Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Forty Five ( Chapter 45 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Today truly was a day of miracles. Luna survived, he was holding his baby girl in his arms, and now Evelyn spoke. This child...it was like she was bringing new hope to them all.

Alexiel peeked into the room to see what was going on. Everyone was so somber, yet there was the feeling of accomplishment and pride as they stared at the baby. In a way, it wasn't just Kyoya and Luna's baby, it was all of theirs so it was only natural for them to feel this way.

Shutting the door he went back to his room and sat down on his bed wondering if he should tell everyone about what he'd just heard. No, he couldn't tell them...not yet at least. There was no need to ruin this day.

Three days later, Luna woke. Evelyn was still beside her and was the first one Luna saw when she opened her eyes. Her hand went to Evelyn's cheek and Evelyn started to cry again.

"Hey, why so sad?" Luna said. She couldn't move much because she was hurting, but she pushed the pain aside to look at Evelyn.

"I'm so glad you are awake," Evelyn responded.

"You spoke for me." Luna was shocked. Evelyn moved her face more into Luna's hand then placed both her hands on Luna's. "Have I missed too much?"

Evelyn shook her head no. "I should have spoken sooner...I should have told you that...that..." Evelyn started to cry harder.

“Hey, hey. It's ok. You're speaking now. And I'm honored."

Kyoya was in the room not two minutes after Luna woke up. "Good morning beautiful," he said as he walked toward her. In his arms was the bundled form of their child which he gently presented to her. "She's an angel," he whispered. "Though she still doesn't have a name. I've been waiting for you to wake up."

Luna couldn't sit up so she had to settle with the view of the baby she was presented with. She was perfect. She looked nothing like Luna had imagined her to be. In Luna's head, she was giving birth to a demon that was big and had claws and feet of stones with the way it kicked at her. But the angel what nothing like that. She was small and had rosy cheeks. Her hands where tiny and her feet where too small to look like they could do anything at all. Aside from the cat ears, she looked human. Though the blond hair threw Luna off. She didn't have blond hair, no one in her family did, so it had to come from Kyoya in some way.

"She's...got cat ears..." Luna said as she reached up and touched them. "And she's so tiny..."

"Well she is just a baby after all," Kyoya explained with a smile. "I was thinking about a name for her. What do you think about the name...Macy?"

"That's fine...Macy..." Luna responded. "I can't believe that tiny thing was able to break down a hunter...when she becomes a teen I'm going to be screwed."

Just then Yuki walked in. "You are awake!" Yuki yelled and came to her side at once. "I'm so happy! Here, let me help you sit up." Yuki grabbed some pillows and helped Luna sit up the best she could without causing her much pain. She moved the pillows behind her and smiled when Luna relaxed. "There, much better."

"Thank you," Luna said. "Now give her to me," she demanded from Kyoya while holding her arms out.

"Yes, her teen years are going to be...interesting to say the least," Kyoya said with a smile as he handed Macy to her mother.

Alexiel watched from the door, shaking his head before going to the kitchen to get something to drink.

"You should tell them," Granny said as she stared at him.

He didn't bother asking how she knew. She was too much like Faust so he simply went with it. "Not now. I don't want to ruin their happiness."

"They have a right to know."

"And they will...just not now."

As soon as Macy was in Luna's arms she started to cry. Luna freaked. "What's wrong with her? Did I break her?"

Yuki laughed. "Babies cry, Luna. It's natural."

Luna looked uncomfortable. "What do I do?"

"Rock her."

Luna began to rock Macy. She cried louder. "It's not working."

"Maybe she is hungry." Yuki left and grabbed a bottle quickly then rushed back. "Granny and I pumped some milk from you while you were sleeping." She handed the bottle to Luna.

Luna put the bottle to Macy's mouth and Macy started to eat. "It worked! I can't believe I made her stop!" Luna felt so proud.

"You're the best mom in the world," Evelyn said with a smile.

Yuki shook her head and laughed. "She hasn't done anything yet!"

Kyoya just chuckled at the sight. Luna could take on demons with no problem, but this small child was making her nervous and uncomfortable. Raising a child with a human was going to be an interesting experience indeed. He was already dreading the day that Macy fully started to understand her powers. There was nothing worse then a powerful munchkin running around destroying stuff. With their combined powers she was going to be quite a handful, though there was no telling just how much of their powers she inherited.

Two weeks later, Luna was able to walk around. With Granny's potions to help her bones recover, Luna was able to move about with little pain. Her belly had shrunk a lot, but she wasn't back to her normal size. She didn't worry about it however, once she was back to doing her job, everything would tone up. Baby Macy cried more than Luna would have liked, but everyone fell into a routine to help care for her.

Luna walked out of her room with Macy in her arms. Macy was sucking on a pacifier and Luna had her dressed in a ruffle dress Evelyn had picked out. She had decided to buy baby hats offline so Macy could go out in public without people asking questions about her ears. Luna found Kyoya, Alexiel, and Yuki in the kitchen and could hear Evelyn playing her keyboard. Luna sat down at the bar as Yuki walked over to grab the baby. Luna pulled away.

