Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Sixty ( Chapter 60 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Alexiel woke with Yuki's unclothed form laying on top of him. If this was his last morning then he was certainly pleased with the image before him. Wrapping his arms around her kissed her till she woke. "Good morning beautiful," he whispered.

Kyoya and Evelyn sat there all night until the morning came. At which time he looked over at her and gave her a big hug. "We should be getting ready," he told her.

Yuki's eyes fluttered open. Slowly, she began to move then suddenly stopped. "I don't want to get up. Five more minutes," she mumbled. She closed her eyes again and snuggled into his chest. Her eyes popped open and looked at him. "Unless...morning sex?"

Evelyn bent down and kissed Macy's head as she slept. She looked over at Kyoya and pushed his hair back. "Maybe you should get a nap before we leave..."

Alexiel laughed as stared into her eyes. "You're such a naughty girl," he murmured before pausing. "I like it."

Kyoya groaned as he rubbed his eyes. "We've got a fourteen hour car ride in front of us," he mumbled. "I'll just curl up and go to sleep then."

Evelyn nodded and started out. She stopped at the door. "Before you leave...write a letter to Macy. In case you don't come back she will have something from you for her to read when she gets older." With that she left.

"Yeah...you're right," Kyoya said. With that he proceeded to rummage through Macy's room for something to write with. Without disturbing her he sat beside her on her bed and began to write out what might be his last written words. After a few minutes he signed his name and reached over and kissed his daughter. "Goodbye sweetie," he whispered as he sat the letter beside her.

Evelyn put her last bag into the car and turned to the sky. The sun was blazing. It didn't seem like it should have been such a great day with everything that was suppose to happen later on. She wanted rain. The others were still putting things in the car when Yuki stopped and looked at everyone.

"I want you guys to know that I feel blessed to have you all as such good friends. I'm so very happy that I got to meet you and spend a portion of my life with you," she said.

Evelyn groaned. "Stop talking like we are going to die in a few minutes. We won't get to Italy for days on the boat. It could take a month or longer to get that far. There wasn't really an estimated time frame."

Yuki hung her head low. "I just wanted to let you guys know."

Evelyn looked away and back at the sky. "I don't want to hear that kind of talk until we are standing in front of the portal. It's depressing."

Kyoya groaned at the prospect of spending so much time on a boat. At least since they knew about demons he wouldn't be restricted to a single form. "Hey, Yuki did you pack the sea sickness pills?" Just the thought about all the rocking was starting to make him queasy.

Alexiel just shook his head as he headed inside. The last item he was going to pack was Faust's scythe. He had wrapped it up in sealing scrolls to hide its power from any demons they might encounter. They didn't need to get into any unnecessary fights if they didn't have to. Taking hold of the scythe he turned around only to face Granny. "Oh, you scared me," he said with a sigh.

Granny held out Faust's cane and looked at him. "Please, take this with you as well."

Alexiel quirked a brow as he looked at the cane. He didn't know what significance a cane would have in their battle. Even so...he couldn't help but feel...something. There was an energy, one that he hadn't seemed to sense before, probably because he wasn't as in tune to spiritual forces as he was now. There was...a connection between the cane which seemed to pull it forward. "I don't see how a cane will help us."

"Remember, things are not always what they seem," Granny said with a smile.

That was all Alexiel needed to hear. Taking the cane he placed it in the back with the scythe. He made sure to wrap the cane in scrolls as well, just in case it's spiritual aura was tempting to demons. Once everything was packed he turned to everyone. "Well then...shall we?"

"Yeah, I want to go before Macy wakes up," Kyoya told him.

Alexiel placed a hand on Kyoya's shoulder and gave him a grim look. "No one is forcing you to come, Kyoya. You have your daughter to think about."

He nodded slowly. "I know...but I also know that all of humanity basically rests on what we do. You guys will need all the help you can get, so there's no way I'm letting you do this alone."

Alexiel just nodded as he tightened his grip on Kyoya's shoulder. "Well then, let's do this."

The drive was quiet. It would take all day just to get where they needed to go. Yuki had tried many times to start a conversation but would only get a few yes or no's from people before it would get silent again. They stopped for bathroom breaks and for lunch then continued on with only the music playing in the back ground. Kyoya slept in his cat form next to Evelyn in the back seat while Yuki and Alexiel took turns driving. Evelyn kept her eyes on the window, watching the burning hills roll by. They had to take back roads and avoided major cities just so demons wouldn't attack. That made the trip longer. By the time the last stretch of road came into view before they made it to their destination, Evelyn had grown bored.

