Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ The Witcher ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
(characters may be added as the story goes)
† My name is... Faust .† . † . † . † . † .
† Picture: http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n174/theforbiddenangel/Anime guys/VampireandMadHatterTogether.jpg
† Race:
† Gender: Male
† Birthday: April 1
† Age: 286
† Eye Color: Gold.
† Hair Color: Black.
† Height: 6'0"
† Weight: 170 lbs
† Supernatural power(s):

»1 . . . Death- He is death incarnate. With a single touch he can render gods and demons powerless and take their life from them. This power, however, takes centuries to be able to control and as thus he must remain confined away from civilization.
»2 . . .Scythe- He wields the scythe of death. While he can take the souls without it, this scythe enables him to actually destroy the soul of the deceased.

† Natural Ability(abilities):

»1 Immortality- He is immortal, but that does not mean he cannot die. His immortality keeps him from aging. If he is killed then he will be sent before God for judgment and punishment.

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† Summary: Faust was much like any man back in the 17th century, with the exception of the fact that he hated the very world he lived in. Crime was rampant, honor was a notion of the past, and respect was all but forgotten. As a doctor, he saw the very worst of the worst on a daily basis. The only shining point in his life came in the form of an angel. Elizabeth.

They were a match made in Heaven, or so he thought. They were married and for once life actually seemed bearable to the poor doctor. However, fate is a cruel mistress for Elizabeth soon took ill. Try as he might to look for a cure for her, he was powerless to do anything but watch as her body withered away. Day in and day out he sat by her side reading through medical journals. He didn't sleep and due to that he gained permanent bags around his eyes from the countless weeks without sleep. When she finally passed he was but a shell of the man he had once been.

His hatred for humanity grew as he swore to find a way to bring his love back. He finally found a way when a stranger came to visit: a man by the name of Mr. Bel Z. Bub. What an awful pun it was even back then. Still, he could remember the smell of sulfur as he offered him that fateful choice. Open a portal and bring his wife back.... He did so without a second though and his wife was returned to him, but the horror he caused was too much for her to bear. She wanted to die again to stop what was happening; and in all likelihood she would've succeeded.

However, God had different plans. Faust and his wife were to remain on this world as immortals and watch what was to come. Just like Adam and Eve who sinned against Him, they were to bear the brunt of their sin. Faust was given the task to right his wrong, or face eternity without Elizabeth.

† Criminal Record: None

† Health Record: None

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† Please describe your personality: Some might say that immortality would turn a bitter man to insanity. Faust is more or less the personification of this fact. Where he was once bitter and hated the world now all he wishes is to be able to interact with it. He is a very random person, with a keen wit about him that make some wonder if he can see the future.

† Please describe your sexual orientation: Straight

† Please describe your least-favorable personality: Those who take life for granted.

† Likes:
Video Games
Shiny Things

† Dislikes:
Scary things
Boring Things

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† My name is... Elizabeth||Marie||Faust||. † . † . † . † . † .

† Race:
Human- Immortal
† Gender: Female
† Birthday: December 20th
† Age: 285
† Eye Color: Green
† Hair Color: Blonde
† Height: 5'3"
† Weight: 110 lbs
† Supernatural power(s):»1... Shinigami Eyes- She is able to see supernatural energy sources.

† Natural Ability:
»1 . . .Death Collar- Due to being brought back to death she must wear a black collar around her neck. The collar signifies that she is one of the dead brought back to the living.

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† Summary: She fell in love with Faust the moment she set eyes on him. She loved him until the day she died. Even at the moment of her death she was still happy. She had no regrets other then the fact that she didn't get to see him smile once more. Still, she had lived her life and wouldn't have changed a single moment of it. Death...it was only the beginning.

When she was brought back to life she didn't know how or what had happened. Her soul had been ripped from Heaven, ripped away from her family members long past only to find herself in the arms of the man she loved. There was confusion at first and all she could remember was a dark echoing laughter.

Though Faust was the one to commit the deed, she was punished as well. She was immortal, and forced to live out this sentence with him. Though she loves Faust with all her heart, there will forever be a part of her that questions him. So many had died, just so that she could live. Their blood will forever stain her dreams.

