Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Eighteen ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
"I just want to reiterate that I had nothing to do with that!" Alexiel was already boarding up the door in a vain attempt to keep them alive. Unfortunately he was having to do this by himself since Lex was curled up in the corner while laying in the fetal position.

"I'm too young and pretty to die!"

Luna only had to push on the door and it crashed down. She glared at Lex. "You!" She said in a cold, pissed voice. "How dare you enter my room without my say so! How dare you invade my privacy!"

Evelyn sat up in her bed. Down the hall she could here crashing and loud wails. Lex called for his mother and the screamed for bloody murder. Evelyn jumped as she heard another loud crash. It was getting closer. She jumped out of bed and walked into the hall. Lex's door was missing and so was the wall that connected it to the hallway. Luna walked out only seconds later with her outfit covered in blood.

"That will teach him."

Alexiel looked at the now broken and battered body of Lex. He couldn't quite tell what had happened, but he was fairly certain that the human body wasn't suppose to bend like that. In fact, he was nearly positive that it was impossible for a body to actually form the shape of a pretzel. Luna did good work. It was only then that he realized he'd been unharmed. "Thank you, God," he whispered as he looked down at Lex. Poking him with a splintered piece of wood he quirked an eyebrow when all he got was a grunt. "Lex? You okay man?" When there was no reply he dropped the piece of wood and knelt beside his friend's head...which was located near his posterior end. "Umm...yeah, let's get you up to see Granny."

Evelyn took one look at Luna and walked back in her room. There was no way she was going to get involved and no way she was going to talk to Luna when Luna was like that. Luna walked back in her room and shut the door behind her. Kyoya was sitting on her bed under a small sheet, still unclothed. He was leaning against her head board patiently. Luna walked over and sat next to him.

"I'm sorry...."

"It's not your fault. Sadly, I would've been more surprised if we hadn't been interrupted," he sighed. "You didn't...kill Lex, did you?"

"Unfortunately, I didn't," Luna said and moved closer to him. "Has the moment been completely ruined?"

Kyoya smirked as he leaned forward and kissed her. "Let's find out shall we?"

Meanwhile.... "Tsk, tsk. You do realize the human body isn't suppose to contorte like that." Faust was watching with amusment and disbelief and Granny attempted to bend Lex back into the shape of a normal human being."I sort of figured that." Alexiel was honestly sick to his stomach. Sure Lex had been an idiot and had gone into Luna's room without asking, but no one deserved this. No one.

Evelyn walked into the room and smiled.
"What did he do to Luna?" she asked sweetly.

Faust looked down at Evelyn, his smile widening as he gently patted her head. "They were just doing naughty things, Evelyn," he said in his always cheerful voice.

"Um, what he means is that Lex entered Luna's room without her permission." Alexiel quickly added as he moved in between Faust end Evelyn. Faust may be immortal, but he was still fairly certain that Luna could make his life miserable by breaking every bone in his body.

Evelyn looked up at them both. "Naughty things?" she asked curiously. "What naughty things?"

"Well you see Evelyn, when a man and woman love each other very much."

Despite Alexiel's respect for Faust he valued his life and limbs much more then that. Elbowing Faust in the gut he released an energy wave which sent the Shinigami flying back into a wall. "Umm, well you see Evelyn, it's nothing. Here! Have a lollipop!" Where the lollipop came from was anyone's guess, but Alexiel was simply glad that he had it one him at the time.

"Ok!" Evelyn said taking the lollipop. "Thank you!"

She was satisfied. She left the room and walked back to her bed room to bask in her other candies she had gotten for Christmas.

Luna laid next to Kyoya with the covers up to her shoulders. She rolled on her side to look at Kyoya. His shoulders and his hips both had her hand prints bruised into his skin. She knew that it was because she couldn't help herself. Both of them were lost in the moment and her super strength had taken control while he was on top of her earlier. Though she was sore, she wondered if the bruises hurt too much.

"Ow-" Lex was finally coming around, though he looked more like a mummy then a man at this point. Granny had him clothed in healing wraps and symbols so that she could repair the damage to his bones, skin, organs, and tissue. Altogether it wasn't the prettiest job in the world, but at leas tit kept him from dying.

