Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Thirty Six ( Chapter 36 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kyoya pressed his ear to her stomach but he couldn't hear anything at all. His face grew pale as he growled at Yuki. "Of all the times for him to choose to be a hero! We have to find him, now!" If anything happened to his child, they would pay. Everyone would pay. Luna could track him if he had his phone on, but he didn't know if she would be able to focus enough to even do that. Then if Alexiel did have his phone off he was basically off the map altogether.

"Do you think you could track his phone signal?"

Alexiel was starting to get the hang of pushing the seals, though he had also learned a few new things as well. The one thing he'd never been able to do was materialize objects as Lex could. He could create simple things like shields or orbs, but swords...or keys in this case, were far beyond his skills right now.

"It seems your friends have met one my girls."

"Gee, and here I was thinking you were just a bad dream," Alexiel replied coldly.

The ice cold hand caressed his face, but this time sharp nails dug into his face. "I'd suggest you choose your words wisely. Your friends can't even take out one of us. Much less all of us."

"Do you know what the word malleable means?"

"No, and I suggest you not waste your last day on earth pondering its meaning." The hand left his face, dragging her nails across it as she left him in the dark once more.

"It means easy to mold," Alexiel muttered, spitting out blood as she left. Closing his eyes he felt his hand tingling.

Luna took Kyoya's phone from him since hers was smashed. She tried to focus but her fingers were covered in blood and the phone kept slipping. She did her best and suddenly cursed.

"His phone has to be off! There's no signal!" she yelled.

"Try again," Yuki said.

Evelyn sat next to Luna and started to tear at her dress to make some make shift bandages. While Evelyn did that Luna tried again. Nothing. She was tempted to throw the phone and scream out Alexiel's name in frustration but she decided to be calm and try one more time, for the sake of her unborn child. Finally she got a signal.

"Found it!" she said and Yuki helped her to her feet. "He's not far."

Alexiel smiled as he turned on his phone and saw its beautiful screen illuminate the darkness. Unfortunately it was then that he saw where he was. Skeletons lined the areas all around him, and turning his head to the right he saw a grinning skull starring at him. It took everything he had not to make a sound. In order to get out of his chains he had to do something which shouldn't even be possible.

Lex had said that when you absorbed someone's soul you received a portion of their power, of their abilities. He had forgotten that little speech since he'd been laying in a pool of his own blood at the time. Since he didn't have fangs or desire blood, it was safe to say that he hadn't received Cecelia's vampyric abilities which meant that there was only one other ability he could have. Cecelia had very limited shape shifting ability. Mainly the ability to turn into a bat. Why a bat he had no idea, but that was simply what she could turn into. Sure, he couldn't get the ability to fly, super strength, or stamina. No.... Why? Because that would've actually been useful.

Apparently his 'bat' form was his female state. He didn't think he'd be getting much use out of it, but at least it served for him being able to slip out of his chains. Pressing Yuki's speed dial number he wanted to call her, when all of a sudden he felt a cold gush of wind caress his neck.

"You've been a very bad boy....oh! It seems I'm mistaken. You've been a bad girl." In the light of his phone he could see what had been holding him captive. Her flesh was so pale that it glowed in the light, her hair hung in damp strands against her ace which was sunken in and darkened. She was the undead, that much was obvious by her appearance and the fact that she floated off the ground. No, not undead....a banshee. Of course. He was in Ireland. Why wouldn't it be a banshee? Couldn't they at least have gone to Scotland. The Lochness monster wouldn't give him this kind of trouble.

"Go to hell," he whispered as he threw an energy blast in her face. Her resulting screech sent him flying back into a wall. His cell phone fell to the ground, still connected to Yuki's call. He tried to run, but he didn't have anywhere to go and without his phone he couldn't see. Suddenly a clawed hand grabbed him by the shoulder and threw him into a wall.

"Alexiel! Alexiel!" Yuki yelled in the phone as the car came to a stop. "He has to be in trouble!"

They all got out of the car and Luna closed Kyoya's phone. She bit her lip and pushed her shoulder back then screamed out as it popped back into place.

"He's here," she said in a weak voice.

The GPS had sent them to an abandoned warehouse. As they stood outside it, Luna demanded her body to get a grip. She had to get to Alexiel.

"Yuki you stay with Evelyn. Kyoya and I will go in and get Alexiel then get out," Luna said then looked at Kyoya. "We don't know what's in there with him, but even if it's something small, we are not staying to fight longer than needed. We get in then get out," she said and started to the doors.

Alexiel couldn't see what was happening, but he could feel her clawing at his leg. As long as he knew where she was he could gain the upper hand. At least he hoped he could. Rather then bother with techniques and trying to conserve his power Alexiel simply pointed at where she was and unleashed everything that he could. The blinding light and resulting eruption of power illuminated everything in the chamber. There was a ghastly scream from the banshee and suddenly he was free.

Without waiting to see what he did to her he took off down the tunnel hall. He could sense the others, they were close. Finding them in the darkness was easier said than done, but somehow he managed to find the entrance. Kicking down the doors he all but tumbled out of the decaying castle. "Crazy...bitch....trying...to...kill...me," he said in gasps. It was only then that he remembered he was sick, which resulted in him promptly throwing up.

Kyoya ripped the bumper off of the car and quickly proceeded to push it through the door. It wasn't exactly proper, but at least it would keep whatever was down there from getting back through that door.

Back at the hotel, Yuki healed Alexiel and Kyoya's wounds. Luna still wouldn't let her touch her. Instead she grabbed Alexiel's hand and placed them on her stomach.

