Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Eight ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Lex wanted to inform her that he had thought it through; but of course there was simply no reasoning with Luna when she was like this. Once he took out the leader any other demons that might be lurking there wouldn't dare attack them. It was a calculated risk at best so that they could learn what was going on; and now at the very least they had the name of their assailant. Thanatos. That name sounded familiar, though it could just be due to the demon's memories which were jumbling about in his head. Nothing a little mediation couldn't solve.

"Well then, if that's all I think I'm going to crash now," Lex said with a smile.

"Yes, that's all for now though I expect that things are going to get very interesting around here," Faust mused softly.

"When aren't they?"

"True enough."

Luna and Evelyn left the sanctuary of Luna's room but only for one thing: food. Evelyn was "starving." Luna lifted Evelyn up and placed her on the counter. Evelyn swung her legs back and forth while watching Luna rummage the kitchen for something to eat. Occasionally, she would hold something up for Evelyn's approval and Evelyn would shake her head.

Finally, after a dozen tries, Evelyn agreed to something Luna held up. Peanut butter and Jelly. Luna made them both a sandwich and then gave Evelyn hers. Evelyn gave Luna a smile before letting her small mouth take a large bite. Luna watched as Evelyn ate her whole sandwich before Luna was done with hers and downed a glass of milk. She jumped off the counter.

"I'm going to go play," she said and walked out.

By "play" of course she meant piano. After all, Evelyn didn't play much for her age.

"She's going to grow into quite a fine young lady." Kyoya smiled at Luna as he walked past her so that he could rummage in the fridge as well. True to his word he hadn't eaten a bite until they got back, and now he was rather famished. He searched thru the leftovers since he didn't feel like actually taking the time to cook.

Pulling out some Chinese food he examined the contents. "Sesame chicken," he mused softly to himself. "It must be Lex's." With that he proceeded to grab a fork and stab it into a piece of chicken. The fact that the food was cold didn't bother him at all. It was food. That was all that mattered.

Luna only nodded at his comment as the sounds of Evelyn's version of "Canon" began to play, filling the place with her special talent. Luna tried to hurry and finish her sandwich but she wasn't as quick as Evelyn, even with the milk. And it didn't help that her nerves were driving her nuts with Kyoya being so close.

Without the other teams around, the house was quit empty. Usually, someone would have walked in by now. Most likely Cecilia and she would have started to flirt with Kyoya giving Luna the cue to leave. Cecilia was always like that though, flirting with all the boys. But without her here, Luna had no escape until she downed the sandwich.

"So then, Miss Luna, how have you been doing?" Though he seemed to be focusing on the food he was eating his eyes were trained on Luna with keen interest. "It has been quite some time since we've spent any time together. I feel as if I barely get to see you anymore. It's a shame, really."

There was a slight pause as the corners of his mouth rose into a gentle smile. "You're by far one of the most interesting human's that I've met in my time here."

Luna nearly choked. Her? Interesting? Really, he was mistaken.

"I've been fine. Doing my job," Luna said and turned away from him.

She took the last bite of her sandwich and downed the last of her milk. She cleaned up both hers and Evelyn's mess then looked at Kyoya.

"Have a good day," she said and started for the door.

Well that was possibly the dumbest thing to say when leaving a room to someone you live with. Luna instantly felt stupid.

Kyoya was quiet until she left, but his smile never faded. "Such a fascinating human indeed." He was seriously contemplating following her just to see how she would react; but instead he allowed her to go. There was always time to study her further. Every time he met with her she only served to intrigue him further. There were so many sides to her that he'd lost count; but that was probably why she intrigued him so.

Luna walked out the kitchen and into the hall. Suddenly she stopped and thought a moment. Kyoya was the first guy she "liked." And he's not human. Could it be that it is impossible for him to ever return her feelings? Was he, a demon, capable of loving anyone?

To make matters worse, she knew that wasn't his turn form. She didn't just like him because he was stunning in appearance but if was kind of upsetting to know that the boy she saw wasn't really who he was. Slowly, she turned back and peered at him. He was looking at her.

This time, she didn't avoid his stare. Hesitantly, she walked back into the kitchen.

"Can..." already she was regretting her decision to turn back, "demons...love?"

She felt brave and foolish all at the same time. Kyoya could take that question in any way he wanted to, exposing Luna's feeling for him. She had thrown herself in front of a bus; however, she wasn't going to run. It wasn't like her to run. She needed to know. She had to know. If demons couldn't love than she needed to know before she started feeling anything more than a crush. She need to make sure it wasn't empty inside him.

Kyoya quirked an eyebrow when she looked back at him, yet other than that it was hard to tell what was going through his mind when she asked her question. He took another bite of the chicken, keeping quiet despite the fact that she had asked him a rather interesting question. When he finished with the chicken he took his fork and wiped it off with a napkin.

"Have you ever read Shakespeare? I believe he said it most eloquently in the Merchant of Venice. If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that." With that he jabbed the fork into his hand and held it up to her to show the blood. "In that, we love as you love."

