Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Forty Four ( Chapter 44 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
"Here." Alexiel was just wearing his pants, because that was all he had time to put on in his hurry to get to Luna. He handed Granny the cards he'd been feeling with energy, hopefully they would come in handy during this. He didn't have to first clue about what happened after this. He knew where the baby was going to come from, but he wasn't certain why Granny had him prepare enough energy to run a small building for about two days. Would it really take that long?

Granny just nodded as she took the bundle of scrolls. She placed one on top of Luna's stomach and set the others to the side, fussing as she moved past Kyoya who was stroking Luna's hair looking as nervous as she was if not more. The fact that they hadn't even thought of the babies name made him laugh. In fear of everything else he hadn't even considered what to name it. "Well we don't even know if it's a boy or girl yet...or something in between," he stated, knowing all too well that if took after him it's gender could be very...ambiguous.

Luna was about to reply to Kyoya when suddenly she screamed instead. Evelyn jumped and her eyes filled with tears. Pain echoed in Luna's voice as well as her face.

"What the hell?! I thought to contractions were suppose to build up then hurt!" Luna said as the first contraction passed. She was taking deep breaths.

"Ok, everyone out," Yuki said pushing everyone out but Granny. As Evelyn dropped Luna's hand Luna screamed out again cursing everything as she yelled. "Yeah, everyone out now!"

Alexiel shuddered as Luna screamed once again. Ah, the joys of womanhood. "Okay, you two let's go." He took Kyoya and Evelyn out to the kitchen, noticing how pale Kyoya was he decided to do the only thing that men could do while something like this was going on. Raiding Granny's private stash of liquor he took out two glasses and set them in front of the disgruntled shifter. He poured the glasses full and pulled out a lollipop for Evelyn.

"Well then," he said as he and Kyoya toasted their glasses before downing them. "Who wants to go outside for an hour or two."

Another scream echoed throughout Granny's house.

"Or five or six...."

"Stop pushing! It's not time to push yet!" Granny yelled.

"It's not that fucking easy old lady!" Luna yelled back. "It's ripping my insides apart!"

Yuki had her hands on Luna's stomach. Luna was right, the baby was fighting and kicking and ripping her apart from the insides. Yuki was healing and the baby was moving.

"You are not dilated enough to push, you could do harm to yourself and the baby if you push too early," Granny assured her. She grabbed a metal pole. "Here, grip this for help."

Luna snatched it and screamed again then squeezed the pole, letting the metal bend under her strength. Yuki looked at the pole and swallowed. She was glad that Kyoya was outside and not holding Luna's hand, otherwise it would be crushed.

"Damn it! Get it out now!" Luna screamed.

"Quit your complaining. The rough part hasn't even started yet."

Kyoya was pale white and the bottle of liquor was already half gone. "She sounds like she's dying...."

Alexiel poured him another glass, hoping that eventually he would just pass out so that he wouldn't have to watch his friend degenerate into the zombified shell that he was currently in. "She'll be fine," Alexiel assured him, cringing as there was another yell. Things were going to get a lot worse before they got better.

"I don't want to!" Luna yelled. "I'm tired and I want to sleep!"

It had been nearly five hours into the labor and Luna was fully dilated. Granny grabbed another of Alexiel's seal on Luna's forehead and belly. She had already used more than half of them. The baby was taking everything Luna had. Yuki was exhausted from healing so much so Granny had to give her a seal or two.

"Come on, Luna, you have to push," Granny said.

Luna shook her head no. The pain was killing her and she was going in and out of consciousness even with the seals' help. Yuki fell back and landed in a chair.

"I can't heal anymore...I'm out... My body aches," Yuki said.

Luna screamed again, this time she was crying and begging for Granny to rip it out of her. Granny looked at Yuki. "Looks like you are own your own, Luna. You have to push or the baby will kill you to get out," Granny said.

Luna screamed yet again and took a deep breath then started to push. "It hurts!"

