Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Twenty Seven ( Chapter 27 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Alexiel opened up an eye as he looked at her. Looking at his reflection in the mirror his hopeful expression was crushed as he realized that despite meditating for nearly an hour there was nothing changed with him. In fact...he actually thought his boobs got bigger. "Sure, why not," he sighed. "It's not like meditating is doing me any good." He started to grab his mask on instinct, but he quickly remembered that it wouldn't fit anymore like all his other stuff.

Sighing, he looked at Luna and just shrugged. Noticing the look in her eyes he paused and did a double take. Perhaps it was his new feminine form, or just the fact that he knew her so well, but he could tell that something was off. "You sure you want me to go?"

"Yeah, " was all she said as they walked to the car. She got in and looked at Kyoya. "Alexiel decided he wanted to come."

She placed her hand on her stomach. The baby was kicking at her. She had felt it before, but the little one seemed a little more feisty than usually. She smirked a bit and permitted herself to wonder if it was going to be a girl or a boy and what she would name it. It was the first time she had ever let herself think about the future of having the baby.

Yuki came running out. "Hey! Can I go?" Luna nodded and Yuki smiled. "Great!"

Kyoya smiled at Luna and took her hand in his. Though he didn't say it out loud, he mouthed it so that she could see it. "Thank you."

Alexiel noticed the interaction between the two, but he had enough tact not to say anything. It was going to take them a few hours to get back to the city so he was going to try and meditate on the way there. "Luna, could you turn it to a rock station please?"

Luna did as he asked and turned the radio on. The drive was quiet, but nice. The fresh air was nice. Yuki was happy that she got a chance to leave the house again. She didn't get out much before Luna and Alexiel had arrived and she felt blessed that they did. She rolled down the window and let the wind hit her hair and listened to the music.

Once they arrived at the old house, Yuki got out and looked at it. "Wow...I didn't think it would be this bad," she said. She suddenly wanted to take that back. "I'm sorry."

Luna got out and patted Yuki on the shoulder. "It's ok. It gets a little easier with every visit." She then started to climb up the rubble. This time she started looking for computer stuff.

"I'm going back up to Faust's room to see if there's anything that might be of use up there," Alexiel said as he started up the stairs. Luna was right, the more he saw of this place the less it hurt to come back. Faust's room had been relatively undamaged save for the blood and torn walls. He didn't know what he was looking for, he just had a hunch that there might be something good there.

"Well then, I'm going to go get some clothes so I can give you back your pants," Kyoya said as he headed back to his room.

Luna got to the computer room and nearly cried. Everything had been crashed and destroyed. It was part of the house that had been untouched so she figured Lex had messed it up just to piss her off. It was working. She rummaged through the stuff to find something of use, but everything seemed fried and beyond repair even for her talents. She looked around.

"Some birthday gift, Lex. You just had to take the only material things I love in life, didn't you?" she said to herself then left the room.

Yuki was looking around the training room that was wrecked. She didn't have anything she wanted to find, she was just wasting time for the others.

Kyoya grabbed his clothe while pilfering through the remains of his room. He still couldn't get over the fact that this place was really gone. That Faust and Elizabeth were really gone. "This world truly is unjust," he whispered as he grabbed one of the last books he'd been reading and tossed it into his bag as well.

Alexiel felt weird going through Elizabeth's stuff, but he'd already been through Faust's and hadn't found anything important. Well, nothing other than a stash of sweets which he kept hidden in a desk. It seemed that Elizabeth's stuff was a little bit more organized then Faust's which made it easier to tell when something was out of place. In this case it was the ring which was situated at the bottom of her dresser.

Pulling on the ring revealed a false bottom. Inside the little compartment was a purse with the initials I.C.E. on it. "In case of emergency," Alexiel whispered as he took the purse and opened it up. His eyes widening as he saw stacks of cash stuffed into it. Along with the cash was a small personal laptop, one of the minis that he didn't even think were available in America yet. "Luna's gonna enjoy this," he said with a smile as he stuffed everything back in the purse and hurried downstairs. "Luna! You'll never guess what I found."

