Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Twenty Three ( Chapter 23 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
It was a week before Alexiel could get out of bed and walk. Even then he refused to be seen by anyone. His body was heavily bandaged to the point that the only part of him you could really see were his eyes and his hair. While Yuki's healing powers had managed to reverse most of the damage done to his flesh, his torso and arms were still severely burned, as was a small portion of his face. He walked with the aid of Faust's cane, which Granny had given him because she said that Faust would want to actually get some use out of it.

Standing outside for the first time in a week, all he could do was stand there as tears fell down his eyes only to be absorbed by his bandages. He wasn't crying because he was in pain, nor was he crying because of what happened. He was just simply for crying for some reason he couldn't explain. This phenomenon only happened for a few minutes before he managed to regain his composure.

Lex had betrayed them. He'd nearly killed him. He didn't care how much it hurt, or even what happened to his body he was going to become strong enough to avenge them. To avenge them all.

Luna walked up to Alexiel. She hesitated, but decided that it was ok, and reached for his hand. She clutched it. There was only the three of them now. Which meant that Luna couldn't afford to return to her normal state. She couldn't shut them out. She needed them just as they needed her. She was the leader now and they needed to be able to count on her.

Evelyn walked out and grabbed Alexiel's other hand.

"I plan to go back and collect some things from the house. I didn't want to go without consulting you first. If you want to stay behind, that's ok. Evelyn will be staying as well," Luna said giving his hand a small squeeze. "For now on, Alexiel, I promise you that we will stick together. I promise that I will never betray you as long as you promise to never betray us."

Alexiel just looked over at Luna and nodded slowly. "I..." He cleared his throat, after not speaking for such a time it felt weird and his voice sounded different. "I want to go back. I need to see it for myself what happened." He squeezed their hands before looking up at the sky. Their lives had all been taken away from them in an instant. They were all betrayed by the one person that they truly trusted, and this was their reward.

Granny stared out at them from her window, shaking her head as she turned to look away. "What men know, kids must learn," she whispered to herself.

Luna stood before the rubble of the place she once called home. Most everything was destroy and there were blood stains on the ground. Luna walked over to the spot she last saw Kyoya at. A large blood stain was in the very spot but Kyoya was no longer than. Luna place her hand on her stomach. She was carrying his child. The thought alone drove her to be stronger.

She looked back at Alexiel who was moving some of the rumble around. She didn't know what he was searching for, but whatever it was, it was something worthwhile. Luna pushed back the broken front door and walked down the half standing halls until she found her room. She grabbed a bag and started to put clothes in it and things she would need. She grabbed her and clipped it to her belt then moved to Evelyn's old room. Evelyn's room was worse off than Luna's. Half the floor was missing, but Luna was able to grab another bag and start filling it with Evelyn's things.

She walked out of Evelyn's room then to Kyoya's. His room was in the back so it was practically untouched. She sat on the bed and looked around. Her heart sank. She missed him so much. Her hands ran over some of his things and finally settled on a picture of her and him. She placed it in the bag and moved on.

She went to the living room where most of the damage was done. Everything was broken and there were blood stains. She assumed it was where Elizabeth had died. Where he body was was anyone's guess. Something cracked beneath her feet and she looked down. A picture fame of a picture of the Alpha team, Faust and Elizabeth was below her feet. She reached down and picked it up then took the picture out. Slowly, she ripped Lex out of the picture then placed what was left of it in one of the bags.

She looked back at Alexiel. "Try to get some clothes for yourself. You are going to need them."

"I want that," he said softly as he saw her tear out Lex's picture. His hands were bleeding where he'd clawed through the rubble, but he'd found what he'd wanted. It was the mask that Lex had given him. Despite the damage to the surrounding area it was unscathed. Pulling his coat around him he held onto the mask while taking the torn picture of Lex. Whereas Luna would rather forget him, he wanted to see him. Not as the monster he'd been revealed to be, but as the friend he thought he had. Tucking the picture inside his coat he walked over to where his old room was. Most of it had been obliterated, which meant that there wasn't much for him to choose from in the clothes department.

Using Faust's cane he ascended what was left of the stairs to where Faust's room was. Throwing open the door he was greeted by a display of blood bathed walls, undoubtedly from when Lex had attacked. He and Faust were the same size, which was he grabbed what clothes he could and threw them into a bag. The clothes were a little outdated for his taste, but anything could be better then these bandages. Looking at his bandaged form in the broken mirror he began to tear away the bandages from his face.

