Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Fourteen ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kyoya sighed as he turned back into his normal form, his head twisting as his spine realigned itself. "Well first off, I wasn't exactly following you. I was simply in the area, caught your scent, and from there I decided to check in on you." There was the faint of pause as he considered what he had just said. "So yes, in essence I might've been following you, however it was simply because I find watching you to be well...fascinating."

Before she could mistake his intention he quickly added. "Despite my time amongst your kind, there is still so much I don't understand. It is for that reason that when I get free moments to go out I generally take the form of animals rather than people. It allows me to observe people without them realizing it so that I might better be able to understand your kind."

Luna was boiling. "If you want to know so much, ask me!" she yelled. "And checking up on me? Really? I'm a hunter, if anything I should check on you!" She let out a deep breath and started to count in her head to calm down. Right now, she wanted to punch his head off his shoulders. She had enough power to, but she knew using her power for personal reasons wasn't why she was gifted with them. Finally she felt calm enough to speak without yelling. "Do you often watch me?"

"It's not the same as personal observations," Kyoya said, still just as calm as he always was despite Luna's overly aggressive behavior. "And no, not generally. I tend to observe random people who catch my fancy. It has only been recently when I decided that observing those I already know might yield greater results."

"Well, it's creepy, Kyoya. And it ends here," Luna said and turned to walk back towards the house.

In truth, it really was creepy. Having someone watch you when you thought you were alone....it's like having your own stalker. It only magnified when she realized he was a shifter and could have been watching her in the house while changing. Then again...NO! It was bad. And wrong.

As Alexiel walked down the halls with the gaggle of ghouls behind him, he grew increasingly annoyed with his new group. Noticing that Luna's door was open he knocked on the door before sticking his head in. "Umm, hey.... Any idea just how long these ghosts are going to stay here for? I would zap them to keep them away...but I'd feel bad about it afterward."

Luna stood up. The ghost hardly ever messed with her. Maybe it was because they feared her, she wasn't sure. She walked over to the Alexiel and looked at the ghost.

"Leave him alone," she said giving them an evil look. She looked back at Alexiel. "Ask Faust to put up some barriers for you but other than that, there is no telling when they will leave. The best you can do is ignore them." She then smirked. "I bet you talked to them didn't you? Most likely that's why they have attached themselves to you. Maybe now they will leave Evelyn alone."

"What? I didn't know I wasn't suppose to talk to them!" Great, now the ghost's liked him. That was just wonderful. Nothing said 'have an awesome day' like having Hitler talking to you all day. Bowing his head in gloom he started off to go talk to Faust with hopes that the ghosts might leave him alone. At the very least he increased his spiritual pressure like Lex had taught him to, that way the ghosts would have a harder time getting close to him.

Luna smiled to herself. Evelyn would sleep easy tonight thanks to Alexiel. She turned around and noticed Evelyn waking. She walked over to her and sat down on the bed beside her. Evelyn sat up and looked around. Her face went pale.

"I think you are safe, Evelyn," Luna started. "Alexiel has started talking to the ghost and now they have attached themselves to him."

Evelyn smiled while wiping the sleep from her eyes. "Think its safe for me to play a bit?"

Luna nodded and Evelyn left the room. Moments later Luna could hear Evelyn playing her piano.

"Attention everyone!" Faust's voice boomed through the building in an echoing bass. The fact that it carried through all floors was impressive enough, even more so when one considered that there was no intercom system in the building. "It seems that we have some guests that will be arriving in oh...sixteen minutes and thirty-four seconds. They're none other then Lexie's parents, so make sure to hide all...well, let's just hide everything to be safe."

Lex's eyes shot open when he heard the announcement. The announcement had caught him off guard and thus caused him to lose concentration while meditating. The end result of course was a wide energy field which zapped all the ghosts around him earning him spectral wails from all those present. "Not now," he moaned. He hurried to a mirror to check his appearance. The horns were gone, no fangs, breath smelled normal.... His eyes still had a reddish tint, but nothing exceptionally noticeable.

With that he raced upstairs to where Faust was. "Isn't there some way to get rid of them?"

Faust looked surprised at Lex. "I'm already taking care of the ghost's, Lex. Don't worry." He took out an old flute and began to play a small tune. One by one the ghosts began to depart from the building like obedient little slaves.

"I meant my parents and...wait...you could get the ghosts to leave all along?" Lex didn't know which he was more upset about his parents coming or the fact that for the last few years every Halloween and Christmas he had ghosts invading his privacy only to find out that Faust could get rid of them with ease.

"Oh please, Lex. Even ghosts need a home for the holidays. Who am I to refuse their request?" Putting away the flute he looked at Lex with a coy smile. "Don't tell me that your parents really bother you all that much."

"No, I'm just concerned how their fragile hearts will react if they ever found out about me....about us!"

Faust chuckled as he passed through his desk so that he could pat Lex on the shoulder. "Oh please, Lexie! What's the chances of them ever discovering our little secret?" With that he disappeared through the floor boards leaving Lex to mutter several prayers to whatever deity would hear him.

A soft knock came on the front door followed by a very loud one. Luna could hear Lex's mother chastising her husband for banging so hard on the door after she had already knocked. Evelyn appeared next to Luna as Luna placed her hand on the door and turned the knob.

"Welcome," Luna said.

Evelyn had never spoken to Lex's parents but they were always so sweet to her.

"Luna! Evelyn! Look how beautiful you two are!" Debbie said and looked at her husband. "Aren't they just beautiful, George?"

"Yes, dear, they are lovely as always," George said as Luna and Evelyn let them walk in.

