Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Twenty Two ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
"W-why?" Alexiel had never felt such pain before. He could literally feel his heart beat slowing and his lungs filling with blood.

"Foolish rabbit. Tricks are for kids." Lex laughed only to stop as if he realized that he hadn't even answered Alexiel's question. "Oh, right! I did it for this." Faust's scythe appeared in his hand, a dark aura spreading from it as he twirled it around merrily. "It took me awhile to accumulate enough power to actually hold it, but it was well worth the wait. Actually, all of this was made possible thanks to you."

"Why me?"

"Well, up until you arrived I didn't know that Faust could be hurt. I couldn't openly attack him to figure it out, but when you came you did it accidentally and from there I realized that I could kill him."

Alexiel couldn't believe it. This just, it couldn't be Lex! Lex was his friend! He looked up to him. How could he betray them? Growling in frustration he hurled an energy blast as Lex, the brunt of which caught Lex in the chest causing him to stumble backwards.

"That...was a mistake." Lex jabbed the bottom of the scythe into Alexiel's wound causing him to scream in pain. "You know, I didn't want you guys involved. I just wanted this to end. All of this. All the fighting, killing, sorrow...but Faust wouldn't use his scythe to end it. That's why I had to take it. Now I can end it. Of course you guys wouldn't have seen it that way." He pushed harder on the scythe forcing more screams from Alexiel's lips. The weakened Aion tried to summon energy, but Lex quickly stopped that.

"You know, there's a funny part of being an Aion that I might've forgotten to mention. You see, when you disrupt the symbol like so..." He sliced Alexiel's arm with the scythe causing energy to arc out from his wound. "It makes it kinda hard to concentrate doesn't it?"

"Shut up!" Alexiel simply allowed the energy to erupt from him, knocking Lex back once more.

"Impressive," Lex muttered. "It seems I might've trained you too well. Oh well, I can fix that." A dark cloud began to roll out from Lex's mouth as he spoke. "You remember miasma, right? It burns things so eloquently. Did you know that when Aion's absorb the souls of others they gain a portion of their abilities. This was just one of the perks, though I'm certain that you won't find it as fun as I do." The dark cloud began to fall on Alexiel's body and at first he couldn't tell what was happening until the pain began to set in. The miasma was eating away at his flesh!

Kyoya growled as Cecelia's claws tore through his back. Before another attack could be made he shifted into smaller form so that he could curl up and lunge at her. Throwing Cecelia away he tore at her arm with his fangs before being pushed back. Right as he prepared to lunge again and energy blast hit him in the back causing him to howl in pain.

The smell of burning fur filled the garage as Lex poked his head in. "Bad doggie," he said as looked at Luna and Evelyn. "Hi guys!"

Luna didn't hesitate. The way Lex looked at Evelyn was enough to piss her beyond repair.

"You fucking bastard!" she screamed and punched him as hard as she could. "We trusted you!"

Again, another hit to the mouth. Quickly, she pushed Alexiel back and he slide on the ground towards Evelyn while screaming in pain, but Luna had to get him out of the way of Lex. Brandon lunged in Luna's direction but before he could connect with her, Evelyn's arms came down towards him. A large ball of water engulfed him and Evelyn watched him struggle for air. She smirked as his lungs filled with water.

Luna drew back again to hit Lex when suddenly she heard Kyoya cry out in pain. Cecilia was kicking him hard. Luna messed up, she turned to look at Kyoya and that was when Lex blasted her back and she landed near Alexiel. She stood just as Evelyn dropped her water ball, make tones of water crash to Earth and Brandon's dead body bounce at Lex's feet. Evelyn turned to Lex to do the same thing, but Luna moved in front of her.

"Focus on Cecilia, I have to get to Kyoya," Luna said and Evelyn nodded.

Lex's smile never failed even as Luna hit him twice in the face. Though her punches felt like steamrollers hitting his face which resulted in a lovely breaking sound as she caved in his cheek, he still continued to smile. Why? Because he felt like it. "Aww, Luna I thought you could hit harder than that," he said sounding honestly upset. At the very least he got to blast her in the back one time, though he would've preferred to do so much more. Oh well, he wasn't going to make them suffer any more then he had to. That would just be cruel.

"It's been fun, really it has; but I'm just so tired of pretending." Energy began to leak from him, causing energy to crackle and zap things that were close to him. It was a pity that Brandon had died, but weaklings didn't deserve life.

"Get away from them!" Faust appeared in front of Lex, his left arm was missing and he was coated in blood. His normally calm and cheerful demeanor was gone as he tried to brace himself for what was to come.

"You're still alive? Pity. I thought you'd be dead by now." A wave of energy lashed out at Faust slicing him across the chest forcing him to fall to one knee.

"Go...," Faust whispered as he looked back at Luna. Pushing his cane into her hand he smiled as he squeezed her hand. "Remember, things are not always what they seem my dear."

Kyoya struggled to his feet as he realized what was going on. Luna locked eyes with him as the air around them began to change. "No! I won't leave him!" She started to run toward Kyoya to get to him, but Faust held her down.

"Luna!" Kyoya growled as Cecelia kicked his face.

Lex realized what Faust as up to and quickly stabbed him in the chest with an energy blade. Still, he was too late to stop the others from disappearing. "Happy birthday, Luna," he said with a smile as he waved cheerfully to her. In that instant Alexiel, Evelyn, and Luna simply vanished

Luna suddenly appeared in what looked to be an open canyon. She dropped Faust cane and started to scream over and over. She fell to her knees and started to punch the ground, making large holes. Suddenly...she started to cry, for the first time since her father died.

"Kyoya!" she screamed. "I'm sorry!"

