Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Fifty Five ( Chapter 55 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kyoya gasped in pain as he managed to stand. It was no small feat due to the wounds on his body. Wounds that were quickly disappearing as he changed his form to hide his wounds. It was extremely painful, but he wasn't going to let his daughter see him like this. "I'll go," he said in a strained tone.

"No! You're too injured," Granny said, but she didn't move to stop him.

Kyoya opened up the door and quickly moved into the door frame to block his daughter's line of sight. "Hi sweetie," he said softly. Just by looking at her he could already feel more tears welling up in his eyes. "Come here," he said as he knelt down and hugged her. "Mommy....mommy isn't coming back sweetie. You remember that bad guy? The one we went to fight? Well mommy beat him. She beat him good...but...but he got mommy too."

Macy pulled back to look at Kyoya in the face. "So mommy come home later?" she asked with a smile.

Evelyn placed her hand over her mouth to try and muffle her cries from the half demon's ears. Macy's ears perked up.

"Even sad? Mommy make her better when she come home," Macy said with a small jump. "Mommy always fix Even!"

It was in that instant that Kyoya felt his heart break. After everything that Lex had done to them, nothing compared to this last action. Nothing compared to this final betrayal. He let his hand hold Macy's face as he looked at her, trying his hardest not to let his voice crack as he stared at his small daughter. How do you tell a child that her mother is dead?

"Macy, sweetie...mommy's never coming back," he whispered. "She's gone. She's up with the angels now."

Macy's small smile faded. The look on her Daddy's face seemed so sad. It was hard to understand, but she was smart and as she listened to Evelyn's muffled cries she began to put the pieces together. The smell of blood finally hit her sensitive nose mixed with her mother. Macy covered her nose with her hand and she stepped away from Kyoya.

"Mommy...no come back?" Macy asked. Small tears began to fall from her eyes rolling down her rosy cheeks. Her hand tightened on her nose as the smell got stronger. "I want her come home!" she screamed and began to cry hard. With her hand on her nose, it was so hard for her to breathe. "I want mommy!!"

Kyoya picked her up, not caring about how much it hurt. He held her close to him, cradling her small body in his arms. "I know," he said, trying to calm her tears. "I know. I want mommy to come back too, but...she can't." He couldn't let her see her mother like that, so he proceeded to take her back to her room where he shut the door. "Sweetie...I'm so sorry."

"Mommy!" Macy screamed. "Mommy come back!"

Evelyn couldn't hold back anymore. She let go and Yuki grabbed her, cradling her like Luna would. Evelyn fought against her at first, but her need to be held over took everything and she let Yuki hold her close. Both girls cried hard but nothing compared to the echoing wails of the two year old as she called out for Luna over and over. Just the sound alone could have broken anyone's heart.

"She’s finally asleep," Kyoya said as he stumbled into the main room. His form was starting to alter, revealing his wounds so that Yuki could heal him. "She cried herself into exhaustion." He just shook his head, unable to believe that this was actually happening. He just kept wishing that something would happen and he'd wake up from this nightmare.

Yuki had forced Evelyn to leave Luna long enough to shower and change. Yuki did the same since her energy was coming back. They all sat in the room Luna's body was in while Granny cleaned Luna the best she could. Evelyn couldn't take her eyes off her. The smile was still on Luna's face and Evelyn couldn't understand why. Why did Luna smile when she died? Didn't she know she would be leaving Macy behind? And Kyoya? And...her? Evelyn constantly stroked Luna's hand as the tears kept coming. It hurt for her to speak because she had screamed so much.

Yuki stood and began to heal Kyoya. "It's been hours...where is Alexiel?"

"I'm sure he's fine," Kyoya stated without any real emotion in his voice. Alexiel had survived with Lex for two years, he could handle a few demons. "He's probably on his way and is just having difficulty finding this place. He's never been here before and Luna...she built this place to hide our energy."

Kyoya fell quiet once more. Once his wounds were healed he stood and walked to the kitchen where he procured a bottle of liquor before returning and sitting down once more.

Yuki looked at the bottle in his head. "You shouldn't drink. Your daughter is going to need you sober when she wakes."

Evelyn glanced at Kyoya. She didn't have anything to really say to him much less to anybody. Her eyes met Granny's and her hand went to her throat. Slowly she rubbed it.

"Where will we bury her?" Evelyn said in a very raspy, broken voice.

"Demon's don't get drunk," Kyoya replied softly as he unscrewed the top and took a sip, wincing as the liquid burned his throat. The thought of burying her...he just didn't know what to do. They could bury her in the forest.... She would like that. Being out in nature...it was fitting for her. "In the forest. Let's bury her there."

Evelyn didn't reply. The forest was close. She could go to the grave whenever she wanted to. Of course it wasn't the same. Luna had always taken care of her. What was she going to do now? Who would she turn to? Who would tell her to eat her vegetables? Or take her sweets away when dinner is almost ready? Who would make things better when she had a nightmare? Sure she was ten and she was much wiser than she was two years ago, but she still needed Luna. She still needed her love.