Luna looked up at Alexiel. She was on her knees going through some wires trying to find something, anything that could be saved. She back at the wires. "Unless it's a new strip of wires, a new hard drive, and a new monitor than I'm not interested." She through the wires. "This is hopeless. Nothing is left. All my data, all of our software and files, everything is gone!"

Yuki came running over and smiled. "I found this bow. It's the best I have ever seen!"

"It was mine. You can have it," Luna said standing.

"Thank you so much, Luna! I will treasure your gift until the end of time!"

Luna gave her a crazed look. "It's a bow...not a kidney."

Alexiel stared at the girls before shaking his head in wonder. If he ever got that crazy he'd put himself out of his misery. Wow, that was morbid...and slightly crazy. Oh no! It'd already started! Shaking his head he held the purse out for Luna with a smile. "Just remember that I am awesome," Alexiel said as he opened up the purse to show her its contents.

Kyoya walked in at that moment with a confused look on his face. "Females," he muttered as he shook his head and started to the library. Hopefully there would still be something good left in there. As far as he knew Lex never went into the library, but then again there was a lot about Lex that he apparently didn't know.

Luna looked at the laptop and money. "How in the world did Faust get this? It's not even available in America yet!" she said excitedly. "Best birthday gift ever!"

She moved past Alexiel. "I'll be in the car waiting for you guys."

Yuki watched Luna leave. "Does she have a thing for computers or something? I've never seen her so...happy."

Alexiel was all but shoved aside as Luna hurried off to the car. "Yeah.... I really think she loves computers more than anything else. Except for Kyoya...and Evelyn.... Okay, I guess he just loves computers more than me." He bowed his head as this revelation hit him. Oh well, she'd have to like him for a little while. He'd taken the battery out of the laptop, so she wouldn't be able to do that much with it.

Kyoya sat gloomily in the midst of destroyed books. So many years worth of literature simply gone in a flash. If that wasn't enough he burned a smiley face in the wall just to add insult to injury.

When Luna noticed the battery missing, she thought really strongly about ripping Alexiel's head from his shoulders but the decided that getting up and walking all the way back over to him was way too much work, and she was exhausted. She settled on staying in the car and counting how much money Faust and Elizabeth had stashed back.

Yuki smiled at Alexiel. "I'm sure that's not the case. I'm sure she cares about you, but she has gone a long time without something she really likes." Yuki patted him on the head. "But taking her battery was a little mean."

"Well, I didn't exactly take it simply out of spite." He didn't exactly enjoy the fact that he was now short enough for her to pat him on the head, but he let that slide for the moment. "I was actually looking at the symbol on it." He held up the battery so that she could see it. There was a symbol in which looked oddly similar to the markings Aions used.

"I'm not sure what it means, but I wanted Granny to look at it before we actually put it in the laptop to use it. For all we know Lex might've done something to it so it'll blow up when we start it up."

Yuki nodded and smiled again. "I hope it's nothing serious," she said.

Luna looked around and opened the car door. She got out. "What is taking them so long," she mumbled. "Hey! Are you guys coming! I want to get back before sun down!"

Yuki looked back at Luna waving. "She's right. We shouldn't be here at night."

"Eh, nothing too serious can happen. Despite Lex's damage most of the seals are still in place," he said as he double checked himself before adding. "Besides, you've got a big strong Aion here who can kick butt! So yeah, we'll be fine."

"Such arrogance for someone so small," Kyoya said rapping Alexiel on the head as he started to the car. "Especially when you let a simple soul absorption do such naughty things to your body."

"Don't tell me about naughty things," Alexiel muttered, crossing his arms over his chest only to groan and cross then beneath his bosoms.

Just as Luna saw Kyoya walking towards her, a shifter lunged at her. She dodged the attack, but because it attacked and she wasn't prepared for it, she slide on the ground and landed in some of the houses rubble. She stood up on shaky legs.

