Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Seven ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Alexiel took Evelyn, trying to get her situated in his arms while Luna picked up Lex. He didn't know what Lex had did, but whatever it was it seemed to have quite a bit of repercussion. Despite the fact that two of their members were unconscious and both Luna and himself had gotten wounded, he couldn't help but to smirk. At least he hadn't been knocked unconscious this time.

"Granny is standing by." Kyoya informed them over their earpieces. "And Faust is waiting for you as well."

Once Alexiel got them both fastened into the car they were off. It seemed like only a few minutes before they were already back at the building. Picking up Evelyn he turned around only to be greeted by a worried looking Kyoya.

"It seems that you encountered some resistance."

"You could say that," Alexiel replied, wincing as he had to shift shoulders with Evelyn.

"Here, I'll take her," he said, taking Evelyn in his arms before examining Luna and Alexiel. "You two get up to see Granny. She wants to take care of you first. As she put it 'Lex was an idioit, he can wait'."

"I'm fine, I just need a few bandages," Luna said picking up Lex. "Take Evelyn to my room. I'll be there when I drop Lex off," she added and walked away.

She walked into the infirmary and laid Lex on the table. Granny went to look at her wounds but she pushed her away and grabbed a few bandages from the cabinets.

"I'll be in my room," she said before walking out.

Granny glared daggers at Luna, but she let her go on her way. Shaking her head she turned her attention to Alexiel. "Strip," she ordered.

Despite the fact that he'd just faced demons and blood thirsty elves he still somehow managed to find this elderly lady far more threatening than any of those. Taking off his shirt he was immediately hissing in pain as she proceeded to push her finger into his wound.

"Well, you're lucky. It's not poisoned you still get to live." Taking out some gauze she bandaged his shoulder to a point where he could barely move it. He didn't bother to put back on his shirt, not like he actually could seeing as how he actually couldn't move his shoulder now. Taking his shirt in his hand he thanked Granny and hurried out. She was too busy tending to Lex to even notice his departure.

Once out in the hall he sighed and walked down to Luna's room. He knocked on the door while leaning against the wall fidgeting with his bandage. He would've just gone back to his room but he wanted to check to make sure that she was okay. She'd been rather...bloody and she'd refused treatment.

Luna walked back to her room with her head racing. She was careless in battle and Evelyn had to use up all her energy because of it. Had Evelyn not had enough energy to do so, she could have died without Luna being able to save her. Once in her room she dropped the towel and took one look at Evelyn sleeping on her bed before jumping in the shower.

The water below her feet turned a dark red as she washed what she could off herself. The soap burned her wounds but she ignored the pain. Once done, she got out and grabbed the bandages. She wrapped herself the best she could and wrapped only the wounds she could see. The large hole in her hand was the worst of them and she was sure there would be permanent damage. She decided to see Granny after she tended to Evelyn. Afterward, she put on a tank top and shorts then let her wet hair rest over her shoulders. She was about to strip Evelyn and give her a bath when a knock came at her door.

She opened it and stared at Alexiel. "Do you need something?" she asked straight out.

Talk about icy. Alexiel could almost feel the daggers going into his chest when she opened up the door. Luckily he was rather good at hiding his facial expressions, so he simply smiled at her the best he could. "I was just coming to make sure that you and Evelyn didn't need anything. My wound wasn't too serious so I'm all bandaged up; but your hand looked pretty bad." Though he was just concerned, she might consider him to be snooping into her business.

"Yes, it was rather bad; and that is why she's going back to the infirmary so that Granny can check on it." Kyoya stood behind him. Pushing his glasses up his nose he stared at Luna with a resolute gaze. "Isn't that right, Luna?"

Luna took a step back in her room. "Yes...when I finish with Evelyn. That's my plan," she said looking away from both the boys. "Evelyn comes first."

She hesitated a little then shut the door once more. Her heart was racing. She leaned her back against the door and took a deep breath. Glancing at Evelyn, she finally walked to the bathroom and started to draw a bath before going back to the bed and stripping Evelyn.

Alexiel looked at Kyoya with a smirk. "She's not very sociable is she?"

Kyoya fixed his glasses and sighed. "She has her moments," he explained. "She's really sweet once you get to know; but she's been hurt a lot so she plays the tough guy routine. I think the only person she's always sweet to is Evelyn, though she does have a rather unique relationship with Lex."

"By relationship...you mean?" Alexiel quirked an eyebrow at this, wondering if Luna and Lex had ever hooked up, but that notion was quickly quelled.

"No, not like that. They're more like brother and sister. They'd do anything for each other, yet at the same time the genuinely enjoy driving the other crazy."

"Ah...yeah, that makes more sense." Alexiel fidgeted with his bandage before finally nodding toward the hallway. "Well then, I'm going to head to my room and grab a nap. Umm, you don't happen to know when we might be able to go back to my place to get my clothes, do you?"

Kyoya chuckled softly at this. "What, you don't like Lex's taste in clothes?"

"No it's not that it's just-"

"It's okay. Don't worry about your old life. Just ask Faust and he'll let you get a new wardrobe."

"Oh...well okay. Um, thanks." He started to wave with his bad arm, but quickly thought against it as pain shot through his chest. "Well I'm just going to go lie down now."