"Hey man, how do you feel?" Alexiel walked over to Lex and poked his mummified foot.


Alexiel poked it again.

"Ow! What part of 'ow' don't you understand?"

Alexiel sighed in relief. "Good, you're okay."



Luna noticed Kyoya had fallen asleep as they laid there. She got up and started to dress. Once she was done, she took another look at Kyoya then left the room. She walked to the infirmary and looked at Lex.

"You still alive?" she asked with her arms crossed under her chest.

As soon as he saw her Lex instinctively tried to flinch. Of course that was easier said then done when he couldn't move his arms. Instead he just sort of rolled off of the bed and onto the ground. "Bad man! Very bad man!" And with that he proceeded to cower from the female fury which was Luna.

"You're not going to hit him again...are you? Not that seeing Lex flying through a wall wouldn't be hilarious, but it might actually kill him this time."

"No, my stress is gone now." She walked up to Lex and peered down at him. "But I warn you, Lex, should you ever walk in my room without waiting for me to say you may enter, and Alexiel will be digging you a grave in the back yard."

She then looked at Alexiel. "None of this is to get to Evelyn, am I clear?" she warned.

There was a small yet audible whimper which came from Lex as he curled up on the ground. The worst part about it was that he was fairly certain she would do it to.

When Luna issued her warning to Alexiel he quickly brought up his hands in defense before pointing to Faust who was just starting to get back up. "He did it! I had nothing to do with it! It was all him!"

Faust dusted himself off and fixed cane before looking at Luna. "Oh I didn't say anything. All I told her were that you two were doing naughty things. By the way, I guess that congratulations are in order. You've blossomed into quite the young woman, Luna."

Luna blushed. "Faust, don't say that. It's creepy coming from you." She went to walk out. "Oh, and please don't tell Evelyn such things. She is much too young. Let her enjoy what youth she is permitted to have with the power she was born with."

Luna then left.

"Well she is a spoilsport," Faust said after she left. Shrugging it off he walked over to Lex and poked him with his cane. "When you regain the use of your legs meet me up on my office." With that he simply turned and disappeared, leaving the two Aions alone to ponder what was in store for them.

Three months. Three months had passed since he'd first joined them. Since then he'd seen things that he'd only dreamed of, and some of which had only haunted his nightmares. Things had changed in that time, hell he had changed. Where once he'd been a gaunt teen with no ambition he was now so much more. He was an Aion. He was a Witcher.

His tattoos now went up to his right shoulder, allowing him greater access to his powers. His control still need improvement, but at least he could hold his own in a fight. That was a good thing considering they were presently engaged in a rather ferocious battle.

"Kyoya, watch my back!" Energy erupted from Alexiel's hand, scattering the elves in front of him. Unfortunately, they were not alone as vampires began to descend from the darkness around them. When he got back he was going to have to give Faust a piece of his mind. Oh go into the abandoned tunnels, what's the worst that could happen?

Spinning around he sent out another wave of energy which crashed into the next wave of monsters which was being hurled at them before finally focusing his energy into an orb of destruction. He called it an energy grenade. Hurling the ball of light into the farthest reaches of the tunnel resulted in a large explosion which sealed off the area that the monsters were coming from. It wasn't much, but it was a start.

A blade came dangerous close to his throat, but before it could tear his flesh razor claws dug through the elf as a shadowy wolf creature crouched on all fours. Kyoya let out a grisly howl before circling around Alexiel. "We need to regroup." He launched himself onto the rocks, where his claws dug in to give him support. From there he was able to lunge at another nearby target and silence it before it had a chance to scream.

"Right! Let's find Luna and Evelyn," Alexiel agreed as the duo began to work their way to the rest of the team. They had been ambushed as soon as they'd entered and in the resulting chaos which ensued they'd been split up.

Luna pushed an elf back and threw her fist in it's face, caving the head in and letting the dead body collapse at her feet. Evelyn circled around Luna and threw her hand in the air, moisture from the cave walls instantly came to her and she smiled. She flicked her wrist and the water was thrown at the surrounding elves like bullets. Their screams filled the air causing Luna to flinch.

