Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Twenty Five ( Chapter 25 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kyoya was still in disbelief. This was real. He didn't waste time with words, instead he took her and kissed her with every ounce of energy he had left. "You're real," he whispered, his lips cracking as he smiled. "I just...want to sleep." He knew that he was too weak to walk now, but he didn't want Luna to have to carry him either. That was why he turned into a small kitten so that he could be carried without hassle. There was a cracking sounds as his bones broke down to change, followed by a sharp hiss of pain. It had been so long since he'd transformed that his body was fighting against it.

Alexiel stood outside the door, propping himself up with Faust's cane. "C'mon. Let's go back to Granny's," he whispered. They'd started out to find Lex, but instead had found Kyoya. It was a fair trade. Besides, now he knew where Lex was, but if Cecelia's memories were correct, they were in no way able to take him on now.

Luna drove fast back to Granny's while Yuki held Kyoya in the back seat. When they arrived, Luna took Kyoya from Yuki and looked at Granny. She was trying so hard not to cry.

"He's really hurt," Luna said passing him over to Granny. Granny took him to her infirmary and Luna followed.

Evelyn looked up at Granny's hands as they passed her and she reached for Luna's hand. Luna looked at her. Evelyn hugged Luna's arm to her and Luna got to her knees.

"He'll be ok," she said as Evelyn nodded. "Alexiel isn't feeling well. Why don't you keep him company?"

Evelyn ran off to find Alexiel and Yuki while Luna went into the infirmary to watch Granny work.

A part of Alexiel wanted to go make sure that Kyoya was okay; but he knew that it wasn't his place to be in there. Besides, all he wanted now was some peace and quiet. Tossing his jacket onto a chair he collapsed on his bed and closed his eyes. His clothes were starting to get baggy, he must be losing more weight then he thought.

Granny looked over Kyoya who was still in cat form, sighing as she confirmed her hypothesis. "Good news," she said giving Luna a smile. "Other than a few bruises and cuts; and being seriously malnourished...he's fine."

Luna tied her hands together. "Great," she said and let out a deep breath.

Evelyn opened Alexiel's door and walked over to his bed. She crawled beside him and curled up while holding on to his arm. She was so quiet that she was sure he wouldn't mind her being there, not that she would move even if he didn't want her there.

Yuki met Granny and Luna in the infirmary and went up beside Granny. "Does he need my healing?"

"I think he should heal up fine on his own. Give him a steak, give him rest, and give him Luna. He'll be fine by tomorrow morning," she said with a small cackle which made her seem more like a witch then their savior.

Alexiel looked over at Evelyn as she took his arm. Smiling, he wrapped it around her and pulled her close. He didn't feel well at all, but having her there was at least somewhat better then being in his room all alone.

Luna cradled Kyoya in her arms as she walked to the kitchen. She grabbed a steak out like Granny said and put it on a plate then went to her room. She placed Kyoya on her bed with the plate and then she sat on the floor. Her hands went to her belly.

"Everything is going to be fine now..." she said to herself. "And after Lex is dead, everything will be great."

She grabbed the sewing kit Yuki lent her and one of her skirts. She started taking the hem out and started readjusting it to fit her belly better without showing so much skin.

Kyoya yawned and stretched as the morning rays hit his face. At first he didn't know where he was, but he wasn't with Cecelia so that made this place Heaven. Looking around he inhaled Luna's scent and smiled. Yesterday hadn't been a dream. Standing up he stretched and noticed a warm steak sitting on a plate. In two seconds that was gone as he was rubbing his belly. Of course it was only then that he noticed he was naked.

Grabbing a pair of Luna's jeans he tossed them on and stared out her window. Just where in the world was he?

Alexiel groaned as he covered his face with a pillow. Sleep hadn't come easy to him that night. His body felt as if Luna had used him for a punching bag, and his head felt as if she was still punching it. He was fairly adamant that nothing was going to get him out of bed today.

Luna cracked Alexiel's door opened and peered in. Evelyn was sleeping peacefully next to Alexiel. She smiled to herself at the sight then closed the door. She started back to her room and Yuki stopped her.

"Is the sewing kit helping?" she asked with a smile.

"Yes, thank you," Luna replied. She had told Yuki that her clothes had some holes in them from the attack at Faust's home. "I will return..."

"No, no," Yuki said holding up her hands. "Use it as long as you need it. We live under the same roof so I know where it will be if I need it."

"Thank you, Yuki."

