Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
"We were just being gentlemen and waiting for you lovely ladies," Lex said as he motioned to the vehicle. Once everyone was strapped in he did what he usually did and cranked up the music. It helped to drown out just about anything save for Kyoya's voice in his ear. The shifter was giving him direction on how to get to this building.

Alexiel looked at the little girl with an amused expression. How else was he suppose to react to something such as that. "Yes, well hopefully I won't be knocked out this time." Not that he was knocked out the first time. No, he just fainted; but he wasn't about to actually admit that.

Kyoya's instructions had him pulling into a large two story building with the name Evil Corp..... Really? I mean, really.... Evil Corp. "How did we honestly manage to miss this?" He shook his head; honestly he'd just lost faith in humanity at that moment.

He parked the car in front of the building, noting that it probably had a rear exit as well as a side exit. If things got bad they could simply make their own exit. "Okay team, let's go."

Luna got out of the car and Evelyn jumped out. Her long pig tails few behind her as she did so. Luna looked down at her then grabbed her hand and squeezed it tight.

"If you can't see me, than you are to find Lex," Luna said to Evelyn.

Evelyn nodded her head then looked at the large building. It really was creepy looking. To Evelyn it was much too creepy to go into.

"Should we stick together or split up?" Luna asked looking as Lex.

"We'll stick together till we know what's going on. I don't want any surprises," Lex said. Pressing his hand to his ear he turned up the volume on his headset as they entered the building. From what he could tell the place was dead. "Kyoya, you hearing me loud and clear?"

"Yeah, you're coming over crystal clear. You guys arrive at the building?"

"Yeah, we're here. Now where do we need to go?" He couldn't sense any weird energy surges or even the slightest trace of paranormal activity. The only question was whether or not that was a good thing. On one hand it could mean that there was simply nothing there, or it could mean that it was a trap and they were all suppressing their energy. Here's hoping for the first one.

"I'm pulling up the specs on the building now. I'd do a sweep of the first and second floor, but I'm a pulling up some information on a lower level. As much as I hate to say it, that's probably your best bet for finding something."

"Well then, we'll cover the first and second floor first so that we don't get hit by a pincer movement." Turning back to the group he told them the plan. "Okay, I'm not sensing anything, but that doesn't mean there’s nothing there. Luna, you and Evelyn take the top floor while Alexiel and I scan the bottom. Report to me every five minutes, and once you're secured the top floor meet us back down here."

Turning to Alexiel he smiled as he watched the newbie twirl a card between his fingers. "Let's go."

"Okay." Despite the overly creepy vibe he was getting from this place he was slightly excited. He could feel the energy coursing through him, and he wanted to see just what he could do. After all, if he could hurt himself with a simple blast there was no telling what it could do to something else.

Luna and Evelyn were the first to go in. They went straight for the elevator and to the top floor. Evelyn hugged Luna's leg while the elevator went up. Luna looked down at her.

"You look terrified," Luna said and placed her hand on Evelyn's head.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Evelyn said.

The elevator dinged and Luna walked out. The placed was empty.

"Kyoya, Evelyn and I are at the top floor. I don't see anything yet," Luna said as they walked down the hall. Just as Evelyn let out a breath, a group of shifters moved out from behind a pillar. "Scratch that, we have about twenty shifters," Luna said drawing her sword.

Evelyn touched the closest wall and looked up. She could feel some water pipes with water still lingering in the rusted cylinders. The shifters didn't move for a long time as their wolf forms growled and snapped in the girl's direction.

"Luna, I need a hole in the ceiling," Evelyn said.

Luna nodded. "Get ready," she said.

After a few more moments, Luna moved and jumped to the wall then used her foot to lung her at the ceiling. With one good punch, a large spot came crumbling to the floor. The shifters lunged at them just as Luna's feet touch the ground.

Evelyn waved her arm and clinched her teeth. The exposed pipe busted and out came water then suddenly, just as the first set of shifters jumped at Luna, the water froze and impaled them. Luna grabbed Evelyn's hand and started running the other way. Just as she rounded a corner, another group of shifters came from in front of them.

"One more time, Evelyn!" Luna yelled as she jumped for the ceiling again and hit it.

The shifters lunged and Evelyn waved her arm again. The first few fell to the floor with melting ice.

"Looks like we are going to have to cut our way through. Stay close," Luna said just before she punched the ice to make a door.

Luna swung her sword as the ice broke and the loud screeches of shifter filled the air. Evelyn fist her hands, then opened them and the broken ice moved up to the ceiling then rained down on the shifters, killing some and wounding others. Luna danced her way through them slashing heads off and splitting others in half.

Evelyn did her best to keep up with Luna, all the while having a large water bubble over her head. Occasionally she would stop long enough to throw her arms about and the water bubble would lash out at the shifters.

