Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Thirteen ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kyoya waited till Luna left before turning into his canine form. He wasn't all that hungry and could use some time to live on the wild side while they weren't fighting. Of course he was only able to take two steps before an ominous voice echoed throughout the building.

"Kyoya! You weren't planning on skipping out on dinner were you?"

Of course....Faust. "Not at all," Kyoya replied as he returned to his human form with a soft sigh. He didn't know which was worst, Faust knowing everything or being able to be anywhere he wanted to be.

Lex was already at the table, as were Faust and Alexiel both of which seemed engaged in conversation about something or other. It seemed they were talking about Elizabeth's choker. It was a particularly powerful item. As long as she wore it her soul would not leave its body. In short, it was what allowed her to be brought back to life and it’s what kept her immortal like her husband.

Luna walked into the dining room and sat Evelyn on a chair before sitting down herself. "Forgive Evelyn's attire. She has only just woken," Luna said as she pours Evelyn as glass of water from the pitcher on the table.

Evelyn yawned then looked at Elizabeth and smiled. Since the death of her mother, she hadn't really thought of Elizabeth as her mother, but more as the head of the house hold despite what Faust thought of himself. However, Evelyn often looked to Elizabeth for her approval. She was so use to having her mother constantly pushing her to perfection that it was hard sometimes to be able to allow to be herself without getting yelled at. In many ways than one, Elizabeth was the only person Evelyn felt she had to impress. Deep in her heart, she feared upsetting Elizabeth and losing her places in the house.

"That's fine, dear," Elizabeth said with a smile as she started to bring food out. Alexiel quickly jumped up to help her but she quickly made him think twice about doing that. "Sit down, Alexiel. I won't have a guest of mine getting up to help while I serve dinner."

Alexiel looked over at Faust who was trying hard not to chuckle. He silently motioned for Alexiel to sit back down as Elizabeth started to pass around the different plates she had prepared.

"I hope that you all enjoy it. Please let me know if I can get you anything else." Without stopping she proceeded to go by each person to fill up their glass with something to drink. She made sure that everyone was enjoying themselves before finally sitting down next to her husband.

Evelyn smiled to herself and then looked at her plate. There was nothing sweet on it and she sighed.

"You aren't getting desert unless you eat what Elizabeth put on your plate," Luna said looking at Evelyn.

With another sigh Evelyn nodded and took her fork in hand to start eating. Luna look up at Elizabeth. "Everything looks wonderful. We are very thankful."

"I'm glad you like it dear." Elizabeth offered a small smile as she began to eat her food.

"So, not to ruin dinner, but I think Christmas might be particularly interesting this year." Faust said softly while toying with his food.

"Interesting...how?" Lex was quick to pick up on the tone which Faust used, noting that it was one which usually followed by something ghastly.

"Well, you remember how last year we had the three ghosts to deal with? Well this year I'm afraid that spectral activity has gone through the roof which means we're likely to deal with another ghostly raid. It seems that our little building attracts the undead."

"So...how does one deal with ghosts?" Alexiel asked, wondering how one could hurt something that was already dead.

"Eh, it'd be easier if Father Micah was here, because that's his specialty, but generally we just throw up some shields and we're okay. It's rare that you encounter a truly powerful specter."

"They are more annoying than bothersome really," Luna said looking at Alexiel. "They sometimes move your stuff or take things, but the things always turn back up somewhere." Luna looked down at Evelyn. "They torment Evelyn for some reason. She doesn't sleep well when they are here. Often they pull on her hair or dress."

Evelyn paled. She hated ghosts with a passion. They freaked her out.

Luna went back to eating and stole a glance at Kyoya who was sitting a few chairs to her left on the opposite side of the table.

"Remind me and I'll teach you a few defensive skills against them," Lex added as he all but inhaled his meal. "So, Faust did you find out anything about Thanatos?" He knew it wasn't exactly pleasant dinner conversation, but they hadn't exactly gotten a chance to talk about it since he'd first discovered the information about him.

"I have done a little research," Faust admitted.

Kyoya stole a glance at Faust, wondering what the Shinigami had discovered. Even though he came from the same realm as Thanatos all he'd heard were myths and rumors considering the beast. Unfortunately myths and rumors were no more reliable in the demon realm then they were in the human realm, hence he was curious to see what Faust had been able to find.

