Earthian Fan Fiction ❯ Wings of Salvation ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Wings of Salvation

Chapter Four

The Archangel's eyes remained fixed on the ceiling, sleep eluding him; his left hand running consistently through his son's soft raven black hair. It had been such a long time sense Chihaya was so distraught he couldn't stand to sleep alone. He had done it for months after the blonde had adopted him; afraid that he would awake to discover it was all a dream. After that there was the occasional nightmare or rough times at school, but those became rare as he grew older.

`Not that I blame him though. What's been happening to all those angels is terrifying and heart wrenching,' he thought, the words spoken by one of the elite doctors coming to mind.

"We don't know what's causing this or how to stop it. The symptoms appear to be a cold at first but then quickly change to a fever. The immune system begins to shut down and as the angel's temperature rises they lose their vision, their feathers start falling out, and they become delirious. Death than rapidly follows this. So far we've lost 20 adults and six children to this epidemic."

Michael sighed in frustration. `How did we let so many die before we heard about this? The Archangels should have been the first ones told about the illness.' He cursed the doctors who originally thought that it had been nothing but complications of a simple illness. He'd almost strangled the scientists in the town it had first occurred in, who believed they could cure it themselves and told no one. He'd then spent an hour trying to calm down his son, who had been terrified that the sick children in the orphanage had the same thing.

`I pray those kids don't have it. Chihaya will be heart broken if they do.' Just to be sure the Archangel had secretly sent one of the elite doctors to his son's old house, asking him to watch for worsening signs.

He frowned when he heard several sharp raps against the balcony glass door. The curly haired blonde slid out of the bed, making sure to cover his son back up with the blanket before heading to the door. Only one person would come at two in the morning to his bedroom balcony.

"You've heard of a front door, haven't you?" Michael said with a smirk as he entered the wooden structure.

The other blonde Archangel smiled, making room on the two-seated metal chair for his friend to sit down.

"A bit too conventional for my tastes," he answered.

"I would guess so," Michael remarked as he took a seat. They sat in comfortable silence for several moments before Raphael spoke up,
"I've never been this clueless before on what to do in a certain situation. Ideas usually come easily to me. How do we stop a killer that can't be seen?"

Michael sighed, his gaze fixed on his friend. "I just don't know. Unless you have a medical degree under your belt that I don't know about all we can do is get all the doctors and scientists we have to work on it."

"With all the medical personal we have you would think this would be easily cured," Raphael pointed out.

"I hope so too…" the curly haired Archangel let the statement slide, refusing to say out loud that his gut reaction indicated the illness wouldn't be stopped that easily.

"I feel it as well Michael. We'll have many more casualties before the week ends," he murmured, resting his head against the other individual's shoulder. Michael laid a comforting hand across the angel's back.

"How is your nephew handling it?"

Raphael shrugged against the other man before answering, "He doesn't seem to care much about anything. I mean I'm sure he's sad those people died but he's got this `it's not me so it's not important' attitude."

"Unlike Chihaya, who seems to care almost too much. Although I wouldn't want him to act any other way. With his past he's just got so much love to give," Michael remarked.

"Kagetsuya could benefit from being around someone like him," the one Archangel commented, a faint smile spreading across his face.

"I don't like that look. Your nephew better behave. I will not have my son getting hurt again if I can help it," Michael stated firmly.

"You know I love Chihaya. I would never do anything to cause him pain. I really do believe thought that Kagetsuya needs someone like him. He could learn to care from your son. If, and this is a big if, something were to bring them together they would have my blessing and I'm sure yours as well."

The curly haired individual nodded, his heart clenched in sorrow. `Unrequited love is in essence excruciating pain. If only I had tried for you before Gabriel came along.' His gaze drifted to the balcony door. `No, if I had been with Raphael I never would have adopted Chihaya and I can't imagine life without him.'

"I suppose we'll just have to wait and see. Fate has a way of working things out," Raphael finally exclaimed, breaking the Archangel's silent musings.

After thirty minutes of quiet discussion the visiting angel yawned. "I guess I should get some sleep. We have a long day ahead of us."

"Does Gabriel know you're here?" Michael inquired.

The blonde let out a chuckle. "Of course not. I'm good at sneaking away. She's always asleep when I come visit you at night."

Michael laughed softly before moving his arm and stood up. He helped his fellow Archangel rise to his feet giving him a quick embrace.

"Get some sleep my friend," the curly haired individual chided.

