Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Nine ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Luna woke with the sun. She stretched her limbs out and looked around her. She didn't remember falling asleep and she didn't remember being in her bed. She let her feet touch the ground and she walked to the door. Once she opened it she listened closely but couldn't hear anyone up. She made her way down the hall a few doors down until she came to Evelyn's door.

Being as quiet as she could, she opened the door to take a peek in and check on Evelyn. Evelyn was fast asleep, curled up into a small ball while holding a bear close to her. Luna shut the door back and walked back up the hall.

"Good, keep it steady." Lex was standing in the training hall watching as Alexiel tried to focus his energy into a spherical orb. He had bags under his eyes which was an all too evident sign that sleep did not come easy to him last night. That and the simple fact that he was drinking coffee was another trait which seemed out of place for him.

Alexiel didn't have the luxury of noticing any of that at the moment. Ever since he'd been awakened in the wee hours of the morning by Lex he'd been training. Right now he was holding a ball of energy no bigger than a softball in the palm of his hand. The trick was to maintain control of it while focusing energy into it. Apparently Lex had decided that this would be the easiest and quickest way for him to learn control and so far it was working.

"Not to shabby," he said as he took another sip of the coffee which by now had lost its bite. "I'm actually rather impressed by your progress."

Alexiel closed his eyes and allowed the energy to dissipate back into his body. "Thanks," he muttered weakly while attempting to stifle a yawn. "It's a lot easier today then yesterday for some reason. I guess I'm just a quick learner."

After a shower and a change of clothes, Luna could hear the boys up. She knew she had been up before them but it still seemed early for them to be up. She looked at the clock then examined her wounds. Finally, she left her room and made her way to the training room.

She lingered in the door way while watching the guys talk and Alexiel work. She didn't want to break his concentration, so she waited until he was relaxed to say something.

"Good morning," Luna said walking in. "A bit early isn't it?"

"Eh, I couldn't sleep," Lex said with a shrug. "And since I couldn't sleep I figured that Alexiel shouldn't sleep either. So with that in mind I divulged in a little early morning training session for him."

"He's trying to kill me," Alexiel said as he leaned against the wall, rubbing his wounded arm. Whatever Granny had put on his wound it had already managed to heal for the most part. All that was left now was a tiny scar and an enormous bruise which was rather sore. The simple act of moving it hurt, but it was still far better than having an arrow in it.

Luna smirked, "Obviously."

She looked at Lex and folded her arms under her chest. "I should apologize for what I said yesterday. I was more mad at myself than at you," she said but she didn't look apologetic. Her face and tone never changed from the normal. "Though, I still think it was reckless of you. If something were to happen to you while you were doing something like that it would affect the whole team." She then looked at Alexiel. "You're in good hands, though I would advice telling him that you are taking a break rather than asking for one. Sometimes you have to be a little forceful when it comes to Lex."

"I took the necessary precautions and everything turned out fine. Believe me when I say that I won't be making a habit out of it. My breath still smells like sulfur and miasma." Shrugging it off, knowing that what had been said was all that would come of it he attempted to down what was left of his coffee.

Alexiel simply nodded at this. "I can believe it, though Lex is a really good teacher. Even despite his rather torturous teaching methods I'm actually enjoying myself...sort of."

Luna stepped a few inches away from Lex when he mentioned his breath. She was about to leave when she heard the little footsteps of Evelyn. She turned to the door way only moments before Evelyn entered. She looked tired and lazy, but she was dressed and her hair was brushed.

Luna held her hand out and Evelyn walked over to grab it and lean against Luna. "I think we should all go for a walk today," Evelyn said with a yawn. Of course, she had something planned but she needed everyone to go along with it without noticing.

"I don't know," Lex said slowly, trying to rationalize what reason they would need for actually going out for something like a walk.

"Actually, a walk does sound good. I could sort of use some new clothes and Faust gave me a line of credit so that I could quit borrowing Lex's clothes." Alexiel replied with a yawn.

Evelyn smiled to herself. She normally didn't talk much especially to Alexiel, but she had a plan and a mission. "You should take Alexiel shopping, Lex." She then walked over to Lex and hugged his leg. "And take me with you!"

