Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Words That Are Spoken Yet Remain Silent ❯ Everyone Meet Trunks ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 21: Everyone, Meet Trunks!!!

Bulma slept for sometime after coming to. Goku had come in to see her when she had woken up. A few hours of sleep and she was back to her old self. Her and Vegeta were yelling at each other and that told EVERYONE that she was just fine.

"Damn you Vegeta, if you ever touch me again I will kill you!!!! That was the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life!!!!" "Oh shut up you foolish woman!!! Don't worry I would rather throw myself in front of a bus than ever touch you again!!!!" They argued for a few hours, then finally quietened down. Bulma had called her parents a few months earlier and told them the whole thing. Her mother had fainted and her father had asked if Vegeta was taking good care of her.

She had called them today after she had fully recovered from her relapse and told them the baby had been born. Her mother had fainted and her father said that they would come home early to come and see the baby then be back on their way.

They said they would arrive in a few hours. Vegeta and Bulma...in fact no one had seen the baby yet. Kathy came in while Vegeta and Bulma were in another argument, "Umm I am sorry to interupt, but I know a little boy who would love to meet his parents?" "Oh My God, I almost forgot why I had come to the hospital!! Please bring him in." "We haven't let anyone see him. We never do until the parents see the baby. But he is very beautiful I assure you."

Vegeta and Bulma both nodded and the nurse toddled off. Bulma waited anciously for the nurse to come back. Vegeta looked as if he could care less, but inside he too was very excited.

A few minutes later the nurse returned with a bundle in her arms. "Here he is. Trunks Vegeta Briefs. A healthy 8 1/2 lbs. and 15 inches tall." Bulma took the bundle from her and pulled the blanket from the baby's face. Inside the blanket was the most adorable baby you have ever seen in your life.

He had a full head of pale, lavender hair. ~I mean a full head!~ He had the most beautiful blue eyes you have ever seen.

He grabbed Bulma's hand and gave it a squeeze. She yelped slightly. He had a very strong grip as well. Bulma's worst fear came true though. He had the exact same face as Vegeta. All of a sudden from under the blanket came a small lavendar tail and it wrapped around Bulma's wrist. "Oh no, you are going to be like your daddy aren't you?" Vegeta looked at her kind of funny and chuckled. He looked down at his son and saw that the child had the same face as he did.

'This kid was going to be one hell of a fighter.' Vegeta looked at his hair and thought it somehow looked familiar. He looked at Bulma and smiled. This was his son and his mate. This was his family...

The nurse took the baby after awhile and put him in the nursary. Goku, Chi, Gohan, Krillon, Tien, Choazu, and even Piccolo were all crowded around the window looking in to try and guess which one was Bulma and Vegeta's. Goku had said it was the little blonde boy beside Trunks and Vegeta shook his head and growled like it was an insult.

Chi guessed that it was the little black haired boy that was just above Trunks. Vegeta shook his head again. 'I can not believe these people are so stupid! Can they not see that my son is right there!?' Krillon looked and saw a little boy with brown hair and asked if it was that one. Vegeta growled and shook his head. Tien asked if it was the little bald baby just to the right of Trunks. Vegeta snorted and yelled, "You idiot all Sayains are born with a full head of hair!!" Tien flinched and continued to look.

Choazu saw a little red haired girl with a fully freckled face and pointed. Vegeta growled again and snorted. He could not believe they were so stupid. Piccolo laughed, "I am not going to guess, because I already know which one it is." Vegeta knew that Piccolo must have been the only one smart enough to check for an unusually high ki level in the group of babies.

Then Gohan spoke up, "It's the little lavendor haired one isn't it?" "Thank you, at least one of you has some brains. Yes it is Gohan. Good job." He smirked at Gohan then looked back at his son. Goku put on his goofy grin and said, "Gee Gohan, how did you figure it out?" "Well first off all look at the hair color. Dr. Briefs has the same pale lavendor hair. Secondly, you can sense that he has a higher energy level than the other babies." "Well I feel stupid I never thought about feeling his ki." "You wouldn't Kakarot. It is pretty bad when your own brat has more brains than you do."

