Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Nineteen ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Alexiel rubbed the back of his head as he perched himself on a fallen boulder. He'd gotten a nasty bump from the falling debris, but at least he wasn't dead. That was always a plus. "Cause Lex got some info about this place and Faust wanted us to check it out." Something scampered to the right of them resulting in a small energy blast which sent whatever it was running back into the darkness.

"Remind me to ask Lex about his intel the next time he's back." Kyoya checked his wounds, but luckily there was nothing serious. Still, he smelled blood. "Alexiel, your leg."

Alexiel looked down to see that the bottom portion of his pants leg was coated in blood. "Joy." He attempted to put pressure on it but hastily decided against it. Adrenaline had kicked in before, and it was just now that he was feeling the effects. "How'd you girls manage? No missing limbs I hope?"

Though Alexiel wouldn't say it, he was slightly offended by Kyoya's tone. Lex was doing the best he could out there. Two months ago Faust had started sending Lex out on his own to gather information and to tackle harder objectives where they would've just slowed him down. It was taking its toll on him yet he still did his best. Alexiel simply didn't want to let him down.

"At least we can confirm that this is indeed a coven. These cave systems go throughout the city though. We're going to have to come back with a larger force if we hope to see what's going on further down."

"Yes, well that won't happen until Bravo and Charlie get back from China and Australia. It's been so quiet since they've been gone. The entire place feels dead." Kyoya walked over to Alexiel to examine his leg. "Besides, you won't be doing anything until Granny gets a look at that leg."

"Evelyn and I are fine." Luna walked over to the boys. "Alright, let’s get home and tell Faust what we found out."

Since Lex was on mission by himself, Luna was not the squad leader. She didn't really care much who was in charge so long as the mission was done and everyone came out ok. Her pants were a little ripped from the fight so she tore one of the legs into a strip and used it as a bandage for Alexiel's leg.

"I don't want to have to clean blood out of the car later," she said as she made sure it was tight.

Evelyn started rubbing her throat again and Luna looked at her. "It's really starting to hurt now," Evelyn said in a raspy voice.

Luna picked her up. "Granny will fix you up when we get home. Until then, save your voice," Luna said then looked at the boys. "Let's head out."

With that said, Luna started walking back in the direction they came. "Be on your feet, we don't know if they will attack again before we get out."

"Fair enough," Alexiel said, wincing as she tightened her makeshift bandage. At least none of them were dead, that was all that truly mattered. Tossing an arm around Kyoya the shifter helped him to hobble out of the cave. Luckily they weren't bothered upon exiting or they might've been in some real trouble. Even so it was a good thirty minutes before they finally reached the main entrance of the cave.

"Next time let's drive the car farther into the cave," Kyoya suggested with a smirk as he helped Alexiel into the back seat. He sniffed the air around the vehicle to make sure that nothing was off. While he highly doubted that demons would use bombs to kill them, there was no telling what they might do just to get rid of them. Once he was certain that no one had tampered with the vehicle he gave Luna the all clear to get them out of there.

Once home, Luna and Kyoya took everyone to the infirmary. Granny was waiting for them. After setting Evelyn down on a chair, Luna left the room to report to Faust. She was sure he already knew what happened, but it was her job to make sure he knew. She found him in the kitchen snacking.

"I don't think Elizabeth would be happy that you were eating something before dinner," Luna said leaning against the wall. She grabbed a drink from the fridge. "Anyways, the cave is a coven of vampires and a nesting ground for elves. We are going to need a bigger team if we want to go there again." She leaned in and looked at Faust. "But you knew that already, didn't you?"

Faust nibbled on the chicken sandwich he had painstakingly prepared for himself while also working on finishing the pudding from last night's dessert. "I might've had an idea of what you would run into," he admitted. Looking at his sandwich and then at the pudding he shrugged before dipping his sandwich into said pudding. "Not too shabby," he mused to himself.

