Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Twelve ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
"Don't look at me," Alexiel said with mock defense. "I think she just shopped too much today." As if to make his point he side stepped as glowing orbs dropped bag after bag off into her room while other orbs of light took his clothes into his room.

Luna smiled to herself. It's just like Evelyn to do something like that. She placed Evelyn in her bed then looked at Alexiel. Slowly she closed Evelyn's door so she could change Evelyn in her night clothes.

After changing Evelyn and putting the covers up to her chin, Luna left the room. Leaving the small box Evelyn was clinging to on the small table by her bed. Luna closed the door behind her then made her way back to her room.

"Well then, today was fairly uneventful." Lex tossed Alexiel a drink as he finished slathering mayonnaise all over a piece of bread. After tossing close to four pounds of meat onto the bread he then added various other ingredients to make a colossal sandwich.

"Yeah, nothing blew up or tried to kill me. I'm honestly surprised," Alexiel smirked as he popped the top of his can and took a long swig.

"Well, it seems that you had fun today." Kyoya shifted back to his human form and graciously took the drink which was promptly tossed in his direction.

"Oh they had fun, but not nearly as much fun as you did." Faust appeared once more, as he usually did only to take Lex's now finished sandwich. "Oooh, I love this thing." There was something unsettling about Faust. Perhaps it was the fact that he was the living embodiment of death or the fact that he was just so...random. "So, what have you kids been up to today?"

Before anyone could reply Faust was suddenly choking as Elizabeth grabbed him from behind. "Surely you're not ruining your dinner." There was an almost demonic aura around her as she said this, despite the calm smile on her face it was obvious that she was a deadly force to be reckoned with.

"N-no, not at all love," Faust said trying to hide the sandwich as he turned to face her.

"Mmmhmm...." She reached around him and took the sandwich before promptly tossing it into the garbage.

"My sandwich!" Both Faust and Lex cried at once.

"Now then, dinner will be in an hour. I expect you all to be hungry." That wasn't a request as much as it was a threat. With that the loving couple disappeared to their section of the building.

Luna walked in the kitchen while still reading her book. She didn't bother to look up at anyone as she opened the refrigerator and grabbed a soda. Suddenly she stopped, put down the can, and flipped the page. She grabbed the can again and turned to leave then stopped again. She lowered the book.

"Thank you for looking after Evelyn. She seems content with her day," Luna said looking at Lex. "And there are no wounds on her body so I consider it to be a good day for her."

Lex was standing over the garbage can, whimpering due to the loss of his sandwich. When he finally realized that Luna was talking to him he let out a mournful sigh and turned toward her. "It wasn't that bad," he said, forgetting about the splendor of the sandwich. "Evelyn's too sweet to really cause too much trouble."

Kyoya looked at Luna with a curious gaze, but other than that he gave no other outward indication that anything was amiss. He simply took another small sip from his soda and walked over to where Alexiel was flipping through to the comic section of the newspaper.

Luna glanced at Kyoya. She closed her book and clutched the soda to her chest.

"Kyoya?" she asked. "Can I speak with you for a second in my room?"

Maybe it was too odd to ask him into her room when she allowed no one other than Evelyn in her sanctuary. Never the less, the house would be very tense until she cleared the air with Kyoya, otherwise the others would eventually sense the tension and voice their opinion.

Kyoya glanced up from the Garfield comic and nodded slowly. "But of course," he said. Setting his cup on the table beside Alexiel he followed Luna back to her room. As soon as they left Alexiel and Lex exchanged a knowing glance before resuming what they were doing beforehand.

Luna closed her room door behind her after Kyoya enter. She took a deep breath and turned to Kyoya.

"I wanted to apologize for earlier. I stepped out of bounds and I shouldn't have invaded your personal space. I know that we work together and I will keep my relationship strictly professional," she said while resting her back on the door and doing her best to look professional despite how she was feeling, "is you wish me to."

Kyoya smiled at Luna's apology, finding the way that she tried to apologize to be rather cute. With one small stride he stepped toward her and took her chin in his hand. Lifting her chin up so that she would look at him he lowered his face to her's and whispered softly. "And what if don't wish our relationship to be strictly professional?"

Luna wanted to speak, she really did. But when she opened her mouth, nothing came out. She was flustered and losing control of herself. Wild things entered her mind telling her to melt in his hands and through herself at him. All logic was gone, just when she felt she needed it most. It was unfair.

"I...don't know..." she said in a small low voice after what felt like hours of silence.

Kyoya simply smirked at this. Seeing her so confused, so small, so unsure of herself. It was thrilling really. Her lips were just inches from his, and for that reason he couldn't help but to want to taste them. Pressing his lips against hers, he gently bit at her lip while holding her head in his hand. "Well then, that is a problem...isn't it?"

Luna closed her eyes. Was this wrong? Feeling so lost but not wanting to be found? Was it bad of her to have the thoughts that swam in the pits of her head that she had never allowed to enter before? If it was, she didn't care. She didn't want to care. Not now, not ever if it meant having moments like this with Kyoya.