The burns weren't as bad as he had thought, but as far as he was concerned he never wanted to look at himself again. Fixing the mask on his face he made sure it was tight before heading back downstairs. Giving Luna a look as if to say 'don't ask', he held a bag of clothes in one hand and Faust's cane in the other. "We'll get him," he promised.

Luna nodded and they walked back to Granny's car. Granny had let them borrow it for the trip. Luna threw the things in the back and waited for Alexiel to get in before she got in and started the car. The drive back to Granny's was silent. But nothing really needed to be said. Everything one was thinking, the other was thinking. Luna reached over and patted Alexiel's hand.

"If we can get through this, Alexiel, we can get through anything. Including taking down Lex," she said and pushed the pedal to the floor.

"We'll get through this." There was a confidence in his voice which belied his own fears which were nearly suffocating him. "We don't really have a choice." It was a sad but true statement. They were the only ones that could stop this. They couldn't get in touch with anyone else to even warn them about what happened. That meant that they truly were alone in this.

Once they arrived back at Granny's, Evelyn was waiting for them outside. She was pale. But then again, she always looked pale after the day Lex betrayed them. Luna got out of the car with the bags. Evelyn took a good look at them then walked back inside. She really only wanted to see that they were ok and that was it. Once she got her answer she was content.

Luna looked at Alexiel. "I've tried everything I could think of. She won't talk," she said sadly.

"Someone so young shouldn't have to go through this," Alexiel said as he hefted his bag out of the car.

"That's what I said about you children," Granny replied as she walked outside to greet them. She stared at Alexiel's mask, but said nothing about it. These children were bound to be a little odd after what happened.

"I would rather it be me and Alexiel than Evelyn. She was the first of any of us to take a human life. Not only that, the life of someone she called friend at one point. It should have been me that killed him. She should have never had to worry about it." Luna thought about it for a moment. "I can't help but feel like if I had never ran into her that day, we would have never adopted her and she would never be in this situation."

Luna started to walk to the house. "She deserves a normal childhood."

Alexiel just looked back over the horizon as Luna ventured into the house. What else could they do but bide their time and wait. Wait and grow stronger as Lex had done. Energy flowed around him, but it was nothing compared to what he once had been. He was going to have to start over at the very beginning. Like a phoenix, they would all rise from the ashes and become stronger. All they could do was keep moving forward.

As the weeks rolled on, Luna's clothes began to tighten. She had counted back and done the calculations and realized she was about three or four months pregnant while the months rolled on. She started to get a little nervous when her jeans became too tight to wear and she had to resort to wearing skirts that were loose. Her shirts became so tight that she felt she was suffocating but she wore them anyways. Despite her growing belly, she still practiced alongside Alexiel. She let him practice his power against her while she practiced dodging each powerful hit.

She knew she was risking the life of Kyoya's child, but she felt she had no other choice. If she wanted to get stronger and faster she had to practice. It was getting harder and harder to hide the fact that she was getting tired earlier than usually and hungrier than normal, but she did what she had to. While Alexiel and Luna practiced together, Evelyn practiced alone using any and all water that surrounded the area. She was getting good enough to pull water straight out of the air with the flick of her wrist. It scared her as well as excited her.

After nearly two months of being at Granny's, Luna was starting to lose her energy.

Alexiel closed his eyes so that he could feel the wind on his skin. It was rare that he ever stepped out without clothes covering every inch of his body, but today he felt like living a little. Luna was inside resting, which meant that he didn't have anything else to do but to meditate and he'd been doing so much meditating in the past few months that he was going crazy. Well...crazier.

Holding his mask in his hands he exhaled slowly as he let the energy build up around him. Whereas before when he used his energy his tattoos began to glow, something different began to happen. Since his tattoos were now permanently marked into his bones they began to glow. It was a spectacle to behold, though the end result made him look more like a glowing skeleton then a fearsome fighter.

Stretching his hand outward he felt the slight tingling sensation which occurred whenever he used his powers now. Granny had told him that it was because the energy was coursing through his bones before moving out through his body. It made his powers even harder to control, but it also gave them a more powerful kick then before.

On a whim he extended his hand outward and unleashed the energy he had been building up. Even with his feet firmly planted the resulting kick caused him to skid several feet back from his original position. It was frustrating to lack control, but the end result was rather nice. Looking at the crater he formed with that blast made him smile. He was getting stronger.

