Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Words That Are Spoken Yet Remain Silent ❯ Words That Are Spoken Yet Remain Silent ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 20: Words That Are Spoken, Yet Remain Silent

Vegeta was running next to the stretcher. They ran past the waiting room. Everyone there saw him run past next to the stretcher and knew something was wrong. They all raced past. Goku looked up and followed them.

Bulma was rushed into the ER leaving a very pissed Vegeta outside. A few minutes later a nurse came out of the room to explain. "Mr. Vegeta, your wife," "Mate," he corrected her. She rolled her eyes, " Well your mate is hemraging very badly. But we are doing everything possible to help her. She may have already lost too much blood, but we will try everything possible. We may have to remove her ovary's though..."

She never got to finish, Vegeta had stood up and was right in her face, "You will not take out her ovary's woman!! She would not want that and neither do I!! Now if that is the last thing you can do to save her then do it, but otherwise they stay put, got it!!! And if she dies I will blow this whole damn planet to kindom come!!!" He lit a ki beam in his hand.

All of a sudden he feels a hand on his shoulder. His head snaps back and he sees Goku. He desipates the beam and lets the nurse leave. " I heard the whole thing Vegeta. Don't worry, Bulma is a strong girl. I have known her since I was 13 and out of all the danger we have been in, nothing has killed her yet. There is no way she is going to let this kill her. Especially not now that she has a son and...you."

Vegeta looks at him a little annoyed then what he says clicks in his mind, "Son? I have a son?" Goku nods. "I will go see him later. I know Bulma will be fine. But if she is not I will most likely take my anger out on this planet." Goku chuckles, "Well the nurse wants to know what the baby's name is, and for that matter so does everyone else." "It took some time, but we finally agreed on a name...Trunks Vegeta Briefs." "Ok I'll go tell the nurse and let you stay here."

~~~~~~~~~~hours later~~~~~~~~~~~

Vegeta was asleep in one of the ER waiting room chairs, when he heard a door open. He opened his eyes and saw the doctors wheeling Bulma, in the bed, out of the ER. Kathy the nurse approached him, "We did all we could, now it is up to her. If she makes it through the night she will be fine." Vegeta opened his mouth to say something, but Kathy interupted, "Before you ask, no we did not have to take out her ovary's. So no need to worry there. You can go see her now, but only one visitor at a time."

Vegeta nods and goes in. Bulma looked as though she were already dead. He walked in and sat down on the bed next to her. Her breathing was shallow. He left after awhile so the others could go in to see her. After everyone had gone he went back in to stay near her. He didn't want to see the baby until she was awake to see him with her. He stayed by her side making sure to keep a check on her breathing.

A few hours after watching her sleep the thing Vegeta feared happened. Her breathing became faster and wheezy. She started to have a siezure. She breathed harder and even shallower than before. The siezure ceased, but her breathing got worse. Vegeta was getting worried, but he had told no one to try and help her. If she didn't make it on her own then she would wake up worse than she was, even if she did live.

"Damnit Bulma, don't you dare die on me!!!" He said it harshly, but very softly. Goku had stayed behind to keep an eye on him and knew how bad it would hurt if he lost her. She was allowed to have two visitors now.

Goku walked in with a cup of coffee for Vegeta. "Here I think this will do you some good." Vegeta took it without a word and drank it fast. Goku was about to leave, but turned around and began to talk, "You know Vegeta, I don't know what Bulma would have done if she hadn't found you. I have never seen her so happy. And in case you don't already know it, Vegeta she loves you and I know you love her too. But hey, we all know you would never say that. Just you might want to let her know. And sometimes I wonder what YOU would have done if you hadn't found HER. You most likely would have blown up the planet." He chuckled lightly. "But hey, I'm just giving you something to think about.

After he left the room Vegeta began to think about what he had said. He knew kakarot was right, but he wasn't going to admit that to him. Vegeta was stronger than Goku now and could easily destroy the planet if Bulma died. ~YES HE IS STRONGER THAN GOKU BECAUSE I SAY HE IS SO NAH!!! :p >^_^<~

Vegeta held Bulma's hand tight. Her breathing was getting worse. He figured if it got any worse she would most likely die within the next hour or so. "Bulma, damnit you can not die on me! I can not raise the brat on my own! I am going to need your help whether I want to admit it or not! If you die I might go back to the way I was before! I don't want that!" He spoke harshly, but softly to her.

Bulma's breathing became so shallow it was undetectable. The nurses kept insisting he let them help her, but he merely barked at them to leave or he would blow them all away. She had to pull through on her own. Vegeta had laid his head on her chest when his worst fear came true...her breathing.......stopped...

Bulma's breathing ceased and the line on the heart monitor went straight and the only sound in the room was a loud beeeeeeeeeeeeeep. Nurses ran in, but Vegeta threw them out. ~literally~ And ran back to Bulma. He knew she would have to come out of it on her own. He held her hand tight and whispered to her, "Bulma you can't die, you can't...I love you..." It was the first time he had said those words to her. He had begun to do something he hadn't done since he was young...cry.

Streams of tears were running down his cheeks. One landed softly on her cheek.
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Bulma could see a white light. It was extremely bright. The next thing she knew there was a woman standing in front of her in a flowing white gown. The woman looked oddly familiar to Bulma and yet she had never seen her before. Then Bulma realized why the woman looked familiar. On the woman head lay long strands of...aqua-marine hair.

This woman had to be her..."Mother?" The woman looked at her and smiled. "Yes Bulma I am your mother. My name is Randisha. I would have loved to have raised you. But with the hassle with Frieza it wasn't possible." She walked over to Bulma and placed her hand on her cheek, "You have grown up so beautiful. You look like me when I was your age. Your have your fathers nose and his attitude." They both giggled. "I love you Bulma and I always will, but now is not the time for you to come here. Vegeta's heart is still cold and he needs you to break off that last chip of ice. Not to mention my grandson needs a mom. You have to go back. They need you. You have made Prince Vegeta do something he hasn't done since he was 8 years old...look."

She waved her hand a small pool appeared in thin air. It showed Vegeta leaning over Bulma's body...crying! "But he's...he's...he's crying..." "He doesn't want to lose you, Bulma. I will always be here. But you still have a lifetime to wait until your time to come here. Go home."

"Yes Mother." "Well until me meet again, good-bye my daughter." "Good-bye Mother."

Bulma felt something wet and warm hit her cheek and then heard someone whisper, "Bulma you can't die, you can't...I love you..." Then another tear landed on her cheek. She began to cry herself. He had never said that to her before. She had said it many times, but he had never said it. She heard the heart monitor start beeping again normally.

She placed a hand on Vegeta's cheek startling him, "I love you too." He looked at her and smiled. Not a scowl, a half smile, or a crooked smile, but a REAL smile. He leaned down and kissed her. "I love you so much, Bulma." *And he said my name.* He spoke those words to her over and over to her through the night. Then she whisperd to him, "Those are words that are spoken, yet they remain silent." He nodded. He understood what she meant. He could speak them to her all he wanted here and anywhere else, but he would never say them when othere were around and she understood this. He spoke them and yet they remained silent to the rest of the world.
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