Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
He is one that is death incarnate. His has war, and thousands murdered due to his actions. He carried the weight of countless souls on his shoulders, and is forever masked in the horror of his past. He is the grim reaper, the shinigami, the living embodiment of death and darkness. He is....

"Yoo-hoo! Children! I need to see you for a moment." Faust's voice echoed throughout the building as he played around with the intercom. "La la la la la!" There was a slight pause as he tried to see if his voice was right for a song. Luckily for everyone else he didn't think a song was appropriate right now. His golden eyes shone mischievously as he watched the door to his office. He folded his hands in front of him so that they might cradle his chin.

"Three...two....one," he whispered. Upon the final number the door began to creak open.

"Sir? You requested our presence?"

"Ah, Lex, predictable as ever. Yes, we have a new mission so once the other members of Alpha get here I'll tell you all about it." With that Faust began to whistle while fiddling around with some paperwork, knowing that Lex would be impatient to know what was going on.

"Sir, I don't see why you can't inform me of this now and then I can inform the squad."

"Well that just wouldn't be fair," he smiled. "Honey, can we get some tea in here? I'm rather parched."

As if on cue Elizabeth came in with a tray full of tea and chocolate cakes. "Here you go, love," she said as she sat the tray down and poured him a glass of tea. "Lex, would you like anything?"

"No ma'am, but thank you."

"He's waiting for the report," Faust informed her.

"And you're teasing him," she added.

"But of course."

Luna opened the door lightly and pushed her hair behind her ear. Her sword hung from her side as it always did unless she was in town among the normal people. Evelyn came behind her and tugged on Luna's shirt. Luna turned around, reached in her pocket, and handed Evelyn a piece of candy. Evelyn nodded only once then took Luna's hand as they walked into the large room to meet up with everyone.

"Good afternoon," Luna said in her normal, even tone.

Evelyn nodded to everyone. Luna sat on the couch and Evelyn followed.

"What's going on?" Luna asked as she reached for a cup of tea for both Evelyn and herself.

"Ah, hello girls," Faust said cheerfully as the two girls entered. "Hmm, I recall there being more of you," he said, letting his glasses fall so that he could make sure he hadn't missed anyone important.

"The rest of Alpha is already on a scouting mission for a new portal. This is all we have left," Lex informed him, even though Faust should've already known that since he had been the one to give the orders.

"Ah, right! Now, where was I? Oh yes! Evidently there's a lower class oni hiding out in the southern New York area. It's a weakling, probably no more than a class D entity, so you should have plenty of time to take care of it and get back in time for dinner. We're having banana pudding for dessert, so you'd best hurry!"

Elizabeth rolled her eyes at this, but still kept her sweet smile. "What my husband is neglecting to tell you, is that this demon is a shifter. Meaning that you'll have to be careful who's around there. It might not be powerful, but it can be anyone."

"Ah, I figured there was a catch," Lex smirked. "Okay then. If it's just a class D we should be fine." Nodding to the two girls he opened the door. "Let's go team."

"Toodles!" Faust said as he waved to them.

Evelyn yawned and stood. Luna took her hand and they followed Lex out. Luna looked down at Evelyn.

"I wish you didn't take that nap earlier. You'll be drowse through the whole battle," Luna said and moved a curl from Evelyn's face.

Evelyn switched the piece of candy she had in her mouth to her left cheek. "Studies say that a child of my age should have at least ten hours of sleep. I only had eight last night," she said in her small, sweet voice. "A nap was relevant."

Lex reached over and ruffled Evelyn's hair. "Aww, did little Evelyn not get enough sleep last night?" He flashed her a grin while simultaneously making sure to stay out of her strike range. He knew better then to make the pint-sized bender too mad. She struck harder than some of the creatures he had gone up against, which was saying a lot considering how young she was.

Heading to the garage he made sure to zip up his white jacket. New York winters were never fun. He was far too delicate to be out in such cold temperatures. There should be a law about the temperature dropping below seventy. Shaking his head he yanked his car keys out of his pocket and pressed a button to unlock it. The hummer wasn't exactly his first choice for a vehicle, but it was durable, large, and more importantly it fit some of their...larger members.

Turning on the car he immediately proceeded to turn the radio on to one of his favorite stations, resulting in rock music to come blaring through the radios. "I'm thinking Italian for lunch. What do you guys think?"

