Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Twenty One ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Alexiel shot Evelyn a curious glance before shrugging and getting out the ingredients for a milkshake. Her words were cryptic sometimes, yet they always served to make him think even ore then he should. "Such a strange little girl," he murmured as he poured milk into a blender.

"Here, don't move," Elizabeth ordered as she put pressure to Lex's arm. He hissed in pain as the darkness began to recede. There was the ever so distinctive sound of bones popping as his arm began to take on its normal form.

"I've warned you about this, Lex. This is bordering on destructive behavior. We don't need the information at the cost of your life."

"I'm fine," he insisted, wincing again as Elizabeth finished the rest of her procedure. His arm was sore, but he wasn't going to let them know it. "At least with what I'm doing we're able to get more done. One way or another this is going to end."

"But at what cost?" Faust was about to berate him some more when Evelyn popped in. Offering her a smile he motioned for her to come in. "What is it, Evelyn?"

Evelyn didn't bother to look at anyone else in the room. She stared straight at Faust.

"Something is coming..." she said in a low voice. Suddenly she wasn't so sure of herself. She was just a little girl after all, who would really listen to her. "I can...feel it..."

She didn't have any evidence other than the fact that the place felt weird to her. Everything seemed a little off even though people were their normal selves. She took a step towards Faust.

"I...don't know what more to say."

Faust smiled as he walked over to her and knelt before her. "It's okay. These place has enough seals, magic wards, and natural shields around it to keep even the Devil himself at bay. Nothing bad will happen as long as we're here."

He patted her head while turning to look back at Lex. "Isn't that right, Lex?"

Lex was silent as he looked at Evelyn, his face lacking its normal cocky demeanor. "Yeah, nothing will hurt us, half-pint. Besides, if anyone hurt you they'd have to deal with Luna; and I don't think anyone would want that."

Evelyn nodded, but she wasn't in the least bit relieved. She turned and walked away. Her mind raced as she walked to Luna's room and knocked. Luna opened the door for her and let her in. Kyoya was sitting on Luna's bed reading a book. Evelyn clung to Luna's hands once Luna shut the door behind her.

"What is it Evelyn?" Luna asked.

"Something is coming, Luna. And I told Father Faust but....but...." she said then stopped.

"But Faust is being Faust," Luna said and Evelyn nodded.

"It doesn't feel safe. I can feel it. We should all get away."

"If something is coming, Evelyn, we can't run from it. It's our job to take whatever it is down if it poses as a threat," Luna said and moved Evelyn to sit on the bed.

Evelyn grabbed Luna's arms harshly. Luna was shocked, Evelyn never did anything harshly, not that it hurt Luna, it was just surprising.

"You don't understand. I wouldn't lie about this, it's not a joke," Evelyn said looking Luna in the eyes.

Luna nodded. "Alright," she said getting to her knees to look Evelyn in the eyes. "I have no reason to doubt you, but the statement still stands, running is not an option." Luna brush Evelyn's hair behind her ear. "You know that.''

Evelyn's heart sank. "I do."

The next morning was like any other. Lex and Alexiel got into a food fight during breakfast, and afterward were ordered to clean it up or else Faust would let Elizabeth know that they'd destroyed her clean kitchen.

During this time Kyoya was curled up in cat form, enjoying the rays of the sun. Evelyn's words last night echoed his own thoughts. The air was changing, and he was afraid that soon things might change for the worst. There was simply no telling what the future held, but he was fairly certain that it couldn't be anything good.

Luna looked at the boys. "We are all going to the park, so everyone get ready." When they all gave her a strange look she decided to explain. "Evelyn feels that we shouldn't be home today, so to ease her mind, we are going to leave for a bit."

Evelyn came in a few minutes later and smiled at everyone. "Can we please go now?"

Luna looked at the guys. "Are you really going to tell her no?"

Alexiel and Lex were up to their elbows in whip cream and pancakes. They were both more then willing for any excuse to leave. "Sure! No problem. Let me just wash off," Alexiel said as he got up, groaning as he did so.

Lex wiped his hands on his pants and knelt in front of Evelyn. "You okay, half-pint?" He playfully nudged her chin before looking up at Luna. "If it's all the same I really need to finish some repairs on my bike. Last night's little excursion didn't end too well. I've got vampire fangs and arrows stabbed into my wheels and gas tank. It's going to take me most of the day to fix."

"Aw, c'mon can't you have just a little fun today?"

"I'd love to...trust me. But why don't you guys go ahead and go see a movie or something. By the time it's over I'll be done with my bike and we can meet up for lunch. How does that sound?"

Alexiel just shrugged as they looked to Evelyn and Luna for the final decision.

Evelyn's eyes pleaded with Lex. "Please, Lex. It's important. You have to come to."

Luna placed her hands on Evelyn's shoulders. "Lex, it's important to her. She would follow you into a fire if you felt it was the right thing to do. You can't take a few hours out of your day to make her happy?" Luna asked looking at Lex.

Lex looked at Luna and frowned, but he finally conceded. "Fine. Let me just grab my wallet from my room and we can go." He ruffled Evelyn's hair as he stood. "You owe me an ice cream, munchkin."

Alexiel just rolled his eyes as he finished drying his hands. "Somethings never change." Shaking his head he walked to his room to grab his jacket before meeting the others out by the car.

"So, where to?" Lex asked as he finally rejoined the group.

