Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Evelyn looked at Luna with hopeful eyes. Luna was immune to her sweetness and shook her head no to signify it. Evelyn grabbed the food and left for the kitchen with an angry look.

"She freaks me out with her curiosity. I'm going to feel really bad for the guy that she falls in love with," Luna said picking up the boy then looking at Lex. Her face was even and she used the same tone as always despite how strongly she felt about the subject. "The poor guy is going to have to go through me, then he'll have to be fully examined by Evelyn. He won't stand a chance."

They started to walk to the infirmary and Luna took that time to look down at the boy she cradled in her arms. He was a lot bigger than her and she looked odd holding him like she did, however she seemed a little intrigued by him. He was the first boy they had found on their own without Faust knowing of his existence. He was the first guy to be in their home without first being told about it or being invited to join. He was the first for a long of things.

A soft chuckle escaped Lex's lips as he shook his head. "She's just curious.... Though I must admit she is rather young to be so inquisitive about the different genders. Ah, I remember my first crush though." He stopped to look at Luna. "She looked sort of like you, only prettier, more feminine, not a brute at all; she actually had manners, etiquette, and a really good personality."

There was another pause in which he stopped to think for a second. "Actually, I guess she was really nothing like you at all." He laughed, running a hand through his hair as he began whistling while opening up the door to the infirmary.

Luna stared at Lex's back for a few moments before taking a deep breath and little what he said pass out of her head and into a vault. She could have easily pushed him or hit him, but then she would probably end up braking one of his bones in the process by accident. She really didn't care what Lex thought of her, however, she didn't like being compared to other girls. She knew she wasn't normal, so being compared to a normal girl was like comparing a cat and a dog. They were nothing alike.

She walked pass him and placed the boy on the examining table then back up a few feet to watch the door. Evelyn was sneaky at times and despite Luna's enhanced hearing, Evelyn was one of the few people that had been able to show up without a sound. Luna watched the door out of the corner of her eye while watching the face of the boy on the table. He was handsome, that was obvious, but Luna wasn't the type to let looks define her perception of a person.

Lex noticed the way that Luna kept staring at the door. Sighing, he locked the door behind them. "There, now there's no way little miss water bender will be able to get in." Speaking of getting in, where was Granny? She was suppose to be here by now. She certainly was taking her dear sweet time.

As if on cue there was a flash of light as an elderly woman appeared before them. She was short and hunched over her gray hair showing the many years that she had lived. Yet despite her age there was something youthful about the way she walked and smiled, as if a part of her was still a young girl. "Ah, so this must be the boy you were talking about. Quite a looker, though he has a woman's face," she mused. "His hair's too long, he's too skinny, and he has no muscles! Are you certain this isn't a woman? Boys back in my day looked like boys!"

The old woman shook her head before looking at his hand. "You're right. This is an old mark, several years old. I'm surprised he hasn't needed anymore since then." Without any shame or hesitation the old woman began to strip him so that she could examine him more thoroughly.

While Granny was examining the fresh meat Lex placed an arm around Luna's neck. "You do realize I was just playing, right? You're by far the cutest hunter I know." The Aion closed his eyes when Granny proceeded to strip the boy's lower half. There were just some things that guys shouldn't see.

Luna moved his arm off her, trying to be gentle. She looked at him in her emotionless way then took a step away from him. She had boundary issues. Lex knew that, he just never seemed to care.

"I'm the only girl hunter you know, Lex. I hope you don't think a boy is more attractive than me," she said then pushed her hair behind her ears. "That would be kind of odd since you are so fond of looking at women in their swim suits during the summer."

Luna turned to watch Granny work. The boy on the table wasn't the first naked man she had seen, however, Granny was right. He was too skinny. Luna took one last look at him before tapping her hand on the door. The sound of scurrying footsteps running off down the hall echoed in her head. A small smirk appeared on her face as she thought of Evelyn running to her room.

Lex bit back another remark, not wanting to offend his teammate further. He knew that she would have his back regardless of how he acted, but it was always a good idea to keep your teammates happy. "In my defense I only stare at you during the summer," he said. That was more or less true seeing as how most of the females they had working for them weren't too fond of sunlight.

He all but rolled his eyes as she turned her attention back to the boy on the table. There was only so much genitalia that one guy could see over the course of his life. Luckily, he was saved by a knock on the door.

Despite it being locked, the door opened up with ease as Faust stepped in. "Oh, so this is what all the commotion is about." He walked over to the unconscious boy and poked him with his walking cane. "Hmm, what's your diagnosis Granny?"

"He's an Aion alright. It seemed that his powers just awakened though."

