Earthian Fan Fiction ❯ Wings of Salvation ❯ Chapter Seven ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Wings of Salvation

Chapter 7

The blonde sighed as he stared blankly at his half-filled duffle bag. `I'm glad I get to stay with Chihaya. I really enjoy spending time with him. I'm just not sure what to do about his wings.'

He ran his fingers slowly across the patterns on the blanket underneath him. `I don't care about them. So what if he's different. His caring manner and actions are what really matters.'

Kagetsuya rubbed his forehead, trying to alleviate his headache. `Should I tell him I know? It's obvious from the way he acts that he doesn't want anyone to know. Not that I can really blame him.'

The blonde was so lost in thought he failed to notice his Uncle enter the room. Only after the man called his name several times did he react.

"I'm sorry. What was that Uncle?" the younger male inquired.

"I was going to ask if you're finished but I can already see you're not," the man said with a smile.

"Sorry about that. Just have a lot on my mind," Kagetsuya remarked.

"You're fine with staying with Chihaya aren't you? I figured you would be," Raphael asked.

"Of course I don't mind. I'll have a great time with him," the blonde exclaimed.

Raphael smirked as he sat down beside his nephew. "Just make sure to behave yourself."

Blue eyes widened as he gazed at the other male in surprise.

The Archangel almost fell over laughing. "I just couldn't help it. Come now Kagetsuya, I'm not blind. I see the way you look at him."

"Is that a bad thing?" Kagetsuya questioned softly.

"Never. I know some people may believe that but I don't. Both Michael and I have no problem with the fact you like him. Michael just doesn't want Chihaya to get hurt," Raphael explained.

"I would never do anything to cause him pain."

"I know you wouldn't mean to. There are just some things you don't know about him," the Archangel commented.

Kagetsuya remained silent for a moment, contemplating on if he should tell his Uncle. `He knows so I'm sure he will be happy to know I don't care.'

"I know about it, Uncle."

"Know about what?" Kagetsuya asked.

"I know about Chihaya's wings. I was out with Aya and Miyagi. Chihaya didn't know we were around and was saving a baby that had fallen from a balcony," the blonde explained.

The Archangel froze as he took the information in. "And what do you feel about that?"

The younger blonde stood up. He carefully made his way to the window, gazing outside.

"He was beautiful you know. Those wings were so elegant. Midnight black with violet hues that appear when they shift in the sun. He's so unique. I've never met anyone like him," Kagetsuya murmured.

The Archangel smiled as he stood up as well. Walking over to his nephew to give him a warm hug.

"Chihaya is like a son to him. I'm glad you see the same thing that Michael and I do. You'll be good for him," he remarked.

"Should I tell him I know?" the younger individual asked.

The Archangel released him before answering, "I think you should. He'll be glad to know you don't care about his differences. That's the one thing he's really worried about. I'm sure you've noticed him trying to not let you get close to him. He doesn't want to get hurt."

Kagetsuya nodded, "I don't blame him. That's a lot of intolerance in this world."

"I know. Chihaya will survive though as long as he has people who care. That's the most important thing to him," Raphael gazed up at the clock, surprising by the time. "You better finish packing. I have to get you over to Michael's so we can leave for that meeting."

The angel allowed a smile to grace his lips at the distaste in his Uncle's voice about the meeting. He began packing before he spoke, "I take it you don't want to go?"

"Of course. It's so far away for one meeting. Why didn't they come here?"

"Because it's just as far for them to come here. There is also more doctors than Archangels," Kagetsuya pointed out.

Raphael sighed. "I know. I'm just lazy and don't want to go."

The blonde laughed. "I'm afraid you have to Uncle. It's just what comes with being an Archangel."

Raphael got up, patting his nephew on the shoulder. "Ok, you finish packing. I'm going to make sure your aunt is ready. Just bring your stuff down when you're done."

Kagetsuya said nothing as the other male left the room. He placed another shirt in his bag before turning to look at the clock. `This is definitely going to be interesting. I hope you're ready for it Chihaya.'


"Chihaya! You'll never believe what happened," the nurse exclaimed as soon as the black haired angel entered the building.

The younger figure blinked, the question evident in violet eyes.

"Ibis is getting better. His fever broke last night and his eyesight has returned."

Chihaya smiled brightly, hugging the woman.

"Really? Does that mean the doctors found something to stop this?" he asked.

