Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Sixty One ( Chapter 61 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kyoya tried hard not to laugh as he saw Evelyn's face. Somethings were just too good for words. His form slowly shrank until he was his normal size again so that he could shake the captain's hand. "We thank you for your hospitality," Kyoya told him. "I know that these are dangerous time...."

"Yes, thank you," Alexiel agreed as he let down his guard slightly. He wasn't as keen about these people as everyone else was. This captain might seem nice enough, but he wasn't going to trust anyone yet. "I'm Alexiel. This is Kyoya, Yuki, and you already know Evelyn. What might we call you?"

"Just Richard. You are our guest, so you don't have to call me Captain." He smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet all of you. You are the first guest we have had in months. No one wants to travel these days. It's a very high risk of getting caught. None the less, we are honored to have you aboard."

He turned to his men and gave them a stern look. "And we will make you feel a home for the three months you are with us right men?" They nodded. "I'm sorry, for a moment, I thought I was being ignored."

The men stood and shouted, "Ai, Captain!"

He turned back to Evelyn. "All aboard."

Evelyn stepped forward. "Three months? That's how long?" She pulled out a notepad from her bag. "This interrupts my schedule plans...everything is out of order..."

Richard moved in front of Evelyn. "You seemed to have planned everything out." Evelyn looked up at him. "I promise I will make up for the lost time of all the adventures you will be missing while in our care." He smiled so sweetly at Evelyn. Her book slipped from her hands but her eyes stayed locked on his. He reached down and picked it up and placed it back in her hands. "Don't want to lose it."

Evelyn shook her head no. Yuki placed her hand over her mouth to try and stop herself from giggling. She instead took Evelyn's hand.

"Come on, let's get on the boat," she said tugging at Evelyn until the girl started to follow her out.

"Then Richard it is," Alexiel said. He nudged Kyoya as they watched the interaction between Evelyn and Richard. This was going to be an interesting three months. He and Kyoya carried the rest of the bags to their rooms. It seemed that the girls were going to share one room while he and Kyoya shared a room. If that was the case then it was going to be a long three months indeed....

"Ah, cheer up," Kyoya said as he set down his bags. "At least the captain seems friendly enough."

"Oh yes...I'm just thrilled."

It wasn't long before the boat began to take off. Yuki and Evelyn stood on the deck watching America disappear a little bit at a time. Yuki took Evelyn's hand.

"So...three months and we fight for our lives," Yuki said as the wind danced in her hair.

Evelyn snatched her hand away. "Seriously, Yuki, if you persist to talk like time is ticking on my shortly lived life our room is going to be a battle ground."

Evelyn moved to the other side of the boat and Yuki sighed. "Aww poop! This is going to be the longest three months ever!"

"Well we could always change roommates," Alexiel suggested in a hopeful tone as he sneaked up on Yuki and grabbed her from behind. "Because I have no idea what I'm going to do for three months. This is going to be boring...."

Yuki giggled. "Do you honestly think Kyoya would mind? I mean...I don't think Evelyn would really care." She thought a moment. "Unless she would be bunking with the captain." She then made a weird face. "Oh God...she's ten...I'm going to hell for saying that..."

Evelyn ran her hands over the boat. It was big and cold to the touch with all the metal. In a way, it made everything seem much more lonely. She looked up at the stars. It was still hard to see them so close to the shore...the smoke from the fires on land made the view foggy.

"I'm sure that I could...persuade him to switch room," he told her. "And I don't think Evelyn would mind if Lola stayed with her." In truth, he couldn't care less what form Kyoya chose to stay with Evelyn as long as he got to share a room...and more importantly a bed...with Yuki.

Kyoya was in his room staring up at the ceiling. He continually shifted to different forms while his mind wandered. Eventually he just closed his eyes and focused on the forms he was taking. Some people liked to listen to music to clear their head. He liked to feel the changes of his body. It helped to keep his mind off of other things. "Macy..."

Evelyn wrapped her arms around herself. The night air was getting cold and it was the time of the year when snow was heavy on the ground which meant the team would spend Christmas on the boat. Just when she thought things couldn't be worse...it started to snow.

"Great..." she mumbled.

She looked over at Yuki and Alexiel. Yuki was dancing in the snow and laughing. Even since Luna's death, Yuki had been trying to cheer Evelyn up and most of the time it was spent ourside throwing snowballs at Evelyn. She groaned then prayed it would stop snowing before Yuki made snow balls.

