Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Seventeen ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Lex wasn't quite as controlled as Luna was. Upon Alexiel's and Faust's return he promptly slid his chair back and walked over to Alexiel with an arm extended. Alexiel remembered Faust's warning too late, for a second later Lex's hand came crashing down on his head as the older Aion went into big brother mode. "You shouldn't worry us like that! Sheez, it took all I had to keep from eating your meal out of sheer anxiety."

"Sorry to worry you all," Alexiel said as he rubbed the back of his head where a welt was already forming. "I just lost track of time." As Lex's mother said something about his family he just smiled and nodded. "Yes, I know they would." With that he looked at the table with all the weirdos that he'd come to see in a new light this evening. Sitting beside Lex he dug into his food, knowing all too well that he was still going to receive something from Luna as well. Though Lex's slap had done well to cover up the cracking sound he knew that Luna had almost broken something.

Kyoya just smiled glad that he wasn't the only one to suffer this Christmas. When dessert was served he promptly gave his desserts to Evelyn so that he could sneak in a sip of brandy. "Merry Christmas," he whispered when no one was looking.

All while this took place Faust and Elizabeth just shared a knowing glance. Call them what you will, they were a family.
Christmas morning was just as great as always. Debbie and Elizabeth made a huge breakfast and afterward everyone gathered around the tree to open presents. Evelyn sat in her footy pajamas smiling big as Kyoya who was forced by Luna to match Evelyn's footy pajamas. She even had the poor guy wearing bunny ears just like Evelyn wore every Christmas. Evelyn was practically rolling in all the candy she was given. Luna let her have her way and eat as much as she wanted. After all, it was Christmas.

The room was full of laughs and torn wrapping paper. The gifts nearly touched the ceiling. It was late in the afternoon, nearly dinner time, when everything was unwrapped.

Kyoya continued to glare daggers at anyone that dared look at him. Really, footed pajamas and bunny ears? Could they really not think of anything more embarrassing to force him to wear? Or rather could Luna not think of anything more embarrassing seeing as how it was her idea for him to match his 'sister'. Shaking his head he was anything but happy today, which was only amplified by the fact that the Maxamillions had gone out to get some gifts for Evelyn's sister so that she wouldn't feel left out.

Once all the presents were unwrapped the floor was literally covered in wrapping paper. If not for the help of a little magic it would take forever to get it all cleaned up.

"Well then, this has truly been a wonderful Christmas!" Faust was going about looking at the different presents which the kids had given to each other. He stopped at Lola just to snicker. "Lola, you'll have to come every Christmas from now on."

Kyoya just glared daggers at him.

Lex sauntered over to where Luna was and collapsed against the wall next to her. "Your real present is in the training room," he said as he closed his eyes. "I don't think my parents would understand why I'm giving you weapons and whet stones."

"Thank you," Luna whispered to him.

Debbie and Elizabeth walked out of the kitchen and smiled at everyone. "Dinner is ready," Debbie said.

Luna's eyes fell on Evelyn who was now moaning about how much candy she ate. "You are still eating dinner," she ordered and lifted the girl on her feet.

With another groan, Evelyn walked to the dining room with everyone else.

Kyoya groaned as they announced dinner. There was no way that he was going to endure another moment of this. It was for that reason that he proceeded to duck out of the way of everyone so that he could hide from everyone. This was simply getting ridiculous.

"Don't worry. They leave tomorrow morning, bright and early," Alexiel said, trying hard not to chuckle at the little girl.

"I can't wait," he sighed as he slumped against the chair. "It's gonna be a God send when they do leave."

"Yeah, it'll be good to get back to training."

"It'll just be great to simply be able to be what I wish." He wasn't upset with the fact that he had to be female. Gender was a rather gray area when it came to a shifter such as himself. He'd taken on so many forms in life that he barely even remembered what his true form was.

