Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Words That Are Spoken Yet Remain Silent ❯ New Techniques ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

~Yay everyone this is the final chapter...wooo hoooo...oh dont worry i will have the sequel up and running soon.~

Chapter 22: New Techniques

Vegeta didn't fly straight home. Bulma started to complain when he flew over and past the house. "Be quiet woman...the last thing I want right now is for every neighbor in the countryside to rush over and see the baby. I want some quiet time alone...with my family."

Bulma almost wanted to cry, because of his last statement. He had called them his family. Bulma knew now that for the first time in her life, she had met the right guy. He was the one. She would never find anyone like him again. She would never love anyone besides him. She was meant to be with him. She loved him.

Vegeta flew for a few more minutes then landed in a small clearing with a lake in the middle of it. Bulma recognized it immediatly as the place where she and Vegeta had their first kiss.

Bulma walked over to the trees and sat down on a boulder. She opened the diaper bag and pulled out a bottle and began to feed Trunks. Vegeta walked over and sat down beside her. He starred at Trunks as she fed him. "He is going to be really strong isn't he Vegeta?" Vegeta nodded. Trunks was already almost as strong as Gohan was. For a newborn baby that was quite an acheivement.

Vegeta walked over to the edge of the water and bent down to take a drink. After he got a drink he took off his shirt and left on his shorts. He jumped in the water and Bulma could see swirls and swishes going on from something moving fast in the water. *Vegeta must be after a fish.* The swirls began to get bigger and faster. All of a sudden there was a bright light under the water and a giant fish the size of Bulma's house came splashing out of the water in an attempt to get away from Vegeta. Vegeta flew out of the water and kicked the fish hard and knocked it back into the water. He seemed to be having fun, because he was smiling and laughing.

Bulma guessed that Vegeta had never really done anything fun before except kill people, which was his type of fun. Bulma saw more bright lights going this way and that under the water. Finally the water imploded and a great wave of water splashed onto shore. Vegeta jumped out of the water with the fish in hand. Bulma laughed, "I think that might last until dinner." It was only noon. Bulma had seen Goku fish before and saw how much fun he always had, but she had never thought of Vegeta as that type.

Vegeta got some wood and sent a small energy blast into it to start a fire. They cooked the fish and Vegeta ate most of it. Bulma had some as well, but not near as much as Vegeta. She fed Trunks as well. Several hours past.

Bulma looked into the sky and saw that it was getting dark out. She looked at Vegeta, "Vegeta I think we should get home it will be dark soon." He nodded and picked her and Trunks up. He flew them to the house.

Vegeta brought them inside. Trunks was fast asleep. Bulma went and tucked him into bed and then went back to the living room. Vegeta was sitting on the couch. She sat down beside him, "Would you like me to fix you some dinner?" "No." They sat there in silence for some time and it was beginning to make Bulma feel uneasy.

She sqirmed a bit and it made Vegeta nervous. He could sense her uneasyness. He put his arm around her and pulled her close to him. Her put two fingers under her chin and lifted her head to look at him. He gently bent down and kissed her. Bulma wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back. She made the kiss deeper.

Vegeta picked her up and took her to their bedroom. He laid her down then crawled in beside her, kicking off his boots before getting in. He turned her to face him and began to kiss her again. He kissed her neck and lips. He planted butterfly kisses all over her neck and face. It was amazing how such a ruthless man who murdered millions could be so...gentle.

Bulma merely moved her head in different directions as he kissed her. After awhile he stopped and held her close. Tonight no sparks were flying, tonight was only for togetherness. He held her to him and breathed in her scent. Her aroma was intoxicating.

Bulma fell asleep shortly after he had stopped. Vegeta followed suit a few minutes later. About 3:00 in the morning Bulma stirred. Something had woke her up. She listened carefully and then realized what it was...Trunks was crying.

She lifted herself out of bed and then realized Vegeta wasn't in the bed with her. She walked into the baby's room and saw Vegeta holding Trunks trying to get him back to sleep. He was in the rocker that she had bought, rocking Trunks back and forth. Trunks started to get quieter and quieter until he was at last back to sleep.