"Well, that wasn't fun," she said. Her sword was in the car and the shifter seemed to be guarding it.

She shrugged thinking it was fine since there was only one, when suddenly a whole pack joined him. All of them were shifted into leopards. Luna stepped back.

Kyoya transformed in an instant. Regrettably Luna's jeans were torn to shreds in that instant, but it was a small price to pay. He lunged at the creature closest to Luna and pinned it against the car. "Grab your sword, I'll cover you!" He didn't like the idea of putting her into a situation like this, but if she was going to be in this situation he at least wanted her armed. "Alexiel! Yuki! Get your butts out here!"

Alexiel exchanged looks with Yuki before darting off to where they were parked. As soon as he got there he threw his arms out and sent two waves of energy at the pack of shifters. It caused them to spread apart and managed to nail one in the chest. Unfortunately the effect on Alexiel sent him flying back into a wall. "Not this again," he groaned as he barely dodged a shifter in time to sent a pulse through the monster's heart. Even that attack made him wobble.

Kyoya tore through two creatures, his claws ripping their throats out in a bloody dance of flesh and carnage. There was something more primal about how he fought, acting more on instincts then with any sort of strategy or plan.

Luna ran for the car. She was just about to reach for the handle when one of the shifters jumped off the car and landed on her. Before the leopard could even bite her, and arrow hit it right between the eyes. Luna pushed it off her.

"I'll watch you!" Yuki called and let another arrow go as Luna nodded.

Luna opened the door and grabbed her sword. She twisted and kicked at a shifter then shut the door. She cut one in half as she made her way to Yuki.

"Hit the ones around the car. We don't want Granny mad about the paint job," Luna said.

"Right," Yuki said as Luna guarded her while she shot the ones far off.

Alexiel muttered a few obscenities as he leapfrogged over a shifter that had tried to lunge at him. Twisting around he fired a blast of energy into the back of the creature's head before looking back at the car. A shifter was crouched on top of it; it's clawed feet easily dug into the metal roof. Granny was not going to be happy with them. Looking behind him he raised his arm and pointed at the creature. "Kyoya! Catch me!" Launching an energy blast at the creature it exploded into a bright light.

Kyoya just barely turned around in time to stop Alexiel's body from flying back into an already cracked wall. "Careful!"

"I'm trying!"

Luna danced in front of Yuki to kills the stray demons that escaped Yuki's arrows. Yuki fired off one last arrow and smiled. Luna stood up straight as all the shifters lied dead on the ground. Both the girls looked up at the car and tilted their heads at it. Scratches were all over it and some of the metal was bent back.

"Granny is going to be so mad," Yuki said, holding her hands to her face.

"Let's go. It won't be long for dark and this place will be crawling with demons," Luna said and got in the car. Yuki followed behind her.

"At least it still runs. That ought to be enough for her," Kyoya said, wincing as the passenger side mirror came off in his hand. "Yeah...never mind, she's gonna be mad." He took out a pair of pants from his bag and hid in the shadows long enough to change back and put them on before getting into the passenger's seat.

"Look on the bright side, at least we didn't end up lunch," Alexiel said as he slid into the back seat next to Yuki. He stretched before stifling a yawn. It was past his bedtime. "Also we found money and a computer. All things considered today could be worse." Great, now he was starting to be as optimistic as Yuki. Was that a bad thing? He didn't know yet....

"That's the spirit!" Yuki said clapping her hands together.

Luna looked back at Alexiel. "Don't go to the dark side, Alexiel. The peppiness will kill you," she said before driving off.

A few hours later, they arrived back at Granny's. Evelyn came out and took one look at the car then went back inside. She didn't want to be there when Granny came out and saw the mess they made of the car.

So....we finally got a review! I was beginning to think no one liked this story. So thank you SeraphInsurrection. You are awesome and so is your review. (BTW, I know who you are. I'm not slow.) Oh, and just so you guys know, things are about to get really interesting. Oh, and right now we are working on a part two!!! So there will be a Witchers 2.

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