The day after Christmas was truly an event to behold simply because everyone was gathering to wish Lex's parents off. Though they tried to see if they could stay one more night, Lex adamantly resolved that issue by remind them that someone had to look over the business. It was that only reason that they now stood at the door as his parents prepared to leave.

"Well, you better call me," Debbie demanded with tears in her eyes.

"Leave the boy alone, Debbie," George started but suddenly shut his mouth when she glared at him.

With another hug and another kiss, Debbie let go of her son and started towards the car. His dad shook his hand then gave him a quick hug.

"Take care, my boy," he said and followed his wife out.

"Yes, ma'am. I'll see you later. Take care dad. Bye bye! I love you!" Lex continued to wave and smile like a fool until his parents got into their car. He waited till the count of three before shutting the door and letting out a sigh. "Thank God it's over."

"Finally!" Alexiel let out a sigh of relief as his tattoos began to glow once more. He had barely just learned how to conceal his markings and now he'd been required to hide them the past few days. It hadn't exactly been strenuous, but it sure did give him a massive headache.

"You think you're glad it's over?" Kyoya tossed the rabbit ears away as he shifted back to his normal human form and shook his dress into a pair of pants. "Ah, it's good to be able to wear pants again."

Luna smirked. "I found it funny that Evelyn and I were the only ones who didn't mind the visit," Luna said coming out of Evelyn's room. She had just laid Evelyn down in her bed after Evelyn feel asleep on the dining table. "By the way, Alexiel," she said walking to him. With a light push, Alexiel went flying into a wall and crashed through. "Next time you decide to be an idiot, try not to do it when I'm home."

She then turned to Lex. "Use your power to fix the wall. I'll be in my room," she said. "I need to mediate. My emotions are running wild."

She left the boys there and walked into her room, closing the door behind her. She sat on the bed and let her body fall back with a groan.

"What am I, a repair man?" Lex groaned as he stared at the hole in the wall. Did she really think that he could simply fix a wall with a wave of his hand? Who was he suppose to be, Mary Poppins? Shaking his head he looked into the hole to see a dust covered Alexiel who was very dazed.

"Yeah, umm....welcome to the family," Lex said with a smirk as he extended his hand forwards so that Alexiel would have some help getting back up.

"Does everyone get pushed through the wall?"

"Only when they do something stupid. Actually, I made her mad enough that she picked up her sword and threw it at me." He shrugged it off as if it was nothing before looking back at the hole. Seriously, how was he suppose to fix this? "Oooh, Faust!"

Faust looked over from the television to see what Lex was talking about. Sighing he bowed his head in annoyance. "Luna! That's coming out of your paycheck!" He muttered a groan as he stood up and walked over the wall. "Really, you need to control your temper." Waving his hand over the wall it reformed itself back to its original state.

"How did you do that?" Alexiel was rather confused as to how someone whose power was suppose to be death could do all that Faust could do.

"You pick up a thing or two over the centuries. I've become highly proficient in sorcery," he said with a smile as if that was something normal people would discuss. Then again, they weren't exactly normal to begin with.

Luna shrugged Faust's comment off as she listened from her room. Christmas was such an exhausting time of the year. All she wanted to do was relieve some stress and take a long bath. With that in mind, she went to her bathroom and drew a bath. The stream rose from the top of the water, fogging the glass and mirrors. Luna walked back in her room after letting the tub fill up and turning the water off.

She undressed in nothing but her under garments and threw her clothes to the side. She dug through her dresser looking for something comfortable to wear.

Kyoya was nearly intoxicated simply due to the fact that he was finally free of his imprisonment. So intoxicated in fact that he couldn't help but smirking as he opened Luna's door. "Now then, how am I going to pay you back for these?" He held up the rabbit ears as he entered and turned to face her. His smirk fell into a slack jawed look of awe as he realized he'd walked in on her when she was wearing nothing but her undergarments.

"Well then, at least it seems that we're mostly even for you walking in on me in the shower," he said as he regained his composure and began smirking once more. Of course he didn't bother to cover his eyes. That was simply pointless.