Luna looked down at her. "Evelyn, you never go shopping without me," Luna said.

"I want to get to know Alexiel better and I can't go with him alone because you don't trust him yet, so it's only logical that Lex comes too," Evelyn said batting her eyes.

"I should come too then. I could use..."

'No," Evelyn said cutting Luna off.

Luna felt hurt but her face was emotionless. "Alright, as long as Lex promises to watch you like a hawk."

Evelyn smiled. This was going to be perfect. Luna and Kyoya...alone, for a whole after noon! They were bond to run into one another and if she could talk Kyoya into making an effort, Luna and he could make a few steps forward. The plan just couldn't fail, Evelyn thought.

Lex sighed as he stared down at the half-pint. How could he refuse her request? She could probably get a demon to kill itself simply by asking it nicely. If so then she might be their ultimate weapon in defeating the monstrous Thanatos. Yeah, it was a long shot, but he could still imagine Evelyn running up to the monster, hugging its leg, and then it exploding due to an overload of cuteness.

Shaking his head he ruffled Evelyn hair and winked and Luna. "Don't worry. We'll take care of her," he assured her knowing that Luna was probably going to be worried sick without Evelyn there; but judging from the way Evelyn acted to Luna the little girl was planning something.

"And we promise to only get her one scoop of ice cream," Alexiel added, already knowing the little imp girl's favorite delight. Really, he couldn't care what reason they were leaving for so long as it meant that he got some new clothes to wear. That alone was enough motivation to get him to leave.

Luna looked at Lex. "Just make sure to watch her closely," she said. She glanced at Evelyn one more time before they left the training room.

Luna stood in the empty room by herself and listened to the sound of the front door close. After hearing the empty silence, she walked over to the weapons and pulled out a bow. She didn't use one in battle, but she often use on to blow off steam. She strapped the arrows to her back then looked at the target across the room. Slowly, she loaded an arrow and pulled the bow back. With a loud snap, the arrow flew across the large room and hit the target. The sound of the tip hitting the target echoed in her ears. She loved the sound.

Again, she reloaded and pulled back. SNAP! The arrow hit a little above the first one. She repeated the same thing over and over, the target getting less room for arrows to hit. Her anger slowly melted with every hit.

Lex waited until they got into his car before looking into the backseat where Evelyn set. "Okay half-pint, spill it. What's the real reason you want us running into the city and leaving Luna alone?" He was intrigued by the way her mind worked, even more so when she was trying to be mischievous. It was adorable yet creepy at the exact same time.

Alexiel just sat there was a curious look on his face. They weren't going to get him clothes? Well that was disappointing.

Evelyn smiled. "What ever do you mean, Lex?" she said in the most innocent voice she could muster.

The looked Lex gave her told her he wasn't buying it. With a shrug of her shoulders, she sat back and crossed her tiny legs. "Luna likes Kyoya. And Kyoya likes Luna. But you know how Luna is, unless you push her, she isn't going down the stair unless Father Faust orders her to." Evelyn looked out the window at the house. Her smile had faded as she put her hand on the window. "She's all alone, Lex. Even though she has all of us. She just won't put herself out there, not after what happened with her father. She's scared, even though she refuses to admit it."

Evelyn looked back the boys. "Which is why we are going to take Alexiel shopping and leaving those two alone." She intertwined her fingers together. "Now drive before Kyoya sees us leave and starts asking questions."

Lex's smirk grew ever wider as he heard this pint-sized con artist's plan, finally he erupted into a boisterous laughter. "Alright then, kiddo. Just for that you've earned yourself two ice cream cones." He continued to shake his head while laughing even as he pulled out of the garage. The things kids did nowadays amazed him.

"See, I told you she was a little schemer," Lex said, nudging Alexiel as they turned down Main St.

"So I see," he replied softly. He would have to make sure to watch himself around little Evelyn for it seemed that she was the most mischievous one out of all of them; but wasn't that how it always was? It was always the quiet ones that you have to watch out for.

