Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Sixteen ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kyoya looked back as he heard Luna gasp. He smirked as he grabbed one of Luna's towels and wrapped it around his waist before slowly pushing the door open so that he could peek out of it. "I'm sorry. I figured that my taking a shower in a small girl's form might disturb you," he said as he managed to squeeze out so that he could make sure that she was alright. He still had bothered to dry off, instead he just kept the towel close to him.

"In the future I'll make sure to remain in that form for you." As he said this he returned to Lola's form, the towel now easily able to cover his entire body. "Is this better?"

"No...I mean..." she once again was tripping over her words. "I prefer you in your normal form. I just didn't expect you to...I should have." She calmed herself. "I mean...for us to be together, you have to be in that form so obviously I would prefer it."

That sounded better in her head than it did out loud.

Kyoya smirked at this and nodded slowly, returning to his normal human form he took a step toward her and took her face in his free hand. "As do I," he whispered, kissing her once again before pulling away. "But now I'm going to take a shower." There was a pause as he looked back to give her a devilish smirk. "Unless of course you'd like to interrupt it again." The way he looked made it hard to tell if he was making fun of her or giving her an invitation. Regardless of what he meant he went back into the bathroom and returned to taking a shower.

Luna blushed even brighter as he walked back to the bathroom. "Was that an invitation?" she asked herself out loud.

Her fingers went to her lips and she stood. She was accepting the invitation regardless of what he really meant. She made her way to the bathroom door when suddenly her room door opened and Evelyn came in, dressed and smiling. Luna stepped away from the bathroom door.

"He's not out yet?" she asked.

Luna shook her head no sadly.

Kyoya sighed when he heard little Evelyn re-enter the room. Well then, so much for that idea. He closed his eyes to calm himself before finally getting out of the shower. Wrapping himself up in a towel he groaned as he looked at his clothes. Thanks to him getting out to go check on Luna his clothes were now soaked; and since Evelyn was in the room he couldn't very well walk around like this. Luna would kill him because then Evelyn would get all curious about the male anatomy especially one part in particular.

Turning back to Lola he held the towel tight while bundling up his clothes beneath his arm. "Luna, would you mind going to my room to get some clothes for me? Mine are soaked due to...reasons." He looked at Evelyn and then to Luna as if to say 'you know why'.

Luna nodded and grabbed Evelyn's hand. "You are coming with me. The last thing I need if for you to ask him to change into a boy," she said and drug Evelyn our the room.

She walked into Kyoya's room and looked around. It looked so homey despite that he was a demon. She went to his closet and grabbed some clothes then went to leave. Evelyn was going through his draws.

"Evelyn," Luna said and Evelyn dropped a pair of Kyoya's boxers.

She ran to Luna and followed her back to her room. She gave Kyoya his clothes then looked away. She still couldn't get the image of Kyoya's naked body out of her mind.

Kyoya was sitting on Luna's bed drying him hair when they brought back some new clothes for him. "Thanks," he said with a smile as he caught them and quickly scampered off to the bathroom to change. A few minutes later he returned as a rather disgruntled little girl. "Two more days," he chanted softly. Technically only one since Lex's parents were leaving early the day after Christmas, but it was still far too long for his liking.

While they were off doing that Lex was already pacing the floors glowing light a light bulb and Alexiel was placing seals on all the doors that weren't for public eyes to see. “How’s the barrier s coming?”

Lex just nodded as he focused his energy outward so that he could form a barrier around their respective little home. It wouldn't exactly do anything against anyone of real power, but at least it might deter creatures from thinking about attacking. His parents being there put them in a rather precarious position. Not only did they have to hide what they really were but they also had to keep themselves from being attack or putting any innocents in harms way. In short, they were just a nuisance no matter how you looked at it.

Debbie was in the kitchen with Elizabeth preparing Christmas Eve dinner. It was an all day process, but the women enjoyed it and Debbie loved spending time with Elizabeth. She was talking nonstop until Luna and her little sister's walked in.

