Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Fifty Six ( Chapter 56 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Alexiel just watched as she left. Should they really let her go like that? She didn't need to be alone. Not now, especially not like this. If she got hurt or injured.... "When did she learn to drive?" That was all he could say before looking up at Yuki. He thought that they'd been tried when Lex had betrayed them, but this was different. They'd watched someone they loved die.

"What do you think I should do?" He looked at Yuki, his eyes a mixture of so many emotions that it was hard to tell what he was feeling at this moment.

Yuki shrugged. "He was nothing to me, Alexiel. I never knew him before today. Right now, he is the man that is ripping what family we have apart even in the afterlife." Yuki sat down. "Luna was my friend and my family...and he is the guy that killed her."

Evelyn stood in the field of bodies she had killed. She was breathing hard and was soaked from head to toe with the water she created. She was tired and her powers were getting weak, but she couldn't stop herself. She hadn't even put a dent in the population of demons that resided in the city and they were still coming at her. She hands moved to her sides and she began to summon a large wave. She fell to her knees from exhaustion and struggled to get back to her feet again while still trying to summon a wave to keep the demons at bay.

Alexiel nodded slowly. Without a word he picked up Lex's body and took him outside. He wasn't going to let Lex be disgraced even further. Setting his body down in the field he closed his eyes and raised his hand to him. "Goodbye," he whispered. Energy tore through his body, consuming Lex in a brilliant glow of bright white light. As the light dispersed he stared at the ashes that were once Lex.

As Evelyn grew weaker the demons seemed to circle around her. When they got closer, however, they were quickly stopped as they stared at something behind her. A small tremor seemed to course through them before they back away. "Go home, half-pint. They need you there." It was only a ghost of a whisper which was drowned out by the screams of the demons.

Evelyn sat there on the ground for a long moment. She knew that voice, but she couldn't believe it was him. He sounded exactly like he did when he was with them...yet she didn't want to obey him. She hated him so much. She wanted to defy him and keep fighting, but her body wouldn't allow it. She walked up to the car and got in. Where would she go now? She started the car and drove away from the city. Her eyes were clouded with tears so she didn't get far before she pulled over on the side of the road and started to yell and scream.

The next day everyone was gathered for Luna's burial. Alexiel had dug the whole that night while Kyoya continued to console his daughter. They had made her a simple casket, all they could with the supplies they had. They had the lid open so they could see her one last time. With her wounds covered by her dress it was almost as if she was sleeping, but they all knew better. There was no way to bring her back. There was no way for them to end their pain. All they could do was simply mourn while the time allowed.

Evelyn had gather wild flowers and placed them in Luna's coffin. She had also given some to Macy. Macy plucked at the petals one by one while clinging to her father's shirt. Yuki held Alexiel's hand tight as if he was going to suddenly disappear.

Yuki said a prayer for Luna then looked at Evelyn who was standing on her own to the side of everyone holding herself. It wasn't long before everyone said their goodbyes and Luna's coffin was lowered then buried. But even after it was all said and done, no one really moved. Macy had started to cry again once she realized that Luna wasn't going to come out of the coffin and she would never see her again.

"I'm going to take her inside," Kyoya told the others as he held Macy close to him and started back toward their house. It had been hard...watching them close the casket and bury the woman he loved. What was he suppose to do now? How could he raise Macy without her mother? What he was suppose to do without her?

Alexiel squeezed Yuki's hand, pulling her into his chest he kissed the top of her head and held her close. Turning to Evelyn he walked over to her and knelt down, pulling her close to him. He didn't care if she was still mad at him. He just wanted to hold her.

Granny watched all of this unfold, a few silent tears streaming down her face as she walked back to the house. It was sad...when those who had barely begun to live must die.

Evelyn let Alexiel hold her and for a long time she didn't respond to him. She just stared at the freshly turned soil that Luna resided in. Her heart hurt. She hadn't spoke to anyone when she finally came home the day before. Yuki constantly knocked on her door to check on her but Evelyn never answered. Every now and then she would here Macy wake up screaming for Luna and when all she got was Kyoya she would cry harder. At some point, she asked for Evelyn but Evelyn never left her room until Alexiel told her they were ready for the funeral.

Finally, Evelyn moved her arms around Alexiel. He pulled her tighter and she started to cry harder. "I'm all alone now...I'm an orphan again..." she whispered in his ear. "What will I do without her?"

She wasn't really looking for an answer. What she really wanted was to be held and be told that everything was going to be ok. But nothing felt ok.

Alexiel was quiet as he held Evelyn. For the first time in quite a long while he truly felt as if he was needed. He remembered just why it was that they were doing this. They were a family, now and forever. They weren't related, and sometimes they couldn't stand each other; but that didn't matter. All that mattered was the simple fact that they loved each other. "You'll never be all alone," he told her as he gently stroked her hair the way that he'd seen Luna do so many times before. "You know, Aions...we see the world differently from everyone else. We see the energy which causes life. We see into people's souls.... Luna's energy, her spirit, it's always going to be here. She's always going to be watching over us no matter what."