"There's so many of them," Luna said and looked back at Evelyn to see if she was ok.

"I hope the boys are ok," Evelyn said as Luna flipped out of the way of a shifter's bite.

"We need a bigger area," Luna yelled then punched the floor.

A large hole was created and she grabbed Evelyn then jumped down the hole to the floor below and landing in a circle surrounded by more shifters.

"This is not good," Luna said as she moved her sword in front of her. "Make your way to a wall and put your back against it so they won't get behind you. I won't be far."

"Yes," Evelyn said.

Luna could hear the fear in Evelyn's voice as they parted. Evelyn never liked being split up.

Luna watched Evelyn use her water bubble to get near a wall while she did her best to kill off each shifter. Evelyn back up against a wall and then looked over at Luna.

"Punch as many holes in the ceiling as you can! I'll do the rest!" Evelyn called.

Luna nodded and used the shifters as stepping stones to get to the ceiling. After the third punch against the ceiling, Luna turned to look at Evelyn. Evelyn wasn't paying attention to her left since she was killing those on her right. Luna threw herself in Evelyn's direction and was able the kill the shifters to Evelyn's left but left herself exposed from behind. Three shifters jumped on Luna and started chewing on her flesh.

"Luna!" Evelyn screamed in horror.

Luna yelled in pain and Evelyn looked at the ceiling. There were enough holes now. Evelyn focused all her energy on the ceiling and threw her arms in the air. In one fast movement, her arms came down along with pills of frozen water piecing each shifter including those on Luna. A frozen ice shard landed on Luna's hand and pinned her to the floor. Luna screamed. Evelyn waved her hand again and the shards turned back into water. Pills of shifter bodies caked the room in blood, however not one was left. Evelyn collapsed to the floor.

Luna pushed the bodies off her and pulled the ice shard out of her hand. She turned to Evelyn and checked her pulse. She was breathing, but exhausted. Luna examined herself and found bite marks covering her as well as hand gushing out blood. Luna took a deep breath.

"Kyoya, how are the guys?"

Lex thumbed through a few pages of notes which were lying on a desk. Nothing really stuck out for him so he kept going. All things considered the place looked like a normal office building. He was having a hard time imagining a bunch of demons wearing suits walking around and doing anything in a place such as this. The idea alone was ludicrous, yet he knew that Kyoya's information was solid which meant that there had to be more to this then met the eye. "You find anything interesting?"

Alexiel picked up what appeared to be a report paper and leafed through it. "I've got nothing over here. I'm just looking at the financial records for this place. I'm not exactly certain what I should be looking for though. Nothing seems to be too off on here." As he set the pack down he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. He quickly tensed until he noticed that it was nothing more than a small kitten. "Aww, there's a kitten here." He reached down to pick it up just as Lex realized what he had said.

"Wait! Don't touch it!"

Suddenly the kitten began to shift, turning into an enormous female were-cat creature. It lunged at Alexiel, who only acted on instinct. Throwing his hand up energy erupted from it, blasting a hole in the cat lady's chest while sending him flying back over a desk.

In that instant all hell seemed to break lose. Elves and shifters seemed to spring from the shadows turning the quiet office into pure chaos. Lex just smirked as he extended his hand forward as his markings began to glow. Just as a shifter lunged at him an ethereal sword appeared in his hand which made it easy to slice the creature open with a single swing. Twirling around he extended his left hand forward which erupted in energy which vaporized the creatures closest to him.

"Alexiel, how ya doing?" Lex was nothing more than a twirling wave of energy at this point. With one hand he sliced through creatures as if they were nothing and with the other hand he decimated them with raw power.

Alexiel on the other hand was trying out his hand as a black jack dealer. He was learning awfully quick that if he didn't want to kill himself he'd have to half charge the cards before tossing them. Luckily enough that seemed to be just enough to do the trick. His cards would blow off limbs on impact, with the blast radius knocking the other creatures back. For the most part he was actually finding this fun. At least it was fun until an arrow ripped into his shoulder. Yeah, that's right elves use weapons don't they. He should've remembered that.

"I've been better," Alexiel muttered. He wanted to take the arrow out, but considering that his hands were the only things that were keeping the shifters and elves back he didn't have much of a choice but to leave it in.

"Hold on, I'll come to you." A shifter came too close for comfort, so Lex grabbed it by the throat and vaporized its head. That ought to teach it some manners. As he made his way to Alexiel he noticed something very interesting about his environment. "Oh, you have got to be kidding!"

"Kyoya, are the girls alright?"

He got his answer a second later when he heard something loud crash through the ceiling in the next room.

"Does that answer your question?"

"Alexiel, change of plans." Lex let his sword disappeared so that he could focus on simple light blasts to know the creatures away from Alexiel. "Go to the next room, regroup with Luna and Evelyn." Placing his hand against the wall he let energy wash through it until it blew a decent sized hole in the wall. "Also, brace yourself." Without warning he grabbed the arrow in Alexiel's shoulder and pulled it out, earning himself several choice words from Alexiel.