She felt heavy like she was falling. She wanted too much for the passion to last. She kept her eyes close just so she won't ruin everything with the reality that surrounded them.

"Kyoya..." she whispered heavily.

Kyoya pulled away slowly, allowing his hand to linger on her face before finally removing himself from her completely. "I do believe that there is a good chance that I am falling for you, Miss Luna." He was tempted to touch her again, just to feel the warmth of her touch. Surely his touch would be reciprocated; but there was a proper place and time for such actions.

Luna's eyes snapped open as his touch moved from her skin. She was worked up, and he left her there...alone. She was having a hard time grasping what she did wrong. The room was empty and Everyone was doing something, so it seemed like the right time.

She stood up straight and let her hands fist the skirt she was wearing so she would have something to hold on to as his words hit her ears.

"Is that a bad thing?" she asked not fully understanding why he was standing so far away even though he was only a few feet away.

"Not at all," Kyoya said quickly, noting that by her expression she had simply perceived that she had done something wrong. "It's actually a very good thing; but one that should be handled with care." He allowed himself one more gentle caress of her flesh as he stepped in closer. "It is something...that should not be rushed."

Rushed? Who cares! "I understand," she and moved from her door to allow him to leave if he wanted to. "Will this...I mean...us be a secret?" She was intrigued by the idea of a secret romance but then again the idea of having to look at him grabbing him and making a dash to her room sunk her heart. Had he said the right words, she would have taken her clothes off right then.

"I'm afraid that secrets don't do well when the walls have ears," Kyoya told her, allowing himself a wolfish grin. Already some two stories up he could hear the amused chuckling of a certain Shinigami. It was a wonder they got any privacy in this building. "Besides, your little friend seems to know more than we do about this...and about us." He was finding it increasingly hard to keep his control around her. She tasted...exquisite. Already his mind was going through the different scenarios, all of which were rather bothersome since she was still wearing clothes.

Luna nodded. "Evelyn knows too much when I don't want her to know anything." Luna shook the thoughts from her head. "But right now, she's the last thing on my mind." That didn't happen often. She reached out and touched Kyoya's chest. She bit her bottom lip then pulled away.

Kyoya let his hand fall on top hers before finally moving in and kissing her once again, this time allowing himself to actually enjoy her presence. The feeling of her chest pressed against his. The warmth of their two bodies, and the way her curves seemed to melt into his body. It was...intoxicating. He was nearly driven to insanity just by being so close to her, that was the amount of lust which consumed him.

Taking a deep breath he forced himself to pull back, his lips forming a smirk. "Well...perhaps we don't have to go too slow."

Luna smiled. It was the first time she smiled in front of someone in years. At the moment, she had lost all control over her emotional mask. She didn't want to hold anything back. She just wanted to let go and enjoy the feeling of finally being normal.

Before Kyoya could continue further a sharp knock on the door followed by it being abruptly being opened. "Hey...I just wanted to let you know..." Lex paused as he saw the position his two teammates were in. A small smirk spread across his lips which was hastily followed by a near devilish laughter. "Well then! Congratulations! Dinner's ready so sort yourselves out and meet with us in a few." With that he quickly ducked back outside to avoid any repercussions from the resident female hunter.

"I swear, somewhere the Fates are laughing....and probably Faust as well."

Luna stepped back from Kyoya. "I should go wake Evelyn. I'm sure she hasn't had anything solid to eat all day," Luna said as she backed up to the door and placed her hand on the knob. "I'll see you there," she added and turned the knob.

Luna took another look at Kyoya then opened the door and made her way to Evelyn's room with butterflies swimming deeply in her stomach. She did her best to wipe the smile off her face as she opened Evelyn's door, but she was having a hard time composing herself. Finally, when she felt stable enough, she walked over to Evelyn and shook her lightly. Evelyn didn't budge.

"Evelyn, dinner's ready and you know Elizabeth will have dessert," Luna whispered in Evelyn's ear.

Evelyn's eyes fluttered open and she looked at Luna sweetly with tired eyes. "Do I have to dress for dinner?" she asked noting that Luna had placed her in her pajamas.

"I'm sure they won't mind. Elizabeth only cares that we look presentable, but I'm sure she will make an exception for you," Luna said and started to run her fingers through Evelyn's hair to get some of the tangles out.

Evelyn reached over and handed Luna the small box by her bed. "For you."

Luna opened the box and her eyes widened at the ruby. "Evelyn, you shouldn't have," she said taking it out and putting it on.

"It's perfect for you. I wanted you to know I missed you today," Evelyn said. Evelyn gasped as she looked at Luna. "Luna...you are smiling," she said with a smile of her own as her tiny hands gently caressed Luna's cheeks. "I've never seen you smile."

Luna only nodded and looked at the closed door. "A lot has changed in only a few hours."

Evelyn nodded. "You are like fire set upon ice of gold. Each beauty mark like a different story to be told. Red ruby shine bright for the sun, feeling heart with passion, joy, love, and fun," Evelyn said as she brushed her fingers over the ruby.

Luna let her smile fade and lifted Evelyn in her arms as they made their way to the dining room.