"So he has a weak spiritual pressure?"

"No, not at all. Consider it like this, Lex over there awakened due to puberty which occurs in most Aion's. His power level flows normally, expanding at the normal rate. This boy's power has been blocked, mostly due to this symbol on his hand. What that means is that he has accumulated a large amount of power without any way to release it." She took a deep breath and smirked. "I'm gonna add some more symbols and fix this one on his hand to allow a better flow."

"Well then, I'll let you get to that," Faust said. Turning to his two Alpha members he tipped his hat before his jaw dropped open. "What is this! A young lady staring at an unclothed male! Such a scandal! Out! Out! Both of you out!" He ushered the two kids out before shutting the door in their faces.

"Thank you," Lex whispered beneath his breath. He could almost hear Faust laughing on the other side of the door. "While Granny is marking him you wanna go eat with the half-pint?"

Luna listened and then turned to Lex. "Evelyn has started on the dessert again without eating her food. She will never grow if she doesn't eat something that isn't completely made of sugar."

Luna let her mind wonder back to the young man on the table. She wondered where he came from and what his story was. How could he possibly not know he was an Aion? She walked down the hall while trying to picture what the guys life had been like. If he stayed with them, would someone miss him? Was he all alone like her? Did he have many friends? She pushed these thoughts out of her head.

"Not my problem," she said to herself.

"Eh, she'll be fine. When I was a kid I ate a lot worse things then that and I turned out alright, so don't fret. She's a good kid. Inquisitive...but good." Heading to the kitchen he grabbed his bag of food, pulling out a chicken sandwich, chili dog, chili cheese fries, and some mixed ice cream thing that he ordered on a whim. He didn't bother to wait to sit down before digging into the chili dog and grabbing a drink out of their fridge.

"So, I'm thinking about doing a training exercise after we finish. Unless another portal opens it's not like we have anything else to do today."

Evelyn tugged on Luna again. "I promised to take Evelyn to the park today," Luna said and took the sweets from Evelyn the replaced them with a hamburger. "Because it's winter, there is snow all around, so Evelyn feels in her element."

Evelyn snorted at the burger, but took a bite out of it anyways. She watched as Luna made them both something to drink then sat down.

"You know Evelyn. Winter is her favorite season. This will be the third time this week I take her. You are welcome to come along," Luna said after a few fries.

"At least someone here likes the cold," he said, taking a large sip from his drink while simultaneously eating half of his sandwich in a single bite. Clearing his throat he smirked at Evelyn. "While I'd love to join you two in the park I think it'd be best if I wait for our guest to wake up. I'm certain that he's going to have a lot of questions when he does wake up."

He frowned at this, noting that going with the girls would be more fun than waiting for him to wake up. "Then again...Faust could inform him of just about everything he would need to know. After all, he was the one who taught me." This was actually a difficult decision for him. Should he go out and have fun with his team or stand by his duty to watch over this civilian? He mused over that while dipping a chili cheese fry into his ice cream to see how the two would taste after being mixed together.

The girls finished their food and Luna grabbed both their ice creams. She handed one to Evelyn and then grabbed the little girl’s hand.
"Suit yourself," Luna said walking to the down. "It's not far if you change your mind, just a block or two away." Luna licked her ice cream. "We'll be back before dark."

With that, they left. Luna looked down at Evelyn as they walked out the front door and into the snow to see if she had all her winter clothes on.

"Must you wear a dress every day? It's cold out," Luna said as Evelyn pushed the snow with her mind to make a path to the park.

"I like what I wear," Evelyn said.

It was quiet the rest of the way.

Once at the park, Luna scanned the area listening to the surroundings to see if she could hear anyone around. It was dead.

"You can bend if you like," Luna said letting go of Evelyn's hand. "We are alone here."

With that said, Evelyn licked her ice cream while flicking her wrist. The snow shifted and moved while her fingers danced in the air. Small shapes began to form and Evelyn smiled. Luna sat on one of the swings while watching Evelyn and eating her ice cream. Evelyn's snow created her a sea of snow people as she danced. Her laughs were like music to Luna, and though Luna did not smile, she was happy.

"How your hands and face feel like ice in the wind, and your heart made of broken snow unable to be mend," Evelyn said as she placed little rocks on each of the snow people's chest. "You are but a memory those of past can see, and if you had legs, would you run and flee?"

"That's very beautiful, Evelyn," Luna called to her.

Evelyn turned in her direction and moved her hand about. To the side of Luna, a perfect snow version of Lex was formed. Luna looked over at Evelyn.

"It's like he really is here," Evelyn smiled.

"Are you trying to torcher me?"

Evelyn only laughed.