Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Thirty Four ( Chapter 34 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The next morning, Luna was awaken by the baby. It was kicking her bad and her stomach was sore. She lifted up her shirt and saw bruises covering her skin. She pulled in back down hoping that the bruises wouldn't get worse and she wouldn't have to explain it to Kyoya later. The sun was just rising so no one was really up yet so she laid back down and stared at the ceiling while rubbing her stomach to try and get the baby to stop kicking so much.

Kyoya opened an eye at the sudden movement, Yawning, he wrapped an arm around Luna as he stared at her. "Good morning, beautiful," he said with a wolfish grin. Noticing the look in her eyes he quirked a brow in question. "You feeling alright?"

Alexiel's stomach hurt, sending shooting pains through his abdomen. He shot out of bed holding his stomach, feeling a weight on his chest that wasn't supposed to be there. Closing his eyes he shook his head only to see that they were gone. "Weird," he muttered, just when another pain his his stomach. This is what he got for eating Irish food. Now he was probably going to be sick today. Crawling out of bed he smiled at Yuki and kissed her forehead before quickly running to the bathroom.

Luna looked at Kyoya. "Yeah, just fine. Just thinking."

She stopped rubbing her stomach with the baby still kicking around. She turned her head and faced away from him to let out a deep breath. The pain only grew. It felt like the baby was kicking raw skin. She couldn't help herself as her hand went to her stomach again and she started to rub.

Kyoya didn't buy that for a second, but he wasn't going to press the matter just yet. Luna was a prideful woman, and pushing the matter now might only cause her to further try to hide whatever was bothering her. Instead he just nodded slowly and got up. "Well then, I think I'll grab a shower. Then we later we can head to town to see if we can find out anything about Bravo."

Luna nodded and sat up. "I'm going to go change with Evelyn." She stood and started to gather up something to wear. She gave Kyoya a quick kiss on the cheek then left. She went to Evelyn's door across the hall and knocked. "It's me, Evelyn. Will you open the door for me?"

A few seconds later, the door opened and Evelyn smiled at her. Luna walked in and nearly dropped her things when she looked at the room. It was huge with the two beds and the view was perfect. Luna placed her things on the bed just as Evelyn closed the door. Evelyn walked over to her bag and grabbed out some clothes.

"Did you sleep well?" Evelyn nodded as she changed. "I'm glad."

Luna started to change as well and when she took her shirt off, a small gasp came from Evelyn. Luna turned to her and noticed Evelyn was staring at her bruises. Luna turned her back to her.

"Don't say anything to Kyoya or the others...not that you would...just don't make it obvious, ok. There is just too much to worry about now and I don't want them to vote for me to stay behind because a few bruises. They don't even hurt," she said as she put her shirt on.

Evelyn hugged her from behind and started to rub her belly. Luna placed her hands over Evelyn's. "You worry too much..."

Alexiel splashed his face with water as he stared at himself in the mirror. He was so close to getting back to looking like himself. So close yet so far. Leaning over the commode once more he threw up once again. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand he grimaced at the taste. That was all he needed, to get sick while they were in Ireland. Taking a deep breath he hoped his stomach wouldn't cause them any trouble.

Exiting the room he shifted through his clothes, pushing past the dresses and bras to find his actual clothes. Grabbing boxers and a pair of pants he began to get dressed.

Yuki was already dressed and brushing her hair when Alexiel came out of the bathroom. "Are you sick? You sounded horrible in there," she said putting the brush down. Then calling for food.

Luna and Evelyn walked out of Evelyn's room and back to Luna's. Evelyn started to jump on the bed and Luna called for breakfast for her, Evelyn, and Kyoya.

"I dunno," he muttered as he sat down on the bed and laid back staring at the ceiling. "It feels like someone's using my stomach as a punching bag." Rolling over so that he could look at Yuki he offered her a tired and weak smile. "It stops. Then starts. Then stops. Then starts." Sighing he got up so he could put on his pants. "You don't happen to have any Aspirin with you do you?"

Yuki dug through her bag and threw some pills at him. "I came prepared this time," she said smiling. "Maybe you should stay here today while the rest of us look. You know Luna is going to say you won't be any help like this."

She got on the bed and pulled him close to her. "Poor thing."

Alexiel caught the bottle and smiled. Pouring four into his hand he popped them into his mouth, not even bother with water to wash them down. "No way am I sitting this out," he said as he laid his head in her lap. "This is my turf, and with all due respect but a pregnant lady isn't the best person to take into battle either."

"She's a hunter, and our leader. She seems to be doing ok. She hasn't really complained before and I'm sure if she felt she was endangering the baby or herself she would say something," Yuki said as she stroked his hair. "And she's not sick like you are."

Luna walked over to the bathroom door and knocked. "Kyoya, I have to go to the bathroom really bad," she said. "Small bladder."

Kyoya's arm extended, much like a slithering serpent and unlocked the bathroom door. "It's open," he said as his arm slithered back into the shower.

