Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Twenty Four ( Chapter 24 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
"Please honey, like you could really do anything that demons haven't done," Juno said with a small laugh. Looking at the front desk she just shook her head. "I hope you have money for that."

"This isn't getting us anywhere," Alexiel said, growing impatient at the sheer callousness of this woman. It was frustrating to say the least.

Luna grabbed her stomach. Being angry made her stomach have sharp pains she took a deep breath. "Forget it. I have better things to do than waste time on you," Luna mumbled.

As she was walking out she ripping the door off the hedges and threw it down the alley way making it shatter. It didn't help matters, but it help blow off some stream.

Juno just laughed as they started to leave. "I'll make sure to tell Lex that you stopped by," she said with a smirk. That was too much for Alexiel to take. As she turned around he grabbed her by the back of the hair and threw her to the ground.

"You're going to tell us what we want, whether you want to or not." He had no idea what he was doing. He'd never actually meant to do this before. Just that first time with the snake demon, but that was by accident. Before Juno could protest he'd slammed his hand into her chest and concentrated. He could actually see it. All her energy was circulating around area...her soul. Pulling it out of her was harder then he would've imagined, but he didn't care. She knew where Lex was and he was going to find out.

All he had to go on was what he'd seen Lex do. To that end he let her soul slip inside his body. All at once images filled his head. Memories of a different life, feelings that he couldn't comprehend, and finally there was something else. A tingling sensation that coursed through his entire body. It took him a few seconds before he could even speak.

"Cecelia," he hissed as he looked up at Luna. His voice sounded weird even to him. He remembered all the backlashes that happened to Lex when he'd absorbed souls, but that was of little concern to him. He could see the disappointment and slight concern in her eyes, but he did what he have to. "I know where she is. She can lead us to him."

Luna shook her head at him. "How could you? After everything that did to Lex and yet you still did it. Alexiel let me get something straight with you. I am the team leader and you follow my rules," she said move directly in front of him. "You are to never do that again. Not to anyone, and especially not to an innocent!"

Yuki moved in between them. "Ok, what we need is a chill pill!" She said and pushed them apart. "We know you are the leader, Luna. And Alexiel should respect that, but he just got us very important information."

Luna ignored her as she stared at Alexiel. "Am I clear or not?"

Alexiel looked at her, his eyes narrowing as she stared him down. "Crystal," he replied calmly, clearing his throat as he did so. The tingling feeling hadn't subsided, but he stood anyways so that he could meet her gaze. "I did what I had to." Fixing his cloak he brushed past Luna so he could get the car.
"I also found out that Kyoya may be alive." With that he got into the car and closed his eyes so that he could try and sort out the images that were flooding his mind. How had Lex done this? His head felt like it was literally splitting in half. It was hard to focus on what he was actually doing since it felt like their were two voices in his head yelling at him.

Luna froze. "Kyoya..." she whispered.

Yuki tilted her head to the side. "Who's that?"

Luna ignored her question and got back into the car. "Where?"

Yuki followed behind and hopped in. She felt left out almost. She knew that the bond that Alexiel and Luna shared was because of what had happened in the past, but she couldn't help but hope that she would one day be just like they were...minus the blanket of sadness of course.

"Just drive north," Alexiel said as he held his head. "There's a place there, up at the edge of the city called the Cocoa Bango Club. She's there." He actually felt like he was going to throw up. Taking off his mask so that he could fresh air was probably the best thing that he'd done all night.

Inhaling deeply didn't exactly aid the situation. It just made his stomach twist into knots. "Yuki, you didn't happen to bring any Aspirin with you, did you?" Not that Aspirin would actually help what he had, but it was the thought that counts.

"I'm not a medicine cabinet!" Yuki said laughing.

Luna hit the gas and drove fast. She switched the gears and took the curves like a pro. Her eyes scanned the signs she drove past until she came upon the one Alexiel had said before. She stopped the car and got out.

"She doesn't get out alive. That's an order," Luna said in a low voice as the other two got out and started to walk to the door.

"No problem," Alexiel growled. His insides still felt weird, but there was no way that he was sitting this out. Not with the way that Luna was acting. She'd lost her cool, and going into a place like this doing so could get you killed. He took a deep breath before fixing his mask and getting out of the car. There was very little point in trying to be stealthy, that had never really been their style.

Pointing at the front doors they suddenly caved in under a small wave of pressure. "Ladies first," he said with a small smirk hidden behind his mask. He didn't know what to expect, but he doubted that it would be pleasant.

"Aww, you broke my doors. How very bad of you." Cecelia was standing in the middle of the club, right where the singer should go. The spotlight was on her, as it always was. The place was packed with people, at least they looked like people, but their glowing eyes gave them away for what they truly were.

"Show them the door, boys," she laughed as the demons began to rise from their chairs to take care of their 'guests'.

Yuki drew back her bow. "No touching!" she said and let go. The arrow went straight through two demons and she laughed. "Go me!" She drew back again and fired one after another.

Luna was impressed, but she didn't waste time, she had to clear the way to Cecilia. She pulled out her sword and started taking heads off as she made a path to Cecilia. She jumped on the stage and stared at her.

"Where is Kyoya!" she screamed.

Alexiel cursed beneath his breath as Luna jumped up on stage with Cecelia. This wasn't good. She was in no condition to be fighting her. Throwing his hands out he tore through the demons that came near him. There was no point in holding back or else bad things might happen to Yuki or Luna. Demons vaporized into nothingness when they drew closer, but his eyes were only on Luna.

