Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Fifty Nine ( Chapter 59 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The next morning began on a dreary note. Alexiel sat down in their conference room of sorts. He was still wearing his torn shirt simply because he hadn't bothered to really get dressed. Everyone was gathered together to speak of matters they would rather not speak of.

"I don't like it...but we don't have a choice," Kyoya stated softly. "The portal must be closed. We must finish what Faust and Luna started."

"Agreed," Alexiel stated bluntly. "The portal is in Venice, of all places. Getting there isn't going to be easy. It's not exactly like we can just charter a plane to get us there; and the teleportation scrolls only work if we have the adjacent symbol marked out already. So, any suggestions on how we should get halfway across the world without being demon food?"

Evelyn had thought about all this. And when she read Luna's note about Evelyn continuing Luna's work, she knew that it was up to her to be one step ahead of everyone just like Luna would be. Evelyn pulled out a map and a piece of paper. She placed them on the table for everyone to see. The map had a trail that lead to Italy from New York by means of a boat. On the piece of paper was the address, access codes, and the person they were to talk to in order to get on the boat.

"I've done some research," Evelyn said. It was exactly what Luna would do. "And I found this. This boat travels back and forth to move people to and from other countries. We are in luck. They will be traveling to Italy this time around." He hands moved over to the map. "This is the route they will take and this," she pointed to the paper, "is our ticket. When we get to this address we are to knock and say the access code. Then we talk to this guy and he will decide if we will be allowed on or not. It's a huge boat...supposedly a military vassal so it's heavily armored if we are ever caught. Of course, if we are denied the right to get on the boat, we can always take it by force. We are, after all, going to be standing on my element."

She sat back and looked at everyone. "It's the only chance we have. I didn't know we were going to Italy, but I figured that it would be over seas and this is the only boat that will allow Kyoya on it...since he's a demon and all. It's just a coincidence that it happens to be going exactly where we need to be."

Kyoya looked slightly skeptical about the boat thing. Water really wasn't his element.... But it wasn't as if they had any better way of getting there. "The boat sounds good to me, as long as we can get on it."

Alexiel nodded slowly. "Yeah, and as Evelyn said if they won't let us on we can force our way on; but let's save that as a last resort. We're supposed to be the good guys after all."

"Yeah, I'd rather not ruin my budding reputation as a human lover," Kyoya muttered, referencing the demon's who taunted him.

Evelyn looked disappointed. She was looking forward to pushing her way through.

Yuki smiled. "I've never been on a boat before! I can't wait! This is so exciting!"

Lately, her life a turned a complete 180. She was getting married then starting a family, now she gets to be on a boat. In Yuki's eyes, this was perfect. The only drawback was that they would be taking the boat to their doom. For all they knew, they were heading towards their death, however, someone had to take care of it.

"Yes, exciting," Alexiel agreed softly. Being on a boat they'd be extremely exposed were anyone to attack; but at least they would have Evelyn with them. He'd seen what she was able to do with just a few tears, he didn't want to see what she could do with an entire ocean. That prospect alone was nearly as terrifying as the fact that they were going to meet with the fallen.

"So, now that that's been settled," Kyoya said with a sudden smirk. "We all now our chances of surviving this are slim to none. For that reason I believe that you two should get hitched before we go."

Alexiel coughed as his eyes nearly doubled in size. "Umm....right," he said slowly. "As much as I'd like to I'm sure that Yuki would rather wait. Not to mention the fact that we don't have rings...or a preacher...or anything such as that."

Yuki smiled. "I'm coming back alive. I don't know about you guys but I have a huge wedding to plan for."

Evelyn looked over at her. Yes, Luna was right. Yuki's peppiness was annoying. Evelyn then looked at the others.

"I really don't care if I make it back alive." Yuki gasped. "As long as the portal is closed, I will die..." She suddenly thought about Luna. She was finally understanding. "...with a smile on my face."

Kyoya smiled at this. "Oooh, a big wedding. That'll be fun," he said. The only thing that made his smile drop was Evelyn's somber announcement.

Alexiel smirked and gently nudged Evelyn. "You're just like her, you know that?" He smiled before getting up and stretching. "So when does the boat leave? We'll just take enough provisions to get there. If we do make it back...then well...we'll take our time getting back and enjoy a non-demon infested Venice."

Evelyn nearly smiled at the compliment Alexiel gave her. All she ever wanted was to be like Luna. Her dream was finally coming true and she was praying that this trip would help prove so. She looked at the paper and pointed to the date.

"Two days from now. The boat will be leaving at midnight. It's easier to leave at night...at least that's what the they think. I don't think they have realized yet that demons can see in the dark," she said. She sighed. "I think with us on the boat, however, things will be so much easier on them."

Kyoya chuckled. "Yes, we do have a certain affinity for the darkness. Still, not too many of us are terribly fond of the water. There are a few shifters who perform better in water, but there are very few water demons." He shuddered as a few crossed his mind. "Though I'd hate to run into a water demon in its element. Those things are beasts."