"Apparently, Thanatos is one of the seven," Faust explained. Upon realizing that everyone might not know who the seven were he decided to explain further. "The seven, are the original seven angels which fell from Heaven. Lucifer, Thanatos, Baal, Abbadon, Persperone, Belial, and Hades are the seven. From them all demons have spawned. They have powers which defy any mortal comprehension. When I opened the portal I didn't realize that any of them could actually pass through it. If Thanatos is indeed in our realm then it does not bode well for humanity."

Faust closed his eyes and sighed at this. "If only I knew then what I knew now," he whispered. Looking up at Lex he shook his head. "Speaking of knowing what one knows now, I suggest you meditate some Lex. Your eyes are starting to turn red."

Lex quirked an eyebrow and looked at his reflection in a spoon. It seemed that the demon's spirit was stronger then he thought. He was starting to take on some of its qualities. "I'll take care of it after dinner." Hopefully he wouldn't start growing horns or fangs. Those were such a bother to get rid of.

"So, if Thanatos is as powerful as he's suppose to be,"Alexiel started. "What chance do we have of stopping him?"

Faust dropped a sugar cube into his tea and bowed his head. "It's simple. We don't."

"Well that's great to know. Glad to see we all have faith," Luna said under her breath.

The next morning Evelyn started to shake Luna away. Luna lazily opened her eyes and looked at Evelyn. Her eyes grew wide. "What happened?" she asked looking at the knots tied in Evelyn's hair.

Evelyn crossed her arms on her chest and pouted. "I hate ghosts!"

Luna sat up and started to undo the knots with a brush. "I thought they would leave you alone if you slept with me."

"They hate me..." Evelyn pouted.

"It's not as bad as it looks, Evelyn," Luna said as she brushed. "The knots are coming out easily."

Alexiel and Lex were meditating on the training room floor. Alexiel was doing it so that he could have his energy expand around him like a shield. It was an interesting experience to say the least, but it seemed to have an even more interesting effect on the ghostly apparitions which zoomed past him.

Lex on the other hand was meditating so that he could gain control over the spirit within him. Last night a horn had popped up while he slept. It wasn't that big of a deal, he'd had worse before but it was bothersome to say the least. At least by now the horn had gone down, but it eyes were now a pinkish color. Joy.

Kyoya was calmly walking through the halls dodging flying flower pots. It was days like today that were perfect for long walks in the park. It was rather sad when it was safer outside then it was inside one's house.

After dressing, the girls left Luna's room. Evelyn clung to Luna while watching for any signs of a ghost.

"You're too jumpy," Luna said. "You should calm down."

Evelyn didn't say anything. Luna walked back to her room and grabbed her coat and Evelyn's. Evelyn snatched hers and ran out the front door. Luna calmly walked after her while putting on her coat. After she got outside, Evelyn turned to face the house and pointed at it.

"It's the devil's house!" she screamed. "Crazy ghosts and weird people!"

"You are one of those weird people, Evelyn," Luna said while trying to put Evelyn's jacket on her.

Evelyn dropped her arm and looked at Luna. "I didn't get much sleep..."

Luna picked her up and let her rest her head on her shoulder. "We can go for a walk and you can take a nap, k?"

Evelyn nodded against her as Luna started to walk on the path she normally walked on with Evelyn.

Kyoya yawned as he stretched; now on all fours he couldn't help but to grin a fanged grin as he pounced through the snow. There was something fun about being out around people in a form other then what was acceptable. Though being a small kitten wasn't his preferred choice of form it had its benefits. For one, he was at least warm while being outside, and he could hide easily should the case call for it. At the very least it was better than being inside with all the ghosts.

Alexiel groaned as he finally moved. Lex was still spaced out with his energy forming a ghost zapper for any ghosts that got too close to him. He should be freaked out by all the ghosts, but instead he just found them rather amusing. Standing, he couldn't help but to whimper at the fact that his legs were asleep. Turning around he nearly jumped as he saw a full body apparition staring back at him.


The German dictator looked at him and shrugged. "Vat?"

