vegeta looked at her and began to wonder what the Namek had meant by " Don't worry I won't say anything that endanger you friends existance." This made him wonder if he really was from the future. He had evidently knew them in the future or at least one of his parents had and for that matter who were his parents? Did they already know them or would they meet them in the future to come? Well, these were things he would learn later as he went on training for the next three years. ~Little did he know that he was that strange boys father and that Bulma was to be his mate to create that child.~
_______________________________________________________________ ____________

Everyone looked at Goku like he was nuts, Bulma pregnant? Krillon looked at Yamcha and he looked as dumbfounded as everyone else, "Yamcha have you and Bulma been a little busy? *winks* "No man she won't touch me after she "met" Bunny. She's really pissed at me since she caught me with her. Goku do you know something I dont't?!!" Goku merely smiled and he, Gohan, and Piccolo flew away to train during these next harsh 3 years to come.

Tien and Chauzu waved goodbye knowing that they wouldn't see their friends for 3 years. Yamcha and Krillon flew away and parted ways Krillon going to Kame house and Yamcha going to Capsule Corp. ~He had hopes on getting back with Bulma and finding out if she was pregnant. But we know the truth.~

As Vegeta flew on Bulma fell asleep in his arms. He thinks to himself, ' How can she trust me enough to fall asleep in my arms? I mean I could kill her, rape her, or anything I wanted to do. I could even blow up this entire planet, not to mention the fact that I have more blood on my hands from killing than a surguen.'

~Vegeta had no idea at this time of his strong feelings for her.~ Vegeta flew on and on still starring at her. 'She is so beautiful...OH STOP IT!!!! You are a Sayain prince you don't have these feelings, especially for a weak human female.

~Little did Vegeta and Bulma know that the longer they stayed together the closer their bond would become. They had no clue that at that very moment something magical and one of the greatest relationships ever was beginning...Vegeta and Bulma's future together would spell out trouble and yet it would spell savior for the Earth many times over, their love once it was started would last throughout and past...eternity.~
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~Now I want all to know that I am done with this story but I have to revise it before I can post the chapters. I have chaps 1-5 revised. There are 22 chaps so hang tight.~