Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Witchers ❯ Chapter Sixty Five ( Chapter 65 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Lucifer actually laughed at Evelyn's words. Unlike the other lords, he felt that her words were partially true. They were a rather...unusual lot. Standing, he made his way from his throne to where they stood. Though he looked the most human out of all of them, he still held a rather dominating presence. "My dear sweet Evelyn, I'm afraid that things can get much...much worse."

Alexiel quickly brought the scythe up to Lucifer's throat, hoping to end his life while he stood their gloating. The scythe made contact with his flesh, but didn't even do so much as scratch it. Instead, the blade of the scythe shattered. "W-what?"

"As I said, things can get much worse," Lucifer said. "You see, that little trinket your holding isn't Faust's true scythe. I discovered that when Lex tried to barter with us so we'd stop killing the humans. It was a pitiful attempt at reconciliation; but oh well...at least I learned that we had nothing to fear from you." Lucifer held his hand out to Alexiel's chest and smiled. Energy shot from his finger tips, sending Alexiel crashing into the wall. Blood drained from his chest as he held the broken scythe in one hand and the cane in the other. Blood poured down his arms to both weapons as he laid there stunned and broken.

Kyoya growled and lashed out at Lucifer. In a blur of motion Kyoya's hand was cut in two as Lucifer drew his blade. "You are a capable shifter, Kyoya; but you are still a low grade demon. Do not forget your place."

Yuki ran to Alexiel and began to heal him. "We are too few..." she said. Her eyes met his. "I'm terrified."

Evelyn moved in front of Lucifer and waved her arm before her. A large wave pushed him back a few feet as she stood protectively in front of her fall team while Yuki worked quickly on both the men.

"Keep your distance, angel reject!" she spat.

Lucifer just laughed as the water began to turn to steam as he increased his spiritual pressure. "Your little water fall will do little to protect your team."

"Things are not always as they appear," Alexiel muttered as Yuki started to heals his wounds. Without warning he began to tear at the seals holding the cane. Things were finally making sense. Well, as much sense as one could expect from someone like Faust. As soon as he undid the seals both items began to glow.

Kyoya's ears perked as he looked at Alexiel, who was now staggering to his feet. He growled and launched himself at Lucifer once more, this time turning his form into a long snake which he constricted around the prince of pride.

"Using the form of a snake to restrain me. Very ironic Kyoya," Energy flowed through Lucifer and coursed into Kyoya. The later howled in pain as its body fell to the ground and shifted back to his wolf form.

"Do you have any last words, Kyoya?"

Kyoya smirked as he spit blood into the ground. "Things are not always what they seem."


"He said, things are not always what they seem." Lucifer didn't have time to react as powerful wave of energy sent him flying backwards. The portal began to glow, making the entire place tremble. The demon lords took guard, wondering what was happening. A bright light engulfed the entire room, and when it faded Faust was standing at the portal fixing his top hat. Walking past the stunned demon lords he made his way to Alexiel where he took something from his hand. It was a glowing orb. It was the combination of his two scythes. The physical and the spiritual forms. His scythe and his cane. It was his spirit. It was his life.

Holding the light in front of him he smiled as it took form, revealing its true shape of simple yet deadly looking raven claw scythe. "Sorry I'm late," he informed everyone. "Please take care of the portal while I entertain our friends here. Lex has done his part in revealing the portal and making it so that I can use my powers freely. Now its up to you to finish this."

"You!" Lucifer growled as he stared at Faust. His eyes burned with a mixture of hatred and fear.

"Why hello, Lucifer. It's been a while hasn't it?"

Alexiel just nodded as he looked to the others. Kyoya was just getting the feeling back in his body, but already he was moving toward the portal. "Okay guys, let's move!"

Yuki pushed Kyoya back down. "Not until I heal you," she said and began to heal him. It didn't take long until she was done. She helped him back to his feet and turned to the other as she charged her arrow. As soon as she fired an arrow, Evelyn struck with her using ice shards.

The blow barely did any damage.

"This is so not going to be easy," Evelyn said.

"Of course, we angels are incredibly hard to kill."

While the other lords fought Faust, Thanatos alone remained behind, his vicious fanged grin a reminder of his evil. Powerful shock waves kept even Alexiel unsteady. While he kept an eye on Thanatos he also watched Faust's power. It was...frightening how he alone was able to fight demon lords which they hadn't been able to even faze.

"So what can destroy an angel?" Alexiel asked, knowing that if they were to destroy this portal they were going to have to do so through him.

"Only the god of death himself, or another angel." Thanatos laughed as he stared down at them. "Of course that will never happen. Soon I shall be the last angel left on this miserable planet."