"On the matter of the coven, I'll have Bravo come back. Father Micah should be adept at taking care of their kind. We'll need to stop them quickly before we have an outbreak on our hands." He began to top his sandwich with pudding before turning back to her. "Though Lex got back today, so I'm sure that he could assist once Elizabeth finishes with him."

Luna ear perked up. Lex had been gone for more than a week. "Lex is home?" she stood up straight and looked Faust in the eyes. "Where is he?"

Luna didn't want to admit it, but she missed Lex. She kind of envied him too. Faust let him go out on his own which was something she had always wanted to do, however even if Faust asked her to go, she wasn't sure she would take him up on the offer. She had Evelyn to think about.

Faust smiled and nodded toward the stairs. "He was sleeping in his room, but I'm sure that by now he's up in the infirmary."

"Lex!" Alexiel's eyes widened as he saw his friend leaning in the doorway. He was glad to see that Lex was back, but he immediately noticed the change in the way his friend looked. He was gaunter and paler then Alexiel had remembered. His hair was shaggier as well, but the most startling change in his appearance was his glowing red eyes.

"Lex...your eyes...."

"Yes, it appears that Lex went against Faust's orders." Elizabeth smacked Lex in the back of the head and when he looked back up his eyes were normal.

"I do what I have to, Elizabeth," Lex said with a smirk before turning to Alexiel. "And it seems you do that as well. Really? Blowing up a cave just to scare some vampires."

"There were a lot of vampires," Alexiel said as he hobbled over to Lex.

"And look, you even injured yourself in the process. I thought I taught you better then that!"

"Hey it's not that bad! Other then ripping a tendon or two I'm fine. I've got a healing patch on there now. I'll be fine before dinner, and at least I didn't come back with glowing eyes."

Lex playfully punched Alexiel in the arm before looking over at Evelyn. "And you..." He produced a box of chocolate sticks from his jacket and handed them to her. "I picked those up in Japan last week. I hope you like them munchkin."

Kyoya stood outside with a smile on his face. He was holding a new book which Lex had picked up for him. Though the book was entitled 101 Ways to Teach Old Dogs New Tricks, he knew that Lex's heart was in the right place....somewhere. "It's amazing," he mused softly as he saw Luna coming. "Lex gets back and this place feels alive once more." Though he was glad to see that Lex was back he could smell the demon on him, the demon in him. There was no telling what the kid had been through on his last trip, though he was fairly certain what he had done. Even so, it was still good that he was here.

Luna stared at Lex. The change was a little much. She really didn't care much for change. She liked things to stay constant so adjusting wouldn't be required.

"Why must you always rebel against those who order you to do things in your best interest?" Luna asked. "You look so unlike yourself. It's unbecoming." She didn't care if her honesty was a little harsh. Someone needed to tell him how odd he was looking.

Evelyn stood, gave Lex a quick hug and went to Luna. Luna looked down at her and noticed the candy. Evelyn smiled and skipped off to the piano.

"When will you be leaving again?" Luna asked.

Lex sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. "Yeah, it's sort of hard to keep up appearances when you're on the road," he muttered. Giving her a cocky grin he just shrugged. "I dunno, probably a day or two. Elizabeth would prefer it if I stay here for a week, but if it was up to her I wouldn't be allowed to leave ever again. Apparently she thinks I'm a destructive force of nature."

He laughed at this before stopping so that he could grin evilly. "Almost forgot." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a black leather collar that said 'Slave' on it. "I figure you can find some...creative uses for it."

Luna stared at the collar then at Lex. "You are a pervert," she stated then walked towards her room.

Evelyn's fingers ran over the piano keys gently. She closed her eyes and let the music take control. The feeling was more of a rush then slicing a demon in half without lifting a finger. A small smile crept on her lips as the chorus came, then suddenly, her smile was gone and she had stopped playing. She looked around. No one was there in the same room with her, however she felt uneasy. Shrugging the feeling off, her hands drifted to the keys again and she started where she left off.