"Is it still there?" she asked. "Can you still sense a heartbeat?"

Luna was mentally praying. Everything hurt, her stomach was no exception which only added to her fear.

Alexiel looked at her for a second, confusion filled his face. In less than a second he realized what she meant. Closing his eyes he let himself search for any sign of life in her. His energy began to flow through Luna. "You're going to feel a slight tingling sensation. Just relax," he told her. The energy began to circle around his stomach where it came in contact with a void. At first he thought the worst until he felt a tiny spark. Placing his other hand on her stomach he concentrated, allowing more of his energy to flow into her womb. The energy began to circle more, drawn in by the void until he could feel its presence clearly once more.

Sitting back, or rather collapsing back he smiled up at her. "It's fine," he told her. "It was weak...but it's a fighter..and a little energy hog."

Kyoya sighed in relief as he heard this. He'd never been so glad to have Alexiel then he was now. "Thank you," he said, placing his hand on Alexiel's shoulder and squeezing. Looking at Luna he reached over and kissed her. "You gave me quite a scare there."

Luna nodded and let out a breath. "Yes...thank you..." she said.

They were all sitting on the floor in Luna and Kyoya's room so they wouldn't bleed everywhere. Yuki moved next to Luna and pulled her shirt up in the back.

"It helps if I can see the wounds," Yuki said as she healed Luna's back then moved to her arm and the small scratches everywhere else. "I'll check your stomach to see..." she started then tugged at Luna's shirt. Luna pushed her hands away.

"My stomachs fine," Luna said and pulled her skirt tightly down.

"But you could have scratched it or cut it and the baby..." Yuki started again and Luna pushed her back. Yuki slide across the room on her butt.

"I said it's fine!" Luna snapped and stood. She went to the bathroom and slammed the door behind her.

Yuki looked like she was about to cry. "I was only trying to help..."

It's not that Luna didn't want Yuki's help, or the fact that she didn't want people touching her stomach. What scared Luna the most was that if Yuki pulled her shirt over her stomach, everyone would see the bruises and she knew Kyoya would ask questions.

She slid to the floor in the bathroom and held her stomach. It had been so close today. She could have lost the baby. She felt it was her fault. She should have let Alexiel go with them and she shouldn't have split everyone up. She felt like she was a failure as a leader and an ever worse mother to be. Tears silently started to fall from her eyes.

"C'mon," Alexiel said as he hugged Yuki. He waved for Evelyn to follow him as well. "Let's go watch some television in our room." The fact of getting the others sick was a mute point by now. He was upset at Luna for yelling at Yuki like she did, but from what he'd felt when he'd transferred some energy to the baby he had a good idea why she was acting like that.

Kissing Yuki's cheek he led her and Evelyn to his room so that Luna and Kyoya could have sometime alone.

Kyoya nodded to Alexiel, a silent thank you was all he could offer. He waited until they got into their room before walking over to the bathroom door and knocking on it. "Luna....are you okay?"

"I'm fine...just tired," Luna called through the door as she wiped her eyes.
"You're lying," Kyoya said, not bothering to hide the fact that he knew something was wrong. "So please, tell me what's going on."Yuki held Alexiel's hand while they sat in their room. The TV was turned on to cartoons for Evelyn. She sat on the edge of the bed completely in tuned with it while eating some candy she brought with her.

"I didn't mean to upset Luna," Yuki said. "I hope she's ok."
"I know,"Alexiel said, rubbing Yuki's back as he laid down on the bed. "And I'm sure she knows that you weren't trying to upset her. She's just...going through a tough time right now. You know...pregnancy and mood swings can't be fun."

Luna didn't say anything. She pulled her legs to her stomach. She felt like a child. Everything was so confusing at the moment. She had a rush of emotions and no one could relate to her. She wanted to blame Lex for betraying them and putting her in charge the team. She wanted to blame Kyoya for getting her pregnant. She wanted to blame Beta for getting in trouble. And she wanted to blame herself for not being able to handle it all.

"I'm fine, really, Kyoya. It's just been a long day." And still, she was crying.

Kyoya let his head rest against the door. He didn't want to have to do this, but she left him no choice. He let his body shrink until he was small enough to squeeze beneath the door. Once he was in the bathroom he walked over to Luna and tapped her foot. "I'm not leaving until you quit lying," he said, crossing his arms over his chest as he stared up at her. If he wasn't the size of a small doll he might look intimidating rather then...well...cute. It was clear that she was lying, and he wanted to know what was going on so that he could take away her pain. He hated seeing her like this. The simple sight of seeing her cry was tearing him apart inside.

Luna looked down at him. She hesitated, but lifted her shirt revealing the large bruises. "I'm a bad leader, and even worse mother, and I put my team more at risk than I should," she said and tried to wipe her eyes.

She looked away from him. "I can't talk to you when you look like that. You're suppose to be the father of my child not a talking doll."

Kyoya began to grow until he took his normal size. His eyes couldn't leave her stomach. "Luna...how long has it been like this? It couldn't have been too long...I mean we just made love not three nights ago! If the baby is causing this much damage to you." He shook his head as he thought about the possibilities. "Luna, this could kill you!"

"I'm stronger than I look, Kyoya." She placed her hand on her stomach. "It just gets restless at night and it kicks to get comfortable." She started to rub her belly. She looked up at Kyoya with her eyes full of tears. "Kyoya...I'm lying again," she admitted. "It hurts...alot and...I feel so weak..."