He hadn't even noticed her. Bulma cleared her throat and Vegeta almost jumped, but then remembered that he had Trunks in his arms. "Well I guess you are a better father than you thought..." "I was merely trying to get the brat back to sleep so that I could sleep..." He blushed slightly.

"Vegeta I learned long ago that you never tell the truth when it comes to something that will affect your pride. You must have learned by now that you can drop the tough guy act when I am the only one around."

He nodded and smiled. Bulma walked over to him as he was laying Trunks back in the bed. She looked at him and kissed him. "You know when I first saw you on T.V. when you came to Earth I thought you were the cutest man I had ever seen." He chuckled. "But when I first met you on Namek I was scarred to death. I thought you were going to kill me. You were the last person I exspected to be a father, much less the father of MY child." "Same here woman, same here."

They finally went back to bed.
__________________________________________________________________ _________

The next morning when Bulma awoke she was a bit surprised to see that Vegeta was still asleep beside her. Normally he would have been up and training long ago. She moved slightly trying not to wake him but with no success. He opened his eyes slowly and looked at her. He pulled his arm from around her waist and sat up. He rubbed his eyes to get rid of the sleep then got up. He went int the bathroom and the last thing Bulma heard was the sound of water running and then the shower going.

She got up and got dressed. She brushed her hair and put it up in a slightly messy pony tail. Her and Vegeta had not had much time to train since she had started to grow in size. She had been to big to throw a desent attack and he had been to busy guarding her to worry about training. She figured it was high time she and him got started on their training again. For two reasons. One: The androids were still coming to Earth and they needed to be strong enough to kill them, and two: Bulma had to get her figure back. Being pregnant can completely ruin a girl's figure.

All of a sudden Bulma had to dash out of the room, because Trunks was crying. She ran into his room and picked him up. She began to rock him. She softly sang to the baby, "Dancing bears, painted wings, things I almost remember...and a song someone sings...once upon a December...someone hold me safe and warm...horses prance through a silver storm...figures dancing gracefully, across my memory..." He was still crying when she finished, but he wasn't screaming. She cooed to him as she walked down to the kitchen and got his bottle from the fridge.

She sat down on the couch and began to feed him when the doorknob turned and the door opened. Bulma's parents walked through the door. Her mother saw her and almost ran to her side before Bulma shh-ed her so as not to disturb the baby.

Tanya ~Bulma's mother~ looked at her grandson and almost began to cry. He was just so cute. She had not even known Bulma and Vegeta had been together until after Bulma was already pregnant. "OOOOh he looks just like Vegeta, ain't he precious. But look at that hair!! We all know where he got that. Honey come look his hair is the same color as yours."

Thomas ~Bulma's father~ came over and looked at Trunks. "Well what do ya know he does. Nice to know he got something from one of his grandparents. But look at that stirn and stubborn face. He is going to look like his father no doubt. But he has his mother and grandmother's eyes. That is one thing I loved so much about you two is those lovely blue eyes." "Well Dad one thing I am certainly glad for is that he does have your hair and not Vegeta's wild hair."

"Wel,l I happen to like my hair..." No one had even heard Vegeta walk in. Tanya ran over and gave Vegeta a big kiss on the cheek. "I am so happy for you two. I never liked Yamcha anyway." "Neither did I." "Well it is nice to know my parents like my taste in men!" Snapped Bulma.

Vegeta chuckled and went into the kitchen and got some food then went outside. Before he got outside Bulma yelled, "I'll be out there in a minute Vegeta." He looked at her and nodded. Bulma had already explained her power to her parents. "Oh Mom I was wondering, instead of going back to America with Dad can you stay here and help me with Trunks? Me and Vegeta are going to be needing a lot of training and I can't just run out of the GR when Trunks starts to cry." "Oh sure honey, I'll stay if your father doesn't mind."

They both looked at him with those questioning, puppy-dog eyes. "I don't mind." They both started to gab and talk of all the things they were going to do to spoil Trunks.

After awhile Bulma let her mother take Trunks and she left to go train with Vegeta. She walked outside and up to the GR door. She could already hear explosions going on inside as Vegeta blew up the training drones who never stood a chance. She opened the door and the emergency shut down system shut down the system.

