Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Fifty Four ( Chapter 54 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Lex screamed in pain as the demon entities within him were being purified. It felt as if he was burning from the inside out. When the pain resided he glared at Yuki as the realization of what their plan was finally dawned on him. "You! I'll kill you!"

"No, you won't." Alexiel slammed his fist into Lex's face, he wanted to pummel him with energy, but with his collar on his powers were limited. Lex stumbled back, summoning an energy sword to his hand.

"You can't beat me! You're nothing compared to me!" Instead of fighting Alexiel he once more charged Yuki, knowing that if he killed her they wouldn't stand a chance. A whip like tail grabbed his leg and pulled him to the ground as Kyoya pounced on him. Before his jaws could sink into Lex's flesh he felt a pain course through his body.

Lex stabbed Kyoya in the chest and quickly pushed him off his blade. "That's one mutt down," he muttered as he raised his blade to finish Kyoya. Just as he brought it down it was stopped by solid energy.

"What?" Lex looked to see Alexiel standing in between him and Kyoya. His hand was outstretched, blocking Lex's assault. "Bad move," Lex whispered as he focused on Alexiel's collar.

"Screw you," Kyoya muttered as he tore Alexiel's collar off.

Another wave of energy sent Lex against the wall as Alexiel's power was suddenly unleashed. "Luna, hold him off!" Now that he could use his energy he set his sights on Lex's scythe.

Evelyn formed her whip again and grabbed Lex by the waist. She pulled back and he landed in front of Luna. Evelyn smiled. Luna nodded in thanks and her fist came crashing down to where Lex laid. He moved out of the way, rolling to the side and Luna hit the ground making the whole room shake. Lex grabbed her wrist but she grabbed his hand and crushed it then back handed him. He smirked at her which only fueled her anger.

Evelyn watched intensely as Luna pushed Lex back further away from the others with every blow. Evelyn called out Luna's name just as Yuki threw her hand up in the air again. Luna quickly did a few flips backwards so Evelyn could send another wave to Lex making him lose his balance once again and Yuki's energy entered him pulling out another handful of souls and purifying them.

Luna laughed as she landed on her feet. "Getting mad yet, Lex?"

Lex fell to one knee after Yuki ripped more souls from his body. They were tearing him apart bit by bit, and it was actually working. That was the most irksome part about this whole endeavor. Holding his hand up he waited for it to reassemble itself before looking between Luna and Yuki. If he went for Yuki then Luna would stop him. If he went for Luna then Yuki would rip more souls out of his body. This was simply bothersome. Speaking of bothers...where was Alexiel?

A scream from the other side of the room confirmed Alexiel's position, though he wished it hadn't.

Alexiel was now holding Lex's scythe. His energy was battling against Lex's own evil aura as he fought for control of the dangerous weapon.

"Damnit! I really don't have time for you!" Lex stretched out a hand toward to Luna, letting energy waves spiral out from his hand. The energy beams stabbed into Luna's chest, but she managed to move at the last instant to avoid them being lethal blows. "Why must you make things more complicated?"

Even with the souls being purified from his body, he was drawing forth the rest of his power which was threatening to suffocate them.

"Because...we have the desire the make this world a better place." Kyoya stood up to face Lex, but it wasn't Kyoya standing there it was Faust.

"Y-you...it can't be you!" Lex back up, shaking his head. Faust was dead. He killed him.

"Things are not always what they seem," Kyoya said, pushing Lex to the brink. The wound from Lex's attack was bleeding too badly for him to stay up much longer, but he had to keep Lex from attacking.

It was only when he saw the blood that Lex realized what he was dealing with. A soft growl escaped his lips as he sent a whip of energy slicing through Kyoya and throwing him against the wall. Throwing his hand out toward Evelyn he shoved her through the wall before turning back to Yuki. As he turned back he was greeted with a rather ominous sight.

Alexiel stood before him, his power overflowing as he held Lex's scythe. "This ends now," he said. With Luna at his side he charged the scythe with energy and sliced Lex through the chest. Unlike his other wounds, this one wasn't healing.

Alexiel nodded to Luna as he rushed forward to grab Lex. As he did so Lex charged up his hand and stabbed Alexiel in the chest. Only...it wasn't Alexiel that he stabbed. Luna had pushed Alexiel away and was now staring face to face with the monster she'd once called a friend.

"Poetic...isn't it?" Lex whispered, gasping in pain as Luna reached into his open wound and took hold of his heart. "We're so close...yet so far apart."

"Luna! No!" Kyoya yelled as he struggled to move. His entire body felt numb, and he couldn't even get up the strength to move.