After Yuki nodded to her, Luna walked back to her room. When she opened the door and saw Kyoya, she felt a little embarrassed that he was able to fit in her jeans and she couldn't.

"Hey," he said with a smile as he walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her. There was a slight pause as he looked at her with a confused expression. "Perhaps my form has changed.... Either that...or you have something to tell me." It was fairly obvious when he touched her that something was definitely different; and while he had his hopes...he wanted to hear it from her.

Luna moved away from him. She started to pick up the clothes she had sewed the night before. She felt nervous. "Yeah...a lot has happened. You're probably wondering where you are." She put the skirts away. "This is Granny's house and the girl you saw yesterday is her apprentice Yuki. Faust sent us here after...well after Lex attacked." She paused and gripped the side of her dresser. Tears slide from her eyes. "I...I thought you were dead."

Kyoya gave her a lopsided grin as she nervously pranced around his words. Still, she did answer a few other questions which he had been meaning to ask. "So this is Granny's? I still can't believe that Lex...." He shook his head, knowing all too well of Lex's treachery, probably more so then Alexiel and Luna simply because he had spent more time with him after his betrayal.

"Though that doesn't quite answer my real question," he said as he placed a hand on her stomach.

Luna moved his hand off her stomach. "Don't, there are more important things. I have obligations to the team and they are counting on me." She wiped her eyes and then looked at her jeans on him. "We are going to have to go back and get you so of your clothes."

She didn't sleep the night before like most nights. Because of that, she was tired like she always was. She sat down on her bed and looked down at her stomach. She was going on her fifth month now which meant her stomach was starting to get much bigger than she wanted. It would take maybe a week before everyone really started to notice.

"There is just too much to do..."

"Yes, there is much to do, but not for you." Kyoya walked over and sat down beside her, wrapping an arm around her he pulled her close to him. "Lex isn't going to do anything for quite some time. I heard that he was still gaining power and trying to make his way through the ranks of the underworld which will take some time. For now let's just focus on regrouping and taking care of what is most important."

Luna looked up at him. "You have no idea how hard it's been. Then again," she placed her hand on his face, "I don't have any idea what you have been through. Evelyn won't talk, she's gone mute. Alexiel has taken the souls of two people yesterday just to find you. I killed Cecilia before we could get information from her so it's my fault Alexiel took her soul." Luna dropped her hand and looked down. "On top of it all, I'm pregnant and I know that it won't be long before everyone finds out and I won't be allowed to fight."

And gripped her skirt. "Kyoya, when Faust transported us here...I thought I had lost you forever. I thought you were dead... Had I known you were alive I would have gotten to you sooner."

"Alexiel took people's souls?" Kyoya couldn't imagine Alexiel doing that. Then again he really couldn't imagine Evelyn not talking. Lex's betrayal had done worse things to them then even he could imagine. Lex didn't just wound their bodies, he took a bit of their souls as well.

"It's okay," he assured her as he caressed her cheek. "If it was up to Lex...I would be. Cecelia wanted to keep me as a pet, and he gave in to her on a whim."

Luna took his hands. "I'm afraid to bring this child into this world knowing what I know." She looked up at him. "Kyoya, it will be half demon. Have you ever heard of a child being born half demon? Will I even survive the delivery? I have so many questions...and Faust isn't here to answer any of them. And everyone looks to me for answers and I don't have any. I'm just as lost, just as torn as everyone else. I...don't know how long I can hold myself together."

Kyoya kissed the top of her head and closed his eyes. "It's okay. We'll figure this out together. You don't have to do this by yourself. I'll be there with you every step of the way. I promise." He wasn't one to make promises that he couldn't keep. Luna was carrying a baby, his baby. Nothing would harm them. He didn't care what he'd have to do he would protect them.

Alexiel groaned as he tried to roll over only to realize that the munchkin still had his arm pinned. "Joy," he whispered softly. He quirked an eyebrow as he heard his voice. That was odd.... His voice sounded different.

Evelyn yawned lightly and her eyes fluttered opened. They got wide when she saw Alexiel's face. Her hand reached out and touched it. He had changed so much from the Alexiel she knew. Why was everything changing so much? She bit her lip and snuggled into his chest as she clung to his shirt. Everything was just too much for her. First Lex betrayed them, then she killed Brandon. After that, Lex killed Faust and Elizabeth and Luna lost Kyoya. Now Alexiel was changing...what else would change? What else would be taken from her?

