Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Romance Fan Fiction / Angels Fan Fiction ❯ Bloodstained Kitsunes ❯ The Runaway ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Jai walked through the tree, glancing left to right. She wasn't quite sure if she was being followed. She did after all have a pretty big price hanging over her head. 1,000,000,000 for being handed back over to her clan. The clan that had become poisoned, treachery and blood-shed and forced Jai to leave. She shuddered, remembering the gruesome details of her escape. She was so caught up in her memories, she didn't even notice as she walked straight into Kitsui.
Kitsui blinked as a strange girl had bumped into him and then he noticed she had ears and a tail that made her stand out from her humanly appearance. "Well hello, not often do I see your kind walking in broad daylight with humans being after to kill our kind." Kitsui said as he scratched his head looking at her with his empty yellow eyes. He then smelt her scent getting the feeling that she was a kitsune then he backed up looking nervous then cleared his throat. "Another kitsune eh, just great." He thought as he looked nervous.
He then heard some humans screaming bringing rifles and one was carrying a wanted poster with a picture of Jai on it. "I see you're a wanted criminal, no time to stand here." Kitsui said as he grabbed her and ran quickly heading back to the inn. As he got to the inn and got upstairs he saw that Ayumu was still sitting around and then he set Jai down.
"Boy out of one hole and into another it seems." He said as he shrugged. "Ayumu, they seem to be after this girl for some reason, and there are a lot more of the humans this time, I doubt I'll be able to stop that many with just my eyes alone.”And far as introductions we'll just make this brief, I am Kitsui, and this is my companion Ayumu." Kitsui said quickly as he went over to the window looking out of it seeing people grabbing ladders and things to break into the inn with.
"You there, I want you to get out of here with Ayumu while you still can." He said as he looked at Jai. Kitsui went to the desk where he left his sword's carrying case in and grabbed it pulling the dark ebony spiked blade out of it. "I'll make an opening for you two, once then you'll make a break for it." Kitsui said as he kicked out the window shattering the glass just as a human had propped a ladder up to it sending the humans climbing up crashing to the ground. Kitsui then hopped out the window and went to distract the humans' attention long enough for the two to get away from the area.        
Said nothing but looked at the two with her golden orbs. She absorbed everything he had said, and took the chance to help. This was her only real idea of a pack, the three of them. Once they were distracted enough she turned into her human form and took Jai across her shoulder. She ran, as fast as she could, to a den she had set up. Her muscles still ached, but she wouldn't let them down. When her feet touched the woods, she turned wolf and led Jai underground into a den.
After the two had managed to get away Kitsui sighed in relief, but his moment of relief ended as he was struck in the neck by a tranquilizer dart. Kitsui stumbled about trying his hardest to fight it but collapsed passing out as more humans came tying him up and carrying him away.
It was about two hours before Kitsui was awake and he saw he was standing with his back turned out and his hands and feet were tied down tightly to a wooden post.
"Just great..." He thought to himself nervously as he was a bulky man come up with a hard looking cat-o-nine tails whip and the people in the crowd were screaming and cursing at Kitsui. "For this one's crimes he shall be punished with....40 lashes..." A human who stood at the side of Kitsui announced to the people. "Do as you will, but you humans could never break me." Kitsui snarled at the man. "Not even a beast like you will be able to stand this kind of torture." The human said in a sly remark.
Kitsui closed his eyes tightly as the sounding of many drums stopped for a minute and thus began his punishment, the man cracked the whip against Kitsui's slender back and it left a sharp stinging bloody lash in his back that began to soak some of his white fur dying it red. "Agggah!" Kitsui screamed out trying to muffle his cry.
The beating lasted a good 20 minutes with each lash being extremely painful, but all Kitsui could do was try to bare it. After the ceremony of Kitsui's punishment ended they untied him and tossed him into the dirt. Kitsui lied there having tears leaking from his eyes and his back was covered in whelps and blood and it was too painful for even him to move. The humans were all gone and Kitsui was left there to die. "Ayumu..." He groaned under his breath as if he was trying to call out to Ayumu but the pain muffled his voice into a shrill whisper.           & nbsp;           &nbs p;        
Jai yanked against Ayumu, "Stop! Let me go!!" She managed to break away and took off in a random direction. Pulling a jewel from around her neck she threw a dagger into the ground, a portal opened up. She jumped through, pulling the dagger and closing it. She came out of the end to see Kitsui, unconscious, lying on the ground.
She began to work over his wounds. 'Why did he have to get involved??? I have a big enough problem without having to worry about getting these guys in trouble.' She thought, bandaging the last of them. She didn't notice that he was stirring a little. "One last thing..." She mumbled to herself. Pulling a dagger from the chain she cut her palm, spilling a few drops of blood over him, "This will make you invisible for awhile." She said, her tail and ears faded. She then headed off in a random direction, determined never to see or endanger them again. This however... was simply wishfull thinking...
She had only gotten a few miles away when two other kitsune appeared in front of her. She growled at the new comers, "Dakuja and Akin... what do you want?"
Jai was about to draw her dagger when Akin was suddenly behind her. He knocked her weapons away and held her arms behind her back, "The Master will be very happy to know that your back..." He whispered wickedly into her ear. Jai glared at the ground, knowing that fighting in this position would be impossible. Dakuja titled his head and smirked, "The humans are coming..."
Kitsui slowly woke up and noticed he had been well taken care of while he was out of it. "What...?" He gazed around then suddenly the necklace he wore glowed then showed him the image of Jai being attacked by Akin and Dakuja. "Got to help her..." He struggled on to his feet still feeling a bit weak but then as he rose to his feet he shot off into a whirlwind full of speed following Jai's scent. The speed he was gaining was tremendous speed as black flames began to form around him.
