Earthian Fan Fiction ❯ Wings of Salvation ❯ Chapter Ten ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Wings of Salvation
Chapter Ten
Warmth was the first thing the teen felt. He sighed contently, burrowing into the covers and moving closer to the other figure in the bed. Violet eyes opened as he smiled at the slumbering blonde beside him. He reached out slowly, running his fingers softly through the silken strands. He continued the action for several minutes before telling himself he had to get up.
Chihaya carefully slipped out of the bed, wincing slightly at his sore rear. He blushed brightly when he remembered he was naked. The angel quickly reached for his father's robe by the bed, pulling it tightly around himself. Eyes shifted back to Kagetsuya, softening at the sight. `I wouldn't change a thing about last night. It was the most wonderful experience in my life. I can't believe how much I love him.' He gave the blonde a quick kiss on the cheek before heading to the bathroom.
The dark haired figure yawned before he set about the task of brushing his teeth. He then went to the bathroom before slipping off the robe. Chihaya hummed softly as he turned on the shower, setting it for a comfortable temperature. He carefully stepped into the tub, sighing as the water slid down his bare body.
Chihaya smiled, remembering what had transpired last night in this very room. He was so distracted by his thoughts he failed to notice the door open. The teen jerked when arms wrapped around his waist from behind and jumped, turning his head to frown at his blonde haired lover.
“Don't do that. You scared me,” he murmured.
“Sorry, I just couldn't help myself,” Kagetsuya commented as he nuzzled the other's neck, “So how are you feeling?”
The black haired individual sighed as he lightly kissed his lover. “I'm fine. A little sore, but I assume that's normal.”
Slick hands slid down the slender angel's body, resting on his hips. “Want me to make it up to you?” he murmured.
Chihaya's cheeks brightened. “And how would you go about doing that?”
The dark angel gasped as fingertips stroked his inner thighs. Lips descended upon his, an insistent tongue requesting entrance. Chihaya moaned, allowing the appendage to slip inward. Their tongues rubbed against each other, fighting for dominance. All thoughts fled the younger's mind as a hand gripped his hardening arousal.
“Oh Gods, Kagetsuya!” Chihaya cried out.
The blonde chuckled as he continued to touch the other male. `How did I get so lucky?' Blue eyes grazed across the other angel's body. He almost lost himself as he took in the look of lust on his lover's face, the moaning becoming a continuous sound mingling with the fall of the water.
Chihaya finally let out a yell as he came, his body collapsing against the blonde. His voice shook as he sighed, resting his head against Kagetsuya's shoulder.
“I take it I'm forgiven,” the blonde remarked with a smirk.
“As long as I don't have to move,” Chihaya muttered.
Kagetsuya laughed as he kissed the top of the dark haired individual's head. With great care the teen rinsed his lover off. He then helped Chihaya out of the shower, drying him off with a big fluffy towel. The dark winged angel squealed when he was lifted off the ground, only to sigh in content as he was carried to the bed.
“You know we really should change these sheets. I really don't want my dad to know what we did in here,” Chihaya stated.
The blonde chuckled as he set the teen down, lying beside him. “Definitely a good idea.”
Chihaya giggled as he snuggled up against his lover. “Probably should get some clothes too while we're at it.”
“Clothes are so conformist though. I say we make a stand against the Archangels and be naked all the time.”
“You do remember that my father and your aunt and uncle are Archangels right?”
Kagetsuya grinned as he kissed the male. “Just a minor technicality.”
“Do we really have to get up today? The bed is comfortable and so are you,” the younger commented, a smile plastered on his lips.
“I see no problem…” The blonde was suddenly cut off by the sharp shrill of the phone. Kagetsuya groaned as he looked at the vile object with distaste. “Do we have to get it?”
“What if it's my father? Or the orphanage?”
The blonde sighed. “I'll get it.”
He let out a groan as he rose from the bed. He rushed over to the phone, muttering at the continuous ringing. “Hello?”
“Wait… slow down. I feel fine. Why do you ask? We'll be there as soon as possible. See you then.” Kagetsuya frowned as he set the phone down.
“What's wrong?” Chihaya inquired.
“That was the doctor from the orphanage. He was annoyed that we hadn't checked the messages from yesterday. He then asked if I was feeling fine and said that he wanted both of us down at the orphanage right away.”
