Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Thirty ( Chapter 30 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Alexiel's right eye began to twitch at this. Crossing his arms between his chest he began to pout. "Well I didn't think it was funny," he said. "I was honestly mortified...and slightly disappointed." With that he turned his head to her and smirked. "Though truth be told, for now I simply enjoy being with you...and the occasional kiss."

Yuki grabbed his hands again. "Well, I'm sorry if I upset you. But you were very cute when you reacted. If you could have seen yourself, you would have agreed," Yuki said. "And I'm glad you like kissing."

"Once again I'd prefer not to be cute," he said as she took his hands. There was a brief moment when he contemplated something before a smirk graced his lips. Leaning forward he pressed his lips against hers, letting them linger for a moment before slowly pulling away. His body felt all...tingly... and weird. "And yes...I do enjoy kissing no matter what form I may be in."

Yuki leaned her head against Alexiel's shoulder. "So...you like girls and boys? Have you ever...you know...with a guy? How about a girl?" She was curious and she was the type to just come out and ask. Secrets weren't her thing.

Alexiel stared off into the distance as he held her close. "Yeah, you could say that I'm interested in both," he admitted slowly. He was quiet for a little while, simply enjoying the silence of the night and the feeling of Yuki so close to him. "I've done more with a guy then I have with a girl.... Though originally it was simply a matter of survival that I did it. I sort of ran away when I was younger. Didn't have any money so I did what I could to get it." It wasn't as if he sold his body, it was simply that the people who often hired him to do jobs usually decided to make sure that he earned his money very thoroughly.

"I see," Yuki said. "I kind of know what you mean." She stood up. "It's getting late and we have to get up early. We should go to bed," she said and smiled. "Luna will be mad if we aren't full of energy for tomorrow’s trip!"

"It's not like it's gonna matter much," he said with a yawn as he stretched. "It's gonna be a long flight to Ireland anyways. I hope you packed me some comfy clothes cause I'm gonna sleep on the plane for most of the trip."

He was slightly curious what she meant about knowing his situation. He was curious, but he wasn't like her. He just couldn't ask a question such as that so he'd let it go for now and chalk it up to something he'd have to ask her later. Taking her hand they walked inside together.

Upon opening his door he saw that Evelyn was curled up on his bed asleep. That probably meant that Luna and Kyoya were getting reacquainted this evening. "Looks like I'll be sleeping on the floor tonight," he said with a smile. He didn't want to bother Evelyn and wake her up with him getting in bed. Looking back at Yuki he held her hand and simply stared at her.

"Sweet dreams," he whispered as he gave a quick goodnight kiss.

Yuki smiled at Evelyn. "She's so sweet. Too bad she won't talk though." Yuki moved Evelyn over a bit and put her feet under the covers. "There, now she's all snugly. And there is plenty of room for you." With another kiss Yuki waved goodbye and walked to her room.

Alexiel just watched as she left with the same goofy smile on his face which he'd had for most of the evening. He didn't bother to get undressed since he was sharing a bed with the munchkin. Taking Yuki's hair tie out of his hair he shook his head before crawling in bed and staring up at the ceiling. Even though he was on cloud nine this evening, he couldn't escape the shadowing thoughts of what was to come. Burying his face in a pillow he just tried to fall asleep so that he wouldn't have to think.

Luna woke the next morning with a massive headache. She didn't feel well at all, but she got up anyways and took a shower then dressed in some of Kyoya's clothes. Evelyn knocked on the door and Luna looked back at Kyoya to make sure he was covered, then opened the door. Evelyn grabbed a dress from the closet then left.

Yuki greeted the day like every day. She opened the blinds and smiled at the sun then showered and dressed. Afterward, she fixed her pink hair and put on some light make up. "What a wonderful day!" she said out loud as she grabbed her bags and waited in the hallway for everyone else.

Kyoya waited for Evelyn to leave before opening up his eyes and smiling at Luna. "Morning," he said, stifling a yawn as he stood and started searching for his clothes.

Alexiel watched the sun rise and waited for Evelyn to get up before he bothered moving. He was sorely tempted to try meditating again, but he was afraid that if he actually managed to change his appearance then his passport would be worthless. So he was stuck as a female for one more day. His chest hurt, probably due to the fact that he didn't bother take off his bra before sleeping. Oh well.

Running his hands through his hair he splashed some water on his face and began looking through the clothes that Yuki had packed.

Yuna grabbed a check list and looked at Kyoya. "We will need to stop at the store before we go so I can get some clothes and snacks." She moved the bags and then reached over and kissed Kyoya. "Hurry up, we have an hour before we leave."

Luna left and met Yuki in the hallway. "Do you have everything?"