Granny was pale. Luna was losing a lot of blood and without Yuki to heal, Luna was in great danger.

Alexiel heard the screams coming from where Luna was. Looking at Kyoya who could only stare at the door with a mixture of fear and worry.

"I should go in there," he said as he started to stand. Before he could even get out of his chair Alexiel pushed him back down.

"You stay there. I'll go see what's going on."

"No, I should be with her."

"You wouldn't help the situation right now, Kyoya. Please, just stay here." Alexiel knew that under any other circumstance Luna would kill him for walking in during something like this, but he had felt the constant draining of energy in there. Whether they wanted to admit it or not they needed him. When he opened up the door he was greeted with a not so lovely sight, but pushing past that he walked to the other side of the room where Yuki was.

Placing a hand on Yuki he then extended one of his hands to Luna. "Squeeze if you need to," he instructed, knowing without a doubt that she'd end up breaking his hand in the process. Closing his eyes he did something that he was fairly certain he wasn't suppose to do. The cards which he'd charged with energy flew toward him and he quickly reabsorbed all the energy he placed in them. In short, he was overloading himself with energy. That energy wouldn't remain in his body long, however, as he immediately began to feed it into Yuki, Luna, and her baby. He couldn't heal Luna like Yuki could, but he could give her more energy so that her body's natural healing factor would begin to take over once more.

Luna didn't grab Alexiel's hand. She didn't really want to focus too much on anything. The pain was driving her over the edge and all she could think about was making it stop. Yuki stood and took a deep breath. Even with the extra energy, she could only do so much. Her healing took a lot of her strength and though Alexiel was an energy conductor, healing took more energy to use than normal magic. Yuki placed her hand on Luna's stomach.

"Oh shit..." she whispered. "It's going to break..."

Before she could really finish, Luna screamed out louder than all the times before. There was a loud pop and a crunching sound and Yuki started to cry.

"Four ribs are broken and the hips are fractured..." She looked at Granny. "She cannot deliver this child! We have to cut it out!"

Granny shook her head. "It's too late for that...its head is almost to the opening."

"She's going to die!" Yuki screamed. "I can't heal it all!"

"Shut up, Yuki!" Yuki closed her mouth and looked at Luna who was still screaming even though her voice was weak. "She is strong enough! She can do it! Push, Luna!"

Alexiel was shocked at the sound that was made as the baby tore its way through Luna. He looked to the door, praying that Kyoya wouldn't come in and see this. Sure enough, two seconds later he could hear Kyoya at the door. Before the shifter could get in Alexiel thrust his hand forward, sending a small wave of energy just strong enough to keep the door from opening. "Kyoya! Don't come in!"

Kyoya stood outside the door, unsure of what to do. What could he do? The love of his life was in there suffering, and he was powerless to help her.

"Her heart is stopping..." Yuki said in a low voice.

"Here is the head! Push, Luna!" Granny said. Luna wasn't pushing. "Luna!"

Yuki looked at Granny. "She can't push, her heart is giving up..." Yuki looked at Luna who was silent now and had her eyes closed tight.

"Luna!" Granny shook Luna and Luna opened her eyes. "You have to give me one more push, just one more."

Luna took a deep breath and pushed with all her might. Yuki placed her hand over Luna's heart.

"Here we go!" Granny said as she pulled the screaming baby out. "Luna, it's a girl!"

Luna didn't answer. Granny looked at Luna and took a few steps back. Yuki moved to both her hands to Luna's heart. It had stopped.

Kyoya froze as he heard what Yuki has said. Luna's heart had stopped. He slowly pushed open the door to see the sight before them. Her body was contorted from where her bones had been broken. There was so much blood... "She's....dead," he whispered, unable to believe what he was hearing. She couldn't be dead. "Heal her!" he yelled as he looked at Yuki.

"She's trying, Kyoya," Alexiel said, coming to Yuki's aid.