Chihaya's eyes widened in fear, “Are you sure you're feeling alright? I know you weren't feeling very well yesterday but I thought it passed.”
Kagetsuya walked over, pulling the other male to his chest. “I feel fine. It passed quickly after last night.”
The dark haired teen blushed at the comment. “Are you sure?”
The blonde gave his boyfriend a peck on the lips. “I'm positive. Now let's get dressed and go see what the doctor wanted to talk about.”
The man groaned as he threw himself on the hotel bed. The trek to the research center was a long one, especially with all the stops along the way. `I swear we would already be there if we didn't have to stop all the time.' The blonde sighed, `Well I suppose we have to. Flying that far without stops would be insane. Even with all the breaks I'm still exhausted.'
“You're not going to die on me are you?” a voice called from the hallway.
Michael glanced up, noting that he has left the hotel door open. His blonde haired friend stood in the frame, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes.
“I just want us there so it can be over and done with. Why did they have to build this place so far away from anything?”
Raphael made his way into the room, dropping down onto the bed beside the other male. “It was build so long ago who knows what was going through the minds of the creator. If we keep to schedule we should reach the center by noon. After the meeting you can race back as quickly as you want by yourself,” the man said with a smirk.
“I just worry about Chihaya. I'm not used to being apart from him for so long. Last time we went to the research center he came with us,” Michael said softly.
The other Archangel sighed as he gave his friend a pat on the shoulder. “Eventually you'll have to let him go. He can take care of himself. He's a smart boy. Plus he has Kagetsuya with him, so he's not alone.”
“I know, I know. I'm his father, I can't help but worry. It's part of the job description,” the blonde exclaimed.
Raphael laughed at his friend before turning to stare out the lone window in the room. “So, what do you think about this meeting we're going to?” he finally asked.
“Frankly, I don't know what to think. I mean one of the children just suddenly heals. The doctors didn't do anything and now he's fine. That's not the nature of the virus. If it were then there wouldn't be any deaths. Maybe there's something special about the boy himself. Maybe something in his blood that's different from normal?” Michael suggested.
“Wouldn't the doctors have figured that out by now if that was the case? We've had the best doctors in all of Eden working on this. They haven't had a single break until now.”
The blonde shook his head. “It just doesn't make any sense.”
Both men froze when they heard a commotion outside the window. Eyes flickered to the source of the noise, taking in the appearance of the new arrival. The angel was breathless, wings still out from what appeared to be a long flight. His face was bright red, dark blonde hair a wild mess from the wind. With one sharp look around he retracted his wings, his hair returning to its normal length just a little past his shoulders. He then bolted into the hotel they were currently staying in.
“What the heck is that about?” Raphael muttered.
They listened to the loud thumping as the young man raced up the stairs.
“Where's Archangel Raphael? I need to speak to him right away!”
Both Archangels turned to each other, eyes widened in surprise.
“I'm in here,” the blonde man called out.
The angel skidded to a halt before running into the room.
“First off, before saying anything, breathe. It wouldn't do any good for you to pass out before you tell me,” the Archangel instructed.
The angel, who looked to be about 18 at the most, nodded as he took in several deep breaths. He closed his eyes for a moment before opening them, pale green eyes staring at the two older men.
“I'm from the Valhalla research center. The doctors received a call yesterday for you, Archangel Raphael. They immediately sent me out to deliver the message to you,” the teen informed.
“You've been flying all night to reach us,” Michael exclaimed.
The male nodded. “I'm one of the fastest fliers at the center.”
“Well after giving us the message you're staying at one of the hotels here and getting some sleep. It looks like you need it,” Raphael firmly stated.
“If you insist, however you need to return home right away. The doctor from the orphanage is the one who called us. He said that your nephew wasn't feeling well so they took his blood just to make sure. He has the virus.”
*squeals as she glomps her muses* They're writing again!!! Oh my gosh!!!! *squeals* Ok so it's not much but darn it I want to get this story finished. It's getting so close. ^^ Now I just cross my fingers and toes that they keep this up.
*sharpens her stick to poke Cloudy on a daily basis with* You DO NOT give me back to back lemons and then a cliffhanger and expect to get away with it!