"You know you love me!" Lex rolled his eyes before looking back at Alexiel. "So, you curious as to what I got you?"

"Judging by what you got everyone else I was sort of hoping that you'd forgotten about me," Alexiel said, honestly worried by what Lex might give him.

Sure enough Lex pulled a box out of nowhere and handed it to him. "Here ya go!"

"It doesn't blow up does it?"


"It there anything alive in there?"


"It doesn't blow up does it?"

"You've already asked that."

"It's an important question."

"Just open it up."

Alexiel sighed as he slowly lifted the lid off of the box. What was inside was not what he expected at all. It was a mask.... He looked at Lex curiously before pulling it out.

"Do you like it?"

"Yeah...." It truth, he really did. It was awesome. Slightly heavy and he couldn't identify what it was made out of, but it was still really cool.

"I figured you would. At the very least it'll keep your face protected while I'm pounding you into the ground."

Luna pulled out the research she had been doing in secret for the past few months. She had been trying to track down Brandon by using everything she knew. Technology. Brandon had little slip ups and one of them was taking out another phone in his name. Luna had tracked his cell phone to California but after a week, the phone trail ended. Most likely he knew she was tracking him. She then started to track his bank records. She hacked into the bank he used and got all of his statements. He had moved from California to North Carolina in the matter of a month. Then suddenly, all of his money was withdrawn and his account was canceled.

The next step Luna was going to use was tracking him by satellite. It was tricky and very dangerous. If the government found out that she was planning to hack their satellite, she could end up in prison, not that a prison would hold her but it would put a damper in her life. She spread out the charts she had drawn, the documents she had typed, and the plans she had to hack the satellite. Doing it would put everyone in the house at risk, but she had a score to settle with the fellow hunter. He was human and he betrayed his own kind. She wanted to know why and she wanted him dead. Who better to do it than another hunter?

"It fits you nicely."

Alexiel was looking at his reflection in the mirror. The image of him wearing the mask was rather...unsettling. It was actually creepy, but in the cool kind of way. "I'd be afraid to break it," he said as he took the mast off to examine the inscriptions inside.

"It's suppose to be unbreakable, and for what I paid for it better be." Lex laughed as he grabbed himself something to drink. "So...I'm going to be heading out later to check out that cave you guys went into."

"You're not going by yourself are you?" Alexiel knew that Lex was strong, but just how powerful had he gotten in these last few months. He knew that tone of voice, Lex wasn't planning to take anyone else with him.

"I'm just taking a look around. The demon I absorbed had some freaky memories about that place. I simply want to look to make sure it's the right place."

"Well then I'll come with you."

Lex laughed as he gently tapped Alexiel's leg causing the red head to hiss in pain. "Yeah, I think not. Though I would like to get in a sparring session before hand. You think your leg can manage getting mangled a little more today?" The smirk which graced his face was all the motivation Alexiel needed to kick his butt.

"You know it."

A few seconds later the entire building was shaking as the two Aions collided. Whereas Lex preferred graceful, precise strikes, Alexiel was a walking powerhouse of energy who sent wave after wave of raw power toward his opponent. Watching the two styles mix was a rather...interesting sight to behold.

"I think we should start selling tickets to this," Faust commented with a smile as he popped a piece of popcorn into his mouth.

Kyoya knocked on Luna's door before opening it slowly. "They're at it again. You wanna watch? I've got a bet going with Granny that Alexiel finally beats him."

Luna looked up at Kyoya. "Shut the door. The last thing I need is for Faust to find out about this stuff," she said then looked at the papers again. "I'm getting closer and he knows it."

She knew that Kyoya had no idea what she was talking about, but she didn't really care. The only thing that mattered was the fact that Brandon was going to get caught and she was going to kill him. Despite her oath to protect humans and never use her power against them, she had decided to break her promise she made to Faust when she was really little. She was going to kill Brandon