† Criminal Record: None

† Health Record: None

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† Please describe your personality: Elizabeth is a quiet woman, who is a mother figure to those who work for Faust. She takes care of them the best she can, tending to them and making sure they are well rested and fed. In the centuries they have been together she has grown accustomed to Faust's eccentrics, knowing that he will right what he has done.

† Please describe your sexual orientation: Straight

† Please describe your least-favorable personality: She likes everyone, and for those she doesn't like she keeps it to herself.

† Likes:
Being a mother

† Dislikes:
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† My name is...
Ethan|| "Lex"ington || Maxamillion||. † . † . † . † . † .
† Picture: http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg251/destiny88dreamer/anime guys/hottie-1.jpg
After Two Years: http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n174/theforbiddenangel/A nime guys/Vance.jpg
† Race:
† Gender: Male
† Birthday: January 6
† Age: 23
† Eye Color: Hazel.
† Hair Color: Dirty Blonde.
† Height: 6'0"
† Weight: 189 lbs
† Supernatural power(s):

»1 . . . Soul Absorption - A basic power of most Aion's. He has the ability to separate a person's soul and then absorb that soul into his body. While it is strictly forbidden to fully absorb the soul, if Aion's do it they increase in power.
»2 . . . Energy Manipulation - Being natural conducts of spiritual energy Aion's are able to manipulate that energy in many ways. Most use this to simply emit an energy blast or sealing energy, and those who are unable to properly control their powers use special cards to channel them.
»3.... Energy Transcendence- By mastering energy manipulation one is actually able to transcend the boundaries and turn the energy into a physical state of being. This ability allows one to create anything they desire out of energy as long as they have the control to maintain it.

† Natural Ability(abilities):

»1... Strategic thinking- As a rule, he always plans three steps ahead to ensure victory no matter what.

»2... Fast metabolism- No matter what he eats he never seems to gain any weight.

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† Summary: Lex was born into the life that most could only dream of. His father was a multimillionaire and his mother was an heiress to a large corporation. His every heart’s desire was granted to him. He lived in luxury as a trust fund child, partying and doing things that most people only dreamed of. By the age of 16 he had done nearly everything that one could hope to do in a lifetime. He had it all. That is, until one day he took ill with pain in his body that he couldn't stop.

No matter what they did, doctors could find nothing wrong with him that would cause that pain. His parents didn't know what to do for their child until a message came in the mail. It was sealed with wax which formed an intricate symbol. It simply told them that if they wished their son to live they should have the symbol tattooed onto his hand. At first they thought it was a joke, but when nothing worked they grew desperate and tried it. Sure enough once the mark was placed they saw an immediate improvement in their son.

Afterward they did everything they could to find who had sent the letter, finally tracking it down to the Valor Corporation. It was there that the CEO offered Lex something he couldn't refuse. Power. Excitement. A new life. He jumped at the chance that was offered to him and became the powerhouse of the Witchers.

† Criminal Record: Only once was he ever in trouble.

Had a fine for speeding.

† Health Record: None

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† Please describe your personality: Lex is what one would call a golden boy. Polite, charming, well educated, and strictly dedicated to the cause; it is no wonder why he was chosen to be the squad leader of the Witchers. His power rivals that of most vampires and oni, making him a dangerous foe in combat. Both on and off the field he tries to be a mentor and friend to those who fight beside him.

† Please describe your sexual orientation: Straight

† Please describe your least-favorable personality: He seems to get along well with just about everyone.

† Likes:
Fast Cars
Doing New Things
Becoming Stronger

† Dislikes:
Being Bored
People Questioning his Authority
Anyone who picks on someone weaker

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My name is... Alexiel || Nathaniel || Vanguard|| . † . † . † . † . † .
Picture: http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n174/theforbiddenangel/A nime guys/Loki.jpg
After Two Years: http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n174/theforbiddenangel/A nime guys/normal_1150334853847.jpg
Race: Aion
Gender: Male
Birthday: June 22
Age: 20
Eye Color: Green.
Hair Color: Red.
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 185 lbs
Supernatural power(s):

»1 . . . Soul Absorption - A basic power of most Aion's. He has the ability to separate a person's soul and then absorb that soul into his body. While it is strictly forbidden to fully absorb the soul, if Aion's do it they increase in power.
»2 . . . Energy Manipulation - Being natural conducts of spiritual energy Aion's are able to manipulate that energy in many ways. From a basic blast of energy to creating physical manifestations. However, such power is hard to control hence the reason they have the symbols to channel that power. Most simply stick to channel their power through specialized sealing cards.

