Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Thirty Five ( Chapter 35 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kyoya looked at her with a slightly confused expression. He hadn't seen that sign of Alexiel, but perhaps it was simply because he hadn't been back long enough to really see it. Still, he couldn't imagine the Alexiel that she was portraying. He listened to what she said, but only half-heartedly nodded in agreement. "If you say so." Was his only reply. If that was how Luna felt there would be little to change her mind about it; though he thought the best thing she should do as the leader of their team would be to talk to Alexiel himself rather then speak about him behind his back.

Getting up he took his pancakes and sniffed them. "Ah, delicious," he said, grabbing a fork and sitting back down to enjoy breakfast.

Luna ate very little and when she was done she left the others. She walked down to the lobby and talked to the clerk for a map. She looked the map over and circled areas they should check out then grabbed another one and did the same thing. She walked back up to the room and threw a map at Kyoya.

"You and Yuki will go search the areas on the left and Evelyn and I will go to the ones on the right. We can meet up at lunch," she said. Evelyn stood after eating the rest of her food. "I'll see you later."

With that said, Evelyn and Luna were gone.

"She seemed in a rush to leave," Yuki said while chewing. She pushed her plate away. "I hope she's ok."

"She's strong, prideful, and stubborn," Kyoya told her as he finished with his meal. "That's a very dangerous combination." Wiping his lips with a napkin he stood and stretched. "So then, shall we go check out what Ireland has to offer?"

Alexiel meditated in his room so that he would know when everyone left. He was feeling slightly better, but the queasiness in his stomach had yet to subside. Even if he was sick, there was no point in him staying behind. If they ran into anything too powerful they would need him. Opening his eyes he sighed as he stared at his mask. What was he going to do?

"Sure!" Yuki said standing and followed him out.

Luna walked into the library and started to talk to one of the workers. She opened her phone up and showed a few pictures of the Beta team but the lady shook her head no. Luna sighed and nodded then thanked the woman. She and Evelyn walked around the place to see if they recognized anyone, but no one looked familiar.

"Lets go to the next place," Luna said and took Evelyn's hand.

As Kyoya and Yuki left he stopped to sniff the air. His eyes narrowed as he looked around them, but didn't see anything out of the ordinary. "Odd," he whispered. Shrugging it off he pulled Yuki along to the first stop on their list.

Eyes appeared on the motel wall when the two Witchers left. A fanged grin graced its shadowed face before. "Well then, it seems they chose to divide and conquer." Looking to Alexiel's room its grin widened. "And they left one of their own here. Perfect."

Luna marked the third place off the map. "No one seems to know where the hell they are much less who the hell they are."

Evelyn pulled on her shirt and pointed at a book store. "You want to go there?" Evelyn nodded. "Ok, but only for a bit."

Evelyn and Luna walked in the small store and Luna looked around.

"Excuse me?" Luna turned to look at a woman that tapped on her shoulder.

"Yes?" Luna asked.

"You look like someone..." she didn't finish. Instead she pulled out a picture and handed it to Luna.

It was Luna and the rest of the Alpha team including Lex. "Where did you get this?" Luna asked.

"Diana gave it to me and told me that if I saw someone in the picture to give you this," the lady gave her a different map that had a church circled. The church was on the other side of town.

"You saw Diana? Was she ok? Did she have anyone else with her?" Luna asked.

"It was just Diana. She use to come here often to buy the books about spells. She loved them so much. We use to eat lunch together but one day she came to me and said that she wouldn't be able to come anymore and to start looking out for the people in the picture." The lady looked concern. "She said she couldn't trust anyone else."

Luna nodded. "Thank you so much. Please, try not to tell anyone we met or that you knew Diana."

"I don't understand. Is she in trouble?"

"I don't know, but I don't want to risk it," Luna said taking Evelyn's hand. "Thank you again."

The lady nodded and Luna and Evelyn left.

Kyoya answered his phone when Luna called him to inform him of what she'd found out. Closing his phone he opened up the map to see where the church was. "Looks like we're going to church," he said as he nodded in the direction they needed to go. "Give Alexiel a call to let him know what's going and to make sure he's still in his room." They'd been gone all of about an hour. There was no telling where Alexiel was now.

When Alexiel's phone started to ring a pale hand reached into his pocket and pulled it out. "No phone calls," a voice which was more like a melody echoed into his ears.

Alexiel wasn't sure what happened. One minute he was meditating on his bed the next he woke up in what looked like a dungeon cellar. Really, could demons get any more cliché? He couldn't tell who was holding him hostage; but it was clear that their intent wasn't to kill him. Not yet, anyways. He was simply bait.

The phantom hand slipped the phone back into his pocket before caressing his cheek. The flesh was ice cold and smelled of flower. "Good boy," the voice whispered in an echoing laugh.

