Earthian Fan Fiction ❯ Wings of Salvation ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 6

The blonde haired individual frowned as he continued to read the report in his hands. `Another six people have died from this cursed disease and 12 more have contracted it. I can't believe our best doctors can't even make a dent in this problem.'

He jerked in surprise as hands landed on his shoulder. The archangel murmured in pleasure as those hands began to massage aching muscles.

"You really shouldn't let yourself get this stressed, Michael. It's really bad for your health," the other archangel commented.

"I wouldn't have to worry if this damn disease was contained," Michael pointed out.

"I know. It seems as if the doctors and scientists are stumped."

"It also doesn't help that Chihaya feels the need to go to the orphanage every day," the blonde added.

"Kagetsuya is going over a lot as well. Although I think it's more because of your son than anything else," Raphael exclaimed with a smile.

Michael shifted in his seat. "You really think so?"

"It's not like the boy knows anyone at that orphanage. The only one he knows is Chihaya. He wouldn't keep going back if he didn't care," the other angel pointed out.

"Well that's wonderful. I know Chihaya likes him. He tends to blush a lot whenever I mention your nephew," Michael added. The blonde moaned softly when the other male hit a particularly tight muscle. He sighed as Raphael continued to massage the one spot.

"You think Gabrielle is up to sharing you?" the blonde murmured.

Raphael laughed at the remark. "I doubt it. She's pretty possessive."

Both froze when the phone on the desk began to ring. "You just keep doing that," Michael ordered, "I'll answer it."

Raphael rolled his eyes as he kept up the massage, listening carefully as the other archangel spoke calmly on the phone. He watched until the conversation ended before speaking up.

"Who was that?"

"One of the head doctors. They're holding a conference in the Walhalla research center in three days. They want all the archangels to be there," the blonde answered.

"The research center? But it takes two days to get there," Raphael protested.

"I know. We'll have to pack tonight and leave tomorrow," Michael said with a sigh, "You better tell your wife and I'll call the others."

"What about Chihaya?"

The blonde frowned. "I don't know what to do about him. I know he doesn't like being left alone. I would take him but I know he won't leave because of the sick children."

Raphael thought for a moment before speaking up. "What about having Kagetsuya stay here? He could stay in the guest room. That way both wouldn't be alone. I'm sure neither would mind."

"That's a very good idea. I'm sure they would have a great time together," Michael exclaimed.

"Well I suppose I better go tell Gabrielle. I'll talk to you later my friend."

The other blonde archangel nodded as he grabbed the phone to all the others.


"Come on, Kagetsuya. You know you can tell me. Have you made any headway with that cutie you like? You know it kind of doesn't work if you don't tell him," the pink haired girl pointed out.

The blonde sighed, once again wondering what has possessed him to tell the girl. At least Miyagi wouldn't make it a big deal but Aya he knew wouldn't shut up until he at least kissed the black haired angel.

Kagetsuya smiled faintly praying that he would be able to eventually touch Chihaya the way that he wanted. `Just watching him these past few days at the orphanage has really opened my eyes. He's incredibly sweet and caring. There is something hidden however. I know he's hiding something from me, something that gives him pain. I wish I knew what it was so I could help him. I know he's sad because of the disease that's going around but I'm sure there is something else as well.'

"I think he's ignoring me and thinking about the cutie instead. He's got that silly little grin on his face," Aya remarked with a laugh.

The blonde glared at her as both of his friends laughed.

"Aya, should I be worried that you keep calling Chihaya a cutie?" Miyagi inquired.

The female angel smiled as she wrapped her arms around her boyfriend's waist, giving him a peck on the cheek.

"Oh you know you don't have to worry sweetie. The only other guy I have my eyes on is Kagetsuya. You already knew that though," she exclaimed.

"Luckily I have nothing to worry about there," her boyfriend commented with a laugh.

The blonde angel rolled his eyes at both of them. `I'm glad they're both so accepting of my sexual preference. I was afraid they might hate me when they found out. Instead they've been very supportive. They just want me to be happy.'

"Hey Kagetsuya. Do you have any clue if Chihaya likes you?" Aya asked suddenly.

