Earthian Fan Fiction ❯ Wings of Salvation ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Wings of Salvation

Chapter Three

~Ten years later~

The small room was silent save for the faint shuffling of papers and the frustrated sighs of one lone individual. He glared at the documents in hopes that they would somehow magically be finished. The blonde prayed that something, anything really, would happen that could distract him from his current activities. Therefore when the bedroom door, beside the study, opened he jumped at the opportunity.

"Chihaya?" the man called out. He waited several minutes for the wiry teen to respond and come up to him.

"Do you need something dad?" the black haired individual asked.

The Archangel glanced at his adopted son, noting his long raven colored locks of hair yet again pulled up with a ribbon. He rose from his chair and slipped behind the adolescent, carefully untying the strand of cloth.

"You know this is why you keep getting beat up at school," Michael remarked.

"Actually I get beat up because of my wings, I get laughed at because of the ribbon," Chihaya pointed out, refusing to let the bitterness show in his voice.

The Archangel nodded solemnly as he fluffed out the hair that had been tied down.

"Besides dad you're one to talk. You have your hair up like this all the time. Plus it's not like I have to worry about school anymore since I graduated," the young angel exclaimed.

"I know, but I had Raphael to protect me. Still do for that matter," Michael said with a laugh.

"Not that you have to worry anymore. No one would dare to hurt an Archangel," the black haired teen commented.

"High standing positions do have their rewards," the blonde announced, with a smile.

Chihaya nodded in understanding before asking, "Did you need something because I was heading out when you called and I really need to get going."

"Not really. I was just sick of work. Where are you off to?"

"Helping out at the orphanage again," Chihaya said simply.

Michael acknowledged the information quickly, used to his son's frequent visits to his old home. Despite the cruel treatment he had received there before, the current children adored him. The blonde wasn't sure if they knew about the black wings but decided to keep his questions to himself.

"Have fun then and don't stay there too late. Remember we're having dinner with Raphael and his nephew tonight," Michael reminded.

"I thought Aunt Gabrielle was going to be there to?" Chihaya questioned.

The blonde smiled at the affectionate wording used for the woman. Ever since his son was little he had called the two Archangel's his uncle and aunt, which was a logical step considering how much time he spend with the two. Michael hoped that his friend had informed his biological nephew of Chihaya's usual actions so he wouldn't be confused.

"Something came up so she can't make it," the blonde answered.

"What's his nephew like? Have you met him before? Why is he moving in with Uncle Raphael? Did something happen to his parents?" the teen asked, shooting one question off after the other.

The Archangel laughed at his son's enthusiasm. "I never told you anything about him did I? Well, Kagetsuya is about your age. His parents are leaving for a scouting mission for two years and he didn't want to go with them, so Raphael offered to take him in. I've never actually met him so I don't really know what he's like."

"Well if he's anything like Uncle then I'm sure I'll like him," the younger individual said with a smile, "And I'm late so I better get going. See you later dad."

Chihaya gave his father a quick hug before leaving the room. `Well this dinner should prove interesting.' Even though the Archangel was truthful in his statement that he had never seen Kagetsuya, he had heard stories about the young man. He tended to be very arrogant and cold. `Raphael better make sure his nephew behaves; Chihaya has had enough hardship in his life. He doesn't need anything else to complicate matters.' His smile vanished when he remembered the pile of papers on his desk.

"I wonder if I can convince Raphael to do them for me," he pondered before laughing, "Although that would be fun to try I better get back to work." He let out a quiet sigh before returning to his seat.


As soon as the teen entered the familiar building he knew something was wrong. Usually there was a rush of footsteps and the squealing of young voices happy to see him. Chihaya quickly made his way into the kitchen, hoping to find someone. He sighed in relief when his gaze landed on Shawna.

"Chihaya. It's always a pleasure to see you here. I don't think now is the best time though," the woman admitted as she gave him a hug.

"Did something happen? Where are all the children?" he inquired.

"I had one of the volunteers here take most of them to the park. Five of the children came down with something so I figured it would be best to keep it quiet for them."

"Do you know what it is? And where they caught it from?" Chihaya asked.

"I think it's just a cold. We went to a traveling circus show and one of the lion tamers had something so I believe they caught it from him," Shawna stated.