"Screw you," Alexiel hissed. He pulled against his restraint, but that was to no avail. Judging by the glowing symbols on his chains they were nullifying his powers. Whatever it was, it was old magic. Even he could sense that.

"Such a feisty one you are. I bet you'll make a good slave." Before he could wonder what she meant he could already sense that he was once more alone in the darkness.

Yuki hung up the phone. "Alexiel isn't picking up the phone," she said in a worried voice. "Please tell me he's ok and I'm over reacting."

Luna got out of the taxi and looked at the church. It was run down and looked like no one had entered it in years. Evelyn clung to her hand. Luna debated whether to wait for Kyoya and Yuki but ultimately decided that she and Evelyn would go in without them. If Diana was hurt or needed help, wasting time outside could cost Diana her life.

Luna pushed the large church doors open and dust flew at her and Evelyn. Both of the coughed then tried to clear their view.

"Hello?" Luna called. Her voice echoed. "Diana?" Still nothing.

"I'm sure he's fine," Kyoya assured her. "He probably has his phone turned off so that we can't call him and so that Luna can't track him. Right now we have bigger things to worry about. Diana was here, and apparently she knew that something was up. We need to get to the church and see what happened to them."

Luna pushed Evelyn behind her. "Stay by the door and if something happens, I want you to run and don't stop running, ok?" Evelyn bit her lip. "Don't worry, I'll find you." Evelyn nodded and Luna left her at the door.

Luna walked in the dark church, her steps echoing. A shadow moved and Luna turned, but nothing was there. She took out her phone, ready to call and ask where Kyoya was, but just as she was about to dial the number. Something kicked her in the face and she went flying. Her body went through a row of pews her back hit the wall. She rubbed her head and struggled to stand. Her phone was shattered.

"Do you have any idea how long it took me to modify that phone the way I wanted it!?" she called out.

She tried to listen, but she couldn't hear at thing just like she couldn't see in the pitch blackness. She didn't have time to react when something grabbed her arms and slung her across the room. She grabbed her stomach and twisted in mid air to avoid landing on her belly. Instead she landed on her shoulder and a loud cracking sound echoed. She had dislocated her shoulder and whatever attacked her had claws because her arm was bleeding with fresh claw marks.

"Run, Evelyn!" Luna screamed as the unseen object grabbed her arm.

Luna heard the little pitter patter of feet leave the building in a hurry as she was slammed to the ground. A loud screech hit her ears and her eyes widened. The claws dung in her back as she laid on the floor and she screamed out. She then realized as the demon made another screeching sound that she was fighting a banshee.

Since Alexiel couldn't see where he was all he could do was meditate. Energy flowed from him as he tried to reach out to his teammates. It was hard trying to get through the energy restraints, but at least it kept him preoccupied during his captivity.

As the taxi dropped them off at the church Kyoya noticed Evelyn running toward him. "Yuki, stay with Evelyn!" Yuki wouldn't be able to do much without her bow which meant that he was the only real powerhouse they had at the moment. Why hadn't they brought Alexiel? Really, did no one else see that leaving him there would backfire? He hurried into the church only to be knocked back by a wave of pure sonic energy.

A banshee...really? "You really picked a bad day to do this," he said as he transformed into his wolf form and lunged at the creature.

Luna felt the banshee rip its claws out her back and she screamed again. The growling sound hit her ears and she knew it was Kyoya. She struggled to stand, but finally was able to get her footing.

"We can't fight it without Alexiel and weapons," Luna called with an echo. "We have to get out of here."

Yuki held Evelyn close at they stared at the church. "Don't worry, Evelyn. They are going to be just fine."

Just as she said that, Luna's body went flying out of the church doors and slide across the dirty ground. Luna stared to throw up blood.

"Kyoya!" she screamed. "Get out of there!"

Kyoya's fangs dug into the banshee's flesh, not that it did much damage to it other than simply irritate it. A second later he was sent flying backward, a shock wave of sonic energy ripping through his body. There was a cracking sound as his body collided into the stone walls of the church. He landed on all fours, blood dripping from his mouth. His breathing was shallow, and he knew he had at least two broken ribs. Before the banshee could get at him again he turned into a snake and quickly slithered away in the darkness. "Get out of here!" he ordered as he shifted into his human form and ran toward the others.

Yuki helped Luna to her feet and they started to run. They made it back to the main road and Luna looked back. It didn't seem that the banshee was following. She sat down.

"Let me heal you," Yuki said, but Luna pushed her away.

"I have to pop my shoulder back in place. And I need Alexiel...I need to know if he can still sense the baby's heartbeat."

Yuki gasped. She had forgotten all about Luna being pregnant. And from the looks of Luna, there was a big chance that she had lost the baby. She was bleeding all over.

"At least let me heal what I can..." Yuki objected.

"No! Call Alexiel now!" Luna ordered.

Yuki stepped back. "Ok," she said and started to dial. Yuki could hear his phone ring and ring but no one picked up. "He won't answer..."