"Aww, did you find out my little lover was alive? It seems that poor Juno must've met her end then. What a shame." Cecelia laughed at the look on Luna's face before suddenly lunging at her, preparing to tear her head from her torso.

Alexiel threw an energy blast across the room which caught Cecelia in the side forcing her away from Luna. It wasn't much, but it was the best he could do as he worked his way to her.

Luna looked back at Alexiel. "I could have handled it," she said and took off after Cecilia's body that flew back.

Yuki looked around. There were no more demons. She ran to up to the stage where Luna once stood and then watched as Luna lunged at Cecilia, throwing her fist back and slamming it into Cecilia's face. Cecilia was once again thrown back.

Cecelia wiped the blood from her face and growled. "You bitch!" She lunged once more at Luna, but just like before another energy blast from Alexiel sent her flying back into the wall. He jumped onto the stage and launched an onslaught of energy at her, frying her on the ground as she screamed in agony. She was a fighter, but she was accustomed to having stronger people do her work for her. She had no idea what to do when it was actually a fair fight.

Once he was certain she had no more fight in her he looked over at Luna. "She's all yours," he said as he dusted himself off.

Luna glared at him. "I could have taken her alone," she said just before she pounded on Cecilia. She pinned her down underneath her and punched her in the face. "Where is Kyoya?"

No answer. Luna punched her again and demanded to know where Kyoya was. No answer. Luna was pissed. She couldn't stop herself as her fist connected with Cecilia's once pretty face over and over again with no sight of stopping.

"Where is he!" She screamed.

Her hands were covered in Cecilia's blood as well as her own. She was punching so hard that the skin had started to come off her hands and Cecilia's face.

"Luna!" He grabbed her hand as she went to punch Cecelia again. "You don't need to exert yourself like this. You've almost killed her!" He held her hand tight so that she couldn't punch Cecelia again without possibly breaking his wrist.

"She's unconscious now...possibly even brain dead!" Letting go of her hand he sighed as he stood beside her. "Think of the baby, Luna." Closing his eyes he knelt down so that he could look her in the face. Now that Cecelia was unconscious there was no way to get the information out of her. Well...there was one way, and both he and Luna knew what it was.

"You...you know..." Luna said in huff breath. She relaxed and Alexiel helped her to her feet. She looked down at Cecilia.

Yuki walked up to them. "You killed her?"

"Were it not for Kyoya's position inside her head, Alexiel, I would never ask you to do this...take her soul and tell me where he is..." she said looking away from him.

"I'm an Aion," he told her. "We can sense energy in lifeforms. I've known for quite sometime." It was moments like this that he was increasingly glad for his mask. Though he had first done a soul absorption because he thought it was necessary, he was actually terrified as to what would happen this time. He was still reeling from the first one...and now this.

Closing his eyes he realized that his hand was shaking as he placed it on her chest. Her soul was fading fast, so he didn't have the luxury of time to think about it. All he could do was take her soul and absorb it into him. Almost instantly he threw off his mask as he doubled over and threw up. He thought that absorbing a human was bad...a vampire was a hundred times worse. There were so many images to decipher from.

"Water," he said as he held his head. His voice was cracking, and he was finding it harder to rationalize. All he knew was that he needed something to drink. "Scratch that...gimme scotch."

Yuki ran to the bar and grabbed what he had asked for and ran back. Luna lightly kicked the dead body of Cecilia while watching Yuki give Alexiel the bottle of scotch. Yuki patted his head feeling very uncomfortable about not being able to help him. Luna waited patiently but all the while feeling her heart's pace pick up.

From what Luna could tell Yuki was clueless about her pregnancy. She wanted to keep it that way. It was best if she could keep it a secret for as long as she could. Yuki suddenly looked at Luna.

"What should we do?" she asked.

"We wait. He will pull through. He's been through worse," Luna said as she picked up Alexiel's discarded mask.

Alexiel coughed as he downed the liquor. It didn't exactly make things better, but it didn't make them worse either. "Upstairs," he muttered, pointing to the back section of the club. "There's a private room behind the V.I.P. club. He's in there." He knew that was all he would have to say to send Luna on her way. He just hoped that she wouldn't be too mortified with the image that he'd seen in Cecelia's mind...his mind now.

At this point he didn't really care. He just wanted to lay down and go to sleep; but there was no rest for the weary. He pushed himself up, and kept himself propped up until he could sit down in a chair.

Luna took off before he could really finish. Yuki debated whether to stay with Alexiel or go with her, she finally decided to go with Luna in case Kyoya needed healing.

Luna busted down the room door and gasped as she looked at Kyoya. She turned around and threw up while gasping for air. Yuki went past her and into the room to look Kyoya over.

Kyoya looked up, unsure of what he was actually seeing. "Luna?" His voice was hoarse and his body was gaunt and frail.

Though he didn't have many wounds on his body, it was obvious that he hadn't been treated well. Chains connected to his wrist then to the walls kept him from running. Around his neck was a rather nasty device with spikes pressed against his throat. It was an ancient relic that Lex had dug up in one of his searches. Its main purpose was to keep a shifter from being able to change form. If he tried the blades would drive into his throat and kill him. He was naked and Luna knew that Cecilia wasn’t joking when she had said Kyoya was her sex slave.

Luna finally composed herself and she walked in the room. "Go get a blanket or something," she told Yuki and Yuki ran off. Luna pulled at the chains he was connected to and they came out of the wall with ease. She took them off his wrist then moved her hands to the collar. "You're ok now...you're going to be fine," she said more for herself than for him.

Yuki came back and placed a blanket around Kyoya's naked form as Luna threw the collar across the room.

"Can you stand? Walk?" Luna asked cupping his face.