"I'll keep that in mind," Alexiel said as he stood and stretched. "Okay, now that everything's been flushed out let's start getting ready. It'll take us a day to drive to where the boat is. We shouldn't have any problems crossing through Lex's territory, but the boat sight is actually partially in the realm of Hades. That worries me, but hopefully we'll be able to make it without incident."

Evelyn stood. "I'm not to terribly worried about the trip. With all that water around, I feel sorry for the demons that stand in my way," she said and started to the door. "Better start getting things ready."

Yuki looked at Kyoya. "You need to explain to Macy that you are leaving her and that you may not be coming back. She needs to know."

Kyoya nodded. "I've already been talking to her about that. It's...a rather touchy subject for us both." He rose with a sigh. "Though I guess there's no time like the present to confirm your daughter's worse fears." Walking down to Macy's room he gently opened the door and smiled. "Macy, what are you doing sweetie?"

Alexiel took Yuki and leaned against her. "We'd better get prepared to."

Yuki nodded and stood with Alexiel. They both walked to their room and began to pack.

Macy looked up from her doll house to Kyoya. She smiled at him. "Play?" she asked innocently and held up a baby doll.

"No...no play right now," Kyoya told her. He moved to sit beside her, gently stroking her hair as she played with her doll. "Sweetie...tomorrow daddy is going away. He's going to help finish what mommy started; but there's also a chance that I might come back like mommy did."

Macy hugged her doll and moved away from Kyoya's touch. She was trying to be brave and not cry. "You stay with me?" She looked down at her doll. "I no want you go."

Kyoya tried to reach for Macy, but she continued to pull away from him. "I wish that I could stay...but the others need me. Believe me, I don't want to leave you; and I will do everything in my power to come back to you."

Macy stood. She threw her doll and it crashed into her doll house, breaking both toys. She picked up another toy and threw it. She continued to do this over and over breaking things and kicking things with her hunter strength. "No one love Macy no more!" she scream and cried. "I always have no one!" She started to rip hit clothes in her dresser into pieces then began to kick holes in the walls all while screaming and crying her little heart out. "I never have a mommy! I never have a daddy! I only have Macy!"

Kyoya just closed his eyes as he held her tight. "I wish I could," he whispered. "But you need to stay here with Granny where you'll be safe. I'll come back, Macy. I promise you. I swear to you that I'll be back."

"Mommy promised too!" she screamed. She looked him in the face. "I strong. I can beat bad man too!"

"You are strong," he told her. "You're strong just like mommy was. You know, that no matter what mommy and I will always be with you, right?"

Alexiel shook his head as he heard the racket coming from Macy's room. His expression was pained as he looked at Yuki. "Should we...? I mean...." He just sighed as he slumped onto the bed. "Kyoya shouldn't go tomorrow. He shouldn't leave his kid.... He's all she has."

Macy wrapped her arms around Kyoya's neck the best she could. She didn't have any more to say. She was too upset to get anything out that made any sense. She clung to Kyoya's shirt with her tiny fist and cried and cried until her breathing began to get rough.

Yuki looked at Alexiel. She was almost in tears. "We can't ask him to stay. It will only put him in a position he doesn't want to be in. Our numbers are small...and with Charlie team so far away there is no way we will be able to close the portal with just you, me, and Evelyn." She looked away and started to pack again. "Honestly...I don't think we will win even with Kyoya. There are so many demons...and there are seven demon lords. Without Luna's strength to keep them at bay...it's going to be very hard."

"Our targets aren't the demon lords," Alexiel said rather bluntly. "If we destroy that portal they go bye-bye. As long as one of us can get to it and destroy it...." He just shook his head as he looked up at her. Getting up he walked over and hugged her from behind, kissing the back of her neck. "It's going to be hard no matter what we do...."

"Even if we go for the portal, the demon lords will be close by. They will be trying to stop us...it's only logical that they do," Yuki said. She twisted in his arms then wrapped her arms around his waist. "But I am not afraid, Alexiel. I told you before, I am not afraid of death. I know what waits for me." She leaned in and pushed her lips against his.

Evelyn pushed open Macy's room door. She saw Kyoya sitting next to Macy while she slept. Evelyn walked over and shut the door behind her to keep out the hall light. Hesitantly, she wrapped her arms around Kyoya's neck from behind. It was the first time she had ever felt like she needed to hold him. After their conversation the day before, she was sure that she would never connect to him like she wanted to...like a brother and a sister. But Luna's words always came back to her...life was too short...

Evelyn pulled his back close to her chest as he sat. With his sitting, He was the perfect height for her to hold. "The faces of those we love are always filled with tears from heart break. Those who are strong are not afraid to love and cry. Leaving loved ones behind hurts and we can not fake. Though we leave them because we have a duty to try." Evelyn kissed his cheek. "Luna would be proud."