Vegeta turned his head and looked at her. "About time woman. I was tired of blowing up these toys." She could see that he was at Super Sayain. "Well it is no challenge when you are training at your highest level." "Oh this is not my highest level. If it were this machine would have blown up long ago."

"I know. Well, shall we get started? I need to get my figure back and I have been dying to kick your ass since I had to stop training." "Let's get started then, if you think you can handle it. That is if you haven't gotten weak from lack of training." "Speak for yourself buddy boy."

Bulma powered up and went Super Sayain. Vegeta looked at her and started to laugh. "Oh so you want to play like that huh? Well then lets not hold anything back. We'll skip the warm up." Bulma nodded and smirked.
______________________________________________________________ _____________

Bulma flew at Vegeta at lightning speed and landed a punch in his face sending him sailing to the wall. He pulled himself out of the crater in the wall and looked at Bulma shocked. "How did you do that?! I didn't even sense your movement, mush less see it!!" Bulma looked at him a little surprised. She had known she had moved faster than normal, but had not thought she had moved that fast.

"I guess I didn't get weak from lack of training after all." Just then Vegeta remembered something. 'Of course when Sayain women got pregnant on Vegeta-Sei they always came back stronger!! The scientist said that the baby being born not only powered them, because they had a chance of dying during birth, but the need to protect their young made them stronger by shear will. Not to mention some of the baby's strength is left inside the mother. And Bulma must have gained an enormous amount of strength seeing as how she did die for a few seconds at the hospital!!!'

Vegeta looked at Bulma and smirked. This was going to be more fun than he had origanally thought.

He flew at Bulma and disappeared then reappeared behind her and landed a kick in her spine. She flew throught the air for a few seconds then stopped herself and twisted herself back around. When she looked back in front of her Vegeta was gone. She looked all over the room and couldn't see him, so she concentrated on his energy. All of a sudden she caught a sudden movement in the corner of her eye. She kicked in that direction and planted her foot right in Vegeta's abdomen.

He gasped then punched Bulma in the stomach. She put her fist together and knocked Vegeta in the head sending him hurtling toward the ground. He stopped himself from hitting the ground a few meters from it then went straight at Bulma with an energy beam in hand.

He fired it at Bulma, but she swatted it away like a fly. She powered her own just a little stronger and fired it. Vegeta wasn't able to swat it away so he had to blast it away with another beam. The whole ship started to shake, because of their power. He held up his hand to stop her from firing another beam.

She stopped and looked at him. As soon as they settled the ship stood still. he looked at her and said, "I think we should take this outside. We'll have more room and I don't think that the ship can take much more of this." She nodded and they went outside.

They flew very fast until they ended up in a mountainous regen.
________________________________________________________________ ___________

Piccolo had been levitating in the mountains while Goku and Gohan trained near him. He listened to their movements and waited until Gohan was too tired to continue and took over, so he could rest. But before he and Goku could begin he stopped him.

"Wait Goku! Do you feel that?!" Goku looked at him then he felt it too. "Yeah I do!! Wow what amazing power levels!! And they are heading this way!! But who could they belong to?!" "Dad who is that?!" "I don't know Gohan, but if I don't know them and they aren't friends, then I don't want to find out!"

Piccolo smiled as he saw the two who the powers belonged to. It was Bulma and Vegeta. Goku looked at Piccolo and smiled. Gohan just held his mouth open in amazement at their powers. Goku whispered to Piccolo, "Hey what say we go hide and keep our power low so we can watch them and see what they can do? I can see they aren't just playing around or warming up, because they are both at Suaper Sayain." Piccolo and Gohan nodded.

They all reduced their powers to close to nothing then ducked behind a mountain. Piccolo made a warning, "Be warned, keep on your toes. They don't know we're here so we will have to watch any stray beams. Not to mention they aren't going to be playing around so watch it." Everyone nodded and they watched as the two went at it.
___________________________________________________________________ ________

"Ok Vegeta, now we are out in the open and nothing here to worry about blowing up, so how about we go to maximum?" "Sure why not."