Alexiel gasped lightly as Evelyn clung to his chest. Why was his chest so tender? He didn't remember getting hit there. "Hey kiddo," he said, coughing as he rubbed his throat. He figured he must be getting sick, either that or.... His eyes widened as he remembered what he had done the night before. Two soul absorptions. Both women...one of which was a vampire. He shuddered to think of what could happen, but quickly shook that idea out of his head. No, there was no way. Still, he was afraid to look in a mirror.

Yuki knocked on Alexiel's door and then enter. "I brought you some..." she dropped the tray she was holding and food went everywhere. Evelyn sat up. "You...your...girl...how?" Yuki said stumbling over her words.

She shook her head to knock her back to reality then started to clean up the mess all the while looking at Alexiel. She couldn't take her eyes off him.

Alexiel sat up quickly, stopping only to grab his head as a feeling of light headiness swept over him. "What...what are you talking about?" It was only when he sat up that he felt a weight on his chest. His eyes widened as far as they could go as he stared up at the ceiling. "Please...no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no." When he looked down his sight was obstructed by two orbs of flesh.

Kyoya jumped as a scream echoed throughout Granny's house. "Was that Alexiel?"

"Did I forget to mention that both people he absorbed where girls?" Luna said looking up. A few minutes later, Evelyn came running in and jumped on the bed with Kyoya and Luna. Her eyes were wide. "What's wrong?"

Evelyn just shook her head.

Kyoya quirked an eyebrow at this, a smile coming to his lips. "Well then, it seems that today is going to be very interesting indeed." Looking at Luna he extended his arm to her. "Shall we?"

Alexiel was in shock. At least, one would hope he was in shock. He was just standing in front of a mirror, his right eye twitching lightly. He looked like a combination of Cecelia and Juno with very little Alexiel left. He'd lost a foot of height in the evening and grown nearly a foot of hair. His clothes were literally falling off of him as well. He didn't even recognize his face anymore. The only upside to this condition was the fact that his skin looked perfect now. Feminine...but perfect.

After cleaning the mess up, Yuki walked over to Alexiel. "Well...at least you are a cute girl," she said. "And just look at your skin! I'm so jealous!" She then giggled.

Kyoya turned the corner to Alexiel's room, stopping in the doorway before bursting out into laughter. "Wow, you make a cute blonde Alexiel."

That snapped him out of it. Turning around he unleashed a wave of energy at Kyoya. Unfortunately his body's weight distributions were far different from what he was use to so instead of holding his ground he fell flat on his face. "Ow..."

"What's all this ruckus about. Who's that?" Granny asked as she peeked into Alexiel's room.

"That's Alexiel," Kyoya said with a smirk.

Granny paused for a moment before she too burst out into laughter. "Well then, that'll teach ya not to absorb people's souls!"

Luna helped Alexiel up. "It's partly my fault," she said as she got him to his feet. "And I'm sorry, Alexiel."

Yuki giggled. "Well I think it's really cool! If I could be a guy for a day it would answer so many questions!"

Luna looked at her. "That's really creepy, Yuki. And the fact that you giggled with it only makes it even more creepy."

Yuki tilted her head to the side. "Really?"

As they were talking, Evelyn pulled on Kyoya's jeans. When he looked down at her, she gave him and small hug. Even though everything had happened so fast in her life, she was glad that Kyoya was back where he belonged, with the Witchers.

"This is all well and good," Alexiel said as he dusted himself off, shuddering as he touched parts he shouldn't. "But this still doesn't change the fact that I'm a woman."

"Oh don't worry, you ninny. Their souls just took advantage of you while you slept. Spent some time meditating to regain control and you should take on some assemblage of your old form. Though with your skill...it might take a few days." With that Granny turned around and walked off, still laughing as she went.

"And what am I suppose to do in the mean time? I can barely walk without my pants falling down, much less train!" Alexiel growled in frustration, but stopped as he looked at Yuki. "Trust me...being a guy is much better than being a girl."

"Aww it's not that bad," Kyoya laughed as he picked up Evelyn and held her in his arms. "I've spent a century or two as a female."

"Yeah, but you could change back willingly."

"True. Well then, I'm going to get breakfast. Who else is hungry?"

Evelyn raised her hand as being hungry. Luna smiled to herself. "I'm hungry too...starving," she admitted.

Yuki grabbed Alexiel's arm. "Come with me! You look about my size. You can borrow some of my clothes," she said pulling him out the door.

"Poor Alexiel...the pep squad has him hostage."