His emotions were burning wilder by the minutes as he was transforming into his "Shinigami State." As he reached the where Jai was tangling with her captives they were struck down instantaniously by what appeared to be a large blade from a scythe. Blood shot from the two kitsune's shoulders forcing them to move away from Jai.
There Kitsui appeared standing wearing a long tattered black jacket with red flame designs, a red and black yin-yang symbol inscribed on the back of it and in his hand was a long scythe they bore both a luminous mythic blade and an angel's wing from the other end. Wrapped around his arm was a spiked chain coming from the bottom end of the scythe.
"If you know what's good for you, you'll leave the girl alone." Kitsui said as he raised his scythe over his shoulder. "You aren't hurt are you?" Kitsui said as he walked up to Jai as his long jacket blew with the movement of the wind and his yellow eyes glowed with a deeper hue to them.
Ayumu cursed out loud and ran back into the village without even bothering to change forms. She saw that her 'pack' was being heavily attacked. She did something she hadn't done in a long while. Ayumu jumped from a tree, her tail looked as if it was flaming ice. She smiled her toothy grin and was consumed in a fight. All she had to do was bite another and he froze. But, even with her skill she was taken off guard and pinned to the ground by three men. She wiggled and stifled a whimper as they muzzled her with a leather strap.
Kitsui felt the vibes of Ayumu being in danger then he walked up to Jai and his Coat of Dancing Flames began to expand and cover her, and in an instance the two vanished. They reappeared just to see the humans trying to take away Ayumu then Kitsui relinquished his angelic scythe and the spiked chain unwrapped from his arm. With one quick and swift motion of the chain he slashed through all the humans lashing blood everywhere with fatal strikes and the bonds that held Ayumu were cut of at the same time in a multi-directed movement, leaving her unharmed. Kitsui panted as his Shinigami State was growing too much for him and the black and red tattered coat burned away and his angelic scythe blew away into nothing but beautiful sakura petals.
"Everything should be fine now, but we're going to have to stick together that goes for you as well." Kitsui directed his attention first to Ayumu then to Jai. Kitsui sat down having his head held high panting some. "Boy first my eyes...and having to use my Shinigami state all in one 24-hour period..." He said as he stood back up after catching his breath. The afternoon was bright and the path was clear of humans as many of them were incapacitated or dead. Kitsui showed them to a secret neck of the woods filled by sakura trees that was beautiful in both day and night. "Well you two relax, this is my favorite hiding place." He said with a chuckle.
Ayumu had a slight wound around where the leather strap was, but she was even more worried about Kitsune. She padded up to him and made him lye down. She licked any wounds he had, and lay next to him, keeping him as safe as she could offer. Her head was spinning from using the ice, but she ignored the nausea and stayed with him, even though her instincts told her to go eat some grass and sooth her stomach. She looked at Jai wearily, feeling slightly territorial over him.
Kitsui began to make a soft murr as Ayumu licked his wounds and then he closed his eyes for a moment then opened one of them peeking at her then over at Jai. "No need to get hasty Ayumu, she's part of our pack too ya know." He joked at her as he poked Ayumu's nose gently. Kitsui watched as the sakura trees danced with the gentle blowing of the wind. "Strange how kitsunes can join a wolf pack ya know?" Kitsui said softly as he looked at Ayumu. "But then again we're really not that different." He said as he yawned tiredly.
Ayumu nodded with his words. Her tail shook slightly with the anger of not being able to change into human or even half form. As a sign of peace she padded up to Jai, licked her hand, and then returned back to Kitsui. She was happy, but tired, so she closed her eyes. Her head spun with wolf thoughts, until they were too strong to resist. She got up and stumbled away and ate grass, until she felt a little better.
Jai's nose twitched as Ayumu licked her hand. She looked over at Kitsui, "Why would you help me? Do you even know what's going on?" Her tone was polite and soft, but her eyes were dead and cold. Like looking into a shell. 'My brother is hunting for me... I can't get them involved but... they just keep popping up...' She let her gaze move from Kitsui to Ayumu. "What are your names?" She asked, not remembering.
Kitsui looked over at Jai then chuckled. "You're a forgetful one. My name is Kitsui Aiken, and this is Ayumu." Kitsui introduced himself then Ayumu. "It's not everyday that I help people out of kindness, call it curiosity." He said as he scratched his head. "Tell me, what kind of trouble you are in, we'd be obliged to help you out." Kitsui said as he stood up then stretched out yawning. "Since you and Ayumu are the first friends I've made, I'd be a burden not to help you two." He said as he gazed to the sky. "I still have my own mission, but I'd feel better having friends at my side any day...It's been quite lonely all these years." He said as he looked at the two with his empty yellow eyes. He then went over to Ayumu and put his hand on her head. "You're exhausted; I might be able to help you recover your stamina." He said softly.
He then closed his eyes then black flames started to form around him and he turned into his Shinigami State form and his hand began to fill Ayumu with a good amount of pure healing energy till she began to feel much better. He then stepped back and smiled softly as his Coat of Dancing flames blew with the wind.
Before either could say or do anything a sudden cloud came over the sun. It bathed the area in a red light. Jai groaned clutching her injured hand. The marks around her ankles and wrist glowed, more marks glowing red spread over her body. A voice was ringing in her ears, only a voice she could hear the voice of the Master, the leader of her clan, her brother. "TRAITOR!" The voice growled, "YOU WILL DIE!!" His voice was still ringing as the could moved past the sun and Jai blacked out.