Luna strayed from the path and started to make her way deep into the woods. She didn't do it often, but at times, she liked to make her own trail to get away from everything. It was so peaceful out even though it was freezing. If she got lost, all she had to do was follow her foot prints in the snow to get back on the trail that lead home. She could hear Evelyn's small snores and knew she was already in deep sleep. With one arm around Evelyn to hold her still, Luna let her free hand touch the frozen trees as she passed them. She smiled to herself. It really was peaceful.

Kyoya noticed a familiar scent as he traversed the ground. It seemed that Luna and Evelyn had wished to escape the madness as well. He followed their scent until finally coming upon them. Not being one for words he simply chose to keep his presence secret and observe them from afar. The way that humans interacted when they thought they were alone was for more interesting then the somewhat stoic responses one gets when face to face.

Luna stopped moving and looked on the ground. At her feet was a winter flower. She held Evelyn tight and moved her legs apart so she could squat down. Slowly, she picked the flower and smiled. She brushed Evelyn's hair back and placed the flower in her locks. Evelyn moved lightly and Luna continued her walk.

She came to a sunny spot in a clearing and stopped again. Lightly, she juggled Evelyn in her arms while taking her jacket off. She placed her long coat on the ground then laid Evelyn on top of it and wrapped it around her. Pulling at her scarf, she unwrapped it from her neck and placed it under Evelyn's head. Evelyn was small enough to fit her whole form in Luna's coat and looked rather cozy in it.

Luna then got to her knees and started to make a snow man.

Well then, this was certainly out of character for her. Luna was actually playing in the snow. How odd. He wouldn't have believed it if he hadn't seen it with his own two eyes. She was definitely a peculiar one, which was why he was so enthralled with her. He could simply sit there forever watching her. She was beautiful, and like that her beauty radiated in the snow. It was, for lack of a better description...breathtaking

"So, you're saying that if you amply the power enough time travel is possible?"

"Of course! I'm surprised no one has figured this out yet."

Alexiel was sitting at the kitchen table, a cold drink in one hand and a sandwich in the other. All around him were all sorts of ghosts from different times. Hitler was on the right, Einstein on the left, Lincoln was floating through the refrigerator and the King of Rock and King of Pop were doing...well, he wasn't quite certain what they were doing.

"So explain to me again this theory of relativity," he asked, truly curious about the ghost's ideas on things.

Luna stepped back and looked at her snow man. It looked nothing like Evelyn's snow people when she was in the park, but Luna didn't really care. She was just happy with what she had done herself. She blew in her hands to warm herself up then rubbed her arms. It was really cold out.

She picked Evelyn up and left her coat around her. It was too much of a hassle to try and put it back on without waking Evelyn. Luna loosely hung her scarf on her neck then continued to walk on. In the distance she could hear a river. She started towards it.

Kyoya continued to bound in behind her, wondering where she was going next. Perhaps he should've been a mind reader instead of a shifter. No, shifters definitely had more fun than mind readers. After all, how many mind readers get to be whatever they desire? He crept up as close to Luna as he dared without alerting her so that he could watch her further. The only thing that bothered him was that his nose itched slightly and he couldn't very well rub it in the form he was in.

It was for that reason that he let out a barely audible sneeze, which was rather high pitched due to his current state of being.

Luna turned around quickly now holding Evelyn closer than ever. She could hear rustling but didn't see anything.

"Who's there!?" she called. "Show yourself coward!"

And that was just what he needed...for Luna to think that he was trying to attack them. Well, he couldn't very well explain that he'd been following them or she might have his head for such an act. Thus it was for that reason that he decided his best course of action might be to simply slink away unnoticed. After all, who ever heard of someone being threatened by a kitten? Trying to be as quiet as possible he all but tiptoed away from where he had been in hopes of escaping a fate which might possibly be worse than death.

Luna took a step forward and closed her eyes. She listened closely to the sounds around her when finally she pin pointed what she was looking for. She moved quickly and hugged Evelyn to her. She let her feet slide to the spot she could hear the noise then suddenly let her eyes grow big. It was the same cat as the other day.

"You? But I'm so far from the park..." It was then that she realized that it wasn't a kitten at the park it was Kyoya and so was the kitten at her feet. "Kyoya! What the hell are you following me for!?" she said demanding answers.