Bulma put her hands into fist and put them in front of her. She gritted her teeth and began to power up to her full power. The Earth started to shake and pebbles were levitating off the ground and then snapping into a million pieces. Some of the weaker and even some of the strong mountains started to crumble into nothing. Bulma's hair flashed even golder than before, and her aura was now glowing gold and aqua like her hair when she was normal. It was flashing gold and then aqua and then both. It really was an incredible site to behold.

All of a sudden her eyes turned solid blue. The ground began to shake so bad that Vegeta had to get off the ground to stay upright. Bulma jerked back her head and screamed sending thousands of ki beams flying in all directions. It was a challenge for Goku, Gohan and Piccolo to dodge them all. Gohan got hit by a small one that didn't hurt him, but senged his skin.

They spent some time dodging the beams. Then when they were all finally gone they looked around and saw that more than half of the mountain had been destroyed.

Gohan yelled to his dad, "Dad if Bulma did this, what will happen when Vegeta powers up?!" "We had better be faster!!" He chuckled slightly, then all eyes turned to Vegeta. He was looking at Bulma with a look of complete surprise and awe. If he hadn't had his composure, his mouth would most likely be hanging open.

"Damn woman, where in Kami's name did you learn to do that?!" "I don't know, I guess that it's just talent." "I guess being pregnant sure as hell did you a lot of good!" "I guess so." Vegeta shook himself to come back to reality, then looked at her and smirked, "Well I guess it is my turn." Bulma laughed, "Whenever you are ready your highness." She gave a fake bow and smirked. Vegeta put on his famous sexy smirk and balled his hands into fists and began to power up.

The ground began to shake and Goku looked at Gohan and Piccolo and put on his goofy grin and put his hand behind his head, " I guess we had better get ready to dodge some more beams. Hahaha." He began to laugh, but stopped abrubtly when he had to dodge a ki blast in his direction. Once again Gohan, Goku, and Piccolo began to jump around trying not to get hit.

Bulma watched Vegeta and swatted away whatever beams headed in her direction like flies. She watched as Vegeta's hair turned gold, his eyes turned turqoise then red, and his power level skyrocketed. A golden and red aura rose all around him. This time it was Goku's turn to get hit by a stray beam. It didn't hurt him, but it did take him by surprise. They all continued to hop around until finally the blasts receded. They all looked at Bulma and Vegeta in the air glowing. Bulma glowing an aqua and gold aura and Vegeta glowing a red and gold aura. It was really strange to see. It was as if their animal instincts were the only things controlling them.

Bulma's kanine teeth seemed to have grown sharper and Vegeta's were the same. Bulma's eyes were glowing solid blue and Vegeta's were a solid red. It was very disturbing. They were both smirking. A few seconds of the stare down and the fight was on. Bulma lunged at Vegeta full force and landed a very powerful punch into his jaw. He spat blood everywhere and his nose bled. He kicked her in her abdomen and she lost all the air to her system for a few seconds.

She punched him in the gut and when he bent over and clutched his stomach, she balled her hands into fist and put them together and rammed them into his back. She sent him sailing to the ground at a very powerful speed. He hit the ground, making a very large crater. He flew out of his crater in a matter of seconds and lunged at Bulma. He punched her in the head and then grabbed her arm. He swung her around in the air until she was going at an incredible speed. They looked like a tornado, because they were going so fast. He let go of her and sent her sailing to one of the only mountains still standing. She crashed into it and it crumbled to the ground.

There was a huge explosion and the rocks that had once been the mountain went flying all around and Bulma jumped out of the rubble. Her eyes were glowing that blue color and she was smirking a very evil smirk and her teeth were bared. She looked at him and smirked even wider. She brought her hands back and focused almost all her energy into one spot.

She threw her hands back and screamed. She brought her hands in front of her and yelled, "F-I-N-A-L...F-L-A-S-H!!!!!" She realeased the energy and Vegeta barely managed a defense. He gathered as much energy as he could in those few seconds and fired a beam strong enough to give him time to get out of the way. Bulma looked down and started to laugh. Vegeta looked at her with his face covered in dirt and his armor torn; he too began to laugh.