Luna instantly grabbed a clothing and attempted to cover herself, however, what she grabbed was only a small tank top she was planning to wear out of her bath. Once she realized it wasn't going to work, she slipped into her opened closet and closed the door. Now she felt more stupid than ever. She was blood red and completely embarrassed.

"Can you please leave my room?" she called in a very shaky voice.

"Now that's funny," Kyoya said with a devilish grin on his face as he silently made his way to where she had hidden herself. "I was under the impression that I could come in here whenever I desired. After all, you had no problem with me being here when I was Lola or a cat. So why should this form...bother, you so much." By now he was standing in front of her door, wondering how long it would take for her cave.

"You were not a man at those times...and I was not undressed," Luna said and backed up to the back of the closet.

Her heart was speeding up. She could hear it, and if she could hear it she knew Kyoya could hear it. What if someone else could hear it? Like Faust? What would he think? What would he say?

Kyoya took a step back, his eyes glowing like a predator's as he stalked his prey. For one to catch something, they might first have to lower their guard in order to do so. Despite his joy over getting rid of this form, if it helped to lure Luna out of the closet it would be worth it. "Is this better?" His voice and form were once again that of Lola's, though he didn't plan to stay in this form very long.

Luna cracked the door. The little girl stood in front of her and Luna opened the door all the way. She was still self conscious since she barely had anything on. Luna closed the closet door and pressed her back against it.

"...I'm going to go take my bath now..." she said and moved past Kyoya to get to the bathroom in a rush.

"Well then, is there any way that I can help you with that?" Despite the quickness of a Hunter, Kyoya had years of experience when it came to agility and reflexes. He was in front of the bathroom door and back in his natural form before anyone could blink. As it was, he also managed to catch Luna off guard which was a surprising feat in deed. "At the very least...allow me just one kiss."

Instinctively, Luna covered her chest with her arms and stepped back. She looked at the sweet smile on his lips after he asked for just one kiss.

"Just...a kiss?" Luna asked.

She thought a moment then took a step forward. She didn't drop her arms, but she did get closer to him. Slowly, she closed her eyes, leaned in, and pushed her lips against Kyoya's softly. Her mouth parted slightly then closed again to crash upon his lips in a swift, but loving way. Then, after only a moment, she pulled back and took a step back again. Her eyes met his.

"One kiss..." she said while listening to her heart echo in her ears.

"You kiss...wonderfully," Kyoya said softly, his lips still tingling from her kiss. He took a slow step toward her and let the back of his hand slowly brush against her cheek. It was just a kiss, but he suddenly wanted so much more. "Just a kiss," he whispered softly, his eyes staring into her's with near bestial intensity. He wanted her, every inch of her, and being so close to her with what she was wearing did little to help curb that desire.

Luna didn't have the courage to move back another step. Kyoya's intense stare was impossible to break. She wanted her feet to move, to dodge, she knew she could, but her feet stayed in place. His touch set her skin on fire and his words were fuzzy but full of lust. She was going over the edge. Kyoya couldn't contain himself. Now that she wasn't moving back, he knew...he knew that she was his. Stepping forward he let his hand fall to her waist so that he could bring her close to him. At first it was enough just for their bodies to be pressed against each other, but he could already feel the blood pumping to his extremities. His mouth found her's, and unlike her kiss his was hungry and full of desire as he moved her up against the wall. Luna finally dropped her hands. She couldn't fight it. She couldn't fight him. She didn't want to. His lips were perfect against hers. She was shaking under his touch and her body was going mad. She ached for him. His hand rose from her waist only to find the bottom of her bra. Her skin was warm to touch as if it was fire; and it was only growing warmer. His hand slid behind her back and undid the thin strap which kept her bra connected. Nuzzling her neck he he trailed kisses down her collarbone as he easily slid the garment off of her shoulders, exposing her...much to his delight. Luna closed her eyes tightly. This was her first time being touched this way. In the back of her mind, she knew it wasn't Kyoya's first time with a woman. She told herself she was in good hands. Her hands went to the rip of his shirt and pulled it up until they parted for only a second as she pulled it up over his head and threw it across the room. Her breath was getting heavy and her heart was begining to hurt with how fast it was beating.