Yuki nodded. "Yep!"

Luna handed Yuki her bags. "Take them to the car and make sure Granny is ready to take us." Yuki nodded and left. "Evelyn?"

Evelyn came around the corner with her ribbons in her hands. Luna took them from her then fixed her hair and tied the ribbons in. "You all set?" Evelyn nodded. "Ok."

"No problem," Kyoya said with a smile. Tossing on his clothes they shifted to a nice jacket, sweater, and jeans. It made him appear a little more professional, which he knew made people more willing to do stuff for you. Simple things about humans, if they believed you were important then they would bend over backward to help you. It might come in handy if they have any trouble. Grabbing his bag he walked out to talk to Granny.

"If we should need you..."

"Yuki knows how to get to me," Granny said softly, not bothering to hide the worry in her voice.

"She's in good hands. We'll make sure nothing happens to her," Kyoya told her.

"I know, but all of you need to be careful. I have a bad feeling about this."

"We will," he assured her, nodding at Luna as they two of them joined up with the others.

"Um, Yuki I think you may have put your clothes in my bag instead of yours," Alexiel said as he poked his head out of his room.

"Well you can switch on our way to the airport. We have to leave now," Kyoya said as he started picking up the girl's bags.

"Yeah but...."

"No buts," Kyoya said without looking back.

Alexiel muttered something beneath his breath as he stepped out carrying his bag, wearing a rather lovely summer dress. Either Yuki had put her clothes in his bag or she wanted him to wear nothing but dresses and skirts on their trip. Either way he wasn't in a good mood. Blowing hair out of his face he just stormed to the car."Let's just go and get there," he muttered.

The trip to the store was quick. Luna went in, grabbed only what was needed then was out again. No one had really known that she could shop that fast, but she didn't exactly want people to know she was shopping in the maternity section. It was hard enough trying to keep her pregnancy a secret from Granny, but if the wrong people say her shopping for maternity clothes then Lex would find out and she didn't want to know what he would do. She didn't really want to risk things.

The air port was packed, but they were able to get through security quick enough to satisfied Luna's nerves. When that sat in the terminal, Luna took that time to go change into sometime that didn't look like men's clothes. The maternity clothes were a blessing as she changed in the bathroom. For the first time, in a long time, she was able to wear shorts again and a nice shirt. She came back out and sat down next to Kyoya and Evelyn.

"I'm sorry about the mix up with our clothes. You can go change if you want now that we have it all situated," Yuki said looking at Alexiel.

"You look wonderful," Kyoya said as Luna rejoined with them. The maternity clothes fit her well enough, though he thought she looked cute wearing his clothes too. Then again he still preferred her in nothing at all. Holding her hand he looked over at Alexiel who was sitting beside him with his eyes closed.

"Can't," was Alexiel's short reply to Yuki's question. "I'm trying to scan the crowd to make sure that we aren't be followed." It was taxing, but Luna had asked him to make sure that he kept tabs on any paranormal activity around them. He was gonna make sure that nothing happened to them on their flight. The easiest way to take them out would simply be to sabotage their plane, so he didn't have the luxury of putting on pants. "Besides...as much as I hate to say it this is fairly comfortable. I can see the appeal."

"Thank you," Luna said with a small smiled. "Just remember that when I get really fat."

Yuki smiled at Alexiel. "Well, dresses are the most comfortable things to wear."

The airport called for their plate to boarded and Luna grabbed Evelyn's hand. They all got on. Almost as soon as Evelyn and Luna sat down, Evelyn snuggled up to Luna and closed her eyes. Luna brushed her hair back and let the little girl sleep.

"Please, you'll look even more ravishing then, "Kyoya teased as they boarded their plane.

"I can sort of believe it," Alexiel replied as he stood to follow the others. "Though I don't see how anyone could fight in something like this."

Since they had access to their money again they were able to afford tickets in first class meaning that they were having to split up. Kyoya let Luna and Evelyn sit together, and he didn't have to heart to separate Alexiel and Yuki, which meant that he was the only one having to sit with a stranger for the seven hour plane ride. In this case he got to sit next to a well to do older woman.

"Hello ma'am," he said with a smile as he took his seat beside her.

Alexiel yawned as he relaxed in his chair, sliding low in it and propping his feet up on the area in front of him. "Well, looks like we have seven hours to kill," he said as he looked over at Yuki.

Yuki smiled at Alexiel. "So what do you want to talk about? I'm not really tired and it's a very long trip to Ireland. Let's not sit in silence." She patted his hand. "And we have first class so let's take advantage of it!"

"True enough," he admitted while fussing with the dress. "I dunno. Tell me a little about your child hood, if you don't mind that is. As you said we really don't know much about each other’s pasts; and I'd like to know more about you Miss Yuki."