They hadn't had a sparring session this good in ages. Bulma, dirty and clothes torn, settled down and got back into her fighting stance, as did Vegeta. They lunged at each other full force meeting head on in mid-air. They had hand to hand combat for sometime. Then Vegeta pulls back as does Bulma. They both pull their hands back and power up. ~their eyes are still glowing the weird colors~ They scream and realease their beams yelling at the same time, "F-I-N-A-L...F-L-A-S-H!!!" The beams flew through the air and hit on a collision course. The beams collided. Bulma and Vegeta fought to make theirs stronger than the other. One would get the edge then lose it and the other one would take the advantage.

Both of them were equal in strength and neither could get the edge on the other.
________________________________________________________________ ___________

Goku, Gohan, and Piccolo all wathced in total awe as the two battled. Goku couldn't even catch most of their movements. Gohan couldn't see them most of the time. Piccolo had a hard time fathoming their awesome power.

They all watched as they went at it. They all had to duck when Bulma did the Final Flash and knocked everything out of site. "Well I guess that Vegeta taught Bulma all his moves, eh Piccolo?" Piccolo nods his head. Goku cold be so dumb at times.

Gohan looked at his father and Piccolo a little worried. "Umm Piccolo are their eyes supposed to look like that?" Piccolo shook his haed, "I don't think so. It seems as if they have both reached a strange level beyand Super Sayain. But what is it is the question?" "Yeah I was wondering about that myself. I thought I might have been holusinating..."

They all looked on and thought that Bulma and Vegeta had gone nuts when they started laughing. Then they saw them get back into fighting stances and go at it again. Hand to hand combat for some time.

They watched as the two retreated from one another and then fired beams at one another trying to gain the edge over the other. Finally there was a huge explosion and the beams disappeared.
__________________________________________________________ _________________

Bulma and Vegeta kept up their little mid-air beam fight for some time until finally both beams over powered each other and canceled each other out. It blew both Bulma and Vegeta backwards. Bulma landed in a pile of rocks breaking a few ribs and Vegeta landed into the only other mountain still standing and it crumbled to the ground. He broke his left leg, his right arm, and he had broken his jaw.

Vegeta destroyed the rocks around himself and flew out. Bulma did the same and flew out. They went up to each other beaten and broken. They were both smirking. Bulma spoke to him first, " I guess it is a good thing we started developing new techniques when I couldn't physically train any more. Vegeta nodded.

Bulma put her hands in the air and looked as if she was gathering ki and Vegeta did the same. After awhile they both had a ball of energy in their hands. Bulma's was the same color as her eyes and hair, when it was normal, and Vegeta's was red like his eyes. They placed the balls in front of them and seemed to absorb them. The minute the balls had gone inside their bodies, Vegeta began to glow red and Bulma began to glow blue. When the glowing receded they were good as new. No bruises, scrapes, or scratches. Not even as much as a scuff.

They looked at each other and chuckled. "I knew that this technique would come in handy. Good thing we developed it." Vegeta smiled and nodded. As soon as Bulma had had to stop training they had started working on developing new techniques. With Bulma's brains on computers and things like that and Vegeta's brains on fighting, they had come up with some neat stuff and had transformed into their new forms. Bulma had been searching through ancient manuscripts and had stumbled upon one written in an ancient dialect that no longer existed. But on it was a picture of a man with a monkey tail. Well, Bulma had thought maybe it was somehow connected with the Sayains, so she took it home and decoded it in nothing flat. She had read it aloud to Vegeta and it had talked about an ancient Sayain transformation. But you had to reach Super Sayain to get there.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~explanation~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~

It was called the Super Sayain Dragonous form. It was very difficult to achieve. You have to learn to let your animal instincts take over and learn your element. Bulma's was Ice hense her blue aura and eyes. Vegeta's was fire hense his red aura and eyes. You allowed your animal instincts to control the body and then you become this form. But Bulma and Vegeta hadn't reached the full extent of the form. The other part of it involved the reason Dragonous was on the end of the name. Once you reach the human form you can take it a step up, and fully release the instincts. You'll transform into a dragon that represents your element. Only certain Sayains can reach this form and only elites and royalty had ever been recorded to reach it. There had been a few low class soldiers to reach it, but not many.