Natural Ability(abilities):

»1 . . . Natural agility. Alexiel has a natural sense of balance and agility enabling him to move in extremely awkward positions while still maintaining control.
»2. . . Photographic Memory. The ability to remember precise things with clarity.
»3. . . Muscle Memorization. He is an extremely quick learner when it comes to fighting and memorizing most physical things.

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† Summary: Alexiel Nathaniel Vanguard was born of Irish Catholic descent. That is easy enough to spot due to his flaming red hair and emerald eyes. He is a son of mother Ireland, though, in all honesty, he could care less. His mother was a protestant whore, and no in that case it's not a figure of speech. His dad left them when he was a kid so his mother had to turn tricks just so they could have something to eat. When she wasn't turning tricks so was busy getting drunk so that she could forget about her life. Needless to say his home life wasn't the best.

By the time he was thirteen he'd already run away from home in hopes of finding the father that had left them. After a week he forgot this mission in the simple hope of survival on the streets. Spending most nights in homeless shelters or streets he became all too aware of how cruel life could be. Most nights he would stare at the tattoo on his right hand, the only gift his father had ever given him, and wonder what kind of God would allow this to happen.

Now that he's twenty he's doing well enough for himself considering he started with nothing. He helps run a thriving music store while living in the upstairs portion of the building. He couldn't complain. It was still better then living on the streets.

† Criminal Record: He has had his fair share of run-ins with the cops.Spent 3 years in juvenile delinquent center for assault and robbery.

Paid a fine for drinking and driving, and got his license suspended for underage drinking.

Health Record: None
Past injuries if applicable;
Broken arm- healed
Fractured collarbone- healed

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† Please describe your personality: Alexiel is as far from his Irish roots. He is slow to anger and even slower to speak. His life on the streets has taught him that there will always be someone stronger then you so why bother fighting? He is always quick with a joke when times are bad so that he doesn't have to focus on the problem at hand, which more often than not causes most people to question his sanity due to random bursts of well...insanity.

† Please describe your sexual orientation: Bi.

† Please describe your least-favorable personality: Simply put there are two types of people which he despises. Those who believe they “know it all,” and those who grew up rich and never knew what it was like to do without.

† Likes:
Nighttime< br>
Kung-Fu movies

† Dislikes:
Arrogant people
“Know it alls”
Being alone
Scary Movies

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My name is... Luna||Edith||Loe|| . † . † . † . † . † .
Picture: http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg251/destiny88dreamer/a nime girls/assassin.jpg
After Two Years: http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg251/destiny88dreamer/a nime girls/satomi-1.jpg
Race: Hunter
Gender: Female
Birthday: March 8th
Age: 21
Eye Color: Purple
Hair Color: Jet Black
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 110 lbs
Supernatural power(s):

»1 . . . "Inhuman strength" - The power to lift, move, or throw objects more than three times her own weight. Her fists are like steal and she often makes a doorway when none can be found. Because of the extra strength, it takes more to hurt her than a normal human.
»2 . . . "Increased Speed and Agility" - This ability allows her to jump further and move faster than a mortal was meant to move. She doesn't need much rest after a long day and hardly every runs out of breath.

Natural Ability(abilities):
»1 . . .Enhanced hearing- which allows her to pick up noises from long distances.
»2 . . .Technical memorization- allows her to bypass any system. Often comes in handy to break into large security areas.