She frowned slightly before answering, "That's just it. We're not sure what happened. I mean he was the worst of the bunch and suddenly he's fine. The doctors don't know what the heck happened. All of us are clueless."

The black haired individual frowned as well. "That's so odd. I mean how can he just suddenly be cured? Are the doctors sure the disease is completely gone from his body?"

"We checked his blood thoroughly. All traces of the virus are gone," she remarked.

"Is this why my father is leaving for the research center?" Chihaya inquired.

The nurse nodded. "Yes the doctors want to talk to all the Archangels about this. They want their input on the situation."

"Can I go see Ibis now?"

The nurse smiled. "Well sure you can. He's still in the same room because he's very weak."

Chihaya said nothing as he quickly made his way through the building. He paused only when he reached the door to the boy's room. `If he can see… then he can see the feather I gave him.' The black winged angel sighed, hoping that the child wouldn't dislike him now. `I guess all I can do is go in.' He took a deep breath before opening the door.

"Chihaya, did you hear? They said I'm getting better," the childish voice exclaimed.

The worry vanished as the older teen took in how excited the boy was. He made his way into the room, pulling the child onto his lap and into a hug.

"I heard. This is great news."

"The doctor said my feathers should even start to grow back soon," the boy remarked before suddenly going quiet.

"What's wrong?" Chihaya asked.

"Can I ask you something?" the boy said softly.

"Of course you can," the black haired male claimed.

"Why was the feather you gave me black?"

The angel sighed as he ruffled the boy's hair. "That would be because my wings are black."

The child gazed up at him, "Why?"

"I don't really know. They've been black all my life," he answered. `I know it's because of a genetic mutation but I know he won't understand that.'

"How come you haven't told anyone here about them?"

The black winged angel sighed as he closed his eyes.

"Because no one likes me when they find out about the wings. I just want to be accepted," he whispered.

"Well I like you!" the child exclaimed as he turned around to throw his arms around the teen's neck, "I don't care about your wing being different. I like you for you. You're really nice and you care about all of us."

Chihaya struggled not to cry as he held the boy.

"Thank you."

The child giggled as he sat back down on the older angel's lap. "Besides I think they would be neat to have. They make you special."

Chihaya smiled. `I'm glad he doesn't care. However the world isn't as tolerant as him. So many people look at me in disgust.'

"I promise I'll behave though and not tell anyone," Ibis swore.

"You just know the perfect thing to say don't you? Thank you. I just need time to gather my courage before I can tell the others," Chihaya informed.

"I've been told I'm pretty smart," the boy said proudly.

The older male laughed. "That you certainly are."

A knock on the door interrupted the two. They both glanced up as one of the nurses walked in.

"Chihaya, your father is here," she informed.

The angel gazed up at the clock. "I lost track of time. I was supposed to be home to see them off fifteen minutes ago."

"Well I'm sure they'll understand. You were so happy for Ibis," she exclaimed.

The black haired male quickly stood up, taking the child with him. He hugged the boy once more before setting him back on the bed. "I'll see you in a little bit."

The child waved as the older male left the room. He quickly made his way to the front of the building. He smiled at his father, uncle, and Kagetsuya.

"You're not very good with a clock are you?" Michael chided.

"Sorry. I just got so excited because one of the children is getting better," the angel exclaimed.

Both Archangels glanced at each other in shock.

"How did that happen?" Raphael inquired.

"I'm not really sure. The nurse said that's why the doctors are holding the convention. You'll find out there," the black haired individual remarked.

"Now I'm kind of wishing we were already there," Raphael commented.

"Well we need to get going anyways. We already got Kagetsuya set up in the guest room. Now you two behave yourselves and we'll be back in a couple days," Michael informed. He then wrapped his arms around his son, giving him a kiss on the forehead.

"Will you be ok?" he whispered.

The black haired male nodded. The blonde smiled as he released his son, allowing him to hug Raphael as well. The two younger individuals said their good-byes one more time before the Archangels took their leave.

"Hello Kagetsuya. Would you like to go with me to see Ibis?" Chihaya inquired.

"Can we go into the backyard and talk first. I really need to tell you something," Kagetsuya stated.

The dark winged angel blinked before slowly nodding. `Wonder what it could be?'


Author's Notes: Ahhh!! The sap!! ~throws something at the angst muse~ Where the heck were you and why weren't you watching her?