Yuki started to think. "Where should I start? I guess from the beginning." She sat back and smiled at him. "Well, I was born an orphan so I didn't know my parents. The orphanage I lived at made its money by selling the children's bodies. I was one of their main attractions for a while. And for a long time I didn't like men because of it. I was scared of them. I was six when my priestess adopted me and when I was eight I told her what had happened at the orphanage. She asked all these question like when my first time was, which was when I was three." Yuki took a deep breath. "Then my priestess sent the police there and they shut the place down. She helped me let go of a lot of pain and grief telling me that I was safe and that one day I would have the power to save those like myself."

She smiled again. "I trained under her for seven years. And the days I wasn't training I spent at school with my best friend Kiko. She and I were inseparable until I invited her to my house. She attacked my priestess and I had no choice but to kill her. Later I found out that she was a demon that was hired to kill my priestess. After that, I was sent to America and then I met Granny and that's it!" She clapped her hands together.

Alexiel sat there stunned by her words. She'd been sold for sex? He couldn't believe that someone could do that to her, much less that she could sit here and smile about it now. She truly was a remarkable girl...no, she was a remarkable woman. She'd known pain that no girl should have to know. She'd killed her best friend, and yet here she was.... She was truly a testament to strength if he ever saw one.

"Wow," was all he could manage to say. Taking her hand he kissed it for no real reason and just stared at her, still amazed with her story. "I'm sorry about all you've been through; but I guess I understand what you mean now. That stuff...it let us meet...didn't it?"

Yuki nodded. "If I had never known pain, then I could never know love like the love my priestess gave me and the love Granny gave me. If I had never been through any of that, then I would never be here with you. And how can I not smile when I know that all that led me to this moment?" She leaned over and kissed his cheek. "There are moments when I still cry about it, when I have the memories of those men's hands on me. But I remind myself that I made it out alive. So I'm grateful. What about you? What about your past?"

Alexiel just let himself blush as she kissed his cheek. He was happy, really happy. "Well, I guess there's not too much too tell about my past. My dad left me and my mom when I was eight. She turned tricks just to keep herself afloat on drugs and alcohol. I left once I realized that the drugs meant more to her then I did. I was hoping to find my dad, but after a week of living off the streets I was simply fighting to survive."

He closed his eyes and crossed his legs to get more comfortable. "I did what I could for work. Usually I worked at the seediest places you could imagine just so I could have a place to sleep. It was there that I first really learned the difference between men and women. The men thought I was cute, said I looked like a woman and was tighter than one...so yeah. I made a few bucks that way to. Finally I just got tired of it and got away, from there I started staying at homeless shelters and working odd jobs until I finally landed a job at a music store. The place had an attic so I stayed there while I was working. All together it was a pretty good job."

"After that, Lex and the others found me. From there I trained, got stronger, turned into a woman, and met you. Not necessarily in that order though."

Yuki laughed then beamed another smile. "We are a lot alike. We have both been misused and we both don't really have parents and we both were saved. Though we were different ages when we were used, in a way, we were used the same." She reached up and placed her hand on his cheek. Her face became serious but soft. "I will never betray you, Alexiel. I will never use you. And if you ask me to, I will give you all I can offer...all of me. If you let me, I will love you."

She wasn't the least bit shy and her voice was very confident. She wasn't one to hold things back or to let things hold her back. She wanted Alexiel, which meant she wasn't going to dance around him while batting eyes and hoping he would look her way. She wanted to make it obvious that she cared about him and that she could love him. And as she said all this, the butterflies in her stomach increased and suddenly she felt hot. She had wished so much that he was a guy at that moment.

He didn't know what to say. He wasn't certain what he should say. As he stared there at her, their faces so close all he could do was feel his blood rushing all over his body, including areas that he should have. His hand came up and gently caressed her face, a small smile graced his lips and he was suddenly very glad that Luna wasn't paying attention to them at the moment or he might not be able to say or do what he wanted to.

Pressing his lips to hers, he didn't care anymore. Male...female, it didn't matter. He guessed that it never really did so long that she would let him be himself. He wished they weren't on an airplane right now. Then again he really wished that he wasn't a girl right now either. He finally managed to pull his lips from hers, but he kept his face close to hers. "I would like you to love me," he said softly.

Yuki pressed her forehead to his. Her heart filled with joy and she moved her hands to his waist. It was the oddest feeling to be holding a girl instead of a man, but in her heart she knew that it wasn't the body that she loved, it was the heart, the soul, the man. She pulled at his dress until they were pressing close together.

"Then I shall love you like no one else can, Alexiel," she said in a heavy breath.