Kyoya's eyes narrowed. "This was all your doing. You planned for this to happen! Your messenger was what started all this. You want Faust to kill your brothers."

"Well, then bravo. It seems you have me figured out. My messenger, as you say, was nothing more then a pawn. Someone which could get this game started. His entire purpose was to be absorbed by your Aion friend; and from there all I had to do was sit back and watch nature take its course."

"You...you're the reason Lex betrayed us?"

Thanatos looked at Alexiel, a cold smile gracing his dark face. "I was but the instigator. He betrayed you on his own free will. His misguided sense of justice led him on a path which would eventually lead you here."

Alexiel yelled as he lunged at the demon lord. He slammed his fist into its face, resulting in the sound of shattered bones as every bone in his hand broke. Falling to one knee he sent a powerful wave of energy into Thanatos which only served to cause a blemish on his skin.

"Give up, mortal. You cannot defeat me."

Alexiel looked at the others and bowed his head. "You're right. We can't...."

"Ah, it seems you've finally accepted your fate."

"No, he just knows that I'm behind you."

Thanatos froze as he heard Faust's voice. Turning his head to the side he saw Faust standing there with his scythe in hand, but it took only an instant to realize that it was a wolf in sheep's clothing. "Nice try, but I won't fall for the same trick that Lex did." Kyoya ducked as the demon tried to hit him. He shifted into another form, but was caught by Thanatos's foot and sent sprawling to the ground.

"You already did." Alexiel pushed every ounce of energy he possessed into a condensed beam and sliced into the demon's lord chest. Even with all his power he barely managed to make much of a cut into his flesh. Still, it seemed to do the trick. Apparently demon lords weren't accustomed to pain, for Thanatos smacked Alexiel away from him as power rolled off of him in waves.

"You pathetic mortal! I will destroy you!" He summoned a powerful sphere of energy in his hand and held it out toward Alexiel. "Die."

Evelyn jumped in the way and summoned her water whip.

"Evelyn!" Yuki screamed in horror.

Evelyn knew she had to be quick if she wanted to save them all. Just as Thanatos was about to release his energy blast, Evelyn threw her hand back and the water whip grabbed his wrist. She pulled back as hard as she could just as the energy beam left Thanatos. She was blinded by the flash a the skin on the left side of her body began to burn as the beam moved to her left and hit the portal just missing her.

Evelyn screamed out in pain as she hit the ground with her flesh burning. Yuki ran to her aid.

Alexiel sighed as Evelyn jumped in the way and redirected the portal. She had caught on to what he was doing. In that aspect she really was like Luna. She saw the meaning behind things...and for that he was going to treat her to some cheesecake when all this was over.

Thanatos ripped his hand away from the water whip and turned to Evelyn. "How dare someone as weak as yourself dare try to stop me!"

"Hey, Thanatos," Kyoya said as he moved in front of the girls. "Just shut up already."

Thanatos growled as he charged another energy blast. "I would bite my tongue demon. Your deaths will be quick and painless, but I can always rearrange that."

Kyoya just smirked as he nodded to the portal behind him. A portal which was now starting to crumble due to the energy which had just destroyed its lower base. "I don't think you're going to be doing much of anything."

"No! No!" Thanatos screamed. They had tricked him! They had...but they were just insects! They were nothing compared to him. "I will destroy you all!"

"Seriously...shut up," Alexiel said as he pushed himself into a standing position.

Almost instantly Faust was by the portal. He waved cheerfully as the demon lords as he poked the base with his scythe. All at once the portal began to collapse. An energy unlike anything they had ever encountered before shot out from the portal. It was light which seemed to penetrate anything, and it enveloped the entire world in a blanket of white light.

For quite some time after it Alexiel was certain he was blind. When his vision finally did return the first thing he noticed was that he was laying down on the mausoleum floor staring up at the roof. The demon lords were gone, and all that was left were the five of them.

"Well then, that was rather exciting wasn't it?"

"Ow..." Evelyn said as Yuki was finishing healing her last bit of skin.

"If you sit still it won't hurt so much," Yuki said and Evelyn moved again causing Yuki to bump the raw skin.

"I said ow!" Evelyn yelled.

Yuki pulled back. "I'm done," she said then moved to Alexiel and began healing him. She smiled at him. "I want a really big and expensive wedding," she said and kissed his forehead. "And I changed my mind again...I want ten kids."

Evelyn walked up to Faust and began to poke him. "You feel real." She poked his side and watched him wiggle. "Though...so does a lot of things."