El Hazard Fan Fiction ❯ MrWhat's "El-Hazard" drabbles ❯ Your Wildest Dreams ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
TITLE: Your Wildest Dreams
BLURB: I wonder where you are. I wonder if you think about me.
TYPE: General; 200 words ("double drabble")
AUTHOR: Eric Adcock <adcockea@echoalpha.com>
DATE: April 2002
ARCHIVE: http://echoalpha.com/fanfic/

This takes place some time after the end of the first OVA series.

Someone should make an El-Hazard / Moody Blues anime music video, if they haven't already.

El-Hazard (c) AIC / Pioneer LDC / Geneon.


"I'm glad you wanted to come," Makoto said. "We never had the chance to, uh, 'date' before... everything happened."

"I remember this from our shared memories," Ifurita replied. "It was... fun. I am eager to experience it first-hand.

"But perhaps I should have worn a wig, as I've usually done when I visit your world. I have noticed other people staring at me."

Makoto smiled, with just a touch of pride, and stroked her hair. "No need for it this time. Blue hair is actually fairly common at rock concerts. And it's an appropriate color for this band.

"And you are beautiful... oh, here they come!"

The music began.

Once upon a time
Once when you were mine
I remember skies
Reflected in your eyes
I wonder where you are
I wonder if you think about me
Once upon a time
In your wildest dreams.

Makoto turned to look at Ifurita.

Then he took her hand.

And when the music plays
And when the words are touched with sorrow
When the music plays
I hear the sound I had to follow
Once upon a time.

"These words... could have been about us?..." Ifurita asked.

Makoto smiled again. "Yes, they could."