Something heavy drifted over her shoulders and she turned around. Richard stood next to her and had placed his coat over her shoulders. He smiled at her and she blushed before looking at the water.

"You are too young to be out in the cold like this," he said.

"I'm too young for a lot of things, Mr. Richard. But it doesn't stop me from doing the things I wish to do or I'm obligated to do," she said not looking at him.

Richard nodded. "And what could you possibly be obligated to do?"

Evelyn held her hand out to catch the falling snow. "I'm going to close the demon portal and bring peace to Earth," she stated calmly.

Richard nearly choked on the cold air.

Alexiel glanced over at Evelyn and the captain. Judging from Evelyn's stoic expression and the captain's rather shocked expression, it was as decent assumption that Evelyn had informed him of their mission. A soft sigh escaped his lips as he stared out at the moonlit water. He had hoped that no one would discover what they were going to do. It seemed that wasn't going to be possible. Though he was slightly surprised that it was Evelyn who had spilled the beans about what they were going to do.

The Captain looked over at Evelyn. "But...you are so very small."

Evelyn looked over at him. "I am in the company with a demon, a priestess, and an aion I don't really have much to be afraid of." He looked at her with question. "You saw the power my friend, the aion, held and the demon." He nodded. "Times that by a thousand and you have their real power. And the girl purifies demons as well as heals us."

He loosened his collar. "And you?"

Evelyn flexed her fingers and the snow stopped falling. Yuki looked around with she noticed it had stopped. She looked over at Evelyn.

"I control water," Evelyn stated then made a fist and let the snow continued to fall.

"I've heard of you guys. People often speak of a team of young people that use to go about killing demons. But it was such a long time ago. No one ever believed those people. Then when the demons attacked...half of us had hope that people like you would show up." He looked off into the water. "I guess I never really expected that you were true...or so young." He turned to her. "Where have you been all this time?"

"We had to kill someone that had started all this. Now we are going to the source," she said.

Again he nodded. "Why are you telling me all this? Won't your friends be mad?"

Evelyn thought a moment. "The world is going to end if I don't fight and risk everything I have. I could really careless at this point what anyone really thinks of me." She looked over at him. "Someone once told me life was too short..."

Richard smiled again at her. "I wish I could help you."

Evelyn smiled back. "But you are. The portal is in Italy. You are our passage."

Richard laughed. "Then I am glad I am helping in some way." It grew quiet for such a long time. Finally Richard spoke. "Are you scared?"

Evelyn didn't say anything. She hugged herself and pulled the coat tighter around her. Her mind raced.

"Yes..." she finally said. "But not of dying. I'm afraid that I will never get to do all the things I wanted to do. The others...they have loved...they have lived...my life only just begun and I spend it fighting. I'm afraid of dying before I have my first kiss or before I see my first play. I will never be a normal child and because of that...all my firsts have been taken from me."

Richard didn't know what to say. He couldn't get pass the fact that a child was suppose to help end the demon control. His heart sank at the thought of a child fighting for such a cause when he, a grown man, could do nothing.

"You are very brave, Evelyn."

Evelyn simply nodded. A small tear fell from her eye before it was quickly terminated by her hand.

Alexiel looked over at the two and then took Yuki's hand. "Do you trust me?" He felt that Evelyn should be alone with her new friend. It seemed that she was able to open up to him in a much greater way then she'd ever been able to with any of them. It was...nice to see that she could open up to someone, even if it wasn't one of them. All things considered...they could all use some friends that weren't involved in this forsaken war.

Yuki smiled at him. "You make it sound like I don't trust you. You know you don't have to ask," she said taking his hands.

Richard looked over at her. "Where are your parents?"

"Dead," Evelyn said.

"I'm sorry. I didn't..."

"It's alright. I didn't know my father and I didn't love my mother. I loved Luna...she was...kind of my sister. She took care of me." Evelyn paused and took in a breath. "She died two months ago in our last battle. She and Kyoya have a daughter together. So I suppose I shouldn't be as upset about it as Kyoya...but..." Evelyn felt her eyes well up, "she was mine before she was theirs and she was the only person who made me feel like a child. She took me to the park, found time to make me have fun, gave me candy when I was sad...now..." She wiped her eyes and refused to cry. "It's getting cold...I should go in..."

Even as she said that, she didn't move. She just stood there.