"You hog her!" Yuki complained. "You carried her for nine months now share!"

"She's mine and I have a right to hog her," Luna explained.

"You let Evelyn hold her," Yuki pouted.

"She helped me change her once and that was it."

Kyoya smiled at this as he flipped through his book. "Don't feel bad," he told Yuki. "Even I barely get to hold her anymore." Turning back to his book he noticed how solemn Alexiel was. Setting his book down he turned to the Aion. "And what's been up with you lately? You seem nearly as mopey as when Yuki left. Has the baby been keeping you up at night?"

Alexiel looked up suddenly, as if he hadn't really been paying attention to what was going on around him. "Uh..no. Actually, Yuki's the one who keeps me up at night," he said with a small smile. "But...there is something I might've been keeping from you guys."

Kyoya glanced at the others before looking back at Alexiel. "And what might that be?"

"Well, first off let me go ahead and say this. I haven't been hiding it from you as much as I've been waiting. I wanted Luna to get better before I said anything, so don't start throwing things just yet." Alexiel took a deep breath before saying. "Lex knows where we are; and he wanted to congratulate Luna on her child."

Luna handed Macy to Yuki's opened arms who gladly took her without complaint. Luna's eyes never left Alexiel. "He knows? How? Did you see him? Was he here?" Luna stood her hands were making fists. "There is no way he could know about Macy without him being here before because I hid it well and I didn't go to town after we got back from Ireland. He had to have been following us around."

Evelyn stopped playing and walked in with the rest of them.

"Maybe you were mistaken, Alexiel. Maybe you thought you saw or heard him. We have all been a little on edge since Macy got here and Luna died."

Luna cringed. "Can we not talk about my heart stopping?" She turned back to Alexiel. "I want to know everything that happened and when it happened."

"It was right after I brought you back. Which for the record should've earned me a heck of a lot of brownie points," Alexiel told her. "I heard his voice. I don't know how he knows, but I don't doubt that he does. I mean, I could sense you were pregnant. He's a lot stronger then I am, and he has a lot more skill with his powers. It wouldn't be a stretch for him to be able to sense us from wherever he is."

"Then again, it also wouldn't be a stretch for him to have someone tailing us either. Remember when Alexiel got kidnapped from the motel? There's no way a banshee could've gotten in there. The queen mentioned working for Lex, so I bet he had a shadow following us." Kyoya said, trying to run through any possible scenario.

"And the castle...someone had to have trap us in there with the cave in," Yuki said as she bounded Macy.

Luna sat back down. "This is not good. He could attack us at any time. He could have in the months I was carrying Macy. Why didn't he? He had the perfect time to slaughter us all...I was at my weakest and Kyoya was gone..." Luna looked up at them. "It doesn't make any sense. I can't figure out what he is planning. I thought he wanted us all dead and now I feel like he's just toying with us."

"He's not the same..." Evelyn's voice was light and low, but they heard it. Everyone turned to her. "You are trying to figure him out based on what you know of him from the past. You have to think of him as someone you have never met, someone you know nothing about."

"But we do know him...and more importantly he knows us," Alexiel replied. "I think he's just toying with us right now. We're not a threat to him, so why should he worry about us?"

"If he doesn't worry about us then why does he have someone watching us?"

Alexiel shrugged. "I don't know."

"That's just it, Alexiel. Evelyn is right. We don't know him. That person we knew that stood by our side doesn't exist anymore. We keep thinking of him like we know him so it's hard for us to wrap our heads around the fact that his fucking with us, but we are looking at it all wrong. We have to think of him as another demon. Because in reality, that's what he is to us now. And if you ever hope to take him down, you can't think of him as a person or a friend that you knew, Alexiel." Luna said standing and taking Macy. "You have to let him go."

Evelyn bit her lip. "I've told myself over and over that I know he has to die...but it wasn't until just recently that I was able to finally accept the fact that he is not our Lex anymore. He's nothing to me but another being that is killing innocent people and he has to be stopped."

Luna looked down at Evelyn. "You are very brave."

"She has to be. We all have learned that."

Alexiel just shook his head slowly. If he was just another demon, why was he letting them live? Why hadn't he simply killed them yet? It just didn't make any sense. Without saying anything he went to his room and shut the door. Even after everything had happened, he just wanted this to end. Lex was his friend...and he didn't know if he could kill him.

"I didn't mean to upset him," Evelyn said after he left.

"It's not that you upset him, Evelyn. He just can't seem to let Lex go. Lex meant a lot to him. But no matter how much Alexiel cares about him, Lex has to die. He gave orders to kill the Beta team as well as Kyoya. He's waiting for some reason to come after us but eventually he will and if Alexiel isn't ready to kill him, then we will lose." Macy started to cry. She handed her to Kyoya. "Here, I want a nap."

Yuki stood outside Alexiel's door. She went to knock, but then decided against it. Instead, she walked away.