He kissed the top of Evelyn's head as he stared up into the sky. "She's here. She's all around us.... So no, you're never be alone, Evelyn. Nor will you ever be an orphan, because no matter what you still have us."

Evelyn nodded against his shoulder and Yuki walked over to them. She rubbed Evelyn's back and placed a hand on Alexiel's shoulder. They stood out there for a long time before they were called in for dinner. Sitting around the table was hard. Luna's chair remained untouched and Macy kept staring at it like Luna would suddenly appear. Every now and then her ears would perk up at a sound but would flatten when she realized it wasn't her mother.

Evelyn pushed her vegetables around on her plate while thinking of how things were so different now. Yuki reached over and patted her hand.

"Eat your vegetables, Evelyn," she said with a very small smile.

Evelyn looked up at her. Tears streamed down her face but she offered a smile back then nodded and started to do just as Yuki said.

Macy, however, grabbed a handful of the carrots and threw them at Kyoya. "Icky!" she said.

Kyoya reached out and caught the vegetables which were thrown at him. Staring at Macy his face softened as he set the vegetables back on her plate. "They're good for you," he said slowly. Normally he would've given in to his daughter's request, but he didn't have Luna to make sure that both of them stayed in line.

"Eating them will make you big and strong, just like mommy."

Macy smiled. "I like mommy!" she yelled and threw her arms in the air.

Yuki and Evelyn couldn't help but laugh as Macy used her unnatural strength to break her plate and bend her spoon then gobble up all her vegetables.

"Well, I think it's time for her terrible twos to start," Yuki said while looking at Kyoya.

Kyoya just shook his head with a soft whimper. "I thought the terrible twos were just a myth," he muttered. "I think I'm getting too old for this."

Alexiel chuckled while holding Yuki's hand in his own. Though he hadn't said it, he knew that their story was far from over. After this tragedy, there was still one more part to the story which they had yet to write. The portal was still open...and if they ever hoped for true happiness, they would have to close it.

Even though Luna was no longer there, Evelyn could see so much of Luna in Macy. The way she smiled and laughed was so much like Luna's and though Luna was far from innocent, she always had an innocent way about her which shined in Macy. Macy would grow up knowing Luna was a part of her. Evelyn considered her lucky and blessed.

It was nearly two months after Luna's death that everything seemed to finally take on a balance. Though they still carried the scars of what had happened, they also seemed to carry a hope for the future. With Lex gone, Alexiel had stepped in to fill the void in the so called demon hierarchy. It wasn't as glamorous as one might think. For the most part he was still trying to gather information and keep the demons from killing the humans in the area.

Kyoya had taken to spending all the time he could with his daughter. They'd spend days taking walks through the forest, stopping at Luna's grave to lay flowers they had picked during their walk. Though no one spoke of it, they knew what was to come...and they knew that it was likely to be far worse then anything they had encountered before.

When Alexiel came home that evening he was greeted by Yuki, but his usual smile faltered. "I found it," he told her in a soft tone. "I know where the portal is."

Yuki stepped back. She had hoped that they would have more time to relax and be normal. "Already? So soon?"

Evelyn came out her room. Her door was opened so she heard what was said. She looked at Alexiel with a determined face. The quicker the portal was sealed they could all go back to free.

"Where is it?"

Macy came running down the halls with nothing on and soap in her hair. She was soaked. Evelyn and Yuki looked at the little trail Macy had left behind and they could hear Kyoya calling her name. Macy was giggling and trying to hide.

Evelyn looked down at Macy. "You better get a better hiding place before your daddy finds you."

Macy giggled and threw soap at Evelyn. Evelyn and Yuki laughed after Macy took off once again.

Before Alexiel could give them an answer he saw a naked child running through the house. "She's very...lively today," he said with a small smile as Kyoya came running past them. He was soaked from head to toe and covered in bubbles and soap.

"Which way did she go?"

Alexiel nodded down the hallway and he Kyoya just groaned as he chased after her. There was something...soothing about seeing Kyoya with his daughter. It made him realize that perhaps they did deserve a normal life.

"No no no no no!" Macy screamed as Kyoya picked her up. "No bath!"

Evelyn looked over her shoulder at Kyoya and Macy. If looks could kill, Macy would be burning at the sake. Evelyn covered her mouth to try and not laugh, but she couldn't help it when she saw Macy's legs just kicking and her arms wailing on Kyoya's chest.

"Bad Daddy!" she yelled. "No!"

Evelyn looked back at Alexiel. "And that's why I swear I will never have children."

Yuki, however, looked dazzled. "I can't wait to have kids."