"I'm not sure. He tends to blush when I focus all my attention on him. That might mean something," the angel answered.

"We should ask him. He just came out of that store over there," the female remarked.

Kagetsuya's heart skipped a beat as his gaze shifted. Blue eyes wandered over the petite angel, wanting to run his fingers through the unusual black hair. `I love when the sun hits those strands and causes the purple to be seen. He's just so different from everyone else I know.' The blonde lost his train of thought when a hand flashed in front of his face. He glared at the grinning female.

"I couldn't help it. You're so far gone its amusing," Aya exclaimed.

Kagetsuya sighed as he glanced at the girl's boyfriend. "Can't you control her?"

The blonde laughed. "You do know who we're talking about right? She'd listen to you more than me."

"I'll go over and tell Chihaya if you don't cut it out," Aya protested.

"Would be kind of hard if you can't find him," Miyagi pointed out, indicating that the black haired figure was currently walking away.

"Oh no! Cutie is getting away. We have to follow him," the pink haired girl announced as she grabbed her boyfriend's hand, dragging him down the street.

"Good grief. Just don't let him see you. He'll think I'm insane for being your friend," Kagetsuya remarked.

The only answer he received was a laugh. `Why again did I tell her? I claim temporary insanity.' The angel remained silent as he followed the two, grateful that they were keeping their distance from the black haired figure. `Please don't let him see us.'


The raven haired angel sighed as he shifted the plastic bag from one hand to the other. There were several bags of candy as well as beads and yarn located within the container. `I hope the kids like these. I know several of the girls are restless. Making jewelry should be fun.'

He blinked in surprise as he heard a faint giggle above him. Chihaya gazed up, finding the source to be to the left of him. Several floors above him an infant sat in a high chair on a balcony. The light brown haired baby squealed as she tried to reach a bird sitting on the balcony rail.

Chihaya wondered for a moment where the mother was before lowering his gaze. His eyes raked down the deserted street, landing on a golden haired dog that was curled up sleeping beside a house.

"Looks like Kagetsuya's hair," he murmured, smiling faintly. `He's just so gorgeous. He's nice too. He seems to actually care about me. He keeps coming by the orphanage to make sure I'm ok.'

`He doesn't know about those dark wings of ours,' his mind claimed negatively.

Chihaya sighed as he frowned. `He probably wouldn't like me if he found out. No one ever does. I'm just not normal.'

He glanced up again as the baby let out another squeal, shocked at what he saw. `She's on the railing! How the heck did she get out of that chair?' The black haired figure watched in horror as the infant crawled across the rail, trying to catch the bird that had hopped away. The small creature finally flew away, causing the infant to fuss. She reached out, slipping from the balcony.

Chihaya cried out as he dropped his bag, black wings springing from his back. Long raven strands whipped against his wings as he bolted into the air, scooping the baby up in his arms.

"Are you ok?" he asked, tickling the infant under the chin, "That wasn't very smart you know."

The baby giggled, small fingers gripping several strands of Chihaya's black hair.

The black haired angel quickly scanned the street, taking in a deep sigh of relief that no one was around. `I don't need anyone else knowing about my wings. It'll just cause more problems.'

Chihaya's violet eyes gazed sadly at unusual color. `Deep black, like the color of death. No wonder everyone hates me when they find out.' His thoughts shifted as the baby patted his cheek, grinning happily.

Chihaya sighed before kissing the infant on the forehead. "You're just too young to know any better. Now let's get you back to your home."

The black haired figure rose into the air, jumping down onto the balcony. He gently pulled the small fingers from his hair, before setting the baby inside the apartment.

"I'll shut the balcony door and hope your mother gets the hint," Chihaya muttered.

He made sure the infant was safely in her playpen before giving her one last kiss. "Bye sweetie. You behave yourself now."

Chihaya then slipped from the room, hiding his wings as soon as his feet hit the ground. He then picked up his bag, checking to make sure nothing had broken or slipped out. When he was sure everything was in place he began to make his way down the sidewalk, oblivious to the three sets of eyes gazing in shock at him from behind a building.



Part Five