"Luna! Things aren't what they appear, I'm going down below. Keep these things distracted for me then work your way down to the basement, will ya?" With that Lex let lose. Symbols appeared all over his body as a shock wave of energy sent the creatures around him flying backwards. Looking for stairs was a waste of time so he chose a more direct route. Slamming his foot into the ground he broke through the floor and fell into the basement below. It was there that he found what he was looking for. "So all this is your doing, eh?"

A rather large and devilish looking demon was sitting on a throne like chair, smiling menacingly at the Aion before. "I do what I can," he whispered, his voice echoing with power.

Lex sized up his opponent, as it was doing to him. He was a class A demon at least, which meant that things were going to get worse before they got better.

After Luna heard Lex's order's she scooped out Evelyn in one hand and her sword in the other. She sucked in a deep breath as she gripped her sword with the hand that had a large hole in it.

"Piece of cake," she said to herself.

This was the first time Luna would have one hand in combat. She tightened her arm around Evelyn's sleeping form and ran through the field of bodies.

"Stay with me, Alexiel!" she called to him and swung her sword slashing through some demons.

There wasn't many left so Luna and Alexiel finished them off without much difficulty. Afterwards Luna looked at Alexiel and motioned for him to get in the hole Lex created. Luna followed after him, landing on her feet and walking up to Lex staring at the large demon before them. At the sight of him, Luna gripped her sword tighter allowing her blood to pour out. The wetness made it hard for her to hold on to it, so she had to keep her grip tight. She looked down at Evelyn who was still passed out from her large power use. Luna looked at Lex.

"The plan is...?"

Applying pressure on his wound with one hand he used his free hand to blast away what creatures he could. Luckily Luna was able to hack through most of them so he didn't have to do too much. After they managed to take care of that troublesome endeavor they promptly dropped into the basement below. Of course Alexiel wasn't accustomed to falling from such a height, but that was where natural agility came into play. He just barely managed to catch himself after the fall, though he wasn't exactly thrilled with the sight before him.

"Just watch my back in case anything decides to jump us." Lex closed his eyes, as energy began to surround him and he lifted off the ground. Opening his eyes again they were now glowing with the same energy which kept him aloft, his symbols now covering his face in a glowing blue light. "Leave ugly here to me."

"You insolent fool! I am but a herald for my master and even I possess more than adequate strength to crush you like the bug you are!"

Dark miasma shot out from the demon, forming a cloud of toxic gas and flame. Lex spun around, sending a radial blast of energy directly into the miasma, causing the miasma to dissipate.

"Impressive," the demon chuckled, rising from his throne he just smirked at Lex before finally lunging at him with blinding speed. The two entities clashed in a series of strikes which for most would've been too fast to even see. They were but ghosts, images with no substance which were dancing across the sky engaged in an immortal battle. But all battles must come to an end.

A flash of energy sent the demon reeling backwards. Before it could recover Lex was on him and with a swipe of his hand the demon's right arm was gone. Another swipe and his left arm went with it.

"You're an insect! I'll kill you!" The demon screamed in pain.

"You said you were a herald. A herald of who?"

"Like I would tell a miserable insect like you!"

Lex frowned at this and hastily slammed his fist into the demon's chest. "Oh, you will tell me. You will tell me everything." The symbol on his hand ignited in a powerful glow as he began to pull out the demon's soul.

"No! No! Stop this!"

Though the demon tried to struggle it could not break away from Lex's grip. The transparent soul of the creature soon rested in the palm of his hand, a glowing ethereal ball of hatred and pain. Closing his eyes Lex took a deep breath before absorbing the soul into him. Pain filled his body and an array of images filled his mind, flashing before him at incredible speeds. The final image, one of glowing eyes and fire took him off guard and his world faded to black.

As Alexiel watched Lex fight, all he could think of was becoming as powerful as him. to master such an art.... He couldn't even begin to fathom the power which he held inside of him. It wasn't until Lex fell that he was snapped out of his daze. Hurrying to his side he checked for a pulse. "He's alive...just unconscious."

Luna clipped her sword to her side. "Here, carry Evelyn," she said hand Evelyn over to him. She was covered in Luna's blood, but other than that, she was fine. "I'll take Lex. Let's go."

Luna lifted Lex then fell to one knee in pain. She sucked it back and got to her feet again. With Alexiel walking close behind her, she managed to get them out of the building and to the car.

"We're coming home, Kyoya. Have Granny ready," Luna said as she placed Lex in the back and started the car.

Once Alexiel had Evelyn and himself in the car, Luna took off. The drive home was quite. She was happy for that. She pulled up to the garage a half hour later and took a deep breath before turning off the car and opening the door.