Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Ten ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
"So tell me," Kyoya said as he calmly sipped on his tea while pretending to play with his glasses. "I know that Evelyn is a very curious thing. She's asked me all sorts of questions regarding my shapeshifting abilities. It's rather interesting, what kind of questions she can come up with. In fact, just about everyone has asked me questions....except for you."

He lowered his glasses so that he could stare at her unobstructed. "So, do you have any questions for me?"

"What questions would I have?" she answered honestly. "I know that you are on our side. I know that you are a demon. I know that you shapeshift and that you can heal yourself with time making you a great advantage in battle. What is there left to know?" She honestly had no idea what to ask. She knew all the facts, and she knew all that she needed to know. So there was nothing left to know...unless...

But Luna wasn't going to ask about his personal life. After all, he doesn't ask about hers. It's only respectful.

"A rather...business like answer," Kyoya said slowly trying to figure out what word to use in order to describe her way of handling the situation. Judging from the way she looked she was very tense around him. Perhaps he should relieve that.

Without a word he stood and walked over behind her. Moving the hair away from her back he slowly began to knead the muscles in her shoulders. "You should learn to relax more," he said softly as his hands molded into her shoulders. "If not for yourself then for Evelyn's sake."

Luna stood and pushed away from him. She felt herself tense up even more so than before. She took a deep breath.

"People...don't touch me," she said.

She couldn't even look at him while saying that. She felt flawed. Most girls would kill for a guy like Kyoya to touch them so unhesitatingly. She wanted to be like those girls. But at what cost? How much would she have to open herself up? Or Lose her self control? Or Get hurt? Would it all be worth it? Of course not. He was just a guy, another person that would only disappoint her and leave her alone.

But she wanted him so much to be the guy that was different.

"Forgive me for being so...shut off," she admitted. "It's just easier if you don't get close." She hugged herself.

Kyoya backed up so that he could give her enough space so that she would start to feel comfortable again. "I apologize if I've overstepped my place," he said softly, noting the way that she was hugging yourself. "Though if I may.... I realize that it's not my place to say this, but I'm rather fond of Lex's motto. 'We all come from pasts that we'd rather forget, so leave the past in the past and keep moving forward.'"

Taking a step back from her he only offered her his usual small smile. "Something has happened to make you guarded. Perhaps it is time to learn to trust those who care about you."

"You don't understand, Kyoya." She turned to him finally. "It's easier if the peopled around me did their jobs and let me be. No one gets hurt and no one worries over things that shouldn't be worried about." She wanted to say those worries being a relationship. "It's easier to not get too close, that way when the person dies, heartache doesn't follow." She took a step towards him. "It has nothing to do with trust. I trust my team enough to know that I as well as Evelyn will be safe. But if I were to get emotionally attached to any of them...even you, Kyoya...I would have to deal with the fact that you could die at any moment leaving me with the void." She took a deep breath. "And I don't have the patients for that again. Not when I've already attached myself to Evelyn."

She turned away from him again. "But...believe me, Kyoya, I want so much to be able to get close to you."

"If you might allow me to interject," he replied calmly yet with an almost authoritative tone in his voice. "But you're being quite selfish." He walked past her, taking his cup of tea and walked to the sink to pour it out. "You have been with us for quite some time, about nine years if I'm correct. In that time, can you honestly tell me that you haven't developed feelings or connections with your teammates?"

He sighed as he set his glass down and turned back to her. "Keeping yourself locked away from everyone is simply foolish and selfish. If Evelyn dies you'll be heartbroken. If Lex dies you'd be upset. If I die you'd be upset as well. You couldn't help it, that is how you'd feel. Why? Because deep down we mean something to you. At which point you're only regret will be all the times you didn't spend with those close to you."

There was another pause as he took off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Cecilia and Brandon were my friends. They were much like siblings to me, and I cared for them deeply. Their betrayal, the fact that they tried to kill me, it hurts like nothing before; but that doesn't matter. All that matters is once upon a time they meant something to me. If I can give you any advice from my life it is this, give people a chance...they might just surprise you."

"I hope that you don't have to learn the lessons which I've learned."
With that he turned and walked out of the kitchen.

"Give people a chance? It has nothing to do with chances," Luna said to herself. "Nothing to with trust. It's just about lose."

She walked out of the kitchen and then to her room to grab her coat. She needed her head to be cleared. Once she had her coat she left her room and walked outside. The chilly air stung her throat, but she was ok with that. She zipped up her jacket and started walking to the park.

"He sounds just like Lex. Always telling me things that he knows. Always saying things to me like her understands." She kicked at the snow lightly while walking. "It's so funny how everyone seems to think they know me. I'm not oblivious and I'm not slow. I know what they see, what they think of me. They see me and think how cold I am, how shut off I am. But the truth is that I've always been this way. My poor father....I couldn't even tell him I loved him..." A small tear feel from her eye, she quickly wiped it. "I'm not afraid to trust someone or even to know someone...I'm afraid to care about someone."

She walked into the gates of the park. She sat on the swing she sat on when she took Evelyn there last time.

