Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
"So Kyoya, explain what happened yesterday." Faust was sitting in his desk toying with walking cane, his scythe perched ominously on the wall behind him. His hands were folded neatly in front of him as he listened with morbid curiosity.

"Well, I'm not really certain. For the most part everything appeared to be normal. Despite our reconnaissance mission Cecilia and Brandon acted as they normally would. Cecilia was her normally flirtatious self, and Brandon was simply as arrogant as always. Everything was going according to plan until we neared what we suspected to be an enemy stronghold. It's a building on the northern part which has had some interesting financial investments, as well as some of its employees disappearing under mysterious circumstances." He took a brief moment to recollect, making certain that he hadn't left anything out of his description. Once he was satisfied with his testimony he began again.

"We'd managed to infiltrate the building. I was hacking into their computer system to find out what they had been working on when Cecilia's cell phone rang. At first I was simply afraid that it might draw unnecessary attention to us; but after it rang I remember Brandon muttering something before slamming his fist into my face." He touched the right side of his face which was all but healed now. Still, he remembered with clarity what it had felt like to get hit by his teammate. It wasn't an experience that he was particularly fond of reliving. "Cecilia joined in as well, but I had already managed to shift and began to flee. I'm afraid that after the ambush began I wasn't able to learn much more."

"That's alright," Faust said with a gesture of his hand. "Lex, are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

Lex just nodded. "Luna, pull up the cell phone records for Cecilia. If we're lucky we might be able to find out who called her before Kyoya was attacked and trace it back to a source." Lex shuddered a second later as he looked to Faust. "Demons using technology. That's a pretty scary thought."

"That it is," he agreed softly. "Though I'm afraid I'm about to tell you something far scarier."

Lex tensed but nodded slowly. "We're heading to that building."

"Yes, I'm afraid so. If there's even the slightest chance that Cecilia and Brandon are still there it's imperative that we try to bring them back. They know far too much to be left to their own devices."

"It's not going to be easy going in there. Bravo is still dealing with the shifter problem in the Arctic, and Charlie is somewhere in the jungles of the Amazon hunting down those witches. We haven't had contact with them in days. The rest of the people here would be more of a liability then an asset in combat which means we're going to be going in without any knowledge of possible threats or even the layout of the building."

"I know what I'm asking you is hard to do, but it's something that must be done." Faust looked at Alexiel, signifying that the discussion was not up for debate. "It appears that you're going to get a trial by fire."

"Sir, he's not ready!"

Faust looked back at Lex, and smiled knowingly. "Lex, do you trust me?"

There wasn't even the slightest pause in his reply. "Yes, sir."

"And I trust you. They'll be in good hands. Now, Kyoya you're going to sit this one out."

"But sir-"

Faust raised his hand to silence the shifter. "You're still recovering and I don't want to send you out until I'm certain you'll be able to fight at one-hundred percent. The team will consist of Lex, as squad leader, Luna as second in command, little Evelyn, and the new kid. Is that understood?"

There were nods all around, but the atmosphere in the room was altogether a very morbid one. "Sir, this mission is extremely dangerous. To that degree I have one request."

Faust quirked an eyebrow at this. "And what might that be?"

Lex pointed at the scythe on the back of the wall. "Allow me to take the scythe with us. If there's an elder in there it might be the difference between life or death."

Faust was quiet for a moment as he mulled that over. Pointing at the scythe with his cane he looked back at Lex with a rather serious gaze. "Things are sometimes not what they appear to be, Lex. I have a feeling that this mission will not be as hard as you believe it to be. Trust in me and more importantly trust in yourself. You're powerful enough without my scythe. Now, if that is all."

"Yes, sir," Lex said, trying to hide the disappointment in his voice. Though Faust wore a nearly perpetual smile he knew that he had angered his mentor. He hadn't been so rash in asking that, but he still felt angry that they were going on what he considered to be a suicide mission. Still, Faust was right about one thing, they were going to have to trust themselves to get through this.

Once they exited Faust's office he turned to Alexiel was rather pale and silent at the moment. "If things get hot in there stay near either Luna or myself. We'll make sure that nothing bad happens to you." It was a long promise considering they all might die, but it was the best thing that he could do now.

"I'm not worried," Alexiel said with a smirk. "I live in New York. Demons come with the territory."

Luna walked straight to the computer room with Evelyn right behind her. A worry look plagued Evelyn's innocent face. She was worried about the mission just as Lex was. She didn't voice her opinion, but she too felt that going to that building was reckless and taking a new guy was even worse. She wanted so much to tell Faust that she didn't want to go and she didn't want Luna to go either, but she very rarely spoke to Faust even though he was her father by papers. The truth was that if Luna didn't go, most likely no one would return. Luna and Lex were the only two that could carry a battle on their own, however if you add Evelyn and Alexiel to the picture, it was best to keep both Luna and Lex together to watch after Alexiel and Evelyn.