"You!" Kyoya growled as he grabbed Alexiel by the throat and slammed him against the wall. "Why wouldn't you let me come in? Why? She's dead now and I never got to say goodbye! Because of you!"

Alexiel was gasping for air as Kyoya's claws dug into his throat drawing blood. "She's...dead...." Just as quickly as his anger flared it quickly died as he dropped Alexiel to the ground and turned back to her. "Luna...."

Yuki grabbed Alexiel's hands and moved him to Luna's chest. "Jump start her heart."

"Her could burst her heart open, Yuki!" Granny objected.

"It wouldn't matter, she's already dead." She turned back to Alexiel. "But at least she has a chance this way." Yuki moved both his hands in the right spot. "Feel that? Focus on it."


"I've seen it done before!" Yuki screamed. "I've seen my priestess instruct a Aion on how to do it."

"No doubt that Aion had more practice and years of experience."

"He can do it!" Yuki yelled. "I believe in him and you should too!" Yuki looked up at Alexiel. "Just a small jolt that's all I need to keep her alive. You are the only one that can save her. There is still time."

Alexiel looked first to Yuki and then to Kyoya. Control had never been his specialty when it came to his powers, and now she was asking him to do something as precise as this? "I don't...."

Kyoya placed his hand on top of Alexiel's and nodded. "Please at least try," he whispered.

Alexiel nodded and closed his eyes. First he drew the energy to his hands so that he would be able to send the jolt directly from there. He had to put just the right amount or he could literally fry her from the inside out. Taking a deep breath he pressed down hard on her chest, sending energy surging straight into her heart. He could feel his energy coursing through her heart and for a second he didn't think that it had worked.... Then he felt a faint response. It was tiny...but it was there. One beat and then another.

Yuki smiled through her tears. "He did it..." She moved her hands over Luna's body and began to heal her the best she could. All the tears were sealing. All that was left was the broken bones. It was up to Luna to keep her heart steady. Luna's chest started to rise and fall and Yuki pulled her hands back. "She's breathing! She's breathing!"

Granny was rocking the small baby in her arms as she stared at Luna. She too had been crying but she hid her tears well. Granny walked over to Kyoya and handed him his baby girl. She had blond hair and small cat ears on her head. Her eyes were closed but she was healthy and content.

Granny and Yuki started to clean Luna carefully. Granny moved Luna's body back in place and Yuki started to bandage her.

Alexiel sighed as he leaned back against the wall. He did it. He couldn't believe it...but he'd actually done it.

Kyoya was quiet, tears fell from his eyes as he took hold of his baby girl. Luna was alive, his daughter was alive. "Thank you," he whispered to everyone as he kissed the forehead of his baby girl. "Just thank you."

With all the excitement Alexiel ducked out of the room to go get a breath of fresh air. There were simply some things that a man shouldn't see. As he stood outside he took a deep breath of air and closed his eyes. They were alright. They were going to be alright.

"Tell Luna congratulations on the kid."

Alexiel's eyes shot open as he looked around, energy flaring around him as he looked for Lex. No one was there save for him, but he knew what he'd heard. Lex knew.... He knew where they were; and he knew about Luna's child.

After cleaning Luna and fixing her up, they let Evelyn in. Evelyn went right for Luna's hand and started petting it. She had heard everything and she was torn up inside. She was crying hard and Yuki stood beside her to keep her stable. Luna hadn't woken yet and in a way Yuki and Granny were happy because she would be in a lot of pain. However, Yuki worried how long it would really take her to wake. Evelyn looked over at Kyoya and he moved down so she could see the baby. Evelyn cautiously touched the baby's ears. She reached over and kissed the baby's forehead before turning back to Luna and petting her hand again.

"When will she wake up?" It was the first words Evelyn had said in nearly seven months.

Yuki had never heard her voice before so she was a little taken back by it. It was small and raspy because she hadn't used her voice in a long time. It was also shaky because she was crying.

"We are not sure..." Yuki responded.