"I'm sure they'll get better soon. I'll stay and help if you want," the black haired angel suggested.

"You don't have to. I wouldn't want you to get sick."

"Don't worry about it. You shouldn't have to take care of them by yourself. I'd love to help," Chihaya exclaimed.

"You're just so nice and caring, you know that don't you?" the woman chided softly.

The black winged angel blushed, shaking his head. "I'm not anything special. I just like helping out, that's all."

Shawna smiled as she turned around, stirring the soup that was cooking on the stove.

"You're also too modest," she remarked.

"And you're not one to talk," Chihaya added, "You do all this for these children and expect nothing in return."

Shawna grinned brightly at the teen, knowing the truth in his statement. "Well we're just a pair of modest morons now aren't we?"

They both shared a laugh as the younger angel went to the cabinet, pulling out five bowls for the ailing kids. He then lined them up on the counter beside the stove.

"Chihaya why don't you check on the children. If they're not awake don't disturb them, we'll just give them food later," the woman suggested.

"Which rooms are they in?" he asked.

"I figured it would be best to stick them all together so they're not alone," Shawna informed.

"That makes sense," the black haired angel remarked as he stepped out of the kitchen. He followed the familiar hallway, knowing that only one room had enough beds for five children.


The blonde stared at the clock a bored expression on his face. He refused to even participate in the conversation going on around him.

"Can we go yet?" he asked impatiently, his sudden outburst causing the other two individuals to stop talking.

"Now Kagetsuya, you know Chihaya isn't here yet," his uncle chided.

The younger angel sighed, raking his fingers through short yellow strands of hair.

"He knew what time we were going to be here, didn't he," he pointed out rudely.

"Yes he did know. I'm sure something just came up at the orphanage. He'll be here soon," Michael remarked, ignoring the tone that Kagetsuya spoke in.

All three heard the front door open at the same time.

"Dad, I'm home!"

`You're late, Chihaya. Did something happen?" he adopted father questioned.

"Several of the children are sick. I was helping Shawna take care of them," Chihaya's muffled voice answered from his room, "I'll be right out!"

The blonde teen sighed yet again. `Can't we get this over and done with. I'd much rather be with my friends instead of keeping my uncle company. Why do I even have to meet Michael and Chihaya?' His train of thought quickly came to a halt when the young man in question re-entered the room.

The slender individual smiled warmly as he gave Raphael a hug. He then turned to face Kagetsuya.

"Hello. It's nice to finally meet you," he said politely, sparkling violet eyes gazing softly at the blonde.

Kagetsuya's voice caught in his throat. `He's cute.' The blonde rapidly shoved the notion deep down. `I really need to find a girlfriend and fast if I'm thinking this way about a guy.' The angel had to admit however that Chihaya was indeed attractive. His shoulder length hair a deep raven black that shimmered dark purple with shifts of light. `He's definitely unique looking. I've never seen anyone else like him.'

"Like wise," the blonde said quickly, realizing that he had been staring. He turned away, walking swiftly to his Uncle's side. "Shall we go?"

"Of course," Raphael exclaimed, as he left the living room. The blonde trailed behind him, his cold mask suddenly re-emerging.

"He probably thinks I'm odd looking, doesn't he?" Chihaya commented sadly.

"I wouldn't worry about it son. Most angels don't have the same appearance as you do. So it's perfectly natural to stare just a bit longer than usual when first meeting someone," Michael stated.

"I guess you're right," the teen murmured. `His gaze was different somehow. It wasn't the same as others that first see me. It almost seemed…' Chihaya shook the thoughts away, realizes how absurd they sounded.

He paused when the shrill of a phone erupted from the kitchen. Michael rolled his eyes.

"I swear the work of an Archangel is never done. Tell Raphael I'll be out in a second," the blonde told his son as he went to answer the call.

Chihaya exited the house, striding over to the others that were waiting by the car.

"Dad's on the phone," he explained, knowing the look of question on his `uncle's' face.

"Lucky for me I'm not at home so I don't have to deal with that right now," Raphael remarked with a smile.

The door slammed open as the blonde Archangel rushed out, his face pale. Both Raphael and Chihaya were immediately at his side.

"What's wrong?" they both asked in unison.

"We don't have time for dinner. That was Gabrielle. We have a crisis on our hands."