Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Twenty Eight ( Chapter 28 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Back at Granny's Alexiel quickly got out to find her. Not that he was particularly fond of seeing Granny after what they did to her car, he wanted to find out what that symbol meant on their battery. Grabbing Yuki's hand he pulled her with him. "If she kills me it's your job to bring me back to life," he said with a firm nod as he called for Granny
"What's all the fuss about?" She asked as she descended down the stairs. "You're still a girl...."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm having a hard time. Listen, what does this symbol mean. We found a laptop of Faust's, but we wanted to make sure that this symbol won't kill us if we do anything."

Granny looked over the symbol and shook her head slowly, a small smile gracing her face. "The symbol means 'love of sweets'."

Alexiel rolled his eyes, glad that they weren't going to blow up at least. "Good. Oh! And Luna wanted to show you something about your car." With that he and Yuki disappeared.

Yuki walked with Alexiel to his room then turned around when she heard Granny yell. Afterward, she heard Luna yell back. Kyoya seemed to try to cool them both but earned a "Shut up!"

Yuki looked at Alexiel. "She is going to kill you, just so you know."

Luna came stomping in a few minutes later. She took one looked at Alexiel, snatched the battery then kicked him hard in the legs. Afterward, she put the battery in the laptop and turned it on. The first thing that popped on the screen was Faust. Luna called Kyoya, Granny, and Evelyn in Alexiel's room.

"We have a message from Faust," she said as they gathered around. She pressed play.

"I need that leg!" Alexiel said as he held his leg and whimpered softly. He thought he'd heard something break, but he prayed that was just his imagination. Really, Luna needed to learn to control her anger issues. When the message from Faust popped up on the screen he was slightly curious what the Shinigami had done. It felt weird seeing him there, and he felt something well up in his chest.

"Hiya guys!" Faust said in his usual whimsical voice as he waved at the screen. "Well, if you guys are seeing this well...I'm dead. Sucks for me, but at least you guys are still alive! I hope I didn't make too much of a fool of myself when I died. Though I guess if you found this then at least Lex or Alexiel survived."

There was a pause as he said that, a slight twitch in his face before he began again. "I marked it with a symbol that Aion's should be able to find if they look hard enough. Anyway, that's enough about that. I want you to know that the laptop has all of our information up to date on it, so you can access all your information from here. So kudos to you!"

"Listen guys, I know that bad things are going to happen, but I have faith that you are strong enough to persevere. Remember what I taught you and I'm sure you'll make it through no matter what. Have faith, and remember that things are not always what they seem. For some of you...I might see you soon."

With that the screen went blank and Alexiel was left with a tight feeling in his stomach. He actually felt his eyes water, but he wasn't going to let himself appear weak now. Instead he just stood up and walked out of the room as silently as he could. He needed fresh air.

"Faust..." Kyoya whispered softly, bowing his head as he saw his mentor's happy smile. "I wonder if he knew.... This must've been done pretty recently if it had Alexiel's name in it."

Luna looked up at Kyoya. "Yes, he knew. And he also knew whats to come. He practically said some of us are going to die. 'For some of you I might see you soon.' Rather morbid for him." She started clicking on the keys of the laptop. "I can't believe that he made a back up of everything. It's so organized. We are able to access out bank accounts now which could come in handy if..." She stopped. Her eyes scanned the words on the computer. "Oh my God...we have a distress email from the Beta team..."

Yuki ran off after Alexiel. "Hey! Luna said Beta team contacted and they are in trouble!" she said then ran back inside.

Kyoya looked over her shoulder to see what she was talking about. "Where's the last message from; and how long ago did they send it?" Would Lex go after Beta team? It was a possibility, though he didn't know how great of one that would be. In his months of captivity he hadn't heard them mentioned, but then again after that day he hadn't really seen Lex again. There was no telling what he was cooking up.

"If there's a chance that their alive then we should go to them. They're our friends, and at the very least we could use all the help we can get."