Luna sat at the computer and let her fingers do the work. She had to hack into the phone company’s site to pull up Cecilia's phone records. After only minutes, she by passed the fire walls and pulled up Cecilia's records. Her eyes widened with disbelief.

"Lex...it's a cloned phone number," Luna said and did more clicking and typing to see if she had made a mistake.

Lex just groaned as he heard this. "Really? Great, they now know how to clone cell phones. I don't even know how to clone a cell phone!" He growled in frustration before attempting to collect himself. "Okay, here's the deal we're going to gear up for full battle. Alexiel, bring all the cards that I gave you. Luna, get whatever weapons you can bring. Holy water, crucifixes, crossbows the whole nine yards. Evelyn...just be careful okay."

Kyoya came back and handed Bluetooth devices to each person. "These will be your communicators. I'll be guiding you from here on where to go. I just wish that I could go with you."

Lex clasped a hand on Kyoya's shoulder and shook him gently. "Don't worry about it man. We'll be back before you know it. No eating breakfast until we get back. Got it?"

Kyoya smirked, but he also nodded slowly. "Fair enough."

Alexiel flipped through the cards that Lex had given him. Even though he'd only been there one day he was already questioning Faust's leadership capabilities. He was sending them to death, yet he seemed so calm about it. It was weird, but for some reason he wanted to trust him. It was as if he knew that they weren't going into danger.

"Okay, everyone get ready and meet me in the garage in five minutes."

"Evelyn," Luna said and Evelyn stood. "Come on, we need to change."

Evelyn followed Luna and they changed quickly. Luna wore a black form fitting outfit that covered all her skin up to her neck with black boots. She clipped her belt to her hips and placed her sword on it. Evelyn changed into a small black long sleeve shirt and black pants with her small back boots. Luna pulled her hair back in a pony tail then pulled Evelyn's hair into pig tails. Luna got on her knees and began to fix Evelyn's shirt while Evelyn put on black ruffle gloves after Luna put on her black gloves. They only wore these outfits when Lex wanted them to be prepared for a big battle. Usually that wasn't the case. But the black helped them to blend in better and the tightness helped them move faster, as least for Luna it did.

"I don't want to go," Evelyn said as Luna tucked her shirt in her little pants.

"We have our order's, Evelyn. We won't disobey them," Luna said and stood. She pulled out a little danger and attached it to Evelyn's belt. "You know the drill."

"Yeah, if a demon get's too close and you aren't around, don't be afraid to use the dagger," Evelyn said and grabbed a lollipop. Luna walked to the door. "You were told to grab more weapons."

"I take what I need; anything else will only slow me down. Lex knows that. Plus, I think he's being too cautious about this. I believe Faust. I don't think it will be as bad as Lex wants to believe it is," Luna said then opened the door. "Come on."

Evelyn took her hand and they started to walk to the garage.

Lex fixed himself in the only battle attire he could wear. Due to his powers he had to have specially weaved clothes made by Granny, otherwise if he used anything other than a light blast he would end up tearing his clothes. While fighting in the buff wasn't the worst thing that could happen, he was afraid that doing so might answer all of Evelyn's questions and in the process lose something very valuable to him when Luna got a hold of him.

Since Alexiel wouldn't be using his powers in the same way that Lex did he didn't need to bother with special clothes. For that reason Lex simply tossed him some dark clothes that he had stored in closet as well as a black trench coat. "It has specialized pockets to keep your cards in."

It had been quite awhile since he'd actually opened up and used his powers, it was going to be interesting to see how he'd do if he had to cut lose. Most of the newer recruits didn't know why he was the squad leader; perhaps it was time to show them.

The two Aions were waiting out by the Humvee, clothed in all black waiting for the girls. Though there was nothing more than silence between them they were each mentally preparing for what was to come.

Luna looked at Lex and then at Alexiel. "Are we going or just standing here?" she asked and opened the door.

She helped Evelyn in the car then hopped in herself. Luna was grateful Kyoya didn't show up to bid them good luck. She was a little uncomfortable in her skin tight uniform but if Kyoya was around, her body would tense and she was sure she would blush. She had worn her uniform many times in front of Lex, so it was no big deal, and Alexiel just seemed like another guy, but Kyoya was different. He made her feel different. And for that, she wanted the car to start and drive off before Kyoya decided to come out.

Evelyn looked at Alexiel. She had yet to say anything to him.

"Last time you were in this car, your head was in my lap," she said to him then smiled.