"Same goes for you," Raphael added before climbing on the balcony railing. He then jumped forward, releasing his wings has he took flight.


"Come on Kagetsuya. You're the one related to an Archangel. I know something big is going on but no one knows what," the young woman protested.

The blonde sighed at his friend, glancing over at the other young man beside him. "She's your girlfriend. Can't you calm her down?"

The other blonde laughed. "You know just as well as I do that that's impossible."

The pink haired individual glared at them both, before smacking her boyfriend on the arm.

"Help! Abuse, Abuse! Kagetsuya save me!" Miyagi exclaimed, attempting to hide behind the other male.

"You're on your own with that. I won't be dragged down with you."

"He knows I can kick both your butts," Aya remarked with a giggle, "Now come on. You know you can tell us what's going on. We'll find out sooner or later."

"Fine, but you have to keep it quiet. The Archangels don't want to start a panic before the situation has been thoroughly discussed."

"Is it that bad?" Miyagi inquired.

"My Uncle might know more but right now I'm not positive how grave the issue is. Apparently some new disease is being spread. None of the doctors know how to cure it or how its spread. It's already caused several casualties," Kagetsuya explained.

"That's terrible. You found out about this last night? Did it just spring up in a day?" Aya asked.

"Actually it's been concentrated in one town. The local doctors felt they could cure it themselves. It's only when it started to spread to another area did they call for official help."

"Well we'll just have to pray that the royal healers can find the answer. I'm sure they'll be able to. Those angels are some of the most intelligent in all of Eden," Miyagi stated. The blonde kept his gaze focused on his male friend, studying his facial expressions. `He's preoccupied with another matter as well. I'm sure of it.'

"I bet you're right. The royal doctors will figure it out," Aya added brightly.

Kagetsuya remained silent, refusing to voice his opinions. `This won't be as easy as they think it will be. I have a bad feeling about it.' No matter how worried he was though his mind kept shifting back to the dark-haired adopted son of Michael's. `Why do I find him so fascinating? His hair is unusual; he's way too friendly, and emotional. I don't like people that act that way.' Kagetsuya sighed inwardly. `But I can't stop thinking about him!'

"Something else is bothering him too, isn't it?" Aya pointed out suddenly.

"You noticed it as well? What is it Kagetsuya? You know Aya will drag it out of you just like she dragged out the information about the illness," Miyagi remarked.

"Its nothing important. Don't worry about it," he exclaimed, silently cursing his friends for knowing him too well. No way am I telling them about Chihaya.

"You know I'll keep guessing until I get it. Did you have a fight with Raphael or the other Archangels?" Aya questioned.

"No, I didn't have an argument with anyone."

"Are you upset with your parents leaving and having to stay with your aunt and uncle?" Aya asked, continuing with her questioning.

"I was at first but I'm fine with it now. Come on Aya it's not anything," the blonde exclaimed, "Could you give it a rest?"

"I bet it's a girl," Miyagi commented.

"For crying out loud, it's not a girl. Both of you hush," Kagetsuya snapped.

"Guy then?" Aya suggested.

The blonde attempted to reply with a negative but his pause in answering betrayed him. `Dang it. I should have known they would figure it out.'

"Oh my gosh! That's it! I would have never figured you for that kind of guy. Although it makes me feel better knowing that all my hitting on you wouldn't have worked any ways," the young woman exclaimed.

Miyagi sighed as he shook his head. "You know you were with me at the time right?"

She laughed at the statement. "I know dear. But you know me I love teasing." Aya then gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

"So you actually like another guy huh? Well it was bound to happen. You haven't been with anyone in awhile and you never seemed happy with the women you dated," the blonde commented.

Kagetsuya sighed in frustration, pushing several locks of blonde out of his face. "I don't know what I feel. It's so annoying. I haven't been able to get this guy out of my head since I met him."

"Wait? Just… met," Miyagi's eyes went wide as he finally figured out who it was, "You don't mean Archangel Michael's son do you?"

Kagetsuya suddenly found the ground very fascinating.

"Really? Well I've never really seen him. Is he hot?" the woman asked.

"Aya!" her boyfriend exclaimed.

"What? It's a simple question. It's not like I'm asking to sleep with him. I just want to know what he looks like," She remarked.

Kagetsuya sighed as he watched his two best friends argue. `Well at least they stopped asking me. I'll try and see Chihaya tomorrow. I'll just use talking to Michael about what's going on as an excuse.' The blonde frowned faintly. `I don't know if I really even like him but I'm determined to find out what my true feelings are.'