Yuki glared at Kyoya. "Do you think she will like the smell of alcohol on your breath when she wants to be held? She needs a father, not a walking zombie that smells bad to her sensitive nose," Yuki snapped and took the bottle.

Evelyn looked over at Yuki. Why was it a big deal? Macy wouldn't care. Macy is going to blame everyone and anything just to make herself feel better...because it's exactly what Evelyn was doing.

Kyoya uttered a soft growl when Yuki snatched the bottle away from him. His eyes glowed with yellow light before he turned away from her. "What she needs is the one thing I can't give her. She needs her mother." Standing he turned and walked over to Luna's body. His hand ran through her hair before caressing her face. He leaned forward and kissed her cold lips....one last time. "Take care my love." Turning his back to all of them he went back to his daughter's room so that he could be there when she woke up.

"Why did you have to do that?" Evelyn asked Yuki.

Yuki crossed her arms under her chest. "Because I'm right. Macy..."

"It doesn't matter if you are right or not." Yuki's eyes hardened. "Your opinion doesn't matter."

Yuki opened her mouth in shock. "How can you say..."

"Right now the only important thing is that Luna is dead and no matter what you say or what you think, nothing is going to change that." Evelyn snapped her head at Yuki. "So stop being difficult and just shut up because no one cares how Kyoya deals with his pain as long as he deals with it!"

Evelyn stood and stomped out. Yuki stood there nearly in tears.

"I didn't...I didn't mean to upset anyone," she said and sat down.

Evelyn walked to Luna and Kyoya's room. She opened the door and let her eyes glance around. Everything was in its place just like Luna liked it. She walked in and noticed the pictures of everyone on the nightstand. Her fingers ran over some of Luna's things like her hair brush and her lip stick. She came to the closet and paused. Someone needed to pick something out for Luna to wear when she is buried. Evelyn pulled at the closet door and small tears dropped from her eyes again. Everything was so much harder now.

"It's okay child," Granny said softly, placing a hand on Yuki's shoulder. "Everyone has their way of grieving and dealing with that grief. That is the way of life."

"That it is." Alexiel stood in the doorway. In one hand he held the scythe, in the other hand he still held Lex's body. He knew what the others would say, but he didn't care. "Granny, would you take care of his body as well." He couldn't forgive Lex for what he had done, but nor could he simply feed him to the demons, no matter how just that might've been.

Evelyn walked back to the infirmary with a dress, shoes, and undergarments for Luna. She looked at Alexiel then at Lex then back at Alexiel.

"How dare you?" she whispered. "How dare you bring him to our home!?" she screamed

She dropped the stuff she had in her hands and lunged at Alexiel. Yuki grabbed hold of her and struggled to hold her back.

"How dare you bring a murderer into the only place we could ever go to get away from him!" She was reaching for Alexiel and fighting against Yuki to grab hold of Alexiel. "You have no right! You have no right!"

"Evelyn! Calm down!" Yuki yelled.

Evelyn was practically scratching at Yuki's arms and kicking at her while she glared madly and crazed at Alexiel.

Alexiel looked away from Evelyn as he laid Lex's body on the table across from Luna. "Would you have preferred that I leave him there to be eaten by demons? Because if I'd done that we'd be no better than he was." Turning to look at Evelyn he nodded for Yuki to let her go. "He is dead, Evelyn. There's nothing more that he can do to us. He's already taken everything away."

Yuki let Evelyn go. Casually Evelyn walked up to Alexiel and slapped him hard across the face. She sound pierced the air causing Yuki to jump and step back.

"Were it my choice I would watch him get eaten by the demons and laugh!" she snapped. "I want him out of the same room as her!"

With that she left. She walked out of the room then down the halls and out the front door. She kept walking until she got to the car. Luna had bought them a year ago. She opened the door and turned the key. She was smart enough to know how to drive, though it didn't matter if she was bad at it. There were no cops left to do anything.

Evelyn drove quickly to the city and got out. Demons glared at her with interest but they didn't have time to do much else. Evelyn summoned rain and poured it over their bodies, freezing it and watching them scream in pain as the sharp ice pierced their skin. She summoned a water blade and started to cut them to small pieces. Their screams were like music to her yet as she smiled, she cried and begged for everything to just end.

LISTEN UP!!! I've put some character photo links on the characters page. Some have changed over the two years so they have more than one picture. Now, the photos came from photobucket so we don't take credit for them, but when we were writing this story, we based the characters off the picture. Not all of them have a picture up yet, but show have one before the end of the week. IF THE PICTURE LINK ISN'T WORKING THEN THERE IS A SIMPLE SOLUTION!!! On the link, it has the words "anime guy." The word "anime" looks like this "A NIME" just simply close the gap between the "a" and the "nime" and it should work. ok? Any problems beyond that are not my issue, but if you can't figure it out, let me know. I don't mind helping.