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† Summary: Luna was born in Ontario, Canada to a wealthy couple on a regular spring morning. Only moments after her father heard her first cries, her mother drew her last breath. Her father raised her alone until she turned ten when her father was diagnosed with an advanced state of brain cancer. Her father moved them to New York City in America to get a greater chance of treatment. At the age of eleven, Luna was sent to an orphanage after attending her father's funeral. All of her father's money and things went to the payments of his treatment.

Luna was soon discovered by Faust when she had broken down her bedroom wall in the orphanage for being sent to her room after trying to run away again. Faust adopted her and helped her to learn her abilities in order to rid the world of the demons he released.

† Criminal Record: Luna often spent the night in jail to learn a lesson from running away from the orphanage. She was left there by the orphanage head master until morning came. Luna always ran to her father's old house in New York when officer Mike Walls would pick her up, feed her and take her to the jail cell after calling her head master.

† Health Record: none

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† Please describe your personality: Luna keeps to herself and follows orders only if Faust is the one giving them. She's hard as nails and doesn't let anyone walk on her. She's been called emotionless countless times; however she could care less about what people think. No one is allowed in her room except Evelyn, whom Luna is over protective of.

† Please describe your sexual orientation: Straight.

† Please describe your least-favorable personality: The only people Luna dislikes are those who is any way, shape, or form try to harm Evelyn.

† Likes:

† Dislikes:
Crying babies
Broken computers
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† My name is... Evelyn||Leanor||Withers||. † . † . † . † . † .
† Picture:
http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg251/destiny88dreamer/a nime girls/nolight.jpg
After Two Years: http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg251/destiny88dreamer/a nime girls/AnimeRoseGirl.jpg
Gender: Female
Birthday: December 16th
† Age: 8
Eye Color: Maroon
† Hair Color: Blackish-blue
Height: 4'1"
† Weight: 55lbs
† Supernatural power(s):

»1 . . . "Water bending"
- Evelyn has the power to move water at her whim with only using her mind or hands.

† Natural Ability(abilities):

»1 . . .Historical memorization-
She can tell you exactly when a historical event happened, where, and who was all there. Though it doesn't come in handy much, Evelyn takes pride in her historical knowledge.
»2 . . .Years beyond her age- Evelyn seems to be smarter than most people she has come in contact with.

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† Summary:
Evelyn was born in Paris, London. She was moved to America by her mother who strived for Evelyn to be the mirror image of perfection. Her mother enrolled her in private schools at the age of four and allowed her to play piano rather than make friends. She took various languages and excelled in all her classes. Her mother died in a car accident when Evelyn was seven while Evelyn was at a piano recital. When Evelyn was told of her mother's death she shed no tears and simply asked if she could have a piece of candy.

Evelyn had no father according to her mother so she was placed in an orphanage. Like Luna, Evelyn discovered her powers in the orphanage. She was playing in a river when she noticed the pattern of the ripples and started to slowly copy them on the other side. She kept it a secret until she, by chance, met Luna on the streets after her classes at the local school. Luna had thrown her body in front of Evelyn to protect her from getting hit with a car, ironically like her mother. Evelyn used her Bending to move the car tires off Luna. Faust adopted Evelyn and she has stuck by Luna since then.

Criminal Record: none

Health Record:
Diagnosed permanent physical disorder- Anemic, rapid blood loss if cut.

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† Please describe your personality:
Evelyn is shy and withdrawn from most everyone but Luna. She rarely speaks, but when she does, people listen. She's sweet and kindhearted, however when she is in battle she hungers for a kill. She likes to smile, though not many have heard her laugh. She is laid back, but won't sit back and watch if someone she cares about is in danger. If she gets hurt, she rarely cries. A lot of the time, she speaks in poems.

† Please describe your sexual orientation: Curious about both males and females; however has no intention towards either.

† Please describe your least-favorable personality: Evelyn likes all people though she rarely shows it. She prefers to be in company of people who are older than her, however as long as she is not alone, she will not complain.

† Likes:
Lacy dresses


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† My name is...
Yuki|| Yamoto. † . † . † . † . † .
† Picture:
http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg251/destiny88dreamer/a nime girls/BeautifulAnime19.jpg
† Race:
† Gender: Female
† Birthday: July 2
† Age: 19
† Eye Color: Brown
† Hair Color: Pink
† Height: 5'2''
† Weight: 110 lbs
† Supernatural power(s):

»1 . . .
Holy powers- Yuki was blessed with the powers to dispel evil and create barriers. She only has to touch evil and they are burned at her touch.