Luna lifted Evelyn in the car and button up her dress's coat. Evelyn tugged on her ruffled gloves and fixed the bow in her hair wait Luna got in and put her seat belt on.

"Evelyn, if we get something to eat, you have to order something other than dessert," Luna said looking back at Evelyn.

Evelyn shrugged and Luna gave her cheek a small touch to let her know she was only thinking of the well being of her dear one. Evelyn gave Luna a smile then nodded.

"Thank you," Luna said. "Italian is fine, Lex."

"Okay then. We'll hit up Serafino's after the mission." Already they were speeding through the suburbs in search of their target. The hardest part about dealing with class D demons was the fact that their low spiritual pressure was hard to sense. Since their target was also a shifter, there was no telling how long it would take to track him down.

Meanwhile, on Broad St. there was a lovely little music store by the name of Music Haven that was just getting its first customer despite it being open for hours. A man with immaculate clothing and hairstyle, all black, waltzed it and began browsing through the music section.

"Welcome to Music Haven. Is there anything I can help you with?" Alexiel watched as the man looked at him and then kept looking at the music. He hated it when people simply ignored you. God help you if you ever ignore them, but they can treat you like crap and get away with it. On any normal day he would've let this slide and just chalk it up to his increasingly growing disdain for humanity, but today he was in a bad mood. Last night his favorite show had been a rerun, even though there were suppose to be two episodes left. That show was his only reason for making in through the week so he was in a rather crappy mood.

Walking over to the guy he placed his hand on his shoulder. "Hey, sir is there-" he stopped as his hand began to tingle almost as if this guy was charged with electricity. Hastily pulling his hand away he noticed that part of the man came with it. It wasn't so much that his flesh was moving as if it was a shadow of himself was stuck to his hand. In the few short seconds that it took him to begin freaking out he realized that the tattoo on his hand was glowing.

"Bad misssstake," the man hissed, his voice sounding raspy almost as if a snake could talk. Before Alexiel could do anything the man suddenly sent him flying across the room into a standee for the new Brittany Spears CD. At least nothing valuable was broken except possibly his spine.

Alexiel was already freaking out, so when the man's appearance began to contort into that of snake like creature he was nearly to the point of mental breakdown.

Lex turned hard on the wheel, pulling off onto a side road. "I got something," he said so the girl's could get prepared. He didn't know what he sensed. It was weak...but it also felt like an...Aion.

Luna smirked. This was her favorite part of the day, killing. She gripped her sword in anticipation. She rolled the window down just a bit to listen to the sounds of the day. People were talking and yelling and the sound of the car was really annoying, so she tried hard to listen and see if she could hear what she wanted to: the creature she was going to kill.

"I'm already excited," she mumbled more to herself than anyone else.

Evelyn pulled on Lex's sleeve. "Can we have ice cream if we win?"

Luna turned to her. "I thought we were going for Italian."

"They have fried ice cream," he retorted softly, only half listening to what was going on around them. He noticed the music store and quickly turned into the alley beside it. "Luna, go through the back entrance," he said nodding to the back of the building. He didn't want anyone to see a girl carrying a sword going into the front of the building. "Evelyn, you cover me."

A second later he strolled in through the front door only to witness a rather peculiar sight before him. A young guy was trying to run away from a snake demon; all the while he was pulling the demon's spirit into his kami symbol. It would have been a rather hilarious sight if it was for the fact that the snake demon was trying to kill the kid.

Raising his right hand glowing tattoos began to appear on his hand and continuing up the side of his face. An beam of energy shot out of his hand, sending the snake demon flying toward the back of the store. "He's all yours Luna," Lex said while staring down at the kid in front of him. Even though he considered him a kid, he probably wasn't much younger then himself. "You could've just blasted him..."

Alexiel looked up at the strange guy with glowing symbols, certain that he was an angel and the snake had killed him. "Blasted him.... With what? I don't have a gun."

Lex held up his hand and and pointed to the symbol on it. "You have something far more powerful than a gun," he said. "You're an Aion.... Didn't you know that?"

The word Aion, he'd heard that before. The creature had hissed it, but all he could focus upon was the symbol. It was similar to his own tattoo. "An Aion?" Before he could ask any more questions he felt what little strength he had left suddenly drain from him as the world turned black.