"I hate elves' screams. So piercing," she said to herself.

She flipped over Evelyn and her sword came down on an elves head. Just when she thought they had gained some leverage, Evelyn screamed. Luna turned around as a vampire was holding Evelyn in the air by her throat. Evelyn couldn't breathe. Quickly, Luna ran to the vampire and kicked at his legs with all her might. His legs went flying from his body and Evelyn landed in Luna's arms. Luna sat Evelyn down while she was gasping for air.

"Fuck," Luna said as now more Vampires piled in.

With another deep breath, Luna jumped in the pool of demons. Her sword danced with her as she moved quickly to cut down as many demons as she could while keeping an eye on Evelyn who was now standing on her feet and commanding the water around her to take the form of a whip

Kyoya jumped behind Luna, grabbing two elves by the throats before breaking their necks. He let out a fierce growl which caused the elves closest to them to rethink their strategy. "This is going nowhere! The elves are just slowing us down. The real threat are the vampires." Even as he said this a hiss echoed from his right as he was tackled by one of the monstrous creatures. Vampires weren't like the other creatures and were second only to the true-blooded oni. They were strong, fast, smart, and agile. Their weakness were few and far between.

Stabbings his claws into the vampire he managed to throw the creature off of him, but there were more where that came. "It seems we've stumbled into a coven for the vampires."

"It makes sense," Alexiel said as he finally rejoined the group, blasting creatures back as he got in close. "A place like this goes on for miles. It's always dark down here and they go where they please without worrying about the....sun." Alexiel looked up at the cave walls, wondering just how far down they were. When they entered the caves it was still sunlight, but there was no telling how long they'd been down there.

"I'm going to bring the ceiling down," he said as he began to charge his energy.

"Wait! What? That could kill us too! You could cause a cave in if you do that."

"Does anyone have any better ideas?"

"Not me," Luna said and used one of the elf's head as a stepping stool to reach the top of the cave. She threw her fist at it breaking the top layer of the cave ceiling. "You can break through easier now," she said as she landed on her feet and twisted back to avoid the ceiling debris.

She moved back to Evelyn as Evelyn whipped her water weapon at a few demons.

"Good, then cover your heads." Alexiel threw his arms up and released all the energy he could directly above them. Here's hoping that the cave system wasn't under anything important like a road, mall, or congress building. Right, that would go over well. He was the person who blew up congress...huzzah. The energy blast collided with the stony ceiling and began to tear through its many layers. Still, it was a lot harder to penetrate then he had previously thought which meant that he was forced to expand more energy. As the beam widened several chunks of rocks began to fall down around him as Kyoya circled him to keep the elves and vampires from attacking.

Finally the ceiling began to give in as his energy blast ripped through the top of it. From there it was like a chain reaction as the ceiling began to cave in all around them. Kyoya didn't bother to wait for Alexiel's approval as he shifted into a more suitable form so that he could pull Alexiel away from the blast zone. Sunlight flooded the cave which was met with the hissing sound of flesh being burned as some of the vampires ignited into fire. It wasn't enough to kill all of them, but it was enough to drive them back into the shadows.

"Next time, we come with a full force," Kyoya said as returned to his human form and pulled two arrows out of his back. The elves and vampires had disappeared in the smoke and collapsing rocks. This was the second underground lair they'd discovered in the past month which meant that someone was organizing this creatures here. Attacks had come more frequently and in stronger numbers which could only be a sign of things to come.

Luna got to her knees to examine Evelyn. Red marks covered her throat. Luna ran her fingers over them and Evelyn winced.

"It's not too bad, just bruised," Luna said standing. "Sorry I wasn't fast enough."

Evelyn smiled. "It's ok. I'm fine."

Luna nodded and ran her hands through Evelyn's hair which now had streaks of white through it. Faust had said the white was coming from her bending power. The stronger she got, the more white there would be, which meant eventually, Evelyn's dark curls would be snow white. Evelyn loved the idea. She said it was like Alexiel and Lex's tattoos, they showed how strong the boys were just as her element would show on her.

Luna turned to the boys after clipping her sword back to her belt. "Remind me again why Faust sent us down here?"