"Okay. I'm just going to wait to make sure the missy here does in fact go to the infirmary."
Luna bathed Evelyn with gentle hands and washed her own blood off Evelyn's body. She dried her and then put her in a fresh dress before slipping her back in bed. The bandage on her hand was soaked with blood and water by the time she had finished.

She wrote a small note for Evelyn, telling her where she would be in case Evelyn woke before Luna got back then left it next to Evelyn on the bed. Finally, she grabbed some more bandages, re-wrapped the wound then opened her room door only to find Kyoya still standing there.

"I'm...going to see Granny," she said not that she needed to explain herself.

She walked pass him and headed for the infirmary.

Kyoya pushed himself off the wall as she passed by. "Well, may I accompany you? I want to make sure that Lex hasn't permanently damaged himself. I can't believe he did something as risky as soul absorption. Faust is going to have his head when he wakes up."

Looking over at Luna he allowed himself a wolfish grin. "I'm glad that you weren't seriously injured in your fight."

Luna pushed her hair behind her ear and moved in front of him. She couldn't suppress her blush but the least she could do is keep him from seeing her face. She hugged herself as they walked to the door. She didn't need to say anything; she would only trip over her words. It was best to not talk at all like she always did when Kyoya was with her. When they reached the door, her blush had subsided, however the thought of him worrying about her lingered in her head.

She turned the knob and walked in while taking off the bandages on her hand. She knew that as soon as Granny would see all the bandages covering her bruised body she would be mad that she didn't come straight to her for mending. She was ready for that battle.

"There you are! I saw you were wounded all over." Granny took Luna and forced her to get on the second bed in the infirmary. "Your hand is just a mess!" She continued to fuss over Luna's hand, putting a healing seal on a bandage and wrapping it around her hand.

"That ought to help with the pain and speed up the healing," she informed her. Once she was sure that her hand would be good she looked her up down. "Where else are you hurt?"

Kyoya just stood off in the corner smirking, his glasses reflecting the light as he watched Granny force the mighty Hunter to do her every whim. Not that he expected any less. That woman was fierce.
"The rest are just bite marks. They aren't deep and they don't hurt," Luna said standing. Just as she was about to leave Evelyn swung the door open. "Evelyn?"

She looked like she had been crying, but she had long dried her eyes. Slowly at first, then with a run, she lunged herself at Luna. Luna wrapped her arms around her.

"I...I thought," Evelyn started as she buried her face in her stomach.

"You thought nothing. I'm just fine," Luna assured her in her normal vacant tone.

Evelyn looked up at her and nodded. Luna reached in her pocket and pulled out a piece of candy. Evelyn took in before taking Luna's placed her in a seat. Luna turned her attention to Granny.

"How is Lex?"

"He's fine," Granny said as she whacked his unconscious body upside the head. "He's just suffering backlash from soul absorption."

"Yes, he was rather foolish to do something like that." Faust appeared out of nowhere, as usual. "You see, when someone does a soul absorption they're linking their soul with that person. If that person has a stronger soul then them, then they might end up being absorbed. Either way, if you're not experienced there could be serious repercussions from doing soul absorption. Anything from thinking you're the person you absorbed to even starting to look like that person."

Walking over to Lex he raised his cane and poked Lex in the stomach. "Lucky for us, Lex is far too stubborn and powerful to let himself be overcome."

Lex opened up his eyes and instantly grabbed his head. "Ow, who hit me?"

"That would be Granny. She was rather concerned over your well being." Kyoya smirked.

"So tell me, was it worth it?" As Lex sat up Faust leaned beside the bed while fiddling with the top of his cane.

Lex closed his eyes as he tried to sort through all the information that he'd just gathered from that demon. "Does the name Thanatos mean anything?"

Faust froze for a second his eyes darkening. Both Granny and Kyoya exchanged knowing looks, with grave foreshadowing in their eyes. "Yes...that name is rather familiar."

"Who is it?"

"He's...well, let's just say that he makes anyone we've encountered before look like a weakling. He's one of the ancient ones."

"He's evil incarnate," Kyoya said coldly.

"Well...he's coming here."

Luna walked up to Lex, and made fists with her hands. She wanted to much to punch his skull in. "Next time you decide to do something as reckless as that, make sure you don't have a team behind you. A leader always thinks before he does something so stupid," she said then calmed herself. "I'm going to my room," she added and walked to the door.

Evelyn was right behind her. She had no clue what happened after she passed out, but she knew Luna wasn't too happy about it. Once they were back in Luna's room, Luna sat on the bed and Evelyn sat next to her.

"Evelyn..." Luna said and Evelyn turned to her. For the first time, Evelyn saw something other than the normal look on Luna's face. She was in pain. "I put you in great danger today." Evelyn cupped Luna's face and Luna placed her hands over Evelyn's. "You are the only person I have left in this world...and if I had lost you today..." Evelyn dropped her hands and moved into Luna's lap to hug her. "I will be more careful, ok?"

Evelyn only nodded. Of course she didn't blame Luna and Luna knew that, but it didn't keep Luna from blaming herself.

"I won't tell if you want to cry," Evelyn said.

"I don't cry, Evelyn. I haven't since my father died."