Lex just smirked and looked back to see if Luna and Evelyn had taken care of the snake problem. "Some guys just can't handle soul absorption," he muttered.

Luna looked at the demon and sighed. Though it was large to a normal human, to a Hunter, it was small and not worth more than a swing or two. She was disappointed, however the emotion never showed on her face. She pulled out her sword and looked over at Evelyn who was looking through music standing only a few feet from the demon. Evelyn, though smart, wasn't the least bit worried about the demon that was now bearing it's fangs at her. Luna was near and of course, Luna wouldn't allow harm to Evelyn. Evelyn picked up a CD and smiled.

"Oh how you play like a bird who has found his way home after a long winters night. How such music comes from your fingers sounding heavy but feel so light," Evelyn held up the CD in the sunlight so it could shine. "How I wish to know the person you once were or could have been. Though you created such music like a common sin."

The snake demon hissed and lunged towards Evelyn. Luna moved only a small step, or so it seemed, and the snake demons head hit the ground while the blood splashed all around. Luna wiped her sword towards the floor to shake the blood of before sheathing it. She turned to Evelyn who gave her the CD.

"Beethoven," Luna said and turned to Lex. "You think he would care if I took this?"

"I think it'd be okay," Lex said with a smile. One demon dead. Check. One passed out civilian who is also an Aion.... That was unplanned. "Now the question is what do we do with him? We don't have a mind wiper since Ceclia is away on the scouting mission; and...he's an Aion like me."

He wasn't certain if they should just leave him here or take him back with them. He was one of them in a sense, but also he was not. Still, if his powers weren't properly regulated he could cause more trouble than they could handle. "Okay, change of plans. No Italian. We're heading back home. Luna, carry him out to the car and make sure to be discreet about it. I'm gonna give Granny a call so that she can meet us back there. She'll want to look him over."

"Damn...I'm starving," Luna said then looked at the store.

Luna picked up the boy and threw him over her shoulder with ease. With the other hand she held the CD and wiped the blood off it. She looked back at Evelyn who was now walking over to Lex with a distraught look on her face.

Evelyn grabbed Lex's wrist. "No ice cream?"

Lex sighed as he looked down at Evelyn. How could he say no to that face? "Okay, we'll grab something to eat but it'll have to be fast food. There's a Dairy Queen that we passed on the way back. I doubt the kid will wake up anytime soon. Just toss a blanket over him and we'll say that he's sleeping."

As they walked out to the car he pulled out his cell phone and pulled up his speed dial list. "Hey Granny, it's me. Yeah. Listen, I've got a treat for you. No, I didn't cook brownies. Yeah, no...I found another Aion. No, I'm certain. He seems green though, only has a basic marking though it looks pretty old. Yeah, we'll be back home in about forty-five minutes so just meet us there. Thanks."

Hanging up the phone he climbed into the Humvee and sighed. "Well, today's certainly been eventful."

Luna threw the boy in the back and Evelyn placed his head in her lap. She light brushed his red hair from his face and smile.

"Evelyn, don't do that," Luna said getting in. "You don't know him. You should treat strangers so...carefree like."

Luna looked back at the boy and thought of all the wrong things that could happened with his head sitting him the little girls lap. She knew Evelyn was a curious child, but Evelyn was very extreme. She liked boys but not in the sense a normal girl should. She wanted to know more about the gender of boys and that alone scared the wits out of Luna. Luna refused to let Evelyn read anything about sex or the organs of a male, despite how smart Evelyn really was.

"I like him," Evelyn said and placed her small hands on his pale cheeks. "We should keep him."

Lex just shook his head while he drove. Keeping him might be the least of their worries. After ordering an excessive amount of food at Dairy Queen they were on their merry way back home. "We might not have any choice in the matter," he said rather bluntly. Pulling back into the garage he handed all the food to Evelyn while motioning for Luna to pick up Alexiel once more.

"Since you're the brawn you get to carry sleeping beauty up to the infirmary. Evelyn, if you want you can take the food the kitchen and we can eat after Granny checks him out, or you can come with us." He knew that Luna wasn't too keen on Evelyn seeing too much of the male body, and if he knew Granny she wasn't going to be bashful about examining him. Still, he wasn't about to be the one to get in trouble with Luna. The last time he made her mad he was in the infirmary for a week.