Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Fifty Two ( Chapter 52 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
"She won't," Kyoya whispered as he tried to wipe the tears from her eyes. "No matter what happens you're going to get back to her."

"No," Alexiel said suddenly.

Kyoya turned to look back at him. "What do you mean?"

"If things go badly, you're all going back."

"I don't exactly think that Lex will just let us go," Kyoya stated rather bluntly.

"He won't have a choice." Alexiel walked over to Lex's nightstand and pulled out a small black box. From it, he pulled out four ornate seals.

"And just what are those?"

"Teleportation scrolls,"
Alexiel told him.

Kyoya's eyes widened as he stared at the seals. "That's impossible! No one knows how to make those anymore."

"Lex does," Alexiel told him as he went by an handed a scroll to each of them. "I want you to send Granny a picture of that symbol so that she can draw it wherever you're staying. If things go badly all you have to do to activate it is put some of your blood on it. It took me a long time to get Lex to make some, so don't let it be in vain."

Luna nodded and did exactly as he said. Yuki gave her scroll back to him. "If you don't come back with us, Alexiel, I'm not going either. I won't wait for you any longer. I would rather die by your side than live without you."

Luna looked at Yuki. "Be rational, Yuki."

Yuki snapped her head at Luna. "If it was Kyoya you would do the same!" Luna was shocked. Yuki hardly ever raised her voice. Yuki calmed herself. "You can't tell me that the day Kyoya was taken from you that you wouldn't have gone with him if you could. If it were Kyoya standing here right now telling you to live your life without him if it came down to it you would give the scroll back too."

Luna couldn't argue with her. She was right. Luna would say the same thing if it were Kyoya instead of Alexiel.

"Yuki..." Alexiel looked at her before shaking his head slowly. He wanted to argue with her, to tell her that he wanted to know that she'd be safe. Instead he just stood firm and stared away. If it came to it, he'd make her go.

Kyoya took his scroll and held it between his hands. "We have a way out," Kyoya said softly. "But what will you do?"

"It doesn't matter," Alexiel said with a smile. "I've got my own ideas for escape, but let's think about that later. Okay? I'd rather not think about tomorrow until it actually happens."

Luna sat down and Evelyn sat next to her. Evelyn hadn't said much, but her mind was racing with thoughts. She was trying to conserve her energy so she would be prepared for the battle. She looked at the scroll and smirked. She wasn't going to run. Not this time. She really didn't have anyone that she couldn't live without, though she loved all of them, she wasn't in love and she wasn't tied to them like they were to each other. She didn't have any use for the scroll. Either Lex died, or she died. That was the only way she could look at it. No, she wasn't going to run away. And no one was going to make her. She had way too much power for it to be wasted on leaving.

Evelyn put the scroll in her pocket and smiled to herself. As soon as the fight begun she would "lose" the scroll.

Luna closed her computer after scanning the scroll and sending it to Granny. Would she really use it if it came down to it? Would she run away knowing that the others could be in danger in the future. Her mind and heart battled with each other. Her heart wanted to go home to Macy and run away with Kyoya, but her head told her that she had lived her whole life for this moment. She couldn't just turn away when things got tough. She had a duty, and she made a promise to Faust that she would lead the Witcher to be everything he wanted them to be. And she knew, Faust wouldn't run if he was fighting. He wouldn't give up so easily. And Luna wouldn't give up either.

Kyoya ran his hands across the scroll. A part of him was curious how Lex was able to discover how to make them again. This knowledge had been lost to his kind for quite some time. Even more so, he questioned how Alexiel was able to obtain them? Surely if Lex thought that Alexiel was on his side then he wouldn't question it...but there was still so much lying on chance. Two years was a long time....

Putting the scroll in his pocket he stood up and smiled. "Well then, I believe I'm going to go procure some wine. I don't know about the rest of you, but I believe a little drink might be good about now." With that he turned and ventured through Lex's Bastille, soaking up everything that he could from the place.

Alexiel sat down and stared at his friends. He didn't say anything, rather he simply watched them. He watched their actions, watched their facial expressions, and mostly he watched their eyes. You could learn a lot about someone simply by watching their eyes. They say that the eyes are the windows to one's soul. In a way, that was true.

"Tomorrow will go by quickly," he told them. "There are rooms here that you can share. You should sleep so that you can conserve your energy."