"We just wanted breakfast," Luna said looking at the two women.

"Here you guys go," Debbie said giving them freshly made muffins.

"Thank you," Luna said. "We are going for a walk if Lex asks for us."

"Ok, dear, have fun," Debbie said as Luna rushed the two younger girls out the room.

Once outside Luna looked at Kyoya. "Thought you would enjoy being yourself for a bit and Evelyn can bend."

"That I can," Kyoya said as he looked around and waited until they were out of vision before relaxing. He didn't change form just yet, because he wanted to make sure that no one could see him. This form wasn't atrocious; it was simply the fact that he was confined to one form which bothered him. Confining someone like him to only one form would be like chopping off all but one limb on a normal human. It just felt...suffocating to say the least.

While Lex talked with dad Alexiel decided to take the time to go out and take a walk himself. If he'd had the foresight, he would have asked Lex for the keys to his car. There was something he wanted to check on. It was Christmas after all...and Christmas was a time for spending with your family. Not that he really cared about his family all that much, but he did want to check to see how things were at the music store. More importantly, he simply wanted to see if anyone had noticed his absence.

"And then when Lex was seven..."

"I hope you are not boring Elizabeth with the same stories about Lex you tell every year, Debbie," George said walking in with the boys.

"I can't help it," Debbie said grabbing Lex and holding him close. "I just love my bumpkin so much!"

"Debbie we talked about suffocating him," George said with a laugh.

Debbie pulled back. "He is my only child, George. If I want to love him I will love him," she said giving him a warning glare.

"I tried, son," George said holding his hands up in his defense.

Night was beginning to fall and Elizabeth was just getting the table ready for everyone. Lex and his dad were playing a game of pool in the Rec room, Faust was off pretending to read the newspaper, and Luna and Evelyn were tormenting Kyoya. She paused as she realized someone was missing. "Where's Alexiel?"

Lex stopped playing pool to turn to look at her. He hadn't even realized that Alexiel was gone. In all the hustle and bustle of the day he'd simply figured that he'd wanted some alone time; but if Elizabeth didn't know where he was then he truly was missing. "I don't know," he said softly, setting down the pool stick to go over to where she and Faust were.

Kyoya's ears perked up when he heard the news that the new kid was missing. "Perhaps we should go look for him." He instantly quieted down when he remembered that he wasn't suppose to be talking, but if he had left the protective barrier and was roaming the streets alone there was no telling what might happen to him.

Luna shot up from her chair. She looked at Evelyn. "Stay here," she said then ran to her room. She went for her sword then suddenly realized that she couldn't bring it out of the room without looking suspicious to the parents.

With a sigh she went back to the main room and looked at Lex. "We should look for him," Luna said. "It should only take the two of us."

"No, it's alright." Faust folded up his newspaper and slowly stood. "Dinner is about to be served; and you kids should at least have a good Christmas dinner. I'll go and look for him."

"But sir-" Lex didn't know what Faust was up to. He couldn't simply leave the building. If he set one foot out of here there was no telling what would happen.

"Oh it's fine, Lex. I don't mind at all. I'm sure we'll be back before dessert is served." Without waiting for anyone else to argue with his logic he ascended upstairs. In truth, leaving the building could have rather dire effects on the entire world. In the time he'd spent here he'd mastered his powers to a great degree so that he wouldn't kill people on accident, otherwise Lex and the others might all be dead by now. However, in battle there was no telling what might happen; and if he did go outside those creatures that wanted him dead would sense him and come running. In short it simply wouldn't end well.

However, there were ways around that. Some often questioned if Faust was omnipotent, the way that he knew whatever happened around the building. It wasn't that at all, it was simply that he knew how to disperse himself. It was a trick that required a good bit of energy to use, but it was worth it. Sitting in his office he closed his eyes and searched for Alexiel. It wasn't hard because he had a good idea where the boy was. "Found you," he whispered.