Luna didn't say anything; instead she turned around and left the room once again. She walked to her room with her hands on her chest. She shut her room door quietly behind her then placed her back against it and slide to the floor.

She felt embarrassed. Even more so than before. She felt like a child. She wanted so much to hit something. To scream. To run. But she couldn't. It wasn't like her to do such things; although it wasn't like her to ask what she did either. Kyoya must think she is the most childish girl he has met. If she wanted to know so badly, she could have asked Faust, but knowing him, he would have called Kyoya in the room with them and made her ask him herself so really she was just cutting out a long line of uselessness. It didn't fix anything. She still felt stupid.

"Well then, I think that went over well." Kyoya began to whistle to himself as he used the napkin to wipe the blood off of his hand. Already the wounds had healed but now he'd lost his appetite. Something about stabbing yourself with a fork will do that to you. Oh well. Placing the Chinese back into the fridge he turned and carried on his merry way.

Alexiel closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. He was trying to recall everything that Lex had told him about meditating in order to channel his energy. It wasn't as easy as one would think. He could sense the energy within him, but it was sort of like trying to grasp water. You could do all you wanted to it, but unless you had the right tool to scoop the water up you wouldn't get anywhere.

"The right tool," he whispered softly to himself. Perhaps that was why he couldn't do it. He wasn't using the right tool.

An hour later, Evelyn stopped playing. She walked back to Luna's room and opened the door. Before she could even ask Luna what she was up to, he eyes grew wide then softened. Luna had fallen asleep on the floor with a book. Evelyn didn't get to see Luna sleep much, however when Luna did sleep, she tried her best not to wake her.

Evelyn tip-toed in and picked up the book and placed it on the desk then left the door open as she searched for a guy. First, she found Alexiel, who was in the training room. She couldn't ask him, he looked too busy and quite frankly, she really didn't know much about him so she was a little shy. She went on searching. Next she found Lex...sleeping. With a sigh she had to find someone else.

She walked down the halls looking for Kyoya. She knew he would most likely be in the library, and that is exactly where she found him. She poked her head in and knocked lightly on the wood walls to get his attention.

"I need your help," she said with a smile. "Luna fell asleep on the floor and I can't move her into the bed myself," she added.

Kyoya heard the soft pitter patter of little feet before he saw Evelyn. Looking up from his book he smiled at her, curious as to what she was doing without her bodyguard with her. The thought genuinely amused him. "What is it, Evelyn?"

When the answer came he said nothing. He simply closed his book, another one of Shakespeare's novels known as The Taming of the Shrew, and followed Evelyn back to Luna's room. He'd never been inside before, but her roomed seemed fitting to her personality.

With gentle yet steady hands he easily lifted her onto her bed. She was cute when she slept. She looked innocent and peaceful, almost as if she a little girl again. "There you go, Evelyn," he said with a smile.

Evelyn clapped her hands together quietly and smiled at Kyoya.

"Thanks so much," she whispered. She turned to Luna. "She wouldn't want me to tell you, but she likes you. I mean like dating likes you," she said. "Thank goodness she's in deep sleep because if she heard me say that she would be so upset." She looked at Kyoya. "But she's so shy and she keeps things to herself. She thinks I don't know, but I'm smarter than I look. I see the way she looks at you."

Evelyn took a step towards Kyoya. "You know, this is the most I ever said to you, so I think I should get something in return." She really was a little devil at heart. "How do you feel about Luna?"

Curious and more curious. He'd heard from Lex that Evelyn was a little trickster and it seemed that his words had not been false in the slightest. The only question that remained was what he had to tell this inquisitive child. "Luna is a very interesting human," he told her. "I enjoy her company when she isn't running away from me."

He knew that wasn't what the little girl wanted from him; but he enjoyed being vague. It allowed him a little mischievousness to play about with.

"I see that you too are very sly, Kyoya," Evelyn said smiling. "But you know what I am looking for."

She grabbed the sleeve of his arm and pulled him out of Luna's room and into the hallway. She shut the door then looked back at him.

"I don't want to wake her, but I desperately want to know the answer to my question. And I'm hoping that you won't lead me in loops," she said standing her ground.

Kyoya tried hard not to laugh at how hard this tiny child was trying to persuade him. He admired her determination to say the least. "Very well then, young miss," he said slowly knowing that each second he took was antagonizing to her. "I do like Miss Luna, though she does make it rather difficult at time. I've never met a human quite like her."

Kneeling down so that he was her height he fixed his glasses so that she could see his eyes. "Does that answer your question?"

Evelyn cupped his face in her small hands and gave him the smile of a lifetime. "You, Sir, are by my favorite person right now. And I shall not forget this so long as I live!" she said then added a giggle.

With that, she moved his head down and kissed his forehead then let his head go. "Good day, Sir," she added then did a small curtsy before skipping off to her own room.

Kyoya just chuckled as she took off. She was a sweet girl. Stretching to near in human proportions he calmly walked down the hall growing increasingly smaller with each step until he was the size of a normal house cat. He felt like taking a nap and since being in the human realm he found out that no creature napped better then a cat. Jumping up onto a windowsill he curled into a ball so that he could relax.