Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Twenty ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kyoya walked into her room with a curious expression. "Just what is it that you're working on?" His hand shot out to catch a picture which had fallen off of her wall as a rather powerful shock wave flew through the building. Placing it back on the wall he looked over Luna's shoulder to see what was going on.

"You're tracking Brandon," he said softly.

"Gotcha!" Alexiel swept his leg outward, sending a wave of energy traveling across the ground just as Lex jumped back. Rather than get caught in the blast, however, Lex countered by throwing his arms back and unleashing his own wave of energy which effectively changed his jump backwards into a lunge forward.

Alexiel spun a wave of energy around him to protect him from the oncoming onslaught but Lex was already prepared for this. "Take a note, buddy. It doesn't matter how much power you exert there's always going to be a weak spot. The trick is finding it-" As he said this he landed in front of Alexiel and placed his hand on the shield. "and exploiting it." Firing a thin beam of energy through the shield it stabbed into Alexiel's shoulder causing the shield to falter.

"Now then, what do you have to say about that?" Lex lowered his sword as Alexiel gripped his arm.

"Boom," Alexiel whispered.

Lex looked perplexed before finally looking down at the ground. At his feet was a heavily condensed energy blast. "Oh...bravo."

The energy wave erupted into a brilliant light sending both Aions flying to different corners of the room. After the smoke and rubble cleared, however, neither was standing. It took a few seconds, but finally Lex got his footing. Wiping dust off of himself he calmly walked over to where Alexiel was and whacked him upside the head.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"Almost beating me," Lex informed him before helping him up.

Luna looked up at Kyoya. "Don't say it out loud," she said. She pushed a document to Kyoya. It was a military document on the satellite. She had not only planned to hack the satellite, but she had already hacked the military's unauthorized files.

Her fingers pointed out certain lines on each paper until Kyoya's eyes grew wide. "Do you understand why this cannot get out?"

Kyoya looked at the paper before turning to her and sighing. "Yeah...but it's still risky to do that. So you find him, then what? By the time you get to where he was he'll be gone. If he and Cecelia are still together then there's no way you can take them on by yourself. I barely made it out alive when I fought them."

Luna held up her new cell phone. "I ordered this a few months back along with everyone else. I modified mine just a little more than yours and the others. Everything I can do on a computer, I can do on this. If I can get through the fire walls to get to the..." she pointed to the picture of the satellite, "then I can download it to my phone and track him while I'm on the move."

She then smirked. "And I'm not afraid to have Cecilia around. Brandon can't let a challenge go. All I have to do is tell him I'm better than he is and he will want to fight me alone in a fair fight. Though we all know hunters don't fight fair. Cecilia will get bored with us and will go about doing what she does best."

She had it all figured out. Everything had been written down months back.

Kyoya just shook his head before sitting on her bed and looking at her. "So that's just it. You’re just going to up and leave everyone for...what? Vengeance? I was betrayed by my kind too. I almost died because of their betrayal. Do you really think it's worth leaving all this behind just so you can kill him?"

He stood up and held her face in his hand as he stared at her, awaiting her answer.

Luna moved her face from his hands. It was hard to do much of anything when he looked at her that way. She felt guilty.

"It's not like I'll be leaving. And I don't expect that Faust will let me go, so either I go alone or the team goes with me. Either way I'm going." She then looked and him. She was on her knees before him while he stood above her. "But I will return."

"Brandon is the first human to do this. Every betrayal was done by a demon so it was half expected, but not Brandon. I want to know why he did and what he has to gain."
She hugged his body, letting her face rest on his stomach. "I have to kill him, Kyoya. Please don't make this hard."

"Fair enough.... Though I would prefer if you didn't go alone. Either I go with you or you don't go at all." Kyoya was accustomed to giving into Luna's wishes, but this was one point that he was very adamant about. Running his hands through her hair, he couldn't help but smile as how cute she looked from where he was standing.

If it weren't for their current discussion he might feel the need to take advantage of her position. It was hard to push those thoughts aside, especially since he had grown accustomed to her touch over these months.