Kyoya just stared at them from the backseat. He had been enjoying a good nap and didn't bother to change out of his cat form.

"Anywhere but here," Evelyn said.

She looked up at the house in Faust's window. Her hand went to the window in the car as she stared at the house. "Please...be safe..." she said under her breath.

Luna, wither her inhuman hearing, reached over and pulled Evelyn to her. Evelyn was shaking lightly.

"Well then, how about a movie followed by ice cream," Lex suggested. The best movie theater was on the other side of town, but at least it would help to calm Evelyn's nerves. He couldn't fathom why she felt so upset. Perhaps someone had been slipping something into her ice cream. Regardless, he just sighed as he took his proper seat in the driver's seat and turned on the car.

Alexiel sat in the passenger seat, leaving the back for the girls and Kyoya. Something felt off today, but he couldn't put his finger on it. Even Kyoya seemed more on edge, yet Lex was just plain ole Lex. That was somehow reassuring. Closing his eyes he just relaxed in the seat as they started to drive.

They saw a movie that Evelyn would enjoy. No one complained, but Evelyn never said a word. When Luna offered Evelyn some candy for the movie, Evelyn just shrugged and walked into the movie room to find a seat. Luna got her candy anyways, however, Evelyn didn't eat it. Afterward, they walked to the ice cream shop a few blocks away. Evelyn sat in silence staring at her ice cream.

"You think Faust and Elizabeth are ok?"

It was the first thing Evelyn had said since they had left the house.

"I don't see why not. He is Death remember," Lex said with a smile as they started back home. Seeing as how Evelyn wasn't in the mood for sweets they had decided to skip out on the whole ice cream deal.

As they made their way back home Kyoya stiffened as he sniffed the air. Shaking his head he fixed his glasses as he leaned back. There was a weird smell in the air.

Putting the car in park Lex got out and tossed his keys to Alexiel. "Lock up for me. I'm gonna grab a drink." As soon as he exited the garage the door shut and locked behind him.

"Well then, that's one down." The raspy voice chuckled lightly in the shadows of the garage. "It's good to see you again Luna."

Alexiel quickly began to glow as to shine light in the darkened garage; but that only served to make him an easier target for their shadowy assassin. A second later Kyoya threw him to the ground as claw marks tore through the car.

"Brandon," Kyoya hissed. "If he's here then Cecelia is to. We've got to get into the house to see what's going!" No sooner had he said that then an explosion rocked through the building.

"Oooh, looks like they're having fun upstairs."

Luna tore out the side of the car to get out. She jumped and landed on Brandon. She didn't hesitate to start throwing her fist in his face.

"I'm going to kill you!" she screamed.

Evelyn got out of the car and her eyes grew wide. "I knew! I knew!" she was screaming.

"Take cover, Evelyn!" Luna yelled as her fist connected to Brandon's face over and over.

Brandon just chuckled as she continued to hit him. "You've grown weak, Luna," he whispered. Grabbing her arm he threw her into the car using his metal claws to slice up the back of her arm as he did so.

"You bastard!" Kyoya lunged at Brandon, but before he could jump on him he was suddenly pulled by the back of the neck and thrown against the wall.

"Not so fast, lover," Cecelia whispered as she licked his cheek.

"I'm not your lover," Kyoya growled as he shifted into his humanoid wolf form and pushed off the wall. Cecelia easily dodged his attack as she jumped onto the wall.

"So I've noticed. You have her scent all over you. Pity. We could've had fun together, Kyoya."

An energy blast destroyed the part of the wall Cecelia was standing on, but she'd already jumped off and landed on top of their car. "Tsk, tsk such poor training for an Aion."

"Alexiel, get out of here! Go get Lex and Faust!"

Alexiel growled in frustration as Kyoya and Cecelia locked back in combat. He wanted to do something, to help, but he knew what he had to do. Running through the destroyed portion of the wall he hurried to the main hall where another explosion sent him flying back into the dining room. Shaking his head he saw Lex wobbling toward him covered in blood.

"Lex!" Alexiel screamed. He ran to catch his friend who fell into his arms.

"They're dead," he whispered. "Faust and Elizabeth...they're dead."

Alexiel shook his head in disbelief. It couldn't be true. Faust was immortal. How could he die?


Alexiel's eyes widened as pain flooded his body. Lex's hand was plunged deep into his chest as his laughter echoed in Alexiel's ears. He pulled his hand out and watched as Alexiel fall back on the floor gasping for air. Licking the blood off his hand Lex just shook his head. "You really should get that looked at."

Luna threw herself out of the car once again and kicked Brandon in the stomach. He flew back and landing in the side of the house, however because the smoke even cleared he was already back in Luna's face with a deranged smiled. Her punched her hard in the face and she went flying back.

"Luna!" Evelyn screamed and started running to her.

"Stay back!" Luna demanded.

Luna crawled to her feet again as Brandon walked to her slowly. Evelyn started to panic. It wasn't supposed to happen this way. Luna was suppose to be better than Brandon. But she was getting hurt, Evelyn thought. Evelyn looked at the sky. It was cloudy. She took a deep breath and threw her arms in the air. Her hair started to turn bleach white as she started to summon all the water from the above clouds.

Luna was picked up by her throat and hung openly in the air while Brandon started to laugh. She threw her body back and kicked him in the chest, sending them both in opposite directions.