Alexiel pushed himself up and charged his hand with energy. Lex was going to kill her! "Don't do it!" Alexiel pleaded. "This isn't you! You don't have to do this!"

"You're wrong," Lex whispered as Luna tightened her grip on his heart. "I do...."

Luna could feel Lex's hand in her chest. He wasn't near anything vital, but she knew if he used his energy she would die. She cried out in pain as he twisted his hand.

"Luna!" Evelyn screamed. "Please! Just let go!"

Luna smiled at Lex. "I'm so happy I'm the one taking you out. After everything that's happened..." She cried out again, blood poured from her mouth. "After everything that's happened, it's only fair that it's me that gets to enjoy this. Faust would be proud..." Lex pushed his hand deeper and she screamed again allowing her knees to go weak as she tugged on Lex's heart. "Tell Macy I did this for her...I love you, Kyoya..."

With tears running down her blood covered face, Luna pulled at Lex's heart just as he sent an energy shock wave inside her chest. With his heart in her hand, she crumbled to the floor, lifeless with a smile on her face.

Evelyn screamed and Yuki buried her hands in her face. She knew this time Luna wasn't going to be saved. She had no strength to heal and there was nothing left in Luna's chest to be healed. Yuki reached for Evelyn to calm her but Evelyn pushed her away while she screamed and blamed the world for everything that had happened.

Kyoya was frozen, his mouth locked in an eternal silent scream as he watched the love of his life fall to the ground dead. Tears were streaming down his face, and he couldn't even move to get to her. He wanted to scream, he wanted to yell, he wanted to cry even harder, and above all else he wanted to go back in time to stop this from ever happening. "Luna," he whispered as tears streaked his face. "Damnit! No! Not her. Please...please not her," he repeated softly.

Alexiel looked at Kyoya and then to Luna, shaking his head slowly as if he simply couldn't fathom what had just happened. "No," he whispered. "It wasn't suppose to be her. It was suppose to be me!" He fell back against the wall, stunned into silence at the scene before them. In an instant they had defeated their greatest enemy and lost their dearest friend. In an instant they had gained both closure as well as a gaping wound in the heart that would never heal. In an instant...everything fell apart.

Evelyn struggled to walk to Luna's body. She knelt in the puddle of blood and placed her fingers on Luna's face. She was already so cold. While still crying and her body shaking so hard she couldn't breathe, Evelyn closed Luna's eyes. She moved close to her and laid her head on Luna's shoulder. She didn't care that she was in blood or that there was barely anything left of Luna's chest. She just wanted to be close to her. She wanted to die. She wanted to die more than anything in the world.

Yuki stood, her legs shaking. She was still so weak and because of it she fell back to the ground. She had never felt so ashamed of herself. She was a healer that couldn't heal someone in the moment of need. She was useless and weak. Things never seemed so wrong, so out of place. And it all happened so fast. She suddenly felt so cold and so very alone.

Alexiel could hear the demons outside. They were growing restless, and his seals wouldn't be able to hold them off for much longer. "Go," he whispered. "Take her to Granny." He was the only one that could stand and he wasn't going to take no for an answer. Everyone had wounds that needed attending to, and Granny was their best chance of being taken care of.

"Cover her up," Kyoya whispered as he struggled to stand. "So that Macy.... Macy won't see her mother like this."

Alexiel nodded and took a blanket and covered Luna's body. With a wave of his hand their seals began to glow. "I'll join up with you shortly," he told them. Right now he had other matters to attend to. Grabbing his mask and Lex's scythe he proceeded to pick up Lex's body and carry it out for the demon's to see.

Granny was at the symbol as soon as it began glowing. She was expecting the worst, but apparently the worst wasn't bad enough. As she saw their mangled bodies her eyes flew over the one body which was covered, and tears came to her eyes. "Oh God no," she whispered. She quickly ushered Macy back to her room as she began to help the others. "Kyoya...."

Kyoya just met her gaze and bowed his head. "I failed her."

Evelyn was now covered in Luna's blood. She was holding Luna's hand as they stood before Granny. Yuki couldn't look at Luna's body anymore. And matters only got worse with a soft knock came at the door.

"Daddy! I hear you, Daddy! Is mommy home? I can come in?" Macy said on the other side of the door.

Evelyn looked at the door. She couldn't go to Macy. She was drenched in blood and Yuki was too weak to even stand.

"Someone...someone needs to tell her..." Evelyn said looked back at Luna. Her body began to shake again as she started to cry harder.

"Even? I come in now? Daddy?" Macy called now banging on the door with her small fist.