Luna stood and nodded. She didn't mind him going with her. In truth, she was more than happy that he decided to go with her. She really didn't want to go alone, but she didn't have the heart to ask anyone to take on such a mission. With Kyoya beside her, she was sure she would succeed.

She started gathering up the papers and put them back in their hiding spot. When she finished she turned to Kyoya. He had been watching her move. She lightly smiled and took his hand. Guiding him to her bed, their lips met. Before long, their bare skin was once again caressing.

Luna and Kyoya had spend most of their days in each other’s arms. When they weren't in battle or hanging out with the team, they were together in either Kyoya's or Luna's room engaged intimately. It was more than lust for them both, it was a release from the world and war they were thrown into. With all the time they spent together, it was safe to say that they were in love.

"So, that's a physical embodiment of your power?" Alexiel sat in a chair in Faust's office staring at the large and rather wicked looking scythe behind his desk. After their brief sparring match Alexiel had gone to Granny to get checked out and Lex had gone off to check the cave system. Alexiel still wasn't too fond of the idea about Lex going out there alone, especially since it was starting to get dark, but he trusted Faust's and Lex's decision. So, due to his boredom and the fact that he didn't want...disturb Luna and Kyoya he decided to bother Faust instead. He loved talking about random things and learning more about this life he'd been thrust in.

Faust mused how best to explain his scythe to his young friend. "Judging by your credit receipts you enjoy that anime and manga, correct?"


"Okay then, well then perhaps I can explain it in a way that you can understand. Each Shinigami is different. Though there's normally only one at a time, there have been occasions when more than one is needed. However, a human was never suppose to be a Shinigami."

"Why's that?"

"Because a human's body isn't fully capable of handling the power of death. If I kept all of my power within me it would literally tear me to shreds. That is the reason that we carry scythes. The scythe is the physical manifestation of that extra energy and it takes its form depending on the desire of its wielder. Most take traditional scythe forms just for nostalgia, but a scythe could be anything. I once read about a Shinigami who used a giant butter knife as his weapon." Faust chuckled at this while twirling his cane around. "In some cases a Shinigami is even able to create two or more scythes, though that practice is very hard to do."

"Why would someone want to create two scythes?"

"Well, it has its benefits. For one, two scythes means that you're dividing your power even more which makes it easier to control. Also, it helps for insurance should anything happen to your scythe."

"Like what?"

Faust smiled as he tapped the scythe with his cane. "You remind me of Lex. He was always so inquisitive about this stuff. Basically, creating another scythe even the fields in case one of your scythes is taken. Though it would take quite a powerful being to be able to wield it."

"So your scythe holds your power...yet you hang it up on the wall?"

Faust just smiled coyly before taking a sip of his tea. "Remember, not everything is as it appears."

Before Alexiel could reply there was a sharp knock on the door as Lex entered. He had blood spatter on his shirt and he had his right hand wrapped up in cloth.

"Lex! Are you okay? What happened?"

"I'm fine," he assured him. "This blood isn't mine."

"So, you decided to take on the coven yourself," Faust said as he rose and walked over to him.

"Something like that...."

"Foolish. Let me see what happened."

Lex's expression looked pained, but he met Faust's eyes with a steeled gaze before nodding to Alexiel. There was no spoken words, but Alexiel could feel that he'd missed something important.

"Alexiel...if you'll excuse us."

Though he knew that he was getting the boot, he complied with his mentor's request. As he was shutting the door behind him he saw Faust remove the cloth to reveal Lex's arm. At least, he thought it was his arm. It was black and the flesh looked dead.

"Lex," Alexiel sighed as he walked down to the kitchen so that he could drown his sorrows in a chocolate milkshake.

Evelyn sat in the kitchen eating a slice of cake Elizabeth had made earlier. Her legs kicked back and forth as she hummed a melody from one of her many piano books. When Alexiel walked in and she saw his face she put down the cake.

"Your eyes can see such torture and yet you find a way to live life. Tell me dear friend, do you live for each strife? Have you shame in the past you dwell on, I see the pain in your face. Is it really worth the cat and mouse chase?" Evelyn smiled.

She jumped out of her chair and left Alexiel in the kitchen alone. She walked up the stair to Faust's office. She knocked lightly.

"We must talk, Father Faust. It is important," she said.