Chi chuckled, "Well that is a good thing. At least I know his studies are working." Gohan and everyone else rolled their eyes except Goku who chuckled. After everyone had seen Bulma they all went back to the window of the nursery to gawk at little Trunks.

Vegeta went in to talk to Bulma. He told her about how everyone had tried to guess which baby it was and that Gohan had gotten it right. They talked for awhile until the nurse came in. "Well after we run a few test you will be free to go home." "Thank Kami. I am starting to develope bed sores."

Vegeta laughed slightly and then went back out to look at his son. The nurse walked by and saw Vegeta and the others looking in the window at the lavendor haired baby, "Would you like me to bring him out here?" Chi and Goku almost yelled at the same time, "YES!" The nurse looked to Vegeta for approval seeing as he was the father. He merely nodded.

She toddled off and within a few minutes was back with Trunks in her arms. "So who is going to hold him first?" Chi was the first to rush over to the baby and take him from the nurse. "OOOh he is so precious. Look at that sweet face." The nurse walked away giggling to herself.

Goku was next to take the baby, then Krillon, Tien, and even Choazu. Vegeta was a little nervous to let Gohan hold him since he was only a child, but said nothing. No one noticed, but as the baby was passed around Vegeta kept his eye on each and everyone of them, not taking his eyes off his son for one second. He looked at them just daring one of them to drop the baby. When he got to Gohan, Vegeta would have said something had it not been for his damn pride.

Gohan looked at Vegeta, "Vegeta have you held him yet?" "No of course not." "Well don't you want to?" Vegeta was taken back. He had not thought of holding the baby himself. On Vegeta-Sei the father never showed any affection toward the son. Daughters were a different story. He never got to answer. Goku had taken the baby from Gohan and had laid him in Vegeta's arms.

Vegeta had no idea what he was doing. He had never even seen baby now that he thought about it, much less held one. He looked at everyone hoping that they wouldn't notice that he didn't know if he was holding the baby right or not. Goku looked at him and almost screamed, "No No!! Vegeta you have to keep your hand under his head or he might break his neck! He isn't strong enough to hold up his head!"

Vegeta hurried to get his hand under the baby's head. "Vegeta." "What?" He barked at Chi. "Haven't you ever held a baby?" "No...I have never even seen one till now..." He looked down at the floor. "WHAT?!" The room said in unison. "On Vegeta-Sei the babies are always sent away. I never had time to go to the maternity ward. I was always training." "Wow I didn't think it was possible for a person to never see a baby until their own kid was born." Said Krillon.

Goku laughed and put his hand behind his head and put on his goofy grin, "Well it was the same with me. I didn't even know what a baby was until Gohan was born." Everyone started to laugh. Vegeta barked at them all, "SHUT UP YOU STUPID BAKA'S!!!" "Geez what is your problem Vegeta?" "If you weren't so busy laughing you would see that Trunks has fallen asleep and I do not wish him woken up to start crying."

Everyone looked down at Trunks' face and saw that Vegeta was right. Trunks was sound asleep. Chi whispered, "Isn't that cute? He fell asleep in his daddy's arms." Vegeta looked at her and snorted.

Some time went by and everyone who walked by looked at Vegeta holding Trunks asleep in his arms. He had sat down in the chair outside of Bulma's room while the others visited with her. The women who came by looked at the baby and gawked over him and said how cute he was. A few mentioned how handsome his father was as well. Some of the men who had just had babies born that day asked him if he was the father and Vegeta gave them a look that would have scared Frieza himself.

The nurse took the baby after awhile and about an hour later came back to tell Vegeta and Bulma that they could go home. The others had already left by this time. They put Bulma in a wheelchair and gave her the baby. Kathy wheeled her out of the hospital with Vegeta close behind.

When they got outside the nurse spoke, "Would you like me to watch her while you pull your car up?" Vegeta looked at her kind of funny. "What car?" "Oh do you need to call a cab?" "No." "Then how do you plan to leave?" "I will take her home." "I know that, but how are you going to get home?" "The same way we got here." "How's that?" The nurse was totally confused. "We flew." "....."

Vegeta picked Bulma and the baby up out of the chair and he took off into the air. The nurse just starred after them and after a few seconds...fainted.
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