Kyoya stepped back for only a moment so that he might admire the beauty that was before him. A moment was all he allowed before his more bestial desires took hold of him. Pinning her arms up against the wall he began to trail kisses down the crevice between her breasts, a cruel smile on his lips as he let his tongue flick against her nipple, enjoying the sensation of watching her squirm. Luna couldn't help grinding her teeth together as his tongue met her hot flesh. Her eyes snapped out and she looked at the ceiling trying hard to gain control so she didn't push him and hurt him with her overbearing strength. For once, she wanted someone to have power over her. For once, she wanted someone else to use their strength to dominate her.

Though he was finding it hard to think straight he wanted to tease her more, to lick every inch of her flesh and show her wonders that she'd never felt before. His tongue continued to tease her breast. First the left and then the right. If there was one thing Kyoya knew that he was good at, it was using his tongue. An evil grin continued to remain on his face as he let his eyes meet hers. A second later he'd thrown her onto the bed and he was now sitting on top of her. It was painfully obvious now that he was for more than aroused, as his pants were showing the full bulge of his demonic extension; and while that was uncomfortable to say the least it was the least of his worries as he let his hands trail down to her thighs where he stopped only so that he could spread her legs. Luna moaned as he kissed her and then tried to calm herself again. She didn't want anyone to hear her. She didn't want anyone busting in on them and ruining the moment. As his hand pushed at her legs, she willingly helped him open them. She was scared, but excited. She wanted more. It was the first time in her life that she felt so much emotion at one time.

His fingers gently teased her inner thighs as he crawled back on the bed so that his face was in an...interesting position. Kissing her inner thighs he moved to her red silky panties.
"Cute," he whispered as he kissed the front of them, letting his tongue gently tease the lips which were present intight panties. Luna gasped. She hadn't expected this. She knew Kyoya was experienced but she didn't think things would start like this. She wasn't complaining however. Instead, she was going wild. She gripped the sheet below her and arched her back. She could feel that she was becoming soaked and her cheeks blushed at the thought of him seeing her in such a state. His tongue pressed deeper through the wet fabric while his hands slid up her thighs. Judging by how wet she was getting he was as good with his tongue as he had perceived himself to be. Well then, kudos to him. Slipping a thumb into her panties he slowly began to lower them while teasing her through them. When he finally got them low enough he pulled them down so that he could see her womanhood, the scent of which was more then enough to cause his sensitive nose to go into a frenzy. Once the underwear were low enough he kissed the top of her mound before finally allowing his tongue to flick against her moistened clit. Luna trembled. Her mind to her to push him away but her body told her to shut the fuck up. Her body won when the feeling started to grow in her lower region. She tensed even more so than before. "Kyoya..." she warned but it was too late. She couldn't control herself. She had to let go and once she did, her body shook and her head tossed back as she bit on her lower lips to keep from screaming with joy. The crimson taste of blood filled her mouth but she didn't care. She had reached heaven and there was no turning back. Kyoya's eyes widened at the sudden release. Well then, she didn't last long which was slightly...irritating due to his own arousal. His tongue licked up her juices before teasing her inside once more. Judging by her heavy breathing and the smile on her face she had enjoyed herself. Crawling up so that he was on top of her he kissed her chest once more. "I take it you enjoyed yourself?" he asked teasingly.