"Now comes the fun part," Alexiel said, his voice barely above a whisper. The car's lights were off and he'd turned off the radio so they wouldn't make as much of a spectacle as they drove. They were passing through Hades's territory, which meant that the wrong move could very well cost them their lives. When they finally pulled up to the port where the boat was at it was almost midnight.

"Let's hurry."

All of them grabbed their things and Evelyn moved pointed to the old house that stood not far off. She knocked and said the access code and they were let in. The place was over crowded and of booze and cigarettes. Evelyn hated it. She was the youngest person in the whole place. And her and Yuki were the only girls. Yuki clung to Alexiel as they stood there with everyone staring at them. Evelyn back up against Kyoya's chest. She didn't care how powerful she was, with all those men staring at her and Yuki...it man her feel so weak. Some of the men licked their lips and she knew what they were thinking. Yuki and Evelyn had to have been the only girls those men had seen in a very long time. Evelyn pulled out the paper in her pocket as her hands shook. They needed to talk to the man named Richard. He was the captain.

Everyone had gone quiet at the sight of Yuki and Evelyn so it was easy to speak.

"We are looking for Richard...the captain..." she said in a small voice.

One of the men stood. "And what would a pretty little girl want with a man like him? Come to offer him a prize for boarding his ship, have you?" His voice was rough and cruel, but above all he looked like he was undressing Evelyn with his eyes.

Yuki swallowed hard and moved closer to Alexiel. Evelyn had fought demons of many sizes but as she stood in a room full of lustful men, she felt powerless and so very small despite the fact that she was only ten. She had no more courage to speak. Instead she began to shake harder. She could only imagine what those men were thinking of doing with her and Yuki. The thought alone scared her to no ends.

Alexiel and Kyoya shared a glance before nodding silently. "We came for the boat ride," Alexiel said in his soft even tone, a sharp contrast to those around him. "The only prize that we'll be offering the good captain is money. The only prize that any of you shall receive will be to keep your eyes in their sockets and your tongues in your mouths."

There was a pause as he smirked. "And that's only if you learn to play nice." He could tell that his words had turned the group of men into bloodthirsty monsters. He didn't want to fight, nor did he plan to; but he wasn't about to let them walk over over them.

Placing a hand on Evelyn he moved her behind him as he summoned just a fraction of his power. In that instant his bones began to glow, making him look like death itself. Power came off of him in waves as he laughed. "I really wouldn't do that."

Kyoya just smirked as he doubled in size, standing a full head and shoulders above everyone else. He raised his hand menacingly at one of the crew mates which had reached for a gun. "We do not wish to fight," he stated. "But we shall not hesitate to should you force us. Though I should warn you, my young friend does not speak idle threats. You may survive the encounter, but you will not be able to gaze lustfully at women ever again, nor speak such fowl atrocities."

"Why you filthy..." one of the men started.

"I am the captain."

Evelyn's eyes shot up to the top of the stairs. A young man about twenty three or so with light blond hair and ice blue eyes smiled at her. He was by far the most attractive of the bunch. He was calm as he started to walk down the stairs.

"Forgive my men. They haven't seen women in a very long time." He turned to the guy who had spoke to Evelyn. "And they have no manners to speak of." The captain grabbed the man by the hair and forced him to his knees. "Apologize to the young miss."

The man held back a yell as he closed his eyes. "I am sorry," he said. The captain let him go and pushed him back into the crowd.

"You are most welcome here."

Evelyn stepped forward and handed the man a piece of paper. "We...wish to board your boat."

The man got to one knee so he could be at her level. He looked the paper over. "And what would a lovely young lady have to gain in Italy?"

Evelyn blushed. He smiled. "I...we...there's a portal...and..."

Yuki moved forward and pulled Evelyn back against her. "Our business is our own. We just wish to get there safely."

Evelyn took a deep breath. The man nodded and smiled at Evelyn again. Evelyn moved her hand over her heart.

"Fair enough. You are all welcome to board. We will be leaving shortly and you have my solem swear that no harm shall come to any of you by means of my men." He looked at Evelyn. "I am Richard. What might your name be, beautiful?"

He held out his hand and Evelyn offered hers for him to shake. "Evelyn."

"A pleasure," he kissed her hand, "to meet you."

He stood and shook Yuki's hand as she said her name while Evelyn just stared at her hand. While Richard walked over to shake Alexiel's and Kyoya's hand Yuki bent down over Evelyn.

"I believe you have your very first crush," she whispered.

Evelyn turned ten shades of red.