"I'm not sick," Alexiel said defiantly. "I'm just not feeling that well." His fever was starting to break, so hopefully the worst of the symptoms were over. It was a fool's hope, he knew, but he was a fool through and through.

Luna opened the door and walked in. "I'll wait until you're done," she said as he was drying off.

Yuki smiled down at him. "Tell that to the toilet and your stomach," she said and kissed his forehead. "Breakfast is coming and you should try to keep something done. You are going to need your strength."

Kyoya nodded. Wrapping the towel around him he gave her a peck on the cheek before grabbing some clothes to put on. "I was thinking about us having lunch in town today," he said as he pulled on a pair of pants. "That'll give us a chance to listen to local gossip. See if there's been any disappearances or talk of supernatural appearances."

As soon as she said this his stomach groaned. "Don't mention food!" He buried his face in her lap and closed his eyes.

"That sounds nice. Breakfast is on the way," she said as he was walking out the door. When he left she lifted her shirt and looked at her stomach in the mirror. The bruises were pretty big, even for a small baby. They covered her whole stomach. She sighed and started to rub her belly.

Yuki laughed. "Well, I ordered something anyways, so at least try."

Kyoya knocked on Alexiel's and Yuki's door. "Hey, are you two up? You girls better not be doing anything in there." He smiled at this, wondering what all they had done last night. Judging by the screams they'd been very busy all day.

Alexiel groaned as he heard Kyoya's voice. That's just what he needed now. "Tell him I'm not here," he muttered as he rolled over and buried his head in a pillow.

Yuki got up and walked to the door. "Alexiel's sick," she said knowing Alexiel was going to be very mad, but she was thinking of what was best for him.

Luna came out of the bathroom with Evelyn waiting for her. She and Evelyn walked over to Yuki and Alexiel's room. "What's going on?" Luna asked.

"Alexiel is sick," Yuki repeated for Luna.

"What?" Luna pushed pass Yuki and looked at him. "You look horrible. Evelyn, go back to my room I don't want you to catch anything," Luna said looking back at Evelyn. Evelyn nodded and did as Luna said. "You should say here today and get some rest," she said looking back at Alexiel.

Alexiel glared at Yuki. "I'm fine," he insisted as he stood. His skin was clammy and pale, but he wasn't about to just sit around at the hotel all day. "Besides...aren't you guys forgetting something important?" He pointed to his now flat chest. "I'm me again! Sort of...."

Kyoya quirked an eyebrow at this as he looked at Alexiel. "You seem more...malleable today."

Alexiel just shook his head. He didn't know what malleable meant, but he didn't think it could be anything good. "I'm fine," he repeated once more.

"I wasn't asking you to stay, Alexiel," Luna said firmly. "I was telling you. I can't have you running around with us like that. You will slow us done or worse, spread whatever it is you have to one of us and I can't afford to have a team full of sick people when lives are at stake." She turned to Kyoya. "We can get some maps from the hotel clerk and find the library from there after everyone eats." She then looked at Yuki. "I think you should come with us to our room and stay the night with Evelyn so you don't get sick too."

"I'll be fine! I never get sick," Yuki said. "Plus, Alexiel needs someone to take care of him."

"Alexiel is a big boy, he can take care of himself," Luna said and pushed Yuki out the door. "Keep your cell phone on you and call us if you get worse. We will let you know if we find anything. We should be back before dark," Luna said to Alexiel then closed the door.

"I-" Before he could say anything he was left in the room alone. A soft growl of frustration creased his lips as he went over to his luggage. He shifted through his personal belongings before pulling out Lex's mask. "Like I'm really just gonna stay here."

Kyoya waited till then got into the room before looking at Luna. "You don't really think he's just going to stay in there do you?" Though he liked Alexiel, he had inherited numerous bad traits from Lex. Not being able to sit still was one of those habits.

"Hell no. He takes orders like a volunteer waitress," Luna said. "But having him near everyone when he is sick could slow us down. If something happens, he will call, and I will yell at him, and probably punish him," she said sitting on the bed. "If he can't follow an order then he and I won't be able to get along." She looked away. "If Lex ordered him to stay he would..."

Kyoya wanted to argue against what Luna said, but sadly...he couldn't. He knew as well as she did that if Lex had given an order to march into hell Alexiel would've followed it without hesitation...they all probably would've followed him to hell and back. "Don't fault him," he said as he sat beside her. "He's just very...headstrong and stubborn. Like...Lex." He nearly winced as he said that, even though it was the truth. Perhaps it was simply an Aion trait.

"No, he just doesn't care anymore. He would rather do things his way than the right way. If it wasn't for the fact that he has no place to go, he would have already left the Witchers, Kyoya. And that's the honest truth," Luna stood and went to the door just as someone knocked on it. She took the food then set it down in the room. "He's lost his faith in the world and in our team. And honestly, I sometimes wish he would just go. It would save him a lot of heart ache and a lot of trouble. But he feels he has to stay." Luna sat down again. "But if he doesn't start taking orders...I won't have a choice...I'll have to drop him just like Lex would do..."