Luna only nodded. Talking would ruin the experience. Her hands went to his chest and traveled down to his belt. Her hands worked fast despite the fact that they were shaking horribly. Once she got the belt undone, she unbuttoned the jeans and zipped them down. His boxers peeked out and she started yanking on his jeans to let him know over her annoyance. They were in the way. Kyoya smirked at Luna's sudden insistence to get his pants off. A part of him wished to tease her simply to see her agitation, but the larger part of him which was aching for her touch quickly destroyed any other notion. With a coy smile he slowly took of his jeans, but left his boxers on so that she could take them off if she so desired. Luna hesitated. She had no idea what she was doing really. She had never been with a man which made things rather difficult for her. She sat up and looked him in the eyes before moving her hand to his boxers. Finally she pulled at them and they moved around until his last part of clothing was on the ground. Kyoya let out a small sigh, glad to have his member free of its restraints. One of the joys of being a shapeshifter was the ability to 'enhance' certain areas of ones body. Over the years he had learned just which part of the body was the best to modify. Sitting on his knees on the bed he looked at Luna, a curious expression on his face as he watched her examine him. Luna's eyes were big. She had never known how "big" Kyoya really was. She wasn't prepared for it. She shook the thought from her head and told herself that Kyoya knew what he was doing once again. Her hands went to his shoulders and she pulled him down over her.

"I'm...ready..." she said in a low, shaky voice.

"As you wish," he whispered.

Gently spreading her legs apart he let the tip of his member tease her opening before slowly moving the head in. Since Luna was a virgin, he was going to have to take extra care to make sure that he didn't hurt her. With that he began to slowly inch himself into her rather tight opening. Luna tried hard not to grip Kyoya's shoulders too tight. She didn't want to break them, but the tightness of his member in her was rather uncomfortable. She knew her face was showing in and she closed her eyes. Biting her lip one more time, she threw her hips up and met his, causing all over him to push fastly in her. With another rush of blood in her mouth Luna let the pain swim over her while she shook violently under him. She needed to do it on her own, however. She needed to get it done fast so she could get over it fast.

Kyoya gasped lightly as she suddenly thrust herself onto him. That was...a rather tight fit. Still, it seemed that Luna had gotten the worst of it out of the way; and now he was really starting to enjoy himself. It had been quite some time since he'd experienced the touch of a woman or man for that matter, and this was the first time he'd ever done anything in a human form. Once he was certain that she was okay he pulled back and thrust forward just to see her expression. Luna moved her hands to his hips. She wanted more. With the pain gone and the feeling of him filling her fully, she was more ready than ever before. Her legs moved up and wrapped around his waist and her eyes opened to meet his. Once that was done with, Kyoya didn't bother to hold back as he began to pick up the pace to one that he could enjoy.

No sooner had he begun to increase his momentum then a knock echoed on the door followed by it being opened.
"Luna, here's your present I...." Lex stopped dead in his tracks as he saw a sight before him that was bound to haunt his nightmares. He turned three different shades of red before turning pale. Dropping her gift on the ground he immediately covered his eyes. "Ah! My eyes! They burn! Bad images! Bad images! Bad images!"

"Shut the fucking door!" Luna screamed.

Alexiel peeked around the corner to see what was going on. His eyes widened as he saw Lex stumbling over his own feet and Luna and Kyoya in a....Oh God.... Alexiel grabbed Lex while covering his eyes. He was fairly certain that Lex was doing the same thing except that he was also trying to claw out his eyes at the same time.

"Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Blame Lex! I had nothing to do with it!" Alexiel cried as he pulled the door shut. Luna was going to kill them. They were going to die, because she was going to kill them.

"No amount of therapy is going to take away what I just saw." Lex was hugging himself as if he'd just stared into the face of pure evil. Looking up at Alexiel the more rational part of his brain kicked in as he grabbed Alexiel and started upstairs. "Granny! Get out the medkit and healing scrolls. We're dead! We're dead! Oh...we're going to die."

Luna let her arms drop to the bed. Slowly she pushed Kyoya off her and sat up. The moment was gone. Someone was going to pay. As quickly as she could, she gathered her clothes and dressed.

"I'm sorry, Kyoya," she said and opened the door. "LEX!!!!"