Alexiel hurried back inside so that he could see what was going on. Beta was in trouble? "Do you think Lex did something to them?" he asked the one question that everyone was thinking.

"It doesn't say much. They are in Ireland. They were suppose to be taking care of a vampire problem. Apparently one of them went missing, a week later another one went missing. The pattern continued until four of them went missing all together. There is only two left and now they are worried." She looked at the date. "This was sent about a month ago...there is no telling if they are still ok or not." She sent an email back saying that were on their way.

"Pack up. We are going to Ireland," she said as she closed the laptop.

"Oy..." Ireland. Really? He had family over in Ireland. Not that he knew them particularly well...but he knew them and they knew him. Still, Ireland was a big place. What were the chances of him actually running into them? Then again what were the chances of any of this happening?

"Alexiel, you're Irish aren't you? Well, weren't you?" Kyoya asked as he grabbed his bag of clothes. He didn't have time to unpack, so things worked well for him. Though he would've preferred to not have to leave at all, especially under these circumstances. "Do you know the area around there? I've never been."

"Yeah, I spent a couple of summers out there before my dad left. I know the country fairly well depending on where we have to go," he said as he grabbed some clothes from his closet just to stop and curse. "Umm...I have a question." He turned around and held up his clothes which were still too big for him. "What clothes should I bring?"

Kyoya snickered, rolling his eyes he turned to Yuki and smiled. "Do you have some clothes that Alexiel can take with him? I think he's going to need to take two sets of clothing in case he ever gets his body back."

"Hey I will!" he said, glaring daggers at Kyoya. He knew that this wasn't the time to be goofing around, but he had just grown so accustomed to Lex's style of humor. It made him relax when he laughed. "And I think I'll just bring my clothes. It's going to take us a while to get to Ireland and I might can get back to myself by then."

"Sure you can champ," Kyoya said nodding to Yuki to go ahead and take Alexiel back to her room. "How are we gonna get there anyways? Are plane is totaled and it's not exactly like we can fly commercial. I don't have a passport and Alexiel's passport wouldn't do him much good right now. Any chance you can find us a charter that doesn't ask many questions?"

"You are forgetting who you are talking to," Luna said. "All I need is a computer and Granny's printer and we will have passports and IDs for everyone," she added and started to her room.

Yuki took Alexiel's hands and drug him to her room so they could pack. Evelyn followed Luna out and to her room where they both stayed. Luna packed Evelyn's things then stopped when she went to put some of her own clothes in the bag. In another month, nothing would fit. It was pointless to take any of her clothes. She would have to go shopping before they left. She looked at Evelyn and Evelyn shrugged.

"It would be so much better if you would tell me what you were thinking," Luna said. She grabbed the laptop and then went to Granny's office to hook it up to the printer.

Before long Luna was hacking her way their systems and printing out new passports. With Yuki's scrapbook kit, she could laminate and create a book for each of them without any flaws.

"This is such a bother," Alexiel muttered as he sat on Yuki's bed and stared up at the ceiling of her room. "I'm sorry that I have to borrow your clothes. God this is embarrassing." It didn't help the fact that half his bag was full of his clothes that he couldn't even wear anymore. At least he sort of knew what Luna was going through in that aspect. It sucked not being able to wear your own clothes.

"Don't you need a camera for that to work?" Kyoya said as he watched her work. "I mean, we don't exactly have photos just lying around in the computer...and somehow I don't think Granny has a digital camera." His eyes widened as he snapped his finger. "Then again, do you have your phone? Cause if so you could take our passport pictures with that and then send it to the computer."

Yukie smiled at Alexiel. "You have way too much stress, Alexiel. You need to learn to breathe more," she said as she packed. She pulled out a shirt. "This looks good, I'll bring it."