Bulma and Vegeta had both reached it. There is only one Sayain born in every generation for each element. There was Nature, Ice, Water, Fire, Steel, Lightning, Wind, and Heart. So in every Sayain generation there were eight Sayains born with an element. Bulma and Vegeta were two of those eight. Vegeta figured Goku was most likely one of them as well seeing as how one elements was Heart. And that fits Golu perfectly, but he had wanted to wait and beat the hell out of Goku first, then tell him about it. Bulma had convinced Vegeta to leave the past behind, but he swore he and Goku would always fight no matter what, but he would never kill him.

Bulma was the Ice Dragon Shiva, Vegeta was the Fire Dragon Zephire, and Goku was most likely the Heart Dragon Kitaro. Vegeta had no idea who the other five dragons might have been. He figured Raditz would have been the Lightning Dragon Thundara and Nappa had been the Stone Dragon Thor. The other three were a complete mystery. One thing was that in one of the generations it had been recorded that one soldier had been an element and his son had been another. In the same generation a king, his mate, and there two sons had had elements. Then a second class soldier and his mate had had the other two elements. That was the only generation that all the elements had been discovered. And it was also the only one with children who were elements. Vegeta thought that maybe Gohan was one of the elements and that boy from the future might be one. If that was the case Gohan would most likely be the Nature Dragon Zoisite and that boy would have to be the Wind Dragon Rushido. But then who was the Water Dragon Aquarinus?

They had learned there were only two female dragons. Shiva and Aquarinus. If Raditz was Thundara, Bulma was Shiva, Vegeta was Zephire, Goku was Kitaro, Nappa was Thor, Gohan was Zoisite, and that boy was Rushido that would leave one female to be Aquarinus, but who?

Bulma and Vegeta had thought over it for months, and could come up with no one, until they had shared a dream one night. Kimira, the gaurdian of Vegeta-Sei, had told them they had been right about every dragon except Thor who was not born yet and that Aquarinus was not yet born either, but would be soon. ~Raditz never came to Earth in this story and is thought to be dead. Hint: HE ISN'T!!!~ It was said that when all the dragons are together they can all combine their powers and form the Spira Dragon Eletarus. ~Spira is my word that means all things of creation~ This dragon is said to be the most powerful of all.

Eletarus would have made Frieza look like a flee. Bulma and Vegeta were still having trouble becoming their dragons.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~end of explanation~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Bulma looked over at Vegeta and smiled. She knew he was actually happy for once in his life, because for once in his life he knew he was stronger than Goku, and she knew that from now on it was going to stay like that.

He floated over to her and put his arms around her waist. They hadn't made love since she had gotten bigger and he had missed it a lot. He kissed her gently and held her close to him. He had missed being with her.

He wrapped his tail around her waist to keep her close to him and began to remove her clothes with his hands. He gently fondled her breast and kissed more deeply. He took his tongue and put it in her mouth. He let his hands
roam her body. Her figure had returned to her in no time flat.

He floated them both down to the ground and found a cave with his perifial vision and placed them in it.
___________________________________________________________________ ________

Goku watched the two and then the minute he saw them start to kiss he covered Gohan's eyes and his mouth so he wouldn't say anything.

Goku and Piccolo knew what was about to happen. They weren't going to sit and watch the whole thing, it's just they had never seen Vegeta being gentle or kind or even affectionate and wanted to see what he looked like when he wasn't being a total prick.

Goku couldn't believe his eyes. Vegeta was not only being affectionate...he was being VERY affectionate! And he was so gentle with Bulma it was unbelievable!! Goku had never seen this side of Vegeta...and for that matter neither had anyone else. Just Bulma.

Goku looked over at Piccolo and saw that his eyes looked like they were going to pop out of their sockets. Goku saw now what Bulma saw in Vegeta. He can be a very nice guy when he wants to be.

But as soon as Bulma's clothes were starting to be removed Goku gathered the sqirming Gohan in his arms and said, " I think it is about time we leave. Don't you Piccolo?" Piccolo looked at Goku and nodded with a grin on his face. They were satisfied. They had gotten to see a side of Vegeta no one ever saw, except Bulma.