»2 . . . Healing- Yuki trained hard to learn to heal others with her hands. She considers it a blessing because there are few priestesses that have the knowledge to do so at such a young age.

† Natural Ability(abilities):

»1 . .
.Long Bow- Yuki was gifted with the natural skill to use a bow. You put one in her hands and she can hit anything that she can see.

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† Summary:
Yuki was born an orphan in Tokyo, Japan. She was adopted by a local Priestess who saw potential in the young girl at the early age of six. Yuki trained alongside the Priestess learning the way to dispel evil and create barriers to help protect those around her. She often gives thanks for the opportunity to learn such skills.

Yuki met Granny when she moved to the United States at her Priestess's wishes. She was told great evil resided in America and that a Priestess would be much needed. Yuki ran into Granny at a grocery store where they both shared their love for fruit. One thing lead to another and Yuki became Granny's apprentice.

† Criminal Record: None

† Health Record: Perfect Health

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† Please describe your personality:
Yuki is said to be the sweetest girl most people have ever met. She will stop at nothing to help those who need it and will give her last dime to a starving child. She loves to smile and always finds time to laugh even when things are tough.

† Please describe your sexual orientation: Bi

† Please describe your least-favorable personality: Yuki cares about everyone, good or bad. She always finds a way to forgive.

† Likes:
Dancing Smiling

† Dislikes:
Dark places

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My name is...
.Kyoya. . † . † . † . † . † .
Picture: http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg251/destiny88dreamer/a nime guys/anime-1.jpg
Race: Shifter
Gender: Male
Birthday: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 187 lbs
Supernatural power(s):

»1 . . . "Shifting" - The ability to change his body into multiple forms due to his years of experience and training as a shifter.

Natural Ability(abilities):

»1 . . . Advanced health recovery- allows Kyoya to heal himself at a fast pace without much need of medical assistance.
»2 . . . Enhanced senses- Kyoya's five senses are enhanced beyond natural human senses because he is a demon. size]

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Kyoya keeps his history before he met Faust to himself. Once released into the mortal realm, Kyoya took human form to blend in and sought out Faust in order to join his order of "heroes." Kyoya ran into Faust's alpha team by chance while they were in mid battle. Kyoya used his power to help and afterwards asked if he could meet Faust to discuss future employment.
Faust immediately offered Kyoya a position on his team and since then Kyoya has been loyal and benevolent. Kyoya has been on the alpha team for over five years and has high hopes to be forgiven for his past sins as a demon and earn a place in Heaven.

Criminal Record: None.

Health Record: None.

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Please describe your personality: Kyoya is laid back and prefers to read books on the history rather than go on a group outing. He finds humans to be most intriguing and wants to learn as much about them as he can. He has a light sense of humor and isn't afriad to smile when in the mood to. He wears glasses because he thinks they make him look "more human." The way he carries himself, one would think he came from noble descent with a degree in a prestigious college. He doesn't try to impress anyone and lives his life for himself alone. However, he has a soft spot for humans and feels no remorse for killing his brethren.

Please describe your sexual orientation: Bi.

Please describe your least-favorable personality: Kyoya strays from those who complain and whine about situations that could be better off without such manners.


Loud music
Strong perfumes

I've added pictures to each important person so you guys will know what they kinda look like. Some change over the two years, so I added the pictures of what they look like after the two years. All the pictures came from photobucket so we don't take credit. But the pictures are the bases of what they look like. Plus, I really think pictures adds to the story! Tell me if they look like what they look like. More pictures will be added later. IF THE PICTURE LINK ISN'T WORKING THEN THERE IS A SIMPLE SOLUTION!!! On the link, it has the words "anime guy." The word "anime" looks like this "A NIME" just simply close the gap between the "a" and the "nime" and it should work. ok? Any problems beyond that are not my issue, but if you can't figure it out, let me know. I don't mind helping.