Luna shut the door. George was carrying boxes of gifts for everyone like always when they visited for Christmas.

"Where is Lex?" Debbie asked clapping her hands together. "I can't wait to see him."

"No! No! You can't make me!" Lex was holding onto the door frame with every ounce of strength he could muster. As it was it took both Alexiel and Faust to push him through the doorway. Faust quickly grabbed him by the nape of the neck and turned him around to face his parents.

"Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Maxamillion it's a pleasure as always." Faust nodded to them while at the same time pushing Leon forward with his cane.

"Uh...hey!" Lex waved at his parents, hoping that he'd be able to get this over as quickly as possible.

"Lex!" Debbie squealed. She ran up to him and hugged him close. "How is my little bumkin doing?"

"Debbie, you will suffocate him," George called and Debbie let go. "Lex, my boy, come grab these presents and put them under the tree for me."

Luna took that as her chance to sneak back to her room. Evelyn followed closely.

"Oh girls!" Faust smirked as the two dearies tried to disappear. "Go make sure the room for the Maxamillions is ready."

Lex's smile was so utterly forced that it almost seemed real. He went outside to gather the gifts while Alexiel stood there unsure what to do.

"This is our latest addition to the budding Valean Corporation," Faust said as he threw an arm around Alexiel. "He's certain to be a bright star here. Alexiel, this is Lex's parents."

"It's a pleasure," Alexiel said, envying Luna and Evelyn for being able to leave as they did.

"Well aren't you handsome?" Debbie said.

"Looks strong enough," George said and handed Alexiel the presents he was holding. "You and Lex good friends?"

Luna and Evelyn went to one of the spare rooms with Debbie and George's luggage. They made sure the room was in order then set the suitcases down and left.

"Yes, sir. Lex is showing me the ropes around here," Alexiel replied looking at Faust for help.

"Well then, it's been a pleasure but you know how it is when you run a business. I'd best go check to see how things are going. I look forward to speaking with you later." With that Faust waved to them, fully prepared to simply vanish until Alexiel stepped on his foot. The Shinigami winced but quickly turned around and started to use the stairs.

Kyoya fell to the ground as he changed out of his bird form. He examined himself in the reflecting glass. "Hmm, I wonder...." His form began to change shape, first into that of a body builder, followed by what most would consider to be an Asian super model, after which he took something slightly...daintier. He looked like one of the women off of that show about the lifeguards, though he couldn't remember its name at the moment. Lex would probably lose it if he saw him like this. A mischievous smirk graced his lips as he lost about three feet in height. He now looked almost exactly like Evelyn save for the different hair and eye color. He still needed to pay her back for her mettlesome behavior when it came to him and Luna.

With a wolfish grin he scurried inside to see if he could pick on the midget now that he was her sized. Of course it wasn't until he got inside that he noticed Lex's parents standing in the hallway.

"Did you guys bring enough presents?" Lex walked through the doorway just in time to see Kyoya standing there as well as his parents. Great. Every year something like this happened. At least the last two years Kyoya was stuck in a dog form. This was the first time he'd actually managed to meet his parents while he was in a humanoid shape.

"Oh my, Does Evelyn have a twin?" Debbie said.

Evelyn and Luna joined back in and once they laid eyes on Kyoya, Luna was pissed. She had to act fast.

"Um...well, you know Evelyn is my sister," Debbie nodded, "well, we just recently found out Evelyn had a twin and got separated at birth but Lola here," Luna said grabbing Kyoya's shoulders and giving them a very tight squeeze, "started searching for Evelyn and found her. She's only visiting though. Her adopted parents allowed her to spend some time with us."

Evelyn couldn't take her eyes of Kyoya. She was so amazed at how much he looked like her. She reached out and touched his face then smile. She already had so much planned.

"Well, what a wonderful story!" Debbie said smiling. "You must be so happy to meet up with your sister again, Evelyn."

Evelyn just nodded.

Gorge turned to the boys. "So tell me, boys, any good places around here I should know about?" he asked and winked at Lex.

"Uh yeah...." Lex was silently whispering prayers all through Luna's explanation. Poor Kyoya's eyes were as wide as dinner plates. Every year he got stuck in some random form because he never knew when Lex's parents were dropping by. "There is one or two places that I'm sure you'll like."

Alexiel hastily grabbed some of the presents for Lex and the two Aions quickly carried it to the main hall, both of which were surprised to see a brightly decorated Christmas tree standing there. "Here you go boys, you can set them here," Elizabeth said with a pleasant smile as if the Christmas decorations had been there forever.

Kyoya just looked up at Luna, his cheeks a bright crimson color. Of all the days for Lex's parents to come! Why didn't anyone warn him? He had a cell phone for a reason!

Lex's parents followed the boys into the main hall while Luna and Evelyn stayed behind. Luna glared daggers at Kyoya.

"What the hell were you thinking?" she asked. "Is this suppose to be funny because I'm not laughing."

Evelyn smiled. "I think it's funny," she said and grabbed Kyoya's hands. "We are going to have so much fun."

"No, Evelyn, no games. This is serous. His secret has to be safe," Luna said. She grabbed Kyoya's hand and Evelyn's. She pulled them both to her room and shut the door. "Ok, I'm sure they won't ask questions if you don't talk, Kyoya. After all, Evelyn hasn't spoken one word to them since she's known them."

Evelyn moaned. "I can't believe you are forbidding me to play with him while he's in this form."

"He won't be for long. Lex's parents are only staying for two days. His father loves his business too much to leave it for too long. And Kyoya will only be in this form while Debbie and George are in the same room." She looked at Kyoya. "This is twice in one day that you've made yourself creepy. Are you going for a record or something?"