Alexiel was sitting on a bench across from where he use to work and live. In just a few short days the place had fallen into ruin. Vandals had broken in to steal what they could and police tape covered his front door. This was his legacy, his life.... No one would miss him.

"Now that's not true."

Alexiel nearly jumped out of his skin when he noticed Faust sitting beside him. "H-how? I thought you couldn't leave the building," he stammered, still shaken up by his sudden appearance.

"I can and yet I can't. I'm here but then I'm not. Quite the confusing little paradox isn't it?"

Alexiel just stared at this Mad Hatter of a man who was resting his chin on his cane as he stared at Alexiel's music store. "So what is it that brought you out here this evening?"

"I guess.... I just wanted to see if anyone even cared that I was gone. I mean, it's not like I had family...but I had friends. No one even seems to care that I've been gone for days now."

"I thought you didn't care about that."

Alexiel leaned back and stared up at the starlight sky. "I don't.... At least I guess I didn't. It's just...Lex doesn't know how lucky he is to have parents like that."

Faust just smiled knowingly. "You know, you aren't the first person I've had this talk with."


The immortal nodded his head slowly. "I've had this conversation many times over the centuries, but more so in this last century then the previous one. The last person I had this talk with was Luna."

"Lex told me a little about her past...."

"Yes. She didn't exactly live the fairy tale life; but then again I guess none of us do."

"Still, at least she has Evelyn and Kyoya. Lex has his parents. You have Elizabeth...."

"You know how you said that no one worried about you, even though you've been gone for days."

Alexiel just nodded.

"How long have you been gone today?"

"Three hours, give or take."

"Well, if it makes you feel any better Luna and Lex were ready to send out the cavalry to find you."

"Really? But why?"

"Isn't it obvious? You're one of us. Whether you like it or not you've got a family now. One that will fight for you. One that will help you when you need a hand. One that will be there when you can't stand to be alone. One that will smack you upside the head when you're being stupid." As if to illustrate his point he proceeded to smack the back of Alexiel's head.


Faust just chuckled before he too stared up at the sky. "There are dark times ahead, Alexiel. There will be much death, far more then I would like. There will be bloodshed, pain, suffering, loss, and at times you might not have the will to carry on; but believe me when I say you must. Train hard and listen to Lex. I do believe you're rather good for him."

"How so?"

Faust smiled as he stood. "Lex is too much like myself. He yearns for more. For bigger and better things. By having someone to teach you help to him learn a little more about himself." With that he proceeded to stretch before looking down at Alexiel. "Do you think that you can do that for me?"

Alexiel stood up slowly and continued to stare at the stars. "I'll do my best."

"That's all that I ask," he smiled. "Now, I do believe that we're going to miss dinner if we don't hurry. By the way, I'm fairly certain that both Luna and Lex will want to hit you when we return so make sure to duck."


Faust extended his arm to Alexiel who looked at it curiously. He didn't know why Faust wanted him to take his arm, but he figured that it might be best to do what the God of Death wished. Taking hold of Faust's arm he suddenly found himself back in the building, more precisely in Faust's office. Faust was sitting in his office chair, smiling a bemused smile. "Well then, how'd you enjoy your trip."

"I think...I'm going to be sick," Alexiel said as he held his stomach. He wasn't certain what had just happened but it felt like his insides had just become his outside.

"Oh don't worry. You'll be fine in a minute or two. Now then, let's go and rejoin our guests."

"Alexiel," Luna said stand at the dinner table. She sat back down and told herself that if she didn't get control of her emotions, she would break something without notice and someone would have to explain why she had Superman's strength. "We are glad you are home."

Evelyn patted Luna's hand as Luna's hand gripped the chair below her. The chair cracked and she let go before she broke it.

"You should leave your home without telling someone," Debbie said with a concern voice. "You family would worry to death."