Evelyn stood. Luna followed. "I'm going to bed early," Evelyn said.

"I am too..."

Evelyn looked up at Luna. Evelyn had grown a lot in the two years and because of it, she didn't really need Luna anymore. However, it didn't stop Luna from being a big portion in Evelyn's life. Evelyn reached over and took Luna's hand. They hadn't held hands since Macy came into the picture. In many ways, everything felt like it had nearly three years ago. Them standing in Faust's house...the smell of strong alcohol and Luna standing over Evelyn with a sense of security. Luna walked over to Kyoya and kissed his cheek then Evelyn and her left.

Alexiel looked at Yuki, a sad smile taking shape on his lips as he stood and gently caressed her cheek. "Would you like me to show you to your room?" he whispered softly.

Kyoya watched the couple with interest before silently excusing himself. It'd been two years since they'd last seen each other. He wasn't about to get in between them. For a second he was tempted to go to bed, but he was far too restless for sleep. It was a full moon...a harvest moon...a blood moon. It made him uneasy.

Yuki's eyes met his. The room she was sitting in made her uncomfortable. When her hands first touched his skin, she felt all the tears and wounds on his body so it was obvious that Lex had been unkind to Alexiel sexually. She moved her hands to his chest to feel his heart beat. It had been so long since she had felt his touch.

"Yes..." she finally replied to him. "I wish for you to stay with me tonight."

Alexiel didn't say a word. Instead he simply nodded slowly as he took her hand and led her down a myriad of hallways until he found the area of guest rooms. He could sense Luna and Evelyn in their rooms. They weren't asleep yet, not that he'd imagined them to be. Little Evelyn had grown up so much since he'd left. He'd missed so much....

Opening the door he stepped aside so that Yuki could enter. It was a decent sized room with the bed as the only piece of furniture in the entire room. Needless to say that demons didn't do much else besides kill, destroy, sleep, and have sex.

Evelyn sat on her bed in her room with the window open so the air could greet her and so she could see the disaster of New York. The city had fallen so hard. In the distance she could see burning buildings and hear the crazed laughs of demons. She laid her head back and listened to the new city sounds. She needed to hear every scream so she could remind herself why she had to kill Lex.

Luna closed all the curtains in her room to avoid looking at the city. It was hard to see the place you once called home in shambles. She sat on the edge of the bed and pulled out a picture of Macy. She smiled. This was why she was here. This was why she needed Lex to be dead. So her wonderful daughter could walk out of the Heaven and into the sun without worrying about something attacking her. Her fingers ran over the picture before placing it back in her pocket and waiting for Kyoya to come to bed.

Yuki walked pass Alexiel and into the room to sit on the bed. She didn't care about how simple the place looked. She wasn't one for details in this sort of situation. She watched as Alexiel closed the door. She suddenly felt so nervous. In her mind, she pictured the last moment they spent together before he left. That moment was spent with his hand running through her and everything going blank, but just before that...before Alexiel had said he chose Lex...there was still love for her in his eyes and that alone kept her faith in him the past two years. She told herself everyday that when they met up again, he would still love her. Now that that day had come...she didn't know what to do with herself.

Sitting on the roof he was able to clearly see the moon above him. Laying back, he listened to the sounds of the demons all around him. He heard their jeers and their insults. They called him a traitor, a human lover. They were true...all true. In a sense he was no different from Lex. He betrayed his own kind in hope for a better future. Though their ideals were conflicting, they shared one common thing. They gave up everything they knew to try to be like those they despised. "What's going through your mind right now?" Kyoya whispered to himself.

Alexiel walked over to the bed and sat on the adjacent corner. For a long time there was just silence. He'd grown to like the silence. It let him think...it allowed him time to focus on the things which were really important. "Tomorrow, no matter what happens you guys mustn't make a move until I give the word."

Yuki looked over at Alexiel. Even after all the time they had spent apart, he never seemed so far away than that very moment. He sat only a few feet away, but that was what hurt the most, that he was sitting so far from her like she was going to attack him. She moved her eyes to the window.

"Luna already went over that with us while you slept. She said that we don't do a thing until you give us the ok. We weren't in our own space anymore which meant we had to play by different rules," Yuki said in a low, but stern voice. "In a way, it's like she's letting you be our leader just for this."