"I've gone nuts. I started talking to myself..." she said with a groan.

"So how long were Cecilia and Brandon with you?" Alexiel asked the question without truly realizing it. He didn't even consider that it might be a touchy subject until he actually said it out loud. "I mean...if it's not too much...."

Lex should his head as they walked through the department store. "They were here about twenty years," he said softly. "They'd been here long before I could even walk."

"If they'd been here so long..why would they betray you?"

"Probably for various reasons. Perhaps they were simply tired of all the killing, fighting, and bloodshed. I doubt that's the reason, but it could be. Everyone has their own reasons for fighting and everyone has their reasons for what they do," he replied very matter-of-factly.

"What were they exactly?" Normally a question like that would be odd, but somehow he figured that Lex would know what he was asking.

"Cecilia is a vampire, a powerful one at that. She's the daughter of an elder. Powerful, seductive, and great at controlling people. We usually used her abilities of mind control to wipe people's memories so they'd forget we were ever there." He just shook his head at this and sighed. "And Brandon...well he was a hunter."

This caused Alexiel to stop in his tracks. "But I thought hunters were humans...."

"They are..."

"Why would a human betray his own kind?"

Lex looked at Alexiel with a questioning glance, and Alexiel finally nodded. "Yeah, I know he had his reasons."

"I'm not condoning their actions, all I'm saying is this.... In war, there is no right and wrong. Simply two sides fighting for what they believe in. Take me for example. I feel that killing the entire human race is a bad idea. Hence the reason that I fight."

Alexiel was quiet at this, simply trying to focus on the very simple task of picking out clothes. Just two days ago his biggest worry in life was whether or not he had enough money to cover rent. Now he was worrying about the entire human race. "Is that your only reason for fighting?"

Lex smirked at this. "No.... Not at all."

"How can I measure your greatness in the way you fight, if all you do is run from the night? I can hear your plea even if you do not say a word. With the bloodshed, is there nothing left to be heard?" Evelyn sat on the stool near them holding ice cream. "Do you fight for justice or for the thrill? Does it matter as long as there is a kill?" She smiled at them. "I just fight to use my powers without getting in trouble...and I like killing demons."

She looked at Alexiel who was no giving her a strange look. "What?" she asked innocently.

Alexiel smirked as he grabbed a black jacket off the rack. "Well, I guess that's an equally good reason." He'd already picked out a decent wardrobe, enough that he didn't have to wear the same clothes every week which was more then he usually had. Now he was simply getting some other attire which Lex suggested. A jacket, combat boots, and other random items in case he would need it.

"Now then, on to more important matters. What shirt do you think I should get, Evelyn?" Already this littler girl was starting to grow on him. He had never considered himself to be kid friendly, but she was a rather unique little girl and he couldn't help but wanting to include her in everything that they did.

"I like the green one, it matches your eyes," she said taking a lick from her ice cream.

Evelyn jumped off the stood and walked over to Lex. She pulled on his sleeve lightly. "Can I get something for Luna?" Evelyn was worried about Luna. Leaving Luna alone with someone other than Lex or Evelyn wasn't the best idea. She knew how Luna could get.

Evelyn licked her ice cream. She wondered if Luna was ok, if she was locked in her room again or actually trying to connect with Kyoya. Then she wondered if Kyoya and Luna could really get along. They really were opposites.

Alexiel shrugged and tossed the green one in with the rest of his stuff. Once that was settled he headed up to the cashier and got out the card that Faust had given him so that he could actually pay for all of this.

Lex smiled at Evelyn and ceremoniously ruffled her hair. "Of course you can. What did you want to get her?" They were rarely separated for so long, she was obviously missing Luna by now and undoubtedly Luna was going crazy without her.

"A necklace from the jewelry shop," she said and took a big bit out of the ice cream. Her hand went to her head and she moaned making this awful face. "Brain freeze....completely worth it."

She let it pass then licked the rest of the ice cream and ate the cone. "How do you think Luna and Kyoya are doing?" she asked leaning against Lex's arm.

"Knowing Luna she's probably being stubborn, evasive, and brooding. Knowing Kyoya he's being bold, inquisitive, and cheerful. In other words kiddo, I'm expecting a mini explosion by the time we get back. They might like each other, but there's going to have to be compromises on both of their parts if they ever want anything to truly happen." He motioned to the jewelry department so that Alexiel would know where to find them when he finished shopping.

"I'm not saying that's impossible for them; but like many things in this world one of them is going to have to give in so that the other can really get to know them."

"I was afraid of that," Evelyn moaned as she looked at the jewelry. "Luna will never give in. She's accustom to the way she is, it would be like asking her to stop breathing. Maybe leaving them alone was a mistake."

Evelyn pointed to a necklace and the lady pulled it out of the glass to look out. "A ruby, fierce and bright, like Luna when she fights. It's perfect." Evelyn reached in her pocket on her dress and placed her card on the glass for the lady. She didn't bother with asking about the price. As the lady started to ring it up and wrap it, Evelyn turned back to Lex. "Why can't she just like you? It would be so much easier."