Luna glared at Kyoya. "Do you think I'm slow or do you just like bothering me?" she asked. "I took pictures of all of us back along time ago and placed them in the computer just in case I would need to make passports for this very reason. How do you think Beta team got to Ireland? Because I made their passports," she said. She took a deep breath. She was snapping at him. It was unlike her. She felt like she was losing control of herself.

"Yeah, that is kinda cool," he said as he watched her pack. He wasn't exactly helping much, but it would feel weird for him to go through her clothes. Besides she seemed to be able to handle herself so he was content to sit on the bed and watch. "Yuki, do you like your life? I mean, if you could go back and change one thing, what would it be?"

Kyoya took a deep breath and gently set his hands on her shoulders. "Yes, and those pictures are fine, but do you have pictures for Yuki or for what Alexiel looks like now?" He knew he had a point, but he was still ready to jump back in case Luna decided to swing on him. Normally if she got like this he would let it go, but this was a case where he had to point out the errors because it might cost them if he didn't.

Yuki's smiled slowly faded. "I was born an orphan. I didn't know either of my parents, and back then I would have done anything to find out why they didn't want me." She turned to Alexiel and zipped up the bag. She sat beside him. "But when my priestess adopted me, she taught me that the past can never be changed. No matter how bad I wanted my parents to love me, they weren't going to. She taught me that the only things important in life are then things that I have in the present and the future I plan to have. Because of that, I am thankful for everything I have in my life, and for everyone I have ever met. Things could be so much worse than they are. I could be starving or homeless or alone, but I'm not. So I have a good life." She took his hands in hers then smiled again. "And though I was born alone, I am grateful that I am not alone now. And that makes me happy. My past got me here, so no, I wouldn't change one thing about it. Not even the parts that hurt the most."

Luna grabbed her phone and harshly handed it to Kyoya. "Go away."

Alexiel was quiet as he heard this. He'd sort of figured that Yuki had a tough childhood. It was just something about her eyes that told him that she knew what pain was, even if she never let on to it. She was strong in that aspect, probably even stronger then he was. "I wish I could be like you," he said with a small sigh. "All I can do is think about the past sometimes. Then again, I'm not so certain that I really want to look forward to the future. Because for me, my future means that I'm going to have to fight my best friend. A friend who literally almost ripped out my heart."

Shaking his head he just looked at her and forced a smile on his face. There was no reason to think of that now. He'd spent enough time doing that. Besides, he didn't want Yuki to lose her smile. "So tell me oh wise one. Just what am I suppose to do if I'm stuck like this for the rest of my life?"

Kyoya looked at Evelyn and handed the phone to her. "Evelyn...would you please?" he asked. He needed some time with his 'wife' so to speak. He wasn't quite certain what to do, but he didn't want them flying to Ireland without speaking to each other.

Yuki placed her hand on Alexiel's face. "There is allot you do not know about me, Alexiel. And there is allot I do not know about you, but if I can smile about my past. Then you can smile too." She then dropped her hand. "We are allot alike, you and I. You are going to have to fight your best friend. And before I left Japan, I killed my best friend." She stood and laughed. "But that is a story for another day!"

Just then Evelyn walked in. She didn't wait for permission. She just snapped a few picture with the phone and left.

"Well...that was odd."

She killed her best friend? That was definitely unexpected, and it was hard to surprise him nowadays. After all, when you fight elves, werewolves, vampires, and demons for a living the unexpected just sort of comes with the job. "Odd is simply how Evelyn is," he said softly. "Though she use to be quite impish too."

Standing up he yawned as he looked over at Yuki. He was still tired, but it seemed that they weren't going to get any sleep tonight. "If anything, I just want things to go back to how they were. I know it's a fools wish, but in our world we do the impossible every day. So who knows...maybe we can rewrite the past."

"If given the opportunity to rewrite the past, I don't believe I would do it. My past got be here this very moment, with you," Yuki said. "Would you wish to change that?"

Yuki wanted him to say no. All the time she spent with him had brought him closer to her and she enjoyed that time together. Maybe more so than she wanted to. After all...he was a she at the moment.