Evelyn was holding Alexiel's head in her lap trying to talk to him in sweet words while her face was drowned in tears. Nothing was right. Nothing was supposed to happen the way it did.

Granny was out there just as soon as they arrived. "Oh my Lord," she said as she Alexiel's body. It was so badly burned that you could barely tell who he was anymore. "Yuki! Hurry, we've got to get him inside. You too children. We need to get inside." She didn't know what had just happened, but she knew that whatever it was...evil had been unleashed upon the world.

Nestled safely in the canyons' walls was Granny's house. It was nothing compared to the building they were accustomed to, but it was a Godsend considering what they'd just gone through.

Yuki came running out. Her hand covered her mouth and she gasped at the sight of Alexiel.

"The poor man!" Yuki said and started to help get him inside with Granny.

Luna didn't budge. Evelyn watched Granny and Yuki take Alexiel inside. She hesitated but walked over to Luna and placed her hand on her shoulder. Luna was crying so hard that Evelyn wasn't sure if she was breathing right. Before Evelyn had a chance to ask, Luna reached up and pulled Evelyn to her. Luna held Evelyn close as both of them cried. Their voices echoed on the canyon walls.

"These burns are bad, be careful child. The miasma is still coursing through his veins." She didn't like the look of this one bit. His energy was spiraling out of control which was only helping to tear him apart from the inside out. "I have to get symbols on him to restore the flow of his power, but he barely has enough flesh to mark. The only other option isn't any better..."

"Do it!" Alexiel screamed as he thrashed on the bed. It hurt too bad to think. Everything hurt and he just wanted the pain to end. "Kill me! Please God just kill me! Make the pain stop, please!"

Granny's heart broke as she heard this. He was suffering.... "Yuki, cut him open," she whispered as she prepared her tools. "We're going to mark his bones."

Yuki Grabbed Alexiel's hand. "Do not worry, friend. We will take good care of you," she assured him. "It will hurt but you will be better."

She bit her lip as she grabbed the scalpel and cut him open just as Granny said. His screams rang in her ears and her heart cried for him. Once she had done what Granny said, she grabbed Alexiel's hand again.

"I will hold your hand through it all. You will not be alone," she promised him.

It was the early hours of the next morning before they finally finished. Alexiel had finally slipped into unconsciousness, which was probably the best thing with all things considered. Yuki had passed out while trying to heal his wounds. She'd taken her to bed and now she was in the kitchen preparing food for their guests.

"Now then," Granny said as she fixed herself a strong pot of coffee. "Do you mind telling me what the hell just happened? I don't sense Faust anymore, which means someone strong just knocked him for a loop. Where's Kyoya and Lex?"

She looked at Evelyn and Luna with curious yet sympathetic eyes. It was clear that they'd just gone through hell, but she needed answers.

Luna couldn't look at Granny in the eye.

"Lex betrayed us...he killed Faust and Elizabeth. And..." Luna was sure she couldn't cry anymore, but the tears suddenly started again. "I didn't get to Kyoya in time. He's dead too...." Finally she looked at Granny. "It's all my fault. I'm the strongest and I couldn't protect any of them. I couldn't save any of them and I couldn't stop Lex."

Yesterday played over and over in Luna's mind. Everything she had done was flawed. She should have been stronger. She should have been faster. She was weak. And the worst part of it was that she had lost her whole life all on her birthday.

She looked at Evelyn. Evelyn's snow white hair was pulled back into a pony tail to keep from her wet face. She had cried all night and hadn't said a word.

"Evelyn has gone mute...She killed Brandon." Luna placed a hand on Evelyn's shoulder as a tear rolled down Evelyn's face. "She shouldn't have had to do that. I should have taken care of it myself."

"Lex? No...not him," Granny whispered, bowing her head in silence. She simply couldn't believe that he of all people was the one to betray them. "He was such a kind boy." Shaking her head she looked over at the girl's and once more she felt her heart breaking for them. No child should have to go through what they've been through.

"It's not your fault," she said. "We...we should've seen it coming. There were all the signs...I just, I wouldn't have imagined that Lex...." She closed her eyes as she felt emotions run through her that she thought she'd long since exhausted. "Faust is dead.... Without him the world is a dark place indeed."

"As long as I am alive, Granny, I will fight," Luna said wiping her eyes. "As long as I can stand, there is still an Alpha team. I will bring down Lex." She pulled out Faust's cane and passed it to Granny. "Will you keep this safe for me?"

Luna wiped Evelyn's eyes but more tears came. "How is Alexiel?"

Granny looked at Faust's cane as tears came to her eyes. "I knew him for a long time," she whispered softly as she took the cane and held it to her. She seemed lost in her own thoughts for a moment before Luna's words registered.

"He's as well as can be expected, though I doubt he'll be moving anytime soon. Bless his soul, it's amazing he's alive. There were a few...complications, but Yuki healed him the best she could. Still, it's not a pretty sight to behold. Miasma does terrible things to the body."

"He will still fight. It's not like him to give up or give in. He has a score to settle," Luna said. She picked up Evelyn. "I'm going to try and get Evelyn to get some sleep. She refuses to sleep. She stayed up all night with me." Luna looked at Evelyn. "Will you say goodbye to Granny?"

Silence. Luna assumed that it would be like that for Evelyn for the rest of her life. Evelyn buried her face into Luna's shoulder and started to wail again.

"Thank you for your hospitality and for your help. It is very kind of you and of Yuki."

Luna left the room and walked to the small room both her and Evelyn shared. She held Evelyn while she cried until she passed out then Luna laid her down. Just as she stood back up, a rush of nausea rolled in her. She rushed to the bathroom and released. After washing her mouth and flushing the toilet she looked in the mirror. It was then that she realized a pattern. One that had continued for weeks now.

She was pregnant.