Yuki came running out and waving her arms at Alexiel. "Hey! Luna said to get ready. She said that you guys are going to town to get some information on the whereabouts of Lex." She then smiled. "And guess what! I get to go to! I'm a Witcher now!"

She clapped her hands together and laughed.

Alexiel looked back at her, a mixture of emotions crossing his face as he heard this. So, they were finally going after Lex.... He wasn't certain how he felt about that, but then again he also wasn't certain how he felt about Yuki going with them either. She wasn't really a fighter, and to be quite honest she was too pure for the battlefield.

"Are you certain you want to come?" He turned to her, noting the youthful enthusiasm and excitement on her face. How could she be so excited over something like this? Then again, it wasn't that long ago that he was like that. He had wanted to do everything, learn everything, and master everything that he could. Perhaps it was that enthusiasm which had blinded him to the truth.

Yuki pulled out her bow and then an arrow. She smiled and pulled back. Way off in the distance was a rock that Alexiel could barely see. She aimed then let go. In a matter of seconds, the arrow hit and shattered the rock in tiny pieces.

"I'm a little gifted with a bow," she said. "And I've killed more demons than you think."

Just as she finished saying this, Luna walked out. She looked so tired, but determined. Evelyn stood at the door way, she was staying behind again.

"You guys ready?" Luna asked.

"Impressive." He had to admit that she was a good shot, but he still didn't like the idea of her going with them. He didn't want to see her get hurt. More importantly, he was afraid that what they were going to do might dampen her spirits. Her cheerful mood...it was contagious. It made him happy, and he didn't want her to lose that.

Luna didn't look like she was ready for what was to come, but he nodded nonetheless. "We'll be back shortly, Evelyn." He missed the old Evelyn. The curious and mischievous little girl was long gone, replaced by only a ghost of herself. Then again, he missed the way a lot of things use to be.

"Ready when you are," he said as he fixed his mask before grabbing his cloak. He'd never really been fond of the whole Victorian era clothing that Faust wore, but it'd sort of grown on him since it was the only thing that he could wear. Yuki said it made him look like a dashing phantom...whatever that meant.

Luna drove them back to town then pulled the car in a local parking lot. She messed with her skirt to keep it from riding up. She felt uncomfortable in a short shirt while being pregnant, but it was the only thing that was fitting her at the moment. Eventually she would have to buy something different, but not until it was imperative and the others knew that she was pregnant. She hoped that wouldn't be for a while.

"We stick together, no one separates. I don't want anyone going off on their own for any reason. If you find something out, you wait for the rest of us before doing anything rash." It was her first order as the new leader.

"I agree, sticking together is always the best thing to do," Yuki said nodding her head.

Luna groaned. After two months of Yuki's peppy attitude, she was sure she was allergic to it.

Stepping out of the car Alexiel instantly realized that while he might prefer to keep his face covered by his mask, it wasn't exactly the most logical of accessories to wear when strolling around New York City. They'd spent so many months away from here that he'd forgotten what it was like to be in a big city. He really should've thought about this before hand.

"So, are we going to see Juno?" He'd only heard the name in passing once or twice, but apparently he was Faust's informant when it came to all things unsavory.... If anyone knew where they could find Lex it would be this Juno. Though from what he'd heard dealing with Juno could be very...difficult. He had a reputation of being unwilling to cooperate unless a large sum of money was involved. Since they had lost their financial assets in Lex's attack, money wasn't an option which meant that they'd have to persuade him in other ways.

"Yep," Luna said as they walked down a back alley and to a small building that looked a little run down. Luna opened the door and went to the counter. The store looked like a second hand thrift store and a little run down.

Luna pound on the counter. "Juno! Get out here!"

"Yeah, yeah, hold your horses..." A few minutes later a blonde woman came to the front. She had piercings all over her face and probably over her body as well. She wore clothes that barely covered her gracious curves, and despite her dainty frame she seemed like she could handle herself.

She took one look at three people who stood in her building before she started to laugh. "Ah, you must be Faust's little freaks."

"I'd watch what I say if I were you," Alexiel said as a energy blast erupted near her head. "We're not exactly in the joking mood right now. We need information...information that you have."

"Oh really? And what makes you think I have the information you're looking for?"

Luna grabbed the girl by her shirt. She slammed her fist on the counter and it broke in half. "That could be your face if you don't start talking," Luna warned and placed her back on her feet. Luna straightened herself. "We are looking for Lex. He was the guy Faust always sent here for information.

Luna looked at Juno. "Are you going to talk or do I need to break something else?"