Luna drew back another arrow. She snapped it and let it hit the target. He mind raced with all the things Evelyn could be doing and how Lex might forget to watch her. She stopped pointing the bow at the target and stared at it in the distance. There wasn't any more room left for another arrow on the target. She sighed.

Slowly she walked over to the target and started pulling out the arrows one by one.

A green snake slithered into the room and stared at Luna as she pulled the arrows out of the target. Judging by the immense number of arrows which occupied the small space it was all too clear to the green serpent that something was amiss. Flicking its tongue out at her it slowly began to transform into the ever so calm shape of Kyoya.

"I take it that Lex didn't take you on his latest adventure?" He let his hand trail across one of the training swords which were mainly used to train the young hunters and priests with. It had been quite some time since they'd actually been used, perhaps that was why this place felt more depressing. It needed some new blood to give it life.

Luna turned to him and dropped the bow. Once she realized she had done so, she quickly picked it back up then turned back to the target and started pulling out the arrows again.

"He took Evelyn and Alexiel with him to shop," she said trying to focus on her task. "Evelyn wanted to go with them without me."

"Ah, and now you're upset because Evelyn is off by herself." He walked over to where she stood and pulled an arrow out of the wall and tossed it into the wall behind him. "She's a big girl, she can take care of herself and Lex isn't going to make sure that anything bad will happen to her."

Luna snapped an arrow in half. "I'm not mad." She looked down at the arrow and threw it aside. "And you don't know her like I do. You can't protect her like I can. And neither can Lex." Luna dropped the arrows. "Just forget it."

She left the arrows on the ground and threw the bow across the room letting it smash against the room and shattering. With her emotionless face and her hands in a fist, she walked to the door doing her best not to stomp.

"You'd be surprised," Kyoya whispered to himself as she turned to leave. She was obviously upset, violent, and rash. Not exactly the best mood to be in when one was practically a walking tank, but at least it made things more...interesting.

In one quick movement he was by her, his hand resting on her's. "Come and have a glass of tea with me. It will help you relax." And in order to calm her otherwise bestial nature at the moment. "I would be honored if you'd join me."

The touch of his skin on hers nearly drove her mad. He had never held her hand before. How could she refuse his request? He was smiling at her. He was holding her hand. He was...being Kyoya.... And she liked him so very much.

"Ok..." she said turning her head from him. She just couldn't hold back a blush.

Kyoya hid his smile as he took her hand and led her off to the kitchen as if she was a little girl. He was fairly certain that this was a new feeling for her, after all she was so accustomed to leading someone else. He gently showed her to the chair and made her sit down before going and putting water on to boil after which he pulled out some of his tea and began to prepare it.

"You look cute when you blush," he said as he set the tea bags into the boiling water.

Luna placed her hand on her cheek then looked down. It only made it worse. She was sure she was bright red now. Mentally kicking herself, she folded her hands in her lap. Where was an excuse to leave when you need one? By now, she could have said Evelyn needed her, or she was going to check on Evelyn. But Evelyn wasn't here. And Luna was stuck.

"I'm sure you are mistaken," Luna said. "Perhaps I should go see if Faust needs me," she added though she didn't move. Why wasn't she moving!?

"I don't," Faust said as he materialized into the room. "Ah, Kyoya, thank you." He took the cup of tea which Kyoya had just poured for him and took a deep sip of it. "Delicious! But don't let Elizabeth know that I prefer your tea over her's."

"I wouldn't dream of it." Kyoya smiled.

Faust paused to look back from Kyoya to Luna, a small grin spread on his lips. "Well then, I'll leave you to alone." With that he was gone again, just like Faust to appear one moment then be gone the next. He seemed to always know what was going on, however. It was slightly creepy.

"Well then, where were we?" Kyoya brought two glasses of tea and set one in front of Luna.

"Thank you," Luna said taking the cup.

What else was she to say? She hadn't had a full paragraphs worth of a conversation. She had never sat with him and drank tea, much less eat. And never had she been alone with him for more than five minutes. After their last conversation, who could blame her? She made a fool of herself. And she was sure if she said too much this time around, it would only happen again.