They all kept their ki low and took off into the air to give the lovers some peace.
________________________________________________________________ __________

Vegeta kissed Bulma passionately and gently as he laid her on the ground in the cave. He placed her down very carefully and kissed the crook of her neck while sucking on her scar he had left. He postioned himself over her and kissed every inch of her body he could reach. He kissed her lightly all over.

Bulma knew Vegeta needed her. He needed this. He had been so miserable when he couldn't be with her for so long. This was a new feeling to her. It was just as fulfilling as feeling love. It was feeling...needed.

She decided to let him do as he wished today. He had missed it so much and he needed this badly.

Vegeta looked up and starred into her deep blue pools. She was so beautiful and he loved her. She was the most gorgeous creature in the universe. His blue angel. She had taken a beast and transformed him into a man. She had taken a cold heart and melted it. She had taken a dark heart and put light into it. And finally she had showed the loneliest of souls in the universe how to care and how to...love.

For the first time in his life since he was young Vegeta began to cry. They were not streams of tears like at the hospital, only a few here and there. He kissed he lightly on the lips. A few tears slid down his cheek and landed on Bulma's cheek. She looked at him worried. "Vegeta what's wrong. I've never seen you cry..." "Nothing...Bulma." She caught her breathe. He had said her name. That was something he hardly ever did. " But then why are you crying?" " That's just it Bulma...for the first time in my life...everything is right. I have never been this happy in my life. Hehe come to think of it I have never been happy in my life until I met you."

Bulma felt a tug at her heart. Those were the most sincere, honest, and loving words Vegeta had ever said to her. He had opened up to her and no one else. She began to feel the tears fall from her own eyes. He bent his head down and kissed away her tears one by one. She reached up and did the same to him.

Vegeta was so happy, and he wanted to show her how much he loved her...and tell her. He bent his head down and whispered into her ear. "I love you my blue angel..." She bent her head upward and whispered into his ear, "And I love you my Sayain Prince."

He kissed her lips passionately. Vegeta pushed into her and pumped into her gently. He started slow and was being as gentle as he could. He pumped into her faster and faster. She moaned and screamed his name over and over. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. They were in that cave for hours making love. It was late into the night before they left to go back home.

Vegeta picked Bulma up off the cave floor fully dressed and took off at a slow, so as not to wake his sleeping beauty. He arrived at Capsule Corp. and took her up to bed. She woke the minute he covered her up. He starred into her eyes and then kissed her lightly. "Bulma we are going to find out who the other dragons are. We have to. And if Kimira was telling us the truth then Raditz is still alive...and out there...somewhere..." Bulma nodded and looked into his dark ebony eyes. ~but that is another story *winks* hint hint*

All of a sudden they both heard a faint crying coming from Trunks room. Bulma's mother started to get out of bed, but Bulma passed her room and told her she would do it. Bulma and Vegeta both went in and Bulma picked up Trunks and started to sing to him. "I don't noooo...what words I can saaaay...the wind has a waaaay...to talk to meeee...flowers sleeeep...a silent lullabyyy...I pray for replyyy...I'm reeeaaady...quiet...daaaay...caaaalms meee...oh serenityyyy...someone...please...tell...meeee *hums* hummmmmmm *sings* what is it they saaaay...maybe I will knoooow one daaaay..." Trunks was fast asleep in nothing flat.

Vegeta took him from her and placed him in the bed. They both starred down at him and sighed. Vegeta put his arm around Bulma and pulled her closer to him. She looked at him and smiled. This was her new life. And she loved it. Vegeta her took back to bed and they lay there sleeping together and an embrace that will last throughout eternity....

The End

~Well that was it. How did you all like it? Well i have started the sequel and i will be posting the first chapter shortly. I cant wait to get all your reviews. P.S. This story took 4 months to write. And those whose ideas are in this story i assure you i take absolutely no credit for any of it...so pleez dont flame me